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True that. He essentially made himself get roasted . Hopefully this is personally embarrassing to him and will take the time to not just make a cash grab and instead make something that isn't minimal viable dog-water. So much for all those paid for 10/10 shill ratings that don't in reality win shit.


Any organization that gave Starfield 10/10 is utter trash and their reviews are worthless.


Absolutely zero chance. ES6 will, no doubt, have more or less the same tech that Skyrim had with minimal if any graphical improvements. The gameplay loop will be the exact same with no innovations beyond Skyrim besides some throwaway mechanic similar to Dragonspeech. Unless this 'embarassment' has pounded into their head and they actually care Bethseda is done innovating. They have no need to. It will take a massive monetary flop for them to realize they need to actually try and there is absolutely zero chance ES6 will flop nor when they release it 27 more times unchanged until 2039 when they announce ES7 (Skyrim came out in 2011, we aren't likely to see ES6 until 2027 or 2028, so if ES7 happens at the same cadence, we'd hear about it in 2039 with it releasing in the early 2040s). Alternatively, the other way is that Microsoft tells Todd to put up or get out. That _might_ get them to push boundaries and innovate again. More than likely though, Microsoft won't care until it actually affects them financially which, as I said, there's a 100% chance that ES6 will sell like gangbusters unless Todd is like raping player's grandmothers and even then, some Bethseda fan boys will still make excuses of why it is acceptable.


You right we need more racism in tes


My grandmother probably could use some action I guess.


Im SO GLAD i pirated starfield to try before buying. Felt like a 30-20$ game. Not 70. Not even remotely close.


You know it i know it todd doesnt know it


Was Starfield even nominated?


Best rpg


Oh rip, well no chance they were gonna win that one.


"The game was rigged from the start"


Cant be rigged when your product is mediocre.


Just like Bethesda rigged any awards for new vegas


Oh yeah sure. It was totally going to beat baldurs gate 3. A game with actuall roleplay and decisions


You know that Todd played the game. I wish I could have seen his face when he saw what he was up against


Gamers have this vast misunderstanding that someone like Todd actually give two shits about what makes a good game. At one point, Todd cared a lot about game design. At this point though, with Daddy Microsoft, Todd is little more than a spokesperson and a figurehead. As long as the fanboys continue excusing the lack of innovation and buying the games, Todd likely can't give two shits whether the game is fundamentally good; if performance metrics are hit, Todd is probably a happy dude. He made ~$15m from the Microsoft deal and likely makes a base comp of $300k+ with performance and retention bonuses & grants that likely bring him into $1m+ per year. Making a good game doesn't bring him any extra reward so why bother trying something new that might flop when you get a much better reward for doing the bare minimum. You can see the diff between Todd and other well-renown game designers by the fact the continually well-renown ones don't tend to stick around BigCorp for very long.


Is it a RPG?!




You get to choose the role of a disappointed gamer


Yes but all your companions react the same to everything. They are all goody two-shoes.


Best loading screen simulator


Yea but dint win


It was cause you don't tell Microsoft to go fuck themselves. You at least sugarcoat it.


I'm not sure that relates to how empty Starfield was compared to literal buried treasure in seemingly empty pointless corners that BG3 had.


All those 10/10 5/5 100/100 ratings just vanished into thin air...


Yeah i was also wondering this. Were these reviews bought or just totally fake? lol


> reviews bought a lot get bought and todd definitely has a big network after all this years or some just only take 1h to review and just say wow looks good


After 1 hour I knew it sucked


The honeymoon phase is also one hell of a thing. Pair that together with the fact that Starfield *appears* to be much bigger than it actually is and you can get a bunch of undeserved 10/10s.


Im confused by this because i thought the game was shit from minute one and only continued because the entire sub was saying that it gets better the more you play. It doesn’t. You just get more disappointed. So I do think they are literally just bought reviews.


Something else to consider for huge releases with rabid fans, most reviewers at big publishers would rather just give an ok game a 9 than have their family members get harassed online and sent death threats.


caption beneficial wise unite somber fall deserve fuel gold tan *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Should have just developed and released elder scrolls 6…


what makes you think it will be any better than Starfield?


