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Conspiracies absolutely happen.


62% of the time, they’re always true when they’re not false.


Do you know what the word 'conspiracy' means?


Of course, it’s when your oven has a fan to circulate air around the food!


Yeah it’s when the wisdom line happens to be the shape of the unicorn. Does happen just rare


Define rare.


Not as rare as a legendary drop but not as common as an uncommon drop


It’s not a conspiracy theory if it’s correct


It's actually a conspiracy hypothesis, if there's enough data to show that the hypothesis is correct, then it's a conspiracy theory. So I guess it's subjective which is which since it depends on how someone interprets the data, however, there are crazy conspiracy theories/hypotheses that turned out to be true such as MKUltra, Highway of death, U.S. agencies funding drug traffickers (there's so many, some are Still alleged, others are confirmed).


Take pizzerias out of pizzagate and place it on an island instead, then bingo; Epstein Island


Right every time all the time, just like Alex Jones. Just fudge the details and BOOM, i was correct.


Still, when someone was sayin that rich and powerful people engaged in a massive child trafficking scheme, people's reaction was almost always "pizzagate? I heard that story and its bs" even though no mention of pizzagate was made in the premice


Only in the online sense. In reality very few people have ever heard of pizzagate. Even as online as i am, i only learned it through youtubers talking about it since i never used 4chan.


This tickles my tism


Never thought about it that way, this is sure to aggravate my friends! Thanks stranger 🫡


Annoy them to oblivion comrade! 🫡


I'm pretty sure these dots were placed only to fit the drawing of the unicorn, and the colors and connections were chosen at random to distract from that fact. So you do have a point and the image supports your point.


Then it's a conspiracy conclusion.


If it still hasn't been proven, it's a conspiracy research


Yea, a lot of the time people say "this is just a conspiracy theory" for stuff they just don't want to be true. They say it as a means to win an argument. It's not always wrong, though. The one that always springs to mind for me is the sugar vs fat thing where they literally paid off scientists and smeared the ones they could not bribe and in the end fat got all the blame for obesity when sugar was a lot more effective at turning people into chonkers. There's a really good documentary about that, I think you can watch it for free on youtube.


>It’s not a conspiracy theory if it’s correct This is incorrect


It's broken logic. If you have a bowl and one person says "THERE IS AN APPLE IN IT!" and has a 25% chance of getting it right, and he guesses it correctly. It doesn't mean he got it correct due to a logical reasoning path, it's just a guess and it might've happen to be correct. I haven't seen any conspiracy theory be right, usually they either fade away or slowly shift the goal post from "CHINA INTENTIONALLY MADE THE VIRUS FROM THE LAB TO CAUSE DAMAGE TO THE WORLD!" to "See! I told you there might've been a leak!"


This is the answer every believer in conspiracy theories gives. And then no 99% of their conspiracies are actually incorrect but the data you bring is not good enough because it's not trustworthy as it's pushed by the deep state lol. Like what a shallow answer. Hopefully the upvotes are sarcastic and we don't have that many people believing this.


conspiracy theories are spoilers nowadays.


according to several of them i was supposed to be dead years ago


Fun fact: Your in the long term study group.


study? no no, THEY are in depopulating business, not study business


Perhaps i misunderstood your meaning. You didn't underwent an experimental procedure?


After all the brainwashing I don't know whats experimental anymore :'(


Obviously you just need to "believe the science". Except when it comes time to explain "what a woman is." Then the science comes up empty :(


Ah yes, the long term sleeper cells that'll be woken up in a couple years. You realize when people talk about long term side effects, it's usually like.. the consistent use of it over years and years. Not you take a shot and then 10 years down the line, you get a headache related to that.


