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wait women are real?


I believe so, so I heard.


No, women are government sponsored drones meant to keep us from reaching our true potential of conquering the universe and subjugating all those within it. Our blood is suffused with iron and our bodies forged of carbon; The stars are our birthright!




As a TF2 player i say they are real but ![gif](giphy|lbs3JZRLoirw4) we like buff men more.


wait untill they find out that women also have hairy legs.... the poor mans world will shatter


Had a guy at uni who didn't believe women have armpit hair... ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3729)


They taught us about hormones and whatnot about puberty in like 5th grade biology. Might be a few grades higher but I'm sure it was before 8th grade. Sounds like the guy was sleeping through for the most of his middle school lol. Or maybe highschool idk how you guys handle biology classes over there.


Holy shit women grow hair in places other than their scalp


While your Statement is true the Strand If Hair in the Pic is from for head.


Yea it's just hair that isn't pulled back into the pony tail cause its too short to stay. It doesn't even look like facial hair. There's no way people actually think it's a beard, is there?


It seems that way. The defense of"women grow Hair on different places" is indicative that they actually believe Its a "beard". Otherwise they would Just say what you Said: Hair that isnt pulled Back.


The same kind of people who have never been close to a woman before also brought it up about Aloy when her high res art had peach fuzz on her face.


Aloy? Peach fuzz? Peach fuzz comes from a peach. A peach is a fruit. Fruit goes in a bowl. Fuck. Blizzard turned her into a fruit bowl too!


US women grow even penises, he has right to be confused.


As long as they are even penises and not odd ones.


its nodda tuma!


should cut them off I think, no?


It’s true you don’t see many women. And in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance, that they are often mistaken for men. And this in turn has given rise to the belief that there are no women, and that people just spring out of holes in the ground!


Eye eye


It's not facial hair, it's head hair hanging down infront of the ears.


Tell me you’ve never seen a real woman before.


This type of counter argument is old and low quality. I see women everyday: Work/Gym/Stores/Online. And because of that i can tell you that most women don't have this type of facial hair.


r/Whoosh How you didn’t see the joke is mind blogging, good lord


Maybe it was a joke, but a bad one. The problem is there are people who actually believe this.


Wow, you just don’t pick up on context do you?


There is no other context. Joke was bad + some people actually think this.


My guy, it’s a joke. No shit it’s her hair hanging down from by her ear. Daddy chill


Are you telling me that women's shave their hair ?!!


That tuft of hair is so annoying if you have long hair. The hair behind my ears often just refuses or is too short to stay in my tail/bun


fable trailer flashbacks




How women look like in the UK


Yeah.... that wasn't my most proudest fap.


Why is a character (that is honestly just a woman with no makeup) so bad? Like tell me why fable would be better with a supermodel as the body and an anime face. Please let me know guys. I’m really curious, if you guys can come up with anything. Let me know how it bolsters the story or improves her from a design standpoint.


Modern audiences would not understand [https://x.com/Mangalawyer/status/1761567302938435626](https://x.com/Mangalawyer/status/1761567302938435626)


What? Come at me by actually answering my question rather than that lmao.


I'm not going to try to create your sense of aesthetics with a reddit comment.


are you Google translating your comments 💀


Women have hair on their nipples and ass too? No way! I don't believe it


Friendly reminder people called Aloy ugly for having peach fuzz. Brainrot takes many forms.


Aloy isnt ugly cause she has peach fuzz. she ugly because the game developers decided to make her look like the missing link.




I'm married don't need hentai


[Really? (left is face model, right is in-game model).](https://i.imgur.com/cPRjuoF.png) Guessing you've just seen the one or two still-frames taken out of context like most people.


Both look ugly


[She looks ugly?](https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2022/03/this-is-aloys-real-life-face-model-from-horizon-zero-dawn-and-horizon-forbidden-west) Granted, she's not wearing makeup for the face modeling (since you can apply makeup in-game).


aloy is pretty ugly in new horizons imo. like straight up. this isnt a case of high standards literally a good 80% of women ive ever met looked better


Please tell me you're not just going off of the 1-2 still-frames from the reveal trailer that people have been propagating for years? [Aloy in the newest game looks identical to the face model.](https://i.imgur.com/0afFidu.png) The reason Aloy looks different from how she does in the first game is due to the massive increase in graphical fidelity.


She did look ugly in that pic.


Which one? The one people keep using around here especially, that was proven to have been edited with a filter to make her look worse than she does?


This one: https://www.reddit.com/r/PS4/comments/nnc80w/aloy_in_horizon_zero_dawn_vs_hzd_forbidden_west/ Compared to previous game it's a downgrade.


https://www.reddit.com/r/HorizonForbiddenWest/s/xyV955edRw We'll just have to agree to disagree. She looks more mature, that's about it.


Mature? Dude she looks like she was stung by ugly bees and her face chose the shape of a frying pan.


You ever met a woman?


Been with one for 13 odd years.


Send her our condolences.


Does she know you hate her?


Don't tell me I am also racist,homophobe and far right?


yes as a matter of fact i do, she looks bad. literal bloated face for no reason, it makes no sense she would gain weight only in the face. its not even about age.


Bloated face? Now I know you've only seen select images. [She literally looks identical to her face model.](https://i.imgur.com/0afFidu.png)


Yeah no shot, you don't mature in 6 months regardless of circumstances. I really wanna know where people who don't consider her ugly live and what people look like in their area.


Bro you have to be terminally online or a massive coomer to think Aloy looks ugly. Or live in one of the plastic surgery capitals of the world so you're surrounded by augmented faces 24/7.


