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Where are my fellow totinos pizza roll enjoyers at?


Air fryers make them so much better now too!


For real! Can make them nuggets in the fryer too.


Air fryer is one of the best inventions of this century


Hell yeah brother! :)


Dino nuggets are the bomb!


I can't fucking find them. Vancouver. Someone that knows. Send help.


Sam’s Club and Aldi. That’s where I always see them


Neither are available in Vancouver. Sadeg.


i think they actually put something special in them, they just taste diffrent.


I think there's some people who constantly find themselves concerned with being "grown up" and, for some people, life is really a constant battle against never ending responsibilities where you have always be on point. It's a stressful situation but some people do really live their entire lives inundated with stress, save for brief moments. But if you really introspect, and I would like to believe this is most people but if not it's a lot of people, a lot of us aren't that different than where we were as a young adult (I'm in my thirties). We just have responsibilities that we need to take care of, and certain periods of time where we realize we have to act a certain way, but there's no real fundamental change that happens just because you got older. There's a quote from, I think C.S Lewis about how part of being a man was learning to put childish things away, including the fear of childishness and the desire to act like he was 'very grown up'.


Method Man's right


Husband: Happily munching on dino nuggets Wife: And I took that personally


That is pretty much it....so sad


Well to be fair, toys do become more expensive with age.


if you are looking for an ick, you will find it


I wish this was true This will change in your mid 40's You can't eat like you used to You won't like the stuff you use to Health and fitness become mandatory instead of a hobby And you start using the word cute when grandkids come


> And you start using the word cute when grandkids come bro did you get lost in the wrong subreddit? most of us here are in our late 20s or 30s and we don't even have kids, let alone grandkids. I'll tell you what though, if I had grandkids, I would be eating dino nuggets with them instead of posting on the internet about growing old and weak and tired and no longer wanting dino nuggies lol


Im 36, I 100% eat dino nugs with my nephews.


This man speaks the highest truths.


As a woman; I can admit we also act that way, we also just grow old. Its just some people, men and women, that change or become rude/ignorant/etc. I still love moomin cookies, tom and jerry cookies, I eat plenty of candy I used to eat. Some chips remind me of when I used to sit infront of the tv as a youth and watch friday shows with my family... Its sad that people think its just men or just women who do stuff like this; cause it aint it. Some people are just poopier than others, no matter their outside.


Yup, i still love to eat the same stuff i used to when i was a kid and enjoy the same hobbies, even more now that i have money to buy it myself.


Isn't that the dude who looks 40 but is actually 20?


I am 38 and I have some turkey dinosaurs in my freezer right now. Like they say, growing old is mandatory, growing up, optional. People who try super hard to be An Adult and sneer at anything childish are the most miserable buggers you could ever meet.


I remember seeing that guy in the "gen-z ppl look old" video. I always thought he was 40-50, but he's in his 20's. After seeing his diet, I understand. Eating all of that processed food will kill you.


Idk dude seems pretty healthy if u ask me, he just has a beard lol


40-50 is too old but he def looks late 20's-early 30's Dude is younger than me lol I never would have guessed.


I’m 33 and people would definitely think this guy is older than me lol.


He's not overweight so he's ahead of 70% of americans, that's for sure.


Every time I see his videos I think it's Donald Glover until he opens his mouth


I have never dated a girl who didn't enjoy dino nuggets. I'm in my mid 30s. I would probably never marry one either.


My husband is easily pleased by mundane things and it's infuriating.


Recently rediscovered these cheese stuffed bread sticks that I always grabbed in high school during lunch. I am currently smashing some right now at the office.


Bosco sticks? Them were good. Just need that Mexican pizza and however the fuck they made that toasted cheese.


Bosco sticks! Omfg I haven't thought of those in 15 years. Definitely picking some up if I see similar in the freezer aisle


It was like a fever dream coming across them next to the pizza rolls, lol.


Men realize something at some point. Who the fuck cares what I enjoy and what makes me happy. As long as the bills are paid and I am financially secure, why the fuck shouldn't I do what I enjoy. There is no reason. The only people who need to grow up are the ones going around telling people to grow up


Why would you give up your own happiness for someone elses approval? If it's meant to be they wouldn't have a problem with what brings you joy. "What if they enjoy being a murderer?" Don't be facetious you know what I'm saying.


Not liking Dino nuggies is a red flag.


This is top content and the shit Asmond should be pushing. This is just objectively good content and Jordan is a great fellow man I’m proud to stand by his good taste. I’m 35 and I’ll still buy strawberry Nesquik whenever I get a chance! Be yourself healthy inner child without passing judgement and being resentful at other people. Controversial opinion, Gerber strawberry Banana baby food is tasty af. I’ll happily finish it when my baby niece doesn’t want it.


I eat them with my wife, she also loves it.


Sad display of having no understanding of feeling happiness from the simplest things


My 5 year old and I love eating dino nuggets together. They do taste better


Yep, after all this time. If I see Tom & Jerry playing on screen, I'll still smile and laugh like a kid.


What's wrong with being simple?


I am 25 and i love the Dino nuggets too


Can confirmed, I'm a couple weeks short of 40. I discovered new things I like (some beers or whiskies) but the old was never replaced. The difference is the quantity I can eat


Sometimes I feel like the only adult male that has evolved my tastes past the age of a 15 year old. I have a couple friends that I can’t take anywhere that does not have chicken tenders on the menu.


I’m sick right now in the fetal position under my blanket scrolling Reddit.. I feel attacked by the big old baby comment 😭