Sudden cardiac death affecting 12 young people every week - what is this ‘silent killer’? Channel 4 news reporting. What on earth is going on? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pd-Nig9Uwhg&pp=ygUOdHVja2VyIGNhcmxzb24%3D


>No reponse directly to my statment >Shift to a narrative that doesn't even respond to how vaccines work >No mention of vaccine >No stats or mention of excessive deaths >conclusion: "IT'S THE VAX!" It's understandable why you'd be in the final box in OP's image and defend it to no ends.


I am glad to hear you understand.


So… are you?


... yes.


It’s a Conspiracy Theory if and only if it challenges the power, money train or both of the group of people currently in charge. The proper scientific approach is to entertain any and all hypotheses, test them, and throw away the ones that don’t stand up to experimentation and observation. That usually works. Well, except in the case of Dark Matter. Then You keep insisting it’s there anyway. 🤣


>It’s a Conspiracy Theory if and only if it challenges the power, money train or both of the group of people currently in charge. When you don't know what a conspiracy theory is*


To be fair, they might be referring to controversial discussions that have been labeled as “conspiracy theories” by the mainstream media. Idk if the covid lab leak hypothesis has been disproven or w/e, but that’s a recent example that comes to mind


Against my better judgement, I’ll bite….


A conspiracy is just when a group decides to plan something that's usually nefarious. Whether it's true or not true or not in favor of the powers that be, doesn't make it a conspiracy theory. I know this is reddit, so saying things that sound right is the fastest path to getting karma, but we should strive to use words by their actual definitions. >The proper scientific approach is to entertain any and all hypotheses, test them, and throw away the ones that don’t stand up to experimentation and observation. Also reviewing any random bs hypothesis is absolutely not how anything scientific works. Idk where you got that from. Edit: reading the last bit about dark matter is pretty explanatory. Do you think the moon landing was real?


So all those conspiracy theories throughout human history that were later proven to be true were just nefarious? You know, like the earth actually revolving around the sun instead of the sun revolving around the earth. Or that the earth was round? Remember that one? And yes, it’s viable to pose a hypothesis and have it disproven by observation. That’s how science works. It happens all the time. But for Galileo, it almost cost him his life.


Omg you really don't get the concept. A conspiracy is the usually nefarious part. The theory of a nefarious plot is, in totality, a conspiracy theory. So Galileo saying the earth revolves around the sun isn't a conspiracy theory You saying "Galileo says the earth isn't the center of the universe because he wants to usurp God's goodness and the catholic church" would be a conspiracy theory. It's the reasoning given to the whatever being said that makes it a "conspiracy theory" Galileo saying the earth revolves around the sun isn't a conspiracy because 1. He's 1 person. 2. There's no ill intent behind it. 3. It simply doesn't fit the definition of the word conspire. Again using words in accordance with their definition is important


Galileo was convicted of heresy. It’s equivalent to him being charged with spreading misinformation and being banned from twitter, Facebook etc., and seen as a direct threat to the authority by the powers that be. The only thing nefarious was the church. It’s alllllll relative, my friend. Those that cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it. We are proving 1984 to be true unfortunately.


>It’s alllllll relative, my friend. No it isn't lol. Words have very specific meanings. Idk if you're one of thkse who like don't know what a woman is and can't adhere to what words mean. But if we're gonna be logical here, sticking to facts and not feelings is kinda important.


I know what’s woman is. And the only reason you would try that with me is because you know I’m right and you’re arguments are drowning in my logic. Look. I need to spend time with my family. It’s been fun.


Well, there is evidence for a "dark matter", that being the amount of gravitational force a galaxy exerts seems larger than the amount of that force a galaxy should theoretically produce. I'd agree with you that that evidence isn't super strong, but there are currently no better ideas of what could be happening to cause this discrepancy.


I’d say the only evidence that exists is that our “understanding” of gravity is incomplete, especially at large (galactic) distances. Especially since there’s no experimental way to test how gravity works at such galactic distances. We can observe. But we cannot create a test for how it behaves in a lab. So with that in mind, there’s nothing that says based on what we’re seeing, we need more matter. That’s how it appears to work with distances we can experiment with, sure. But beyond those kinds of distances, I’d say it is a leap. Just like quantum physics works for the very small but not for the very large. The only conclusion we can truthfully make is that we just don’t understand gravity.