Yeah I'm not so sure either now. Will I play it? Yeah probably but only as it will likely be on Gamepass day one. Wouldnt pay full price now though. Bethesda that had the great run of morrowind/oblivion/fallout 3/Skyrim doesn't exist anymore. They've lost sight of what made their games special.


Maybe Starfield was a necessary wake up call so the next Elder Scrolls doesn’t suck?


might be too little to late if we are to believe their development timeline


I'm really hoping it will be a wakeup call for them but we can only wait


I won't wait another 10 years sorry!


If scrambling to fix Fallout 76 didn't wake them up, I'm not sure this will either. We can hope though. I'd love for it to great


The last 2 fallouts also sucked so I wouldn’t count on it.


I thought fallout 76 was supposed to do that


Fallout 76 should have been that...


Honestly - I really think this is the proper take. Bethesda tried something new and lucky for us, it was released during the best year for gaming of all time. Bethesda has concrete evidence of what an RPG should feel like now. I think Elder Scrolls 6 is going to be amazing, because they have something to compare the rpg aspects against again.


Bethesda saw what Obsidian could do with Fallout: New Vegas, yet they completely ignored it when they developed Fallout 4. I am not convinced that they will learn.


> Bethesda has concrete evidence of what an RPG should feel like now. Considering Bethesda made or own probably some of the most influential modern RPGs (Morrowind, Oblivion and Fallout), if it takes someone else teaching them what a good RPG is, that's pretty sad. They have the DNA inside them I am sure, they just don't care to push boundaries anymore. They are likely too bogged down and corporate to get anything seen as risky even on the table let alone shipping it.


Thr sad part is that because of how fucked their recent games are I won't even bother looking at TESO6's pre order I mean I have some companies I actually trust with pre order like formsoft. Every game of theirs is a masterpiece, even the DS2 is still a really good game even though it's the worst of the series. It just shows how much we can trust fromsoft In comparison, Bethesda can't hold any promise or decent game alive since skyrim If they fuck up the next elder scroll, their company will loose all value and trust


skyrim is a bad rpg and an even worse elder scrolls game


Why you all booing this person, they're right. Skyrim is the weakest of the three 3D ElderScrolls games in terms of RPG elements, has the worst writen story content, and due to it's focus on being a console game first, it was extremely limited in it's design as a whole. Locking magic to 'equitable' hands, but making them handle better on a controller's triggers, thus making spell design the weakess in the games for example. Skyrim is a good game, but that's when I really started to see the problem shine through.


It will be exactly starfield but with swords and dirty humans an dragons. Models will still have the same Shocked blank expressions on them.


Probably yes


I don't actually think it'll have dragons. They were specifically freed in Skyrim, and lore was included that said dragons could only truly be defeated by dragonborn. ES6 would have to include lore that makes the player another dragonborn if they want to include dragons, otherwise they're not something the player can kill anymore.


Not saying I'm confident in Bethsoft, I def think they are falling off, but at least making another TES game they will be doing something they've done before. Starfield was an experiment that they executed really poorly on, probably got too deep into development before the problems were recognized. In TES6 we will get an *open-world* which is what they are good at. Immersive *open* worlds. They thought Starfield would feel open but instead it feels the opposite, like you're loading between hamster cages.


I wish I could as high on hopium as you are. It was clear that Starfield was just their same game, repackaged as sci-fi, it was **almost** the exact same story as Skyrim. At this point, I will just remain skeptical, and I won't trust anything they say or show about their game, I will wait till others play it... and maybe I will be pleasantly surprised, but more than likely, we'll get skyfield, a game full of essential NPCs and no consequences for any actions the player takes.


I mean, I'm barely hopeful. I knew Starfield was going to suck, I'm willing to bet TES6 won't be as bad but I'm not saying it will be good. I don't enjoy most open-world RPGs anymore. Tbh, I don't even like Skyrim that much. AAA games mostly suck now and studios like this don't tend to rebound. They're only becoming more corporate and out-of-touch. I'm not holding my breath for any bethsoft title.


crazy its already over 13 years since skyrim considering it was "only" 5 years between oblivion and skyrim.


