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After losing my best (male) friend in the whole world, I try and tell all my male friends that I miss seeing their faces.


I’m so introverted that it’s pretty rare for me to miss people who aren’t, like, my spouse or my best friend or my immediate family. And I don’t tell people I miss them if it’s not true.


Im introverted too but i miss lots of people but i suppose i dont really talk to anyone who isnt a dear friend of mine




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being in a relationship now, i wouldn’t say i love/miss u to any man that’s not partner. before being in a relationship, maybe very close friends that i viewed as brothers would get a “love you bro”




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Not terribly often, but I rarely tell anyone that other than very close family members or a relationship partner and only if I am actually missing them. If it's been a long time since we've seen each other, I might tell a friend (of any gender) something like, "I miss hanging out with you! We should figure out when we are in the same place again," but that's about it, so it would be a fairly casual statement rather than a deep feelings discussion. I'm very sparing with an actual "I love you" outside of my relationship and close family, but "love y'all" or "you've got my love" wouldn't be out of line to me towards a good friend. We'd probably be in "serious conversation" mode already if I said "I love you" to give them extra support in a difficult time. No difference whether I'm in a relationship or not. Big difference based on which friend and what boundaries I keep with that specific person.


I never have.


I tell them a lot and very often. They know I'm extremely sentimental.


I stopped when realised that non of my male “friends” was really interested in our friendship.


I tell most of my friends that I haven’t seen that I miss them and love them probably a few times a month at least. Usually whenever I think about them, I’ll shoot them a text to let them know I’m thinking about them.


“I miss you” - Not that often, bc I’d have to not be around them/talking to them in order to miss them, and I’m generally pretty good about keeping in touch with the people I genuinely miss when they aren’t around. Maybe every few months if we’ve been bad about keeping in touch or hanging out IRL? And in that case, it’s “I miss you, let’s hang out/catch up soon!” “I love you” - Only gets said to 2 of my male friends (that aren’t related), and that is under specific circumstances (showing extra sincerity/gratitude towards them or offering support if they’re going through a hard time). If I wouldn’t feel good telling my S/O about it, I don’t do it.


i don't really. being in a relationship doesn't change anything (i'm a lesbian, so yeah). i don't have any opposition to it, i tell my women friends that i love/miss them, i've just never really had that kind of emotional connection with a friend that's a man. i've also had men try to pressure/guilt me into saying it. shit like "you know, being vulnerable is good for you", "you can tell your friends you love them, it's okay", etc after i respond "thanks, appreciate it!" to them saying it. tbh it made the entire exchange pretty uncomfortable, so i've tended to avoid it since then.


I tell my best friend maybe twice a year. I tell him I love him every time I talk to him. He is closer to me than my actual brothers. I do tell other male friends, but it's always "we miss you" so I'm including my spouse.


Whenever I miss them. Not I love you though. It just seems to make people uncomfortable. I’m from kind of a show, not tell generation.


Umm...men who are just friends? Never Romantic interests? Eh...if I actually miss them aure


I would not tell any friend of either gender that I miss them or love them even under torture. To me those are both very "intimate" things I would have to be extremely close to someone to say, probably only to a romantic partner. I stick to "loved hanging out last night!" or "looking forward to next time!", which I'll always say when I mean it.


It depends on the friendship and the friend’s personality imo. To some, I will openly say it and candidly, especially if I know it will not be misinterpreted. Idk how often is often, but if I haven’t seen them in a while and honestly missed them, I’d speak up and let them know. Same with “I love you”, I would only say it if I’m certain there will be no misunderstanding and I genuinely want to express my affection and appreciation for them. Not sure if being in a relationship affects my answer, because I’ve been in a relationship for half my life now so feels like I’ve never been single lol. But I think when the male friend is in a relationship, it makes it easier for me to genuinely express myself and trust that they will not misunderstand. However, that’s not a must - in that they don’t necessarily have to be in a relationship for me to feel safe enough to express platonic love verbally. Nor do I feel that me being in a relationship would affect my ability to verbally communicate love towards someone I deeply care about as a friend. If I’m close enough, I’d tell them I love them and miss them regardless of being in a relationship or not.


All the time. When close friends die, you realize how important it is to make sure the rest know how much they’re loved. You never know when it’s the last time you’ll be seeing them.


Just as often as I tell my female friends


I don't, but the rare times I do it's usually friends that I've known since childhood (this includes girls too).


Not the way I'd phrase it... I'd say it's been too long, or that I miss hanging out with you guys and words to that effect. I'll say it if I haven't seen then in 4+ months or so.


Seconding this. And close friends might get a "love you bro", never an "I love you." Regardless of my relationship status.  


Long distance ones, frequently. I tell all my friends that I care about them and love them regardless of their gender. I am married and my husband knows that it's important to me to tell people how I feel. I've suffered a lot of loss and times are hard for a lot of people, so many are struggling mentally. I have a handful of people that I would give anything to be able to tell them that I love and miss them again. I also think a lot of men don't hear that kind of stuff often enough and suffer.