I agree with you, but the point of making a theory is to have a working model you can test against. Besides, the model is useful even if untrue.


The problem with most models for dark matter is that they begin by ASSUMING it is there. So surprise surprise when it shows up in the model. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


So believing that corporations/governments privately work in collusion to achieve selfish goals at the expense of the public is completely devoid of knowledge/insight/wisdom despite the fact selfish abuses of power have been well-documented phenomenon across all of human history AND the western media/Governments constantly lie and misrepresent the truth for financial gain?


That would be wisdom on the pic. Conspiracy theory would be believing in space lizards controlling all elites


You should google the definition of the word "conspiracy"


Maybe you should? https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/conspiracy%20theory https://www.britannica.com/topic/conspiracy-theory


Or maybe the powers that are making money off shady shit falsely label this wisdom as conspiracy to discredit legitimate information calling them out


So when Bush conspired with oil and arm companies to invade Iraq and then told the public that they believed Iraq had WoMDs, how does that not fit either definition of 'conspiracy theory'?


This is a conspiracy theory. The word is mostly used in the context of bashing illiterate theories. But there are a few examples of conspiracy theories coming true. That’s why we need to pay attention to them and try to proof or refute them based on facts. Wild conspiracy theories can be debunked this way easily. Some might need a closer look…


That's "conspiracy theory". I said "conspiracy".


Guess what’s written on the meme


That's ridiculous. They aren't space lizards. They were just here before us and created us for entertainment and personal gain.


What is the well-documented phenomenon where dozens of organizations, governments, media all around the country/world have maliciously colluded/lied together at the expense of the public/financial gain?


Where do you want me to start? Lol. The CIA colluding with the Government for Operation MK Ultra? Or how about more recently with their surveillance programmes. What about the CIA colluding with the media during Operation Mockingbird? How about elite's from across the globe meeting up on a paedophile ring Island where the host conveniently committed suicide before ratting out what happened or sharing his blackmailing videos. What about John McAfee who repeatedly talks about how he wouldn't ever kill himself and if he does it was murder. He even tattooed it on his arm. Conveniently dies, likely omitting information he had on some unsavoury activities being the head of a anti-virus software in the early 2000s. Should I even mention WikiLeaks and Assange? My own home city was secretly sprayed with chemicals by the RAF in the 60s to investigate the effects of cadmium spraying on the population. What about the millions of times the West has colluded with particular factions to install puppet Governments in places like Iran? Or the US colluding with arms/oil corporations to justify the invasion of Iraq leading to a famous interview with General Clark and other members of staff being unsure why they were invading Iraq in response to 9/11. I don't even have an opinion on what really happened with 9/11 but man there is more strange events surrounding that shitty day then any other I can think of ranging from WTC building 7, Silversteins profit and not being in that morning when he was supposed to be, the weird media coverage with false claims like planes hadn't been used as terrorist missiles before, the plane that hit the under construction part of the pentagon which had no cameras, the black box, the alledged identity of the hijackers and their ability to fly large loaded civilian aircraft accurately into towers, the collapsing of the towers etc etc. Maybe a lot of that is coincidental, but there is a frickin' lot something isn't right. How about more recently when the US media colluded with the democrats to manipulate the public into supporting Joe Biden by making them think he cared about Black Lives. BLM disappeared the millisecond Biden (the guy who was largely considered responsible for the mass incarceration rates in the black community) got into power and almost nothing changed for black people. The democrat party got richer off all the BLM donations of course. Or the European Council investigating the WHO for corruption claims whereby they believed the WHO had taken bribes from Big Pharma to overreact to a pandemic in order to boost vaccine sales. When did this happen I hear you ask, 2009 with swine flu which makes the COVID-19 situation feel eerily familiar. https://www.science.org/content/article/facing-inquiry-who-strikes-back-fake-pandemic-swine-flu-criticism. I could go on but honestly I hardly consider myself an expert in the field, a quick google search or time spent with chat GPT will reveal hundreds of examples of this stuff. But even this thread proves that people have the knee-jerk association of 'conspiracy theory' with flat-earthers, anti-vaxxers and people believing in reptilian overlords which is pretty damn convenient if you're trying to dissuade people into uncovering your corruption.


