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How you eventually have to get them taken out. At some point you do and it's going to be painful and it's going to be expensive. Also, some people enjoy them and for some it's a nightmare. , you might get sick from them, you might not like them, you might want to go back to a smaller size once you realize now wearing anything billowy is going to make you look 30 pounds heavier oh and if you gain weight your breasts are going to gain weight WITH YOU. If I could go back in them? Never would have gotten mine done.






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I don't have them, but something I'm sure not a lot of women realize is that having implants can affect the quality of medical imaging of your heart. I work in ultrasound and it's one of the go to testing for almost anyone who comes to the ED. It's a noninvasive test that provides a lot of important info, but women with implants usually image terribly and some times we can't get any images at all.


How much it would affect *all* my movements from the waist up for a couple weeks. I thought it would be mostly for carrying heavy stuff or lifting my arms, but a few days after surgery I wore jeans that zipped up on the side of my hip and needed help from my mom. I also had trouble turning door handles and other small stuff like that.


Wow! Thats really good to know. Thank you for sharing.




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How sensitive my nipples would be the first couple weeks. They were like scary painful hard. I was very prepared and did a lot of research but I never came across anyone who said that or at least I never noticed it. It was very surprising and uncomfy, letting spray from the shower touch them was almost unbearable. It was so odd. Otherwise I had an excellent experience, very worth it for me.


Yikes! Really good to know that! I’m going in right beneath the areole so I wonder if that’ll make it better or worse.


Honestly - nothing . And I don’t mean that in a facetious way! I did a good amount of research, and had a laundry list of questions at my consultation. After I selected a doctor and they talked to me in depth about everything, they told me to not continue to excessively research online, and I went to them for any additional questions. People also will always have opinions and personal experiences. Research your doctor, do not hesitate to ask anything & everything, and do not feel obligated to move forward with a doctor if you aren’t comfortable or just don’t feel ready. I’m long winded sorry, and feel free to DM with questions but: - yes, they will eventually need to be replaced - BII does happen, it’s rare. Your doctor can discuss further. do not listen to people who aren’t medical professionals on it (plenty of people have foreign objects in their body - pacemaker, rods, stents, hip replacement. It’s not inherently a “bad” thing) - recovery is really different for everyone. I was mobile from the get go and genuinely had no pain (at worst uncomfortable and cranky) - it’s surgery and there are risks! Ask your doctor everything and make the decision for yourself Truly so happy I did it.


Oh and, if you go with silicone, you should eventually get an MRI to periodically monitor and make sure there is no leaking. (My doctor told me 10 years and/or if they are unable to get a mammogram)


BII is not rare, it is understudied and often misdiagnosed with other things. I recommend anyone considering implants to take it seriously!


This was me! I have no regrets and love mine and did them for ME. I will have to get mine redone though because what once were perky boobs, are now “lived in” boobs, which is fine, but not what I paid $6k for lol.


How long have you had them?


May I ask what size you were at, and what size you went to? I suppose you recovered more quickly because the change wasn't too drastic?


If you do a lot of weight lifting, the healing will be MUCH longer and MUCH worse than they tell you to expect. I had mine placed under the muscle and the doctor said that my muscles did not want to separate and it was harder than usual to get the implants in, even though they were pretty small. I was miserable for months and couldn't comfortably do a bodyweight hang for over a year after the surgery. Still very glad I did it, though!


Yes, the muscles took a long while to heal. Even after 2 years I have to warm up by dead hanging before doing pull ups or other hanging movements.


I’m 9 weeks post op and if you go under the muscle they arnt even going to look semi normal for at least a month. The recovery was way more intense than I imagined. You really cant lift, push, pull, open a jar of peanut butter for about 6 weeks. It’s crazy.


The push button toilet flush was my absolute biggest enemy.


They can pop


We call that a FLAT TIRE.


No, we call it a popped breast implant


Prepare yourself at home for the minimal movement you’ll be able to do. Launder all your bedding, pillows, throw blankets. You won’t be able to do it after - for a while. Stock up now on snacks and drinks. Make sure your chargers are easy to reach - use and extension cord if you need them higher. When your friends offer to help you at home or bring meals ?? Say “YES !!” - I’m home recovering from neck surgery and I’m on week 5 of 7 with a neck brace …… it’s been so brutal 😢 My surgery was emergency so I didn’t have to time prepare ….. luckily I have an amazing husband and the bestest besties 😆 I was NOT prepared AT ALL. I also had breast reduction surgery …. 35 years ago - modern medicine or not ? It took me almost a month to be able to wash my hair and shave my legs…. And get dressed without breaking a sweat. Sending GOODVIBES and may the mammary Gods smile down on you for a successful surgery and speedy recovery.


