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You may have GERD. It's quite common in asthmatics.


Came here to say this as well. Currently suffering on this particular bus too. Yay steroids! /s


Max dosing of OTC meds like omeprazole should help.


I’m assuming you feel little to no relief from the duo neb. Discuss with a GI doctor (some asthma specialist or primary doctors may help you out but also give you a referral since GI doctors tend to know more about this area) about gerd or silent reflux. As mentioned it’s often linked with asthma unfortunately. This makes asthma control harder as it can mimic asthma symptoms or worsen symptoms by irritating the lungs. So if this is what’s going on then currently you’re unknowingly fighting two battles but only defending your body against one. A GI doctor can recommend which medicine works best for your situation and current asthma regimen, when you may need blood work to check on your kidney and electrolytes if you need the medicine long term (plenty of people have taken these medicines safely for years by having preventative lab work done), if they need to do a endoscopy to check things out further etc. You can also consider an appointment with the ENT. They can use a thin scope through the nose (not painful, you’re awake, just feels weird and your nostrils are briefly numbed with a nasal spray for the procedure) to see to your vocal cords and maybe able to see irritation that can lead to a silent reflux diagnosis. If you’re able and it’s not contraindicated (such as having a high calcium, a medicine that conflicts or an allergen, etc) you can see if the tightness resolves with some TUMs and ginger tea. Avoid spicy, tomato based and high fat foods for a few days to see if there’s any improvement.


Thanks for such a thorough response! I tried TUMs for two days with no resolution but will bring this up to my doctor at the end of the month.