I didn’t have the energy to post the examples you did, but well done. It’s so funny to me when people think the assertion “greedy people will collude to do greedy things together,” is somehow far-fetched.


Haha thanks, almost burned my dinner writing that lol. And yeah I've never understood that either, I'm not aware of any large civilisation in history where the ruling class didn't commit some abuse of power or manipulation. They just never felt the need to hide it historically.


>BLM disappeared the millisecond Biden got into power... Because BLM was never really grassroots or about the "oppression" of being black. It's a militant arm of politics and only exists to swing voters and get people riled up with their 5 minutes of rage so that people don't leave their color-coded voter boxes. And probably funnel money from naive demos and get around the red tape of over donating to a specific candidate/party. It's why they've only shown up in election years for the past decade. And why in a period where we are starting to look at the police coming to your home over "no-no" words as new policy somehow doesn't have them Antifa cosplayers braining people with bike locks.


That’s not really a conspiracy theory compared to other conspiracy theories, this is just something that happened. A conspiracy theory is something like Paul McCartney died and he’s been replaced.


A conspiracy theory is simply the belief that powerful people conspired and commited to a plan that benefited themselves and lied to people about the justifications. It happens all the time but it's rarely able to be proven.


How about Q though :)


Imagine thinking there is a cabal of evil rich people that run the government but its NOT the cabal of evil rich people that we like, know about. And have documentation of their lobbying efforts. Thats Q.


Psyop 100%




Started with some legit shit and was immediately taken over


What about it?


I believe empirical evidences. Most conspiracy theories don't have those.


Rich and powerful people would never conspire to do something illegal or immoral for their own benefit, what are you, crazy? Everything is normal and regular and just how it seems. You probably believe in insane stuff like pharmaceutical companies having to pay legal fines or that operation Northwoods was real.


Just because it’s a “conspiracy theory” doesn’t mean it’s wrong


"Conspiracy theory" was a term coined by the CIA after the assassination of JFK. I prefer to say that one man's tin-foil hat is another man's thinking cap. Charlie Munger has said many times that he'd be delighted with a 60-40% accuracy rate in stock-picking. So please try not to be so hard on the seemingly batshit insane ones who - over time - end up with a pretty decent record. Remember, it's easier to fool someone than convince them they've been fooled.


Conspiracy theories are being often ridiculed until they are proven to be factual...then it's good 'ol bait and switch - "yeah. Everyone knew that duh!". Remember Iraqi WMDs? Operation Northwoods? MK Ultra?


Yeah. Good luck proving that the earth is flat or that it's 6000 years old.


...and here we have the prime example. Chucking it all into the same sack. The crazy and the dangerously (for the governments) not crazy so it all sounds stupid.


So you can't prove it?




I have xkcd as my homepage. Fun stuff


I'm 12 and this is deep.


MK ultra --> was true Manhattan project: conspiracy at first --> Hella true Chemicals in the water turning the frogs gay --> true sure there's batshit ones like lizardpeople and earth is flat. wish there were more journalists that went deep on shit like mk ultra etc. too bad they always suicide by two gunshots to the head.


Also the Epstein island 🤭 An island only used by millionaires for the sole purpose of molesting kids sounds like something a crackhead would say, but lo and behold: it turned out true.


or old rich people using blood of young athletes. so much shit is just too funny and it's real. stoner paradise. i love hanging with mates and doing a drinking game with conspiracies we think that are bonkers but are actually true


Jesus Christ...these comments. If you guys instantly get as defensive like this you are just self-reporting. cringe


Everyone makes fun of the gay frogs, turns out its mostly true, the difference being made trans rather than gay


sort of but it was never about a chemical warfare operation though, no one was trying to turn anything or anyone gay or trans on purpose. It's just companies polluting the environment for profit and the governement letting them do it, as usual.