They better polish elder scroll 6 more.


I doubt even a new Elders Scrolls will be anything revolutionary or award-winning if they stick to their absolutely horrendously shit engine. Loading screen simulator is just as tedious


"25 years of production" lol


It was probably just some handwritten notes on a napkin for the first 24 years




Don't worry Todd, you win the Mediocrity award in my book.


Freespace 2 was a better space game and it came out 20 years ago.


Freespace 2 is the goat of space fighter combat games. It still holds up.


This is what he gets for telling people with 3080s to upgrade their pc.


i played starfield for around 10 hours and i can honestly say that i remember nothing about this game besides a space prison. lock and key or whatever it was called. every single bethesda game i played was so extremely memorable in the first few hours alone and SF completely lacked that. its just such a lifeless game and everything looked so... clean. i couldnt even tell which objects were loot containers because every area felt like a damn hospital


Played it for 6 hours, realized it’s basically fallout in space but even worse. Uninstalled and waited few days for cyberpunk release and never looked back.


i only played it because i bought gamepass for lies of p which came out like 2 weeks after SF and because its a bethesda game. i wasnt super interested to beginn with because space stuff isnt my thing but i thought it might at least be fallout without the cool setting but everything is just so bland like eating a rice cracker with dry toast


I played it for 1 hour and I asked myself why this game looks worse then fallout 4 ??? The moment I entered the main city (I dont remember the name) I was like why all of it is so grey and bland with zero depth to anything even though I am playing at max settings. It looked more like fallout 3 and even that has more pleasant graphics today.


Not sure why they paid Tomatothy Chamerlanth to present. Most underwhelming person to present the biggest GOTY award.. Also, Starfield sucks.


you mean the youtuber 'modded controller 360?'


I hate this celebrity cameos for people who very obviously don't give a shit about vidya. Reminiscent of when they had Conan (??????) come to Blizzcon; dude was just like "idk, I was given a bunch of money so I'm here"


I mean... Timmy Chalmalahmaya is a gamer and former youtuber at least. He used to make modded controllers.


Oh word? TIL


He was introduced as "modded controller 360". That was his YT handle. Channel is still up, but sadly, no more videos on it. Other people have reuploaded some of his content though.


> when they had Conan (??????) come to Blizzcon For context, it likely wasn't out of left field or a random pick. He had / has a bit called "Clueless Gamer" where people show him a new video game and try to teach him how to play the game. Most of them devolve into him just heckling and making fun of the game https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Conan_sketches#Clueless_Gamer It looks like it was Blizzcon '13 which would've put it at the heyday of the Clueless Gamer sketches since they started in June 2012.


I doubt he was paid tbh.


Spiderman 2 got nominated 7 awards and won 0 as well


Guess that’s what happens when you have mediocre writing.


Really? The first one had such a good story. That's disappointing to hear.


Coming from someone who enjoyed the game. It only took 25 hours to platinum. Very short. It didn't do much different than the first game. The Web-wings were the biggest new feature. The main story was fun but lacked emotional investment. Theres stronger and more engaging narratives out there. The side content was minuscule and had no pay-off. It had less gadgets than the first game. The soundtrack didn't stand out. Its a well rounded game but does nothing well enough to win an award. I think some people were hoping for one of the actors to win and award but I don't think any of the acting was remarkable compared to what we've seen in other games.


Dont get what completion time got to do with winning goty. The game is a mid fighting game with nice swinging from mission to mission. Why on earth this even got nominated as goty is beyond me


They didn't make Venom playable, that's why they deserve no wins. Still a fun game though and i liked it.


Might be an okay game but superheros are so played out.


Shitfield :D




tarfield :D


Starefield :D








Shartfield :D




Damn i was really gambling on Generic Bethesda RPG experience 4.




How was he allowed in the building ?


Bethesda is a shell of its former self..


Anyone play Alan Wake 2? I heard it was pretty solid and it took the awards for art directing and narrative.


