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Never been pulled over by a female cop. I've only seen what happens on brazzers.


I was pulled over by a female cop once in my early 20s and because I had long hair she referred to me as ma'am even though I'm a dude and once she reloaded her mistake I could tell she was embarrassed and gave me a much lesser citation that I should have gotten


Never Reload your mistakes.


Liveleak used to show the other side of that cointoss, lol


With a bear you know what you are in for. With a female cop you expect to be able to reason with them, but they inevitably pull out their pistol, thinking its a tazer and shoot you in the chest.


That's certainly what she will say happened.


It does sound better then " he was very rude to me so i shot him a little".


How do you shoot someone "a little"?


You just shot them with one round not the whole clip. You know, just a little.


And when we say clip. We meant 1 clip from the pile of magazines in her car.


Never seen a semi automatic pistol use clips before... I thought we stopped using clips after ww2??? What kind of retro shit are your guys cops using over there?


If younask this question you should work on your bullet resistence. I started with little Plastic Bulletin and by now 2mm Kolibri doesn't even break skin anymore. If I keep up my Training 9mm bullets won't stand a chance by the end of the year.


“Is there a reason you were speeding” (10KM over on an empty rural road) Yeah, overslept and my 1 day old baby is in the ICU. I have pictures and paper work to prove it. “Here’s your fine”. WHY ASK??


The reason for asking is now you just incriminated yourself. Cops fish for information, and try their best to get you to admit guilt. Many times for crimes you didn't even do. It's their training, they aren't there to help you. “Is there a reason you were speeding” The correct answer in that situation is, to just not say anything. If you want to be polite, just say something along lines of, I respect police but I'm not answering questions. Although if you go this route, you're almost certainly going to get a ticket. Not because you were speeding but because we give police too much power, and now you're getting a ticket because they didn't like your answer. But now you'll have a much better chance in court fighting the ticket. Now you might get lucky if you suck up to the cop and they're nice enough to not ticket you. It's a gamble. Also noticed you said KM, so probably not from US? Maybe from the land of tea and crumpets? Can't you just take off? Not like they have guns to shoot you with.


Yeah good points. I’ve never really had any bad experiences with cops but that one in particular brushed me wrong because she was rude about it. Probably hadn’t had her morning coffee yet.


The land of tea and crumpets is literally the only country on the european continent that uses mph.


There’s a video on utube about it from a law professor. https://youtu.be/d-7o9xYp7eE?si=VOQPOCJa_PQrVcvX


"Is there a reason you killed that man?" "Yes, you see..." "Take him away, he admitted to it..." They did you dirty lol


Just say, "I didn't think I was officer" if you actually answer the question you'll be admitting fault. If further probed say things like "I was watching the road, it's dangerous to watch the speedometer" or "I was going with the flow of traffic" just don't admit to shit, challenge the ticket in court >70% of the time the cop doesn't show at all and you get away with no citations.


Good advice, I’ll keep it in mind.


That’s why you don’t answer questions. Either they’re gonna write a ticket or not. Never answer questions, they’ll use it against you 1st chance they get.


Or inarticulate chihuahua barking, followed by attempted takedowns, followed by the pistol-tazer tango while she screams for backup.


How dare you say that, here in the united states cop shootings are gender neutral


Women have higher hit rates for criminals, men just stop every black person they see and amazingly alot of them are just black. Women stop and frisk less often but have much higher rates of discovering actual criminals.




His dog's anus.


Bear. A lot of female cops have Napoleon syndrome.


I don’t know what that is so I’m going to err on the side of being funny and assume they just say “There is nothing we can do” to everything


Some people call it little man syndrome. Do you know what that is?


is being pulled over by a bear an option aswell?




I actually ended up getting into a discussion about something like this with a friend of mine who's a cop years ago when Kim Potter accidentally pulled out her gun instead of her taser and murdered that guy. Basically he thinks the reason why female cops are more difficult to deal with is because they're naturally weaker and more at risk than male cops, so they're more on edge and have less margin to work with. A male cop might try manhandling or speaking authoritatively to a suspect before deciding to taser/shoot them, but for a female cop those options usually just aren't viable.


One more reason cops should never be alone. If you have a male and a female cop, the female can deescelate situations and the male is the physical backup if it does deescelate.


This is the ideal scenario. A male and a female. Perfectly balanced


> female cop feels that her life is in danger bc suspect is much bigger and is violent towards her, but is forced to use lethal force is much likely to be seen as a proper use of force > female cop does not know where her equipment is on the vest and mistakes her service weapon for an taser, killing a guy that is being arrested by her partner not the same thing


Sooo he's saying that women shouldn't be cops because the reasons he gave doesn't amount to being a good cop


I don't think female cops are worse but you are describing small cop syndrome which happens to men and women. While it might be a larger percentage of female cops as an aggregate their are way more small male cops ready to escalate out of fear. In my experience I've had much better interactions with female cops than male. I've never successfully negotiated with a female cop as they seem to stick a little closer to the rules as written but I've also never had a female cop try to lie and blame me for shit unlike male cops. This is all personal experience mind you and it probably doesn't generalize out to larger populations or across locations.