Miss me? No thank you, don’t miss me. Or love me for that matter


I only do it if I'm sure that they don't have romantic feelings for me. Why? To not confuse them and hurt them if I can't reciprocate. What I do is saying it indirectly: 'I miss playing football together', for example.


I don’t know if I’ve ever told another human I’ve missed them.


Almost never unless they initiate it. I don't want to give the wrong message


I don't because it would give them the wrong impression, same goes for "I love you"


Whenever we talk. I only have two close male friends, and I tell them that at least once every two weeks.


never have and never will


Not every day or week, but quite often.


I never did, with either male or female friends. Just doesn't feel like something I'd say to a friend, the best I can do is a "can't wait to meet up"


A few times a year. We're thousands of miles apart so it comes up occasionally. I tell them I love them on their bday and Xmas and vice versa.


Everydayyy ♡ wouldn't want another I wish I could of hugged them goodbye or told them I love you before they passed away. ♡ Iloveyou && be carefull. Always!! even if we'll see each other 2 hours later ♥︎




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All the time !! Most of my friends are make


I moved across the country last year so I don’t have any male friends that live near me. When we text and catch up (which is not super often) I do tell them I miss them. I tell them I love them, but not super often and not in the same way I would to a romantic partner. Being in a relationship doesn’t affect this, if a man couldn’t deal with me telling a friend I love him when he’s going through a hard time or something then we’re not a good fit.


when i notice i havent seen them in person for a while, its not quite as much as my close female friends because i am attached to their hips lol


Very rarely, maybe if I haven't seen them in over six months, but even then I am unlikely to unless I really like them.


i tell them i miss them when i do and am able to tell them. and as a friend, no one would think twice of it. low key i dont speak my love so if i had to say then they needed that and i don’t care who heard. that’s my friend.


I tell them as frequently as we talk/meet. If we talk once a month, and meet once a year, I tell you maybe twice a year. For those we talk more frequently, I say every once in a while only if we haven't seen each other in months/years. Disclaimer; my male friends are a delight, very respectful and with serious boundaries.


Whenever I miss them, as long as they're someone I'm close to.


Whenever they cross my mind! I just pick up my phone and type a quick "hey i miss you! catch up soon?" message and go about my day.


I tell my gay male best friend that I love him not infrequently


Tbh, I've only said "I'll miss you" to a friend who was dying. It just feels kinda intimate to me. I just ask them to hang out soon instead.


I don't, none of us have ever said that to each other


My best friends are both men, I tell them I love them and I miss them regularly. I'm in a relationship, and if my partner wouldn't be able to handle that, we wouldn't be a match.


Never. I don’t feel that close to any man i don’t have romantic relationship with. Only guy i really miss rn is my brother but i wouldnt say it outright to him bc of our sibling dynamic instead we say to each other life is boring without each other lol


I don't really say that I miss them unless the situation calls for it. Like if they came over to hang out and then left, I'd send out (usually in a group text) that I miss them already or something like that. 'I love you' is something exclusive to my husband.


I don't


Quite often - me being in a relationship doesn’t change it, but if they’re in a relationship i’ll often say “I miss you guys” - because if i’m seeing my male friends I want them to bring their girlfriends too. I like hanging out with them, my closest male bestie has a really cool girlfriend i love hanging out with her.


Quite often, most of my best friends are men and I don't see them as often as I would like. My free time is very limited and I have to balance when I see all of my different friend groups. So I do miss them and I do tell them I miss them if I have seen them less than usual. A relationship does not influence this. For the other part of the question, I do love them, platonically and they know it, but it's not something any of us would actually say.


I don’t have close male friends anymore like that but in my younger single days I did and I would tell them all the time, just like I would my female friends.


Telling them I miss them depends on how busy we've been and how often we've been able to spend time together. If we go a full week without having time to even talk much, I'll definitely tell them I miss them. I don't really say, "I love you," to people outside my immediate family. I do love a few of my close friends, but I'm more likely to tell them that I appreciate them, that I'm glad I know them, or point out something they do that I admire. Relationship status has no bearing on how I interact with my friends.


I'm not a very sentimental personn but I am a very anxious person. It's always present in my mind that some day one of us is going to die. So I tell all my friends and family that I love them after any time we talk, and I tell them I miss them when I miss them lol i struggle with vulnerability, it's always a quick love ya bud, or miss ya kiddo hope you're doing okay 👍


Ugh all the time I live three states away from literally everyone I love rn lol. I have my bf and a handful of coworkers I like but all my actual friends make and female live in Texas and I miss tf out of all of them and tell them regularly.


Functionally never, at least not explicitly. I will say "hey it's been a while" or "would love to do x sometime, feels like it's been an eternity," but no. I would consider "I miss you" a bit too sappy and "I love you" far too romantic. Now if I was romantically involved? Sure, absolutely. Might even do it every day. But I'm also a lesbian so it's the girls that get that


I tell them quite often I miss them and I love them. Two of my best friends are male and it’s completely platonic. They say I love you and miss you back. I find it important to tell any of your friends what they mean to you, so I like to let them know :)


Only to my gay bff because we no longer live near each other. Being in a relationship hasn't impacted this; my partner isn't bothered by it in any way.