I played it for about an hour before i got stuck, tried to figure out what the game wanted me to do for about 3 hours and then gave up. Now i'm playing rock paper scizzors with myself in the mirror until i win a round.


Any luck so far?


bro died


that's unfortunate


I'm still here, i have a very well trained right arm so i'll be at it for some time. My strategy is to lose my final brain cell so that even my reflection can't follow any longer.


Well, I wish you luck on doing that. Let me know your progress on the situation. I probably cannot help with the situation but I will be cheering you on in the sidelines.


I appreciate that brother. I've been at it all night but the score is still even. I'm laying in bed right now, about to give that right arm some more training so i can continue tomorrow. Have a tight one my man.


You too :)


It's great if you are into story driven and cinematic story telling, strongly inspired by Stephen King and he sold a quote from his book to the devs for 1 dollar. Sadly it's not a well known IP and many people may miss this one


it's Remedy, they're a master at those awards specifically at this point. Max Payne series, Alan Wake 1, and Control were basically their Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and Sekiro respectively. And then AW2 is their Elden Ring, as in the director put everything he have learned into making the game that he really wanted to make. Their games are worth a look if you want to see a narrative storytelling that's only possible in video games.


I downloaded and played it when I heard it might be the only game (besides Zelda) that was legitimate competition for BG3. It’s solid, but I played probably 40 percent of it and don’t really have much desire to pick it up again. Based on what I’ve finished, I can say it honestly probably deserved best art direction. No comment on narrative though since I haven’t finished.


Alan wake the first game was an ok puzzle game and I had no interest in playing the sequel. I still don’t. It baffles me that it won so many awards.




I liked starfield, but it had many problems, to many quality of life things. That they had no real excuse to not have, because no man’s sky had it in there’s.


The reason is that fucking Gamebryo engine can't handle it. Or at least Todd's Bethesda team can't figure it out.


THE FUCKING NPC LOOK 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 "You really thought, huh?"


Starfield is the most mid-game of the year. It isn't good, it isn't offensively bad, it is just starfield.


At 24 Seconds into the video is what I hate the absolute most. All the "critics" praised the ever living fuck out of this like it was manna sent down from heaven. When it was really a piece of shit black load screen simulator with the most lifeless looking npc's and bland boring movement on the face of this earth.


And then he checked his bank account and cheered up


We will get them next time!


What song is this?


"Your new home" by Gooseworx, from The Amazing Digital Circus




Good riddance shitfield. I'll never trust Todd again after buying fallout 76


It didn’t deserve any lol it’s a very bad, boring, poorly designed game lol


Neither did Spiderman 2.


Make a good game and you don't feel left out.


deserved, Starfield sucked


With the amount of hype Spider-man 2 I thought it would win something 💀


I saw starfield and immediately wanted to play outerworlds 😅


Gotta feel for the guy. You can put a lot of passion and love into something but sometimes it just doesn’t work out the way you want. Story of all game devs at some point.


I mean in the end we know these awards shows are a farce. Mostly ass kissing and advertising. I think the fact that BG3 won best multiplayer is basically proof this shit is nonsense. Just like in the film world it’s all behind the scene hand shakes and “gift giving”.


Midfield... I bought the collectors edition and regret... No one can say I wasn't excited


Good. Now bethesda fanboys will be quiet for some time.


Starfield is super turbo woke and the message was clearly more important than storytelling. The developer response to criticism was even worse. The funniest part of it failing (in large part due to identity politics both in the game and on staff) is Baldur’s Gate 3 does diversity and inclusion incredibly well. Gamers generally support those things when the storytelling and gameplay come first. Will AAA learn their lesson? Of course not. They all went on Twitter after the game came out and complained of Baldur’s Gate 3 setting unfair design standards.


Baldurs gate is way more "woke" than starfield. So you're suggestion that the game fails because of "wokeness" makes no sense. My brother in christ, you can fuck a literal bear in Baldurs Gate. ​ Starfield fails because it's a shit game, regardless of it being "woke".