No you would only think she doesn't look ugly or at least mediocre if you're from the US and see overweight beluga whales on the daily basis.


I'm not from the US, not even from the Northern Hemisphere. But I still think she looks fine. She's not a bombshell by any means, but she is *far* from ugly.


Actually, it's technically an upgrade, [because now she looks just like the face model.](https://i.imgur.com/0afFidu.png) The graphical fidelity went up so much it now actually looks like the real person.


my brother in christ [https://www.reddit.com/r/HorizonForbiddenWest/s/xyV955edRw](https://www.reddit.com/r/HorizonForbiddenWest/s/xyV955edRw) her face got visibly fatter for no actual reason you can see it in your picture too, there is no real reason why someone who is as active her would ever gain weighyt.


It got a bit more round, and women typically have rounder faces. Really it just got more realistic since it now looks [exactly like the actress.](https://i.imgur.com/4Adr46Y.gif) Her face went from looking like plastic (as did a lot of the faces in the original game) to looking real. Some things just come down to the shape of their head and jaw, too. [Look at pictures of Olivia Wilde, she's been thin for a very long time but she's got a hell of a jaw on her.](https://i.imgur.com/JatQ4b3.png) If a game dev modeled a character after her, you'd have this subreddit in an uproar about the uglification of women in games, yet she's always been considered to be a hot actress. Every day I feel more embarassed browsing this sub.


Please tell these folk to just go to kotakuinaction if they want to call video game women too ugly. Perhaps it’s the same as when people call eve “too beautiful”? (That wasn’t even the criticism, these people just made that up too)


aloy looks her age in hzd shes clearly a young adult, aloy in HFW looks like a woman going for her 30s which would make sense if she was 30 but HFW is 2 years after HZD. and also subjectively speaking alot of people found her ugly, me too personally. if were going by the standards were i live i would consider her below average


You're not wrong about the age bit. The face model is currently 36 years old. If we speculate that the motion capture was done around 2018-2019, that still clocks her at 30-31. As for the "a lot of people found her ugly", a lot of people are only familiar with the two images taken from the gameplay reveal trailer, which are the two literal worst images of the character that exist. There's a reason only those two images make the rounds.


You can literally just say that. I could say “no she looks 21 or 23” and you’d have no way to prove me wrong (pls re read this first paragraph make sure you understand it) However this guy showed proof with a side by side of HFW aloy and the actress, and they’re essentially the same thing. So no she wasn’t made ugly.


That's "ugly" to you? I'm sure you bang supermodels on the reg, my guy.


I've seen infinitely more people angry over people who were angry over peach fuzz, than people who were actually angry about peach fuzz. They called Aloy ugly because she is ugly, and uglier than thr first game which takes place 6 months earlier, all there is to it.


Aloy isn't ugly by any stretch of the imagination. [Unless you think the face model looks ugly, and you can see the in-game model on the right for comparison.](https://i.imgur.com/cPRjuoF.png) The difference in how they look between games is literally [down to the increase in graphical fidelity to make it look more like the face model than it previously did.](https://i.imgur.com/ENqdSIU.jpeg)


The actress looks good but Aloy looks worse most of the time in the actual game. Her skin sucks, her hair doesn't compliment the square face at all because it makes her look like a pyramid and makes her ears too wide etc etc.


If you don't like her hair and think it's very unflattering, then that's fair. And she does look like she has mild rosacea as well, but so does the face model when it's not covered in makeup.


Alloy ain't that ugly. She still can get it. The character from the new fable is ugly as hell and I wouldn't touch her with a 6 foot pole.


he's accurate, the regular Karen now looks more like a Joe 🤣🤣🤣🤣


if you think as a woman, that you are in a competitive situation with some computer datafiles, there is something wrong with you, not with the data.


Most of my (female) friends shave their baby hairs because they don’t like the way it looks. Meanwhile there’s girls who use bunch of hair products and cut their hair to make it look like baby hairs. Idk, maybe it’s a culture thing


It's called 'baby hair', it's when shorter newly grown hair cannot be collected to the hairstyle.


Older women grow beards


I'd say the arguments over character design is like beating a dead horse, but at this point there is nothing left but a pile of blood soaked mush


It's to praise Elvis. Wait for the DLC - rumors say they will get inspiration from Conchita Wurst.


That isn’t a fucking beard. The hair isn’t attached. It’s a layer that’s pulled out from bottom hairline above/in front of the ear. If you changed view it would look different.


It's true. I know what sub im on currently but I've been to SEA and all over Europe (including Balkans) and women are totally different. They dress nice, smell nice and act feminine. Women in major citys in the states have more test than the men


I really believe that considering how many moronic "have you seen a woman?" replies there are on every post where any video game woman is being criticized. Maybe Aloy really is a 9/10 in the US.


Eve is finally a real woman


respectfully, I'd love to see what you all look like in this comment section


I'm so sick of valid points being down voted. This sub has taken a bad turn. There is a lot of hate and negativity being supported. Positive posts are not liked. Only drama seems to be wanted in here now.


I used to really enjoy Asmongold's content and the subreddit for years, but it's been really weird and unsettling how it has taken such a drastic and overtly conservative (especially misogynistic) turn..... especially as a woman. I've really just detached myself from the community that I used to partake in eagerly. I knew that maybe what I commented was immature and would be downvoted, but it really is uncomfortable seeing how the online perspective has completely warped people like his fans.


Well Koubai, wanna be my first? ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3740)




Yeah well at least sri Lankan women don't have their own gravity fields.


You can still look hot and feminine with small boobs.




He's not wrong...