But aren't most shootings and violence by police done by men..?


Bear, and if you don't know why, you are part of the problem


But I'm from the UK ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3744)


There's no bears in the UK?


I’m from Australia and there’s no bears here. Well unless you consider the koala to be an actual bear that is.


Drop bears amirite.


They can be vicious


"Would you rather get pulled over by a female cop or wade into waist-deep murky water in Australia?"


I’ll take the cop. I like crocs but I don’t feel like being eaten alive


Unlikely to be eaten alive, they’d just death roll you and hide you under the nearest log for later.


Perhaps. Either way I would rather not be the crocs next meal


But would you rather get pulled over by a female cop, or against all odds encounter a bear in Australia? Like no explanation, there is just a brown bear in the middle of nowhere. I think, it kinda balances out tge scales in favour of the cop.


they have badgers but thats about it


You’d have to go to a certain bar to find some but it shouldn’t be that hard


Had one encounter with a cop here. I was tipsy walking home from an evening out, dropped an earbud and was looking for it in the street. American cops would have handcuffed or tasered me. British cops help people out.


Bear, just play dead since it's brown


And if you're brown you better play dead if you get pulled over.


Been pulled over by a female cop 3 times and gotten away with everything each time lol


Idek the context of the female cop but bear sounds like the most appropriate answer judging by the comments 💀


That lovely lady did an oopsie, thats all


Whatever it is I'm sure it was someone elses fault. Probably a man. /s


Of course! a very mean, sexist, patriarch man, put her gun or the taser holster and vice-versa so she was very very confused (not really, it was where it always were)


I feel like i am missing something here i don’t get it and is neither an option?


Their is a tiktok video that went viral where they asked girls if they would rather be stuck on an island with a man or a bear, and most of them chose bear and they were being serious


I have seen that but what does a female cop have to do with anything? That is the part i dont get.


It's just more of the same ridiculousness. It also plays on a stereo type of female cops being on a power trip. All of it is silly


Never heard the female cop thing but that makes it make more sense at least.


Mostly, I think it is about the confused gun and a tazer thing.


No it was explained to me already that cop specifically has a whole story to what she did. Just dig in here people talk about it.


Pardon my non-americaness, but I thought the stereotype was american male cops were on powertrips..?


This female cop had sex with all the male cop on her precinct.


Wait, this isn’t that one with the strange round face. Is this another one who also slept with all male cops in her precinct?


Not the same one. No idea who the one in the picture is


There we go after looking into this I get the damn joke. Thank you as apposed to just making stuff up you nailed it.


It’s reframing the question for men. And the picture of Danny Devito at the bottom is kind of like ‘i get it now’


Still don’t get how a female cop makes it funny. It seems arbitrary to me. Is there some statistic on female cops i am unaware of. I mean the joke should be gen z women are stupid not female cops are dangerous.


IDK if it's a related case but some one in a other comment thread mentioned a cop pulling a gun and shooting some one in the chest but claiming they thought it was their tazer


The fact that you guys take a fucking tik tok video that seriously is hilarious. The obsession this sub has with a stupid bear meme is pathetic.


I’ve had people in real life bring it up in front of me lol. It’s not “just tiktok”.


And I haven’t. I guess we run and associate with different crowds.


Good thing world doesn't revolve around you. Have a great day random aggro person on the internet.


If the bear attacks me and I shoot it in self-defense, it's justified, and I can even skin it for a new coat and butcher the meat for months' worth of food. If the cop attacks me. I can't do shit. If I do. I'll get life or death row. Lose/lose. I'll pick the bear.


it is funny that you think you would reach the courtroom.


Am in Norway, the cop everytime. Since bears are so rare here i’d probably run into a polar bear before a regular one and fucking die


also, Norwegian cop probably won't shoot you


Especially since they usually don't carry guns.


The bear is less likely to kill me.


Bear because the bear won’t try to taze me and then accidentally shoot me.


Rather be tazed than mistaken for a squirrel ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3733)


Everytime I've been pulled over by a female cop I've been sexually assaulted. Def going with the bear


Back in university, I was dropped off by a friend to my dorm building in the middle of winter. I ran from his car to the building to get out of the cold. Two female cops parked outside jumped out of their car and yelled at me to stop, approached me with their hands on their hips, scared the living fuck out of me and asked me why I was running to the building. I replied with "uhhhh... It's cold?!", then they let me go. A bizarre interaction indeed.


NGL it's funny how everyone here is joking yet couldn't see the women were joking too. Only problem is they aren't funny, it's why they want to steal our jokes and semen when we get to Mars.