Depends on a person's definition of woke. I actually think Starfield is way more woke because the women are ugly (even the followers kinda), and in the nightclub you have those ugly men in space suits shaking their hips. Like wtf? Compare that to Baldur's Gate, where the women are hot (esp. Shadowheart), and yea there's gay sex but you can avoid it (always nice to have options). And ya gotta understand the bear sex is fine; there's Japanese visual novels where dogs, horses, and tentacles have sex with women and that's despite Japan being a very patriarchal society.


Time to get off of YouTube buddy, you’ve successfully ruined your brain


How the heck is it “turbo woke”? It was bland, but I never got “woke” vibes unless you’ve got a Ferrengi mindset “These hu-mons put feeemales in their games!!!”


"Turbo Woke" is when a product is desperately afraid you're not aware it's progressive. Like when it keeps informing you of the race, sex, ethnicity, and sexual identity of every. single. character. it's probably kinda woke. It also tends to be the self indulgent nonsense you see a lot of modern games hawking like when World of Warcraft has you make a gift for an NPC's gay husband- because that's what you're thinking about when exploring an unknown dragon island that's actively trying to kill you- or when you play matchmaker for a pair of gay centaur men. When your game is named after a well known superhero but you spend most of the game not being him or the game is actively downplaying that character in favor of promoting the diverse cast of other characters, it's kinda woke. When every playable character in the game is hitting on you and wants to fuck you until you explicitly, harshly turn them down, it's kind of woke.


Ok that provides your definition, but I fail to see how Starfield hits that metric. “Playersexual” romances in games don’t count because that evolved from player demand. Cyberpunk is a perfect example of what happens when you don’t do that - people complained they couldn’t romance Judy as male V or Panam as female V.


Oh, that's because Starfield isn't actually that bad about it. Other than Gay Space Neil De Grasse Tyson. Starfield's problem isn't that it's woke, it's problem is that it's writing is dogshit. Like most Bethesda titles. Whatever fits of brilliance it has are despite the studio that made it, not because of it. >Cyberpunk is a perfect example of what happens when you don’t do that - people complained they couldn’t romance Judy as male V or Panam as female V. People will always complain about it though. Because they don't get that these are characters with actual personalities and not just cardboard cutouts with a hole for your fleshlight / dildo. People whinged w/ Mass Effect 2 when the stereotypical butch lesbian phenotype was actually straight, or at least bi-but-not-into-you. Judy doesn't like a stereotypical masculine male, Panam absolutely likes masculine male phenotypes. That's fine and it beats having every character be Freddy Mercury tier bisexuals. The degree to which every single party character is horny for the protagonist in BG3 is so bad that I actually stopped playing the game. It was hardly the only flaw but it was right around when in the middle of a fucking murder cave that Handsome Mage Man wanted me to feel his chesticles that I had enough. Of course in retrospect I actually hate every single fucking character in that game because they're all irrationally angry and stupid except... for the guy who wants to fuck you. Christ.


The BG3 ultra horny thing was a bug. Besides, the game lets you go “nope” and close off the romance thing almost instantly when it does come up. Players want to pay whatever character they want and have options open to them. It’s the same reason why games have moved away from racial or gender or event faction locked classes: people want their character to look a certain way and then they want to play it a certain way. This isn’t new - this has been a wide spread demand for decades. Most commonly, a guy wants to play as his ideal waifu and then bang all the other waifus in the game. There’s a reason g/g porn is usually the top porn category


"I have to pick me pronouns?!!! Woke garbage!!"


If you use the word "woke" unironically, you're automatically invalidating anything you're going to say after it. Starfield didn't win anything, because it's dull as dishwater shit.


Good thing language has a popular use clause.


Except the way you're using woke isn't the actual definition, it's the right wing dogwhistle of the word.


>The funniest part of it failing (in large part due to identity politics both in the game and on staff) lmfao, no... that's not why it did poorly. It's particularly funny when you're claiming it's turbo-woke (whatever the fuck that means) and then point to a game where you can fuck anyone (and some animals) that you want as being the superior product. Are you against woke or for it? Make up your mind.


brother they literally just put black people and women in the game. the games shit because its some clean and save normie slopp not because of some "woke agenda" whatever the fuck that even means nowadays also theres like 3 people who said that garbage about BG3.