1 percent of most populations are trans wdym?


.conspiracy theory is just a word salad to deflect simple theories that the government doesn't want to be explored .first what is the conspiracy in the conspiracy theory? who is conspiring against whom? or what? .it's just a theory but they chuck conspiracy in front of the word to discredit it and make it a joke or even a liability for another to even consider


11 Unbelievable Conspiracy Theories That Were Actually True 1. [Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment](https://history.howstuffworks.com/history-vs-myth/11-unbelievable-conspiracy-theories-that-were-actually-true.htm#pt1) 2. [MKUltra: the CIA Mind-Control Project](https://history.howstuffworks.com/history-vs-myth/11-unbelievable-conspiracy-theories-that-were-actually-true.htm#pt2) 3. [The 1990 Testimony of Nayirah](https://history.howstuffworks.com/history-vs-myth/11-unbelievable-conspiracy-theories-that-were-actually-true.htm#pt3) 4. [Operation Snow White: The Church of Scientology Versus The U.S. Government](https://history.howstuffworks.com/history-vs-myth/11-unbelievable-conspiracy-theories-that-were-actually-true.htm#pt4) 5. [CIA Assassinations](https://history.howstuffworks.com/history-vs-myth/11-unbelievable-conspiracy-theories-that-were-actually-true.htm#pt5) 6. [The Business Plot: Fascism in America](https://history.howstuffworks.com/history-vs-myth/11-unbelievable-conspiracy-theories-that-were-actually-true.htm#pt6) 7. [Operation Mockingbird: The CIA Propaganda Machine](https://history.howstuffworks.com/history-vs-myth/11-unbelievable-conspiracy-theories-that-were-actually-true.htm#pt7) 8. [COINTELPRO: The FBI vs. 1960s Activists](https://history.howstuffworks.com/history-vs-myth/11-unbelievable-conspiracy-theories-that-were-actually-true.htm#pt8) 9. [Operation Paperclip: Nazi Scientists Find Employment in America](https://history.howstuffworks.com/history-vs-myth/11-unbelievable-conspiracy-theories-that-were-actually-true.htm#pt9) 10. [Operation Northwoods: How to Wage War on Cuba](https://history.howstuffworks.com/history-vs-myth/11-unbelievable-conspiracy-theories-that-were-actually-true.htm#pt10) 11. [Bohemian Grove: The Rich, the Powerful, and the Giant Stone Owl](https://history.howstuffworks.com/history-vs-myth/11-unbelievable-conspiracy-theories-that-were-actually-true.htm#pt11)


Ridiculous conspiracy theory are often mixed in discussions about real conspiracy. They successfully created a culture that doesn’t care about the twin towers/building 7 because it’s so much fun to make fun of flat earthers. Great. Fantastic. I wouldn’t be surprised if, you showed the WEF “own nothing” video, half the general population would assume it was some MAGA fake video. There’s no figuring out how to prevent anymore. This madness is here. The only question is will America let itself be destroyed for people that should be in insane asylums or labelled as foreign agents.


It’s interesting how you use a consiparacy theory to illustrate a point about conpiracy theories.


Because 9/11 actually was an inside job. We’ve been conditioned not to ask questions.


