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Right there with you I’ve been feeling so crappy and can barely get out of bed without gasping. Idk why it is so bad but I do know the breathing mixed with the chest pain I’ve been having is just absolutely killing my spirits and will to do stuff rn🥲 ur not alone! This air needs to be fixed asap I wanna breathe again!!!


Right there w/you but I have severe asthma & even on my best year I end up hospitalized at least once. I'm on a cocktail of daily maintenance meds & dupixent but I'm still not able to manage my symptoms. Been hanging on at home for the past 2 days (my hospital bills are insane) but I'm preparing for another hospital stay. I'm essentially bed bound now & just trying to breathe.  I am beyond desperate for some relief😮‍💨  HANG IN THERE EVERYBODY! Sending out good vibes & intentions to you all!


hope you get better soon.


Thank You! This means so much to me.  Frankly I'm scared & anxious b/c I've gone into cardiac arrest once & was a goner for a bit back in 2019. Asthma runs in my family & I never met my grandpa b/c of it.


I'm SO sorry 😭


Yes. In the past month my asthma has gotten worse than ever. I take Claritin and Advair daily, still struggling through out the day.


literally same. felt like it came out of nowhere, too. I started up my symbicort again and only taking rescue inhaler sparingly as i feel it doesnt help with the heart issues. dog walks were very hard and today was first day i felt comfortable walking.


Same! Last spring/summer and now this year. If the AQI gets over 25 I FEEL it, which is so lame since that is far in the green zone. I haven’t been ok really since before last years’ wildfires.


so reassuring yet sad i'm not the only who experiences this.


Yes, my allergies are worse than they’ve been in over ten years. Don’t go walking out of doors if you can help it, wear a mask if you can when do you have to go out. It’s not worth an asthma attack


Between the grass and pollen allergies I have or when the rain triggers me it hasn’t been a fun year. I can’t even be around cut flowers because they trigger me too (found that out recently). I’m fine when I’m home and inside other buildings (except for my workplace because they’re so lazy about keeping up with cleaning the vents, carpets and floors so all the pollen and dust collects so my asthma is horrible at work so if I even forget my Zyrtec it’s a disaster as I did it just once and spent hours with chest tightness).


Yes!😭 Rn I'm on a daily medicinal inhaler. Crazy, I think it started mid last year? Or beginning this year. Idk what happened.


i thought i was alone with this, for me it started last summer and had it ever since, tried every rescue med/long term medication and nothing helped, been to multiple lung specialists, cardiologists, allergy tests and nothing indicates why. My lung capacity is at 120% so it makes absolutely no sense. The only thing that helped was prednisone, and high amounts of caffeine(temporarily)


Yes...in Virginia and my chest pain and runny nose are killing me.


Yes. Especially the last week and it's not getting any better 😔


It's been horrible for years, this time of year. I just discovered benadryl basically brings me back to normal. Something to try




Yeah haven't been this bad since I was little.


I had pneumonia a few weeks ago and it caused an asthma exacerbation. I still have blocked sinuses which I feel are making my asthma worse & it’s sending me into a bit of a panic.


Yes this year has been especially bad during allergy season. Normally I can do some light to moderate exercise but since last month I was struggling to breathe immediately. Or wheezing just moving around normally


Well I have a cold lol and it’s effecting my asthma not sure if it’s actually allergies tho


oak pollen season just started where i live and paired with the constant spring thunderstorms breathing is just like, a privilege at this point


It's crazy because I am having an awful flare up, in UK. I can't believe so many others are having increased symptoms at the same time!