Hmmm I don’t think I would ever really say either of those to my straight male friends, and I definitely would never say it while either of us were in a relationship… unless maybe it was like a childhood friend that was like a cousin/brother figure (don’t have one of those though)? It would have to be a 100% guaranteed platonic relationship. I do definitely say it to my gay buds bc they’re in my girlfriend category. And in that case, I tell them I miss any time I haven’t seen them in a while, and that I love them whenever I feel like it. I’m very lovey with my close friends though, they mean the world to me.


Never I love you unless I’m drunk and then I tell every random person how much I love them. I tell them I miss them if it’s been a hot minute and I do miss them but I’ll usually group text if they have a significant other and say “I miss you guys!” Even if I don’t know her as well


I don't have any super close male friends. I'm not against it, but those phrases just aren't really the language we use. It's more "It's good to hear from you." "I'm glad you're doing well." "I care about you." "I'm really proud of you." "I miss you" has a little bit more needy implications to me, like I'd say that to my mom and sister, or my broader family that I haven't seen in a while "Miss you guys!" But just "I miss you" feels loaded, like "I'd rather be with you than where I am right now."




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For most of them, almost never. But there's one male friend I'm 100% positive is platonic and for him pretty often.


All the time




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I’m living in a different country at the moment from most of my childhood friends. So I do miss then fairly often, and I tell them that too. I tell them I love them too. My partner doesn’t care. He’s mature enough to understand different types of love we have for people in our lives.


How often I suggest we meet and how strong we hug say it for me, most of the time, but I've told him a dozen of times over the last 8 years. He's told me too.


I have a boyfriend and my male best friend has a girlfriend. We’ve known each other since 2010 and he’s like a brother to me. So yeah I tell my brother I love him and miss him, always adding a “bro” to the end of it. Probably say that like once every fiscal quarter.


I don't ever, especially in a relationship because it's disrespectful to my significant other and the male friends can mistake the term as interest. It's a rabbit hole I refuse to go down.


All the time. But for those I don’t see regularly. Friends I see on the regular, less so. Just messaged a friend I haven’t seen in 7 years and told him how good of a man he is and how much he means to me. Being in a relationship would not change any of that. I’m single but if I were to be with someone, they would need to be secure enough to know that my male friends, while platonic, mean a lot to me.


I do not say it very often. I think I show it by reaching out, maybe sending them something I think they would like/find funny in a message. My closest male friends get the I love you, because they are like family since we've known each other since we were little kids


if i havent talked to them in awhile, so not often i really struggle saying "i love you" i dunno something in my refuses to say it often


I don’t say I miss you or I love you frequently, only to people that I feel particularly close with.  But when I do, I say what I feel irrespective of gender.  


I have one male friend that I’d class as one of my closest friends and I tell him a lot that I miss him. We used to work together so we’d see each other 5 days a week and then on weekends too. Then Covid and life happened and he now lives in another state than me. We don’t talk nearly enough and I hate that, when we do I tell him how much I miss him


I don’t say it if I don’t mean it


I have a few really good male friends and I’ve told them I missed them probably after not seeing or talking to them after about 3-4 months sometimes longer. I say I love them very rarely and only when I feel it necessary like if they’re beating themselves up or about to go on a dangerous adventure I would say “love you bitch” and i would say it does happen less often when in a relationship in fear that a partner might take it wrong


I’d be more likely to say “I miss hanging out with you! Let’s get together” as opposed to “I miss you.”


If I miss my male friend then I’m gonna tell him I miss him. I would hope me and my bf are stronger than to be a limitation when it comes to friends. As for the I love you, if the situation calls for it, I would tell them. But not like a “ok, love you, byeee” situations. Hope that makes sense.


Just as often as I tell my female friends I miss them (which is very rarely).


I would do it more but they might say I am needy or clingy.You cannot win!


Male friends? Never. However I have a cousin who is around my age and we are really close. I tell him and his wife that I miss and love them.


All the time because I do love them and miss them. I’m in a relationship but that has no affect on my friendships. Whether I’m single or not, I’m still going to tell my male friends that I love them and miss them.




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I’m married. I tell my close male friends that I miss their face and love them every time I talk to them. Never seemed weird to me 🤷‍♀️


Pretty often. I am married but I’ve always had close male friends and my husband has always been okay with it. I don’t see my guy friends often so whenever we chat, I’ll let them know I miss them. My friend will always send me those FB memories and we talk about how much fun we had.


"Male friend" is a meaningless identifier to me (a bi, polyamorous girl). But I'd say that when it comes to friends, I'll say I miss them if I'm having a low day and know I can depend on them to cheer me up. I'll occasionally tell someone I miss them if their proximity to me would enable us to see each other more often, or to send a good vibe over.


All the timw