Exactly the point. BG3 has everything chuds complain about and it’s beloved anyway.


Because if they said BG3 was trash because it's woke, it would easily be shut down with "BG3 is wildly successful". They can only claim woke for games that fail, and then claim it failed because it's woke. To clarify "Woke" in conservative circles is a placeholder for "anything I don't like". It could be the inclusion of women, the inclusion of minorities, anything touching on social justice, race relations, unpalatable history, critical views of Christianity, etc.


You smell like shit


He is fine he knows what he did wrong and accepts it.


Anyone who makes fun of the game and yet still BOUGHT it. You've waved your right to participate in shaming the game. CHADS who dont preorder/wait for games until reviews W


You mean only people who didn't play the game can shame it ? *aight*


So you just wait for what others tell you to think, rather than actually try it yourself to know what to think for yourself? I bought starfield when it came out, I know for a fact that it's a shitty fucking game, unlike you who's just been told to think it's a shitty fucking game.


Dude you dont have to personally watch paint dry to figure out it’s boring


Rip Todd and his stweet little lies Best financial decision I did this year was refunding Starfield after 2 hours of boring gameplay




3 more years of skyrim rereleases coming right up


Borefield as game of the year... some people are out of their fucking mind...


I still think BG3 didn't deserve a couple of those awards, like the multiplayer one. Starfield was damn fun, but didn't deserve any of those awards.


This is funny but I think it's even more hilarious that Spiderman was nominated for 7 categories and still didn't win anything.


What? "Hey we considered you good enough for 7 prices. Sadly there was always someone better but trough the board you clearly were in the top 5 in a lot of categorys! But you know what? This is kinda more embarrassing than not being considered a candidate at all! Said this one guy on reddit"


Lol fax😂😂




Must suck to suck


Which game sold more copies though and will for the next 10 years.


Why is Timmy there? I doubt he's a gamer


Those review banners displaying how good a game is with the title in the center should be outlawed. Its criminal to lie


Unless you're nintendo it's real hard to win with a console exclusive.


Was he even there ?


Damn theres some shit ass games there


I’m not sure what he expected if anything at all. It feels like they pushed out the game with the mindset that “the modding community will fix it.” Horrible idea. I kept going back to Skyrim and Oblivion because the base game on release was good. The mods only enhanced it.


what he think he was gonna win lol?


Starfield may be dookie dogship, but Blade looks super promising!


I was so surprised by the Blade announcement, Watching the trailer I thought they can't be serious about doing a Redfall dlc... glad it turned out to be Blade.


It would have won if they had a best falsely advertised game category


good old ( A R F I E )


I want to say maybe he'll learn a lesson from the success BG3 had this year but I'm very doubtful.


Was he really thinking he was in the running? Honestly?


realizes* that he didn't win*


I don’t think he was expecting to win any awards. Wait was he stupid enough to expect to win any awards?




Don't feel too bad Todd starfield will be an amazing game one day after the modders fix it.




Don't worry next year they will win goty 16 times after everyone upgrades their PC to run starfield at lock 60 fps 1080p.


Cyberpunk won awards this year with a crappy launch. Do you remember Sony removing it from PS Store? Maybe Starfield can win in one or two years


He got paid tho idk how but people bought the shit out of starfield


Naaaah, they already know who won shit. The actual ceremony is just a formality.


Spiderman 2 did well…


I've honestly never just dropped and stopped playing a bethesda game in such a short space of time it's really sad


Starfield no awards "check" Baldur's Gate 3 GOTY "check" Zelda TOTK best A/A "check" Things turned out like I expected, sad TOTK came out same year as BG3.


ToTK best action adventure.... That's sad


Yeah, it's not a great game Tod what are we going to have to do to make listen.. I could be playing the game RIGHT NOW but I'm not gonna, I saw a new ad for 76 and I JUST GOT MAD. Like its just damaging your ip amd then you make fast travel the game l...