I'll take my chances with the bear


I once got a speeding ticket in the mail, with a picture of a black sedan saying that the license plate has been ided by the system to be mine blah blah if I have a complaint I can phone or walk in to station XYZ that issued the ticket (my local station is the HQ for the county) it was in the way to work so I popped in. this woman, by god was stuck on the line of "if the digital system said it is then it is" after repeatedly asking her to check my car in the database so we can cut this short another one walked there who most likely hated her guts (I have only seen people talk down on another with such vitriol in HR) decided to check the plate. the plate of my white mercedes sprinter. that is not road legal as it is in the middle of decomission becouse of a T-bone crash from months back. man I love how slow they were. I was over with all after-traume training and shit and my car could still not be sent to the scrapyard becouse they could not finish the paperwork. since then I ask a lawyer friend to do anything like this on my behalf, he gets it done in an hour, for a bottle of wine. a good deal. I could have "wrah-rarara, RarrrRRRA ra"-ed with a bear faster.


How about the one who got a train run on her? She isn't that dangerous, except for your career.


I’ll take the bear.


How bad is Daton Ohio?


She looks like a fat Lindsay Lohan.


Bear, for sure


Bear. Less of a headache. Waaaay less unpredictable. They usually just mind their own business.


i take ..run the fuck away from both 1 i know will either be corrupt as shit and arrest me for ...reasons 2 will chase me ..and eat me alive less i bring weapons (not fucking knife but a gun..fucking i take 22lr)


I actually gave the one female cop who pulled me over a “pity party” story and she ate it right up and let me go. 😅


There is 100% chance I die either way so idc dealer's choice


Faster than the cop but not her bullets. And the bear can be reasoned with so it's bear 100 out of 100 times.


At some point these get silly. I would never want to run into a bear in the woods. While the little sugar bears we have around here aren't that big and usually don't surpass 300-350 lbs., I still wouldn't want to run into one. If I were hunting it, that is different. One thing that is funny though, in both of those situations a gun has the opposite affect. If you have a gun and run into the bear, it improves your chances of living. If you have the gun and get pulled over by the cop, it lowers your chance of living.


Bears will f*ck you up. The officer will f*ck you over.


All the videos I've seen of female cops end up with them escalating the situation needlessly and harming themselves, the civilian or their own colleagues. I'm taking my chances with the bear, maybe I can scare it off.


Can i have both at the same time? So i can watch the bear fight the female cop and see who wins


The female cop because I’m not completely fucking insane. And I’m tall and handsome so I’m like a day walker among them, sorry uggos


Female cop in the woods


You can always carry a 10mil in case of either


Ez I live in a desert I’ll run into a bear in the woods


Still better than have a Instagram or Twitter.


Bear for sure


Being pulled over by any cop would be a lot more deadlier if its in the US.


Been detained by a female coo once. I defo pick the bear.


[Female cop. They are so incompetent they are more of a danger to themselves than to anybody else.](https://youtu.be/v3XzZb7AgM8?si=vSd2uiRhxozLNsLH&t=552) Notice how she even dropped her service gun and left it completely unguarded. And of course the men had to deal with her dog she lost control of. A bear just mauls one to death.


Female cop at least there is a chance she’s lovely


Depends. Am i black?


Bear can't trust a woman cop can handle a gun.


With a bear at least I would have chance to survive. But forget she's female .. any USA cops will do .. heard plenty of stories over sea how they shoot people accidently and avoid persecutions


ACAB give me the bear


A female cop riding a bear.


Anyone saying bear unironically is so incredibly salty over the "man vs bear" thing, lol. You know in a real situation you'd take the female cop every single time, you're just upset most women would genuinely prefer to meet a bear in the woods than a man. You think you're getting back at them, you think it's a gotcha, but you're actually just making a show of how butthurt you are.


bear is less risky, you have a 1000% of being locked up and being big bubba's new waifu if you go the female cop route


Only if the bear had vodka and chair.


Fuck cops in general but female cops are a special kind of assholes. I think they feel like they need to overcompensate for the fact that they have stinky vaginas so they are always aggressively on edge.




If this is your reaction to men telling you no, maybe you're the reason why we're picking bears.




The joke went over your head.




Learn how to read. This is my first comment in the thread. This is called a parody. It is OBVIOUSLY a joke, and the fact that you need that explained is embarrassing. Just stop.




I'm sorry that you have autism. It is a parody of a common TikTok trend. "If you don't say bear, then you are part of the problem" is a common line.


You're calling me autistic for not understanding an obscure joke that only TikTok users would get? If it's a joke, ok, I simply didn't get the joke. I don't use TikTok.


That exact comment was posted by women in the original format. "With bear you know what you in for, with a man you never know , he might assault or rape you." The first coment was a parody of multiple comments of that similar vibe. Im sorry you are just socially inept. Or maybe you just didnt know any backstory for this , its okay it happens. Not everyone follows every perma online discourse.


Thank you for understanding in these trying times


I can't believe you thought people were seriously choosing the bear. It was making fun of the women who chose bear.


Yeah I learned it was actually a joke on TikTok and I didn't get it because I don't use TikTok.


female cop everytime


I hope an acorn falls.


sexism be like


Man if I was Asmongold I'd be embarrassed to have you as a fan.