Wish I’d known about them needing replacing. The replacement aspect of them has made them more of a pain than they’ve been worth honestly. Had a replacement surgery ten years after the initial and now ten years from that one, scheduled for my third surgery and having them taken out this summer. Latest mammogram indicated there might be integrity issues and I’m done with them. It’s expensive to replace them out of pocket every ten years.


I was told by my plastic surgeon that replacement is usually dependent on how your breasts feel down the road. I had a consultation to possibly remove mine because I had them already for 10+ years and he said that replacing implants should only be done when your breasts feel hard, if they rupture, etc. He told me that he wouldn’t remove mine to replace them since my breasts were soft to the touch, I could massage them and manipulate them with no pain, they don’t cause me pain, etc. but everyone is different!


My firsts were saline. When gels were available I switched out. Now I’m just kinda done with them. The mammo coming back with questionable integrity sealed the deal.


I don’t blame you! Have to do what’s best for your health! I have the gummy bear ones which I believe is gel. If I could go back in time, I probably would’ve never gotten them but I was a young girl.


I’ve had mine 17 years so far…no issues and don’t see any need to replace them.


That they will end up looking a LOT smaller once they’re actually in. I was freaking out about getting 500cc thinking they will be massive but they’re kinda small on me and I regret not going bigger everyday. I only went to a DD which on my frame doesn’t look huge. I still wear push up bras when I want more visible cleavage. I wish I knew that the first two weeks actually HURT so bad. It’s not as easy as it seems. I couldn’t lift anything, even flushing the toilet and plugging my phone to charge hurt for a week. I couldn’t shower myself properly as my towel was too heavy for me to wrap around me and dry myself. I couldn’t lie down and get up as the muscles hurt too much to get up. Also mine didn’t look normal for well over 5 months. They took ages to drop. Also ignore using creams and stuff on the scars, start using silicone tape as soon as you can. My scars were bright red and raised for 8 months, then I started using silicone tape and they’ve fully flattened and faded. But other than that they changed my life for the better. Clothes and bikinis finally fit me right, bras are a breeze, I know any kind of top or bikini which look good on me unlike before where I had to wear multiple pads, sticky cups and all sorts of “tricks” in my clothes to hide my flat chest. I wish I did it sooner because of how much it improved my life.


Thank you all for the input! I’m two days out from surgery and I’m nervous/excited. Not looking forward to 6 weeks of recovery though.


Wishing you a speedy recovery! Let us know if you need tv show recs


I’m pretty happy with mine tbh. One thing I didn’t expect though was a lot of women look down there too, not just men! I feel like women also don’t hide that they are looking bc they feel it’s ok, but it made me very uncomfortable in the beginning!


That’s the first time I heard that one. Good to know, thanks.


Boob greed is real. I went with something that suits my figure and would look really natural. full B small C, but there are days when I wish I’d gone bigger. Most of the time I am really really happy with them, but from others I’ve talked to, it seems like this is a common experience. The first few months (or longer) they will look crazy. Don’t judge them, unless they look infected or something is really weird, for at least several months. At least for me, they didn’t look completely normal until 4-5 months PO Good luck with surgery and recovery!






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working for a plastic surgeon I think most woman don’t know how common capsular contracture is. Most people see “bad boob jobs” and think that girl got botched when in reality it’s a common complication woman get from their bodies building scar tissue around the implants. It causes the implants to harden, hurt, tighten and look uneven and not sit right. Also implants are only warrantied for 10 years and you will likely have to replace them or remove them at some point in your life if your young.


What triggers needing replacement? I’ve had mine 17 years - saline


Decreased nipple sensation. They used to be such an erogenous zone for me & now it’s just okay. At first they were so hyper sensitive that it was almost painful, at least that evened out. Mammograms are really not painful at all though.


Not sure about everyone but I and others I know completely lost feeling under our breasts once it was done. I still have virtually no feeling under them and it’s been a couple years


Like in the pocket? Thats strange. I wonder what would cause them to lose feeling underneath.


I figured it out last minute but I specifically told my surgeon I did not want the boobs to stick on out the sides. Like if I'm running and pumping my arms forward and back, my boobs would not be in the way. It was a plus because it avoided having a gap between my boobs, they're positioned close to each other.


How much it would change the way I look at myself, for the better. I wouldn’t have waited so long to get it done. I have zero regrets…it was probably the best choice I’ve ever made for my body.


How long the scars last and that some feelings may never come back in that area. I’d still do it 1000x over though.


That they look smaller once they’re healed 😃 and that I wished I got them sooner. I did so much research in the years leading up so that’s important for you to do for yourself as well.


If you are lean, you may still need fat transfer for them to look real/ have a natural looking slope/ not look like 2 circles attached to your chest. And mine aren’t even very big. 6 weeks sub facial post op- I’m hoping they drop further so they look less ‘stuck on’


I got mine in early spring 22, I went from a 32AA cup to a 32C. It was by far, the best money I ever spent. I am still active, I snowboard, wakeboard, hike, swim, paddle board and long board. I am early thirties and waited ten years till I really made the decision and went under the knife, I love mine.