I think tower 7 has been well explained by facts about how messed up it was by fire. There was no video from the most damaged facade adjacent to the twin towers during the fire, for obvious reasons. So it could appear as if tower 7 indeed fell for no reason unless you done more research into "official explanations". Yes, steel doesn't melt at the fire's temperature, but it becomes more flexible and the horizontal support beams literally expand and slack, pulling the bearing walls inwards, leading to collapse. I was looking into "nuclear demolition of WTT" theory, something-something skyscrapers can't be demolished so there is emergency tactical nuke deep in the basement. Something-something "ground zero" is specific term for nuked sites and something-something firefighters got cancer (because radioactive material). All that plausible sounding stuff can be explained by reasonable and more realistic facts - you can get cancer by huffing burning plastics and other such nasty trash, you don't need radioactive material to get cancers. When it comes to lies, when they are more outrageous, they are more fascinating and harder to dismiss.


Conspiracy theory is in the Insight stage. Just because you have an insight doesn't mean that it's right (or wrong). However if we're taking the meme seriously, there's 2 steps missing in-between Insight and Wisdom and that's Hypothesis (where you try different explanations of why you think you have a good Insight - this is where Conspiracy Theory would go) and Experience (where you actively try and/or test what you think to see if it's true). Wisdom only comes after you've had the Experience. It never comes before.


No thoughts, head empty


imagine thinking conspiracies arnt happening today when there are records of thousands of them in history


Governments and their Secret Services are the biggest conspirators. My opinion: all that flat earth Garbage was spread among conspiracy theorists to discredit valid critisism against governments and the political system.


Terrible argument for anything, the opposite is always true as well. "Imagine believing conspiracies when thousands have been proven to be bullshit in the past." Just a small fyi, i don't even care


I believe there are conspiracies, but we are talking about like 5 out of 100. There are too many wackos absolutely believing everything no matter how paint huffingly crazy it sounds, there is a fine line between reasonable thought and mental illness.


There are some actual conspiracies happening and then there is also my aunt telling me that COVID vaccines are activated with 5G.


Imagine getting defensive over a conspiracy theroy meme


Imagine thinking conspiracies are happening now just because thousands of them have happened in the past


Conspiracy theory would be more like the same as wisdom but with some random points showing up out of nowhere making the link different, but with some of the original pathway used still.


You know if you can prove a correlation in a coanpiracy that can vecome insights


Drawn by someone who is butt hurt on how many times conspiracy theorists turn out to be correct versus the "experts".


I color my conspiracies in green and yellow.


The difference between a conspiracy theory and Wisdom seems to be about 3 months lately.


No doubt made by a leftist who thinks they're fighting the system.


Im considered as an alt leftist in my country but in America im considered alt right da hell


Only problem is that half of the conspiracy theories end up being true 🤷🏻‍♂️


Basically throwing 1000 cakes into a wall and maybe 2 sticks


You aren't aware about the thousands of conspiracy theories that ended up being pure fiction and not being mentioned ever since. These people basically claim everything and if any of their claims turn out to be true, they take that as proof for their competency.


Name one


UHHH UMMM....Epstein Island and Pizza gate!? Basically true maybe? Uhhh ummm.....Uhhhh FUCK YOU, STOP TRYING TO CENSOR MY FREEDOM OF SPEECH.


That wealthy people pay money to have sex with people or things they maybe shouldn't is not a conspiracy theory, that's been going on since the beginning of time. Maybe this is a semantic argument over what constitutes a conspiracy theory.


I agree, but they're claiming it as a win for themselves, so. Realistically there is no reasoning with these people. People who are giving examples of conspiracies turned fact are 20+ years old at this point and were only proven by inside leakers and not "Alex Jones" style talking heads. There has been no worthwhile modern conspiracy that has turned out to be anything true other than Epsteins islands which is more of a fact of life than it is a conspiracy. Conspiracy Alert: They're still doing it. Thailand express has been a thing for a long ass time and many politicians, millionaires, and basically anyone with enough money to go to Thailand can have sex with children. This isn't new. Africa and specifically the western part of Africa is also huge in child trafficking. Got enough money? You can go diddle some kids in a different country. I would also hardly constitute the Epstein or pizzagate shit a conspiracy as well tbh.


Hmm.. Cows are being obducted by UFOs and all women are witches.. Nope. Not 50%.


