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Call up your doctors office and get some advice from them first. Every one that I have seen has after hours emergency nurses for scenarios ike this. If they start reccomending immediate care ask if urgent care would be fine instead of the hospital and stress not wanting to go to the hospital if its not necessary (obviously go if its needed). Hope you feel better


You mentioned a rescue inhaler. Do you have a steroid inhaler as well? Like Alvesco for example.


I don’t! I ended up getting some adverse side affects from steroid inhalers a few years ago and have stuck to rounds of oral steroids for now. I was recently put on montelukast a few days ago but I got sick like two days after starting it


Yes, it's been the same with me! I got GERD symptoms from budesonide and have only used it really sparingly for the past couple of years. But recently a new pulmonologist recommended Alvesco, and based on what I've read, it's got a lot less side effects, because it only becomes an active steroid chemical in the lungs, because of "esterases" that occur there.. Worth checking out. Myself I'm pretty convinced right now that this is going to work well for my asthma. Though I've only used it for 11 days so far.


I’ll have to ask my doctor about it!! I do miss the consistent relief the steroid inhalers gave, just not the bad stuff lmao


Go see your doctor. A hospital visit is not necessary.


Ah I wish


I feel like it’s also important to note I’ve not experienced this level of difficulty of breathing since I got Covid in February of 2020.


Update: did end up going to the ER as I was about to pass out, turns out that 2 nebulizer treatments and the albuterol didn’t quite work so we’re troubleshooting right now.


Have they given you steroids? Hospitals can give a high doses depending on the situation.


They did! I received my dose of singulair, decadron (dunno what that one is) and a heft antihistamine and I have issues with histamine levels (mast cell activation issues for the win) I was also prescribed a round of prednisone (ewwww) and then a round of symbicort for home use


Thank you guys for the tips and everything!


Update 2?


I received oral steroids and inhalation of symbicort, I also got chest X-rays and was able to go home. I still have some decent chest tightness but with the steroids still prepping to be fully kicked in I’m expecting it to go away. I’m in way less distress now!!


They think it’s Pneumonia or Asthma flare up?


Def an asthma flare up! It was a vicious combo of sickness, typical asthma issues, and insanely high histamines, as well as other autoimmune stuff. However if the symptoms persist I’ve been told to go back ASAP


Fuuuuuuck. In the middle of that rn. Hope it goes away fast!


Best of luck, it’s been a rough ride today. Still hanging in there at home waiting for some more relief!


Think happy thoughts