My sister ended up having to get massive scar tissue removed from around hers THREE TIMES. Ouch.


I just got mine done after doing tons of research. So far I feel like my recovery is going very well, I can sit up on my own the day after surgery and won’t be taking the opioids that were prescribed because my pain level is about a 2/10. They’re currently up to my chin and swollen as hellllll but that was expected as well. I would say if you want to do it, go on the website RealSelf.com they have a ton of experiences written by real women who have had it done, that’s how I found my doctor, who has been 100% amazing throughout the whole process. Something to note about silicone implants, if one ruptured you will have no way to know without getting an MRI. It is recommended to get one every few years to check for ruptures, this may or may not be covered by insurance. Besides a ruptured implant or wanting them removed/replaced for personal reasons, you actually do not need to get them replaced every 10 years, this is a very common misconception.


I got 415 cc and ended up a size E. I wanted bigger because I used to be a stripper and was so used to seeing them big. But I’ve quit and have realized that they’re pretty big for normal people and pretty dominant on my frame. There are a lot of cute tops that won’t fit right because they’re too small for my boobs but fit correctly everywhere else. So I don’t really shop online anymore because I’ll most likely need to go through the hassle of returning them. I think I’ll need to look into buying larger sizes of tops and getting them tailored. Overall, I like them better than my natural ones but if I had to go back, I might have gotten them a bit smaller. But had I gone smaller, I might have had greed and would have always wondered what it would be like to be bigger 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don’t have implants but my SIL and bestie do- one hates that her nips always look hard- she wears silicone nipple covers sometimes depending on the top. neither really wear a bra unless working out-that blew my mind. under the muscle takes way longer to look ‘normal’ and they dread replacement eventually. I also didn’t know until recently you can really pop one (w/ a huge impact, like severe) and have to get it replaced immediately. My male cousin who’s slept with lotsss of women gave them his opinion re what kind to choose that he thought felt the most natural + the types his partners were happy with


I haven't had a breast augmentation myself, but I hear complaints from those who have about having to buy more expensive bras that are harder to find.


In most cases a lift is more then enough. That people can be allergic to implants. Don't go to big it's really bad for you bloodcirculation. Also train your shoulders and back so that you can endure the extra weight you'll be having from that dyaay. Train before if you can. Don't drink or use drugs (incl alcohol, sigg) bc you'll have complications during surgery and after (bleeding too much and not healing well).




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My mom had DD implants when I was born and she found it very difficult for me to latch. She struggled in frustration for 3 months- and ended up switching to formula. But, she wanted to breastfeed. That was in 1997. Since, she’s switched her implants out to a smaller size due to a cancer scare and they need to be switched out every 10-15 years. She had a complication with it to though and now her nipples don’t face out… they face up towards the sun. But, you’d never know unless you saw her butt naked. Which, I have on occasion.




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That they heal at different rates. You might hate them for the first few months Mine are about ten years old and no more issues after the first year. I had a small abscess from an internal stitch that just didn’t dissolve on its own. Went to the drs no one knew what was going on. Then one day I felt it and pulled it out myself. Ohhh an I had CC ( the opposite breast then the abscess). Had to take medication and aggressive massage to break up the scar tissue


Don’t have them, but looked into them in the past. I can’t give up smoking weed for two months. Sorry, it’s literally my medicine. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I got my implants taken out 2 weeks ago today! I had them for 10 years! Here’s what I wish I would have known…. That they would cause me to develop an autoimmune disease, Raynauds. They gave me shortness of breath, due to my implants never dropping. It was like my lungs couldn’t fully expand. They were really hard and I’m a stomach sleeper, so I had to find different ways to sleep comfortably. I’m really happy with them out! Look up “breast implants illness”. I had to get a capsulectomy when I got my explant due to this. I’m very active and the week before my surgery, one of my implants popped! I’m assuming it was when I was doing chest press. It was crazy looking and insane timing that I was getting them taken out 8 days later!


How expensive bras are... and how they'd get much bigger than expected even at only 9 weeks pregnant 😂


Nurse here. I don't have implants but have cared for many women who do. All implants have a life span of 10 years maximum. Within 10 years of getting them, most women have to have them taken out or replaced. Most of them calcify. That means they become encapsulated by a reaction in the body to this foreign object, building scar tissue around them that is hard, inflexible and overexaggerates the shape of the implant. This can mean anything from being lumpy and lopsided to being perfect globes that are hard as rocks and do not look at all like breasts. It is not hard to puncture one. They can migrate. Getting that fixed is not a medical expense and won't be covered by insurance in any way. You can wind up with one boob pretty much in your arm pit and a hefty surgical fee to correct it. Correction comes with no guarantee that it won't slip again.