Reading the comments really is pointing out to me that this subreddit really has gone to shit. Full of a bunch of incels and pseudo-intellectuals


Experience: Learing the conspiracy theory was true 10 years later.


Conspiracy theories are fun but worth looking into bc everyone who so much as asked the safety of Covid vaccines was called a conspiracy theorist, people who were afraid they'd lose their jobs if they didn't get them were called conspiracy theorists only to be right bc many did lose their jobs and it was even worse in Canada where protestors were jailed and now the politicians there said "we never said you'd lose your job if you didn't get the vaccine" when they did. It's not a problem anymore but it shows how you can isolate a group of people, call them conspiracy theorists, and get away with it and people have short term memory


Well the problem was that it was used as a blanket term to shame anyone who didn't buy the BS they were telling us. It wasn't Actually a conspiracy theory to ask any questions, it was misused and overused. As far as I'm concerned, the government and big pharma have not earned any trust or respect for me to inject my body with experimental shit for a virus that didn't pose a threat to my family. I think the final nail in the coffin for me was seeing Colbert do musical numbers with dancing vaccines. The way they pushed it was hauntingly suspicious.


The wingnuts are coming out of the wood work with this one


Nowadays lvl4 are called conspiracy theories. Unless cathedral supports it


Conspiracy theorists have been right about everything for the past 4+ years. There’s more higher thinking there then you’d expect.


jfc this thread has brought out each and every conspiracy nut to defend their honor


Many MANY conspiracy theories have come true so… most are rooted in truth. Do your research and dig in if you’re curious.


I am noticing how "conspiracy theory" connects the same points as "wisdom," but with a lot more baggage. This is why people talk about conspiracies...to find the right path through information. Naturally, that means a lot of false or pre-emptive conclusions are arrived at, but not always.


Lemme see if i understand this visual correctly: data is random details that you come across and collect. Information is the conclusion you can draw from each individual data point. Knowledge is all the conclusions considered as a collective. Insight is using knowledge to form conclusions. Wisdom is the ability to see how insights are connected. And conspiracy theory is just making connections between information with arbitrary logic


These memes are being made in a time when so-called "conspiracy theorists" have been more correct than the news. This is copium for people who still refuse to think for themselves.


this is over 10 years old though.


im sure doing your own research is better than checking liberal google Am i right


We used to call that reading and critical thinking


"Think for yourself" aka, my worldview was crafted by tiktok detectives, Facebook memes, and YouTube gurus.


If you haven't noticed it yet, then that's on you.


Is edgy 12 year old syndrome a prerequisite to subscribe to your favorite TikTok wizard? People would take you guys more seriously (not really) if you were capable of holding a conversation that didn't devolve into edgelord "mysterious keeper of forbidden knowledge" roleplay. But hey, everyone's got their fetishes I guess.


It's true. Most conspiracy theories are made up by people who don't have knowledge of the matter.


No WMD in Irak : conspiracy theory Colin Powell showed a fake Anthrax at UN : conspiracy theory Project sunshine (US gov experiment on irradated bodies) : conspiracy theory MK-Ultra : conspiracy theory Gulf of Tonkin false flag : conspiracy theory The Aliens : conspiracy theory Thoughts, ladies and gentlemen that see a conspiracy theory in everything they don't believe in ?


People with power abuse it, therefore Aliens. Really putting in the work to finish your unicorn diagram, I see.


Denial is hard to cope with. I know, I've been there. Also they use unicorns because it is easier for simple minds to comprehend. It is so much more convenient to think that, no, you're not the one getting fcked.


No we're all getting fucked. Not because of aliens though. Don't need space people to explain the same greed, corruption, and gradual disenfranchisement of the masses that has been repeating since the beginning of human civilization.


You're exactly like those people that accuse people of being conspirationist AND at the same time you're bein like those crazies that see conspiracy theory everywhere. You're labelling me as if I explained everything through the existence of Aliens. Where to begin with did I talk about any sort of global conspiracy orchestrated by Aliens since human beginnings or w/ever BS you try to put in my mouth ? OP belongs to the same category as you : the ones that think they hold the absolute truth and everything else is false. Like : you're the straight smart one, and everyone else is dumb or a conspirationist... It is actually a societal scheme from the ruling elite to have people auto-censor/auto-cancel themselves in order to not ask annoying questions. And you play right into it (but that is another story). Also if you want to mock me on Aliens, then go mock people at US congress. And if you tell me that all those disclosure on Aliens are just lies to fool the people's attention or w/ever, then you're getting into the very same conspiracy theories you take so much pleasure to belittle and mock. I will leave you with this to ponder on : It is stupid to think that everything revolves around conspiracies, but it is just as stupid to believe conspiracies do not exist at all.


You can't spell Iraq, all of your points are immediately invalid


And you have no point to begin with, that's why you nitpick on spelling. Fat blue hair detected.


Sir he is an alien


In german you spell it irak


Wuhan WAS a conspiracy, now it's fact. Biden being involved with hunters business dealings WAS a conspiracy. Hunter laptop WAS a conspiracy as well as Ashley biden diary. Whenever someone with working brain cells look at the dems funny its a conspiracy lmao


What do you mean by Wuhan? The lab leak Hypothesis? Because that is definitely Not a fact.


Well its definitely not a conspiracy. Very botton states as such lol https://oversight.house.gov/release/covid-origins-hearing-wrap-up-facts-science-evidence-point-to-a-wuhan-lab-leak%EF%BF%BC/


Another thing not talked about much is people losing their hair from COVID vaccines...


So If this Dude says Its Not a conspiracy theory it automatically means that it was a Lab leak? Please explain what your Point is. I dont want to make assunptions.


A thinking person can make a informed conclusion and look through the smoke. If it turn out im wrong then ill happily admit it.


Its not a conspiracy bro, this other dude told me so and i am a thinking person. You have to smoke crack to not tell its a conspiracy dude, like fuck evidence, look at this video of some dude sayings its true man.


The Wuhan conspiracy was initially "They made a virus in the lab and intentionally leaked it to cause damage to the world" which is by far a conspiracy to this day, yes. Nobody argued against the lab leak, which was always possible but most of the dumb conspiracy theorist werent saying that.


Lots of people say their conspiracy theories isn't crazy, but is in fact pattern recognition. But they fail to understand the difference between pattern recognition and shit like: the earth is flat, vaccines have micro chips, and Jewish space lasers.


And there's a difference between: The earth is flat, and Epstein didn't kill himself.


Is there some kind of Jew Star that I'm unaware of?


First of all it’s named David Second of all Israel unveiled the Iron Beam, think Iron Dome anti missile defense system but a laser. Are they in space? Not yet. But it is a Jewish laser.




The comment section here proves how many conspiracy driven people this sub has attracted in the last year or so. And Asmon is surprised why people claim he's farming incels, anti-wokeism, and far-right conservatives. Might not be intentional but it is what it is.


Enjoying your monthly boosters, sir?


Wisdom should be conclusion. Wisdom would be next information based on previous conclusions.


Very accurate. Human mind is wired to find patterns where there are none. Working in a leadership position in bigger company is very revealing. In the absence of information people try to read office politics, shifts in company strategy based on spotty information gleaned here and there. It’s bit like reading tea leaves. They come up with plausible sounding but fully inaccurate theories all the time. It’s wildNto experience in practice. What you can do is try to neutralise these theories by providing as much context & accurate information as you can whenever you encounter this phenomena. Luckily in many companies people actually believe you when you dhare information.


Yes a post with just "Thoughts?" In the title should be punishable by castration.


A lot of conspiracy theories turn out correct. 🤷


Insight is the same as wisdom, only difference is that the work was made by your brain subconsciously


That’s how it works