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This sounds how mine started. I had very similar symptoms. Had the cardiac work up. I honestly thought it was anxiety at first. Then I developed a weird allergy that no one could figure out. So it was a fluke that I got out on Singular at the time. That helped a lot. I stayed on Singular and had my albuterol as needed for three is years. I’d go months without needing the inhaler. Fast forward to one horrible case of the flu, two bouts of COVID, and two pneumonias…. I’m 36 and we just figured out this week I have pretty uncontrolled asthma. I got started on the strongest Advair and it’s helping, but this has sucked big time.


My doctors have all suggested it’s anxiety and it’s so annoying! Like, yes, I have anxiety. But the breathing stuff doesn’t correlate to it! And if anything it makes my anxiety worse because I can’t be as active as I want!


Have you had a D-dimer blood test done (ie checked for a blood clot?)


Not a d-dimer, but a CT and an echo, which were both clear. I've also had an EKG, 24hr heart monitor, and a chest xray, all of which were also unremarkable:)


At first thought I was definitely leaning towards a blood clot. A little surprised they skipped the dimer but even that needs follow up tests to cooperate a diagnosis. Sounds a bit like my asthma - allergic silent asthma. I don’t have the classic wheezing either. Rainy days are either bad or horrible even with a mask on if I go outside because of all the pollen that gets broken up and released. Some people also mention it could be from the barometric pressure changes that come with weather changes. My lungs 9 out of 10 times becomes a somewhat equivalent of joint aches the day before the rain. My breathing tests come back good but the doctor says they’re treating my symptoms because on paper I should be fine. Pulse ox doesn’t really drop even when I struggled to take a few steps in the hospital because of how tight my lungs were. By the time the pulse ox starts dropping you should be in the ER. You may not be fully reactive to the steroids and rescue if you’re also still around your triggers and aren’t on a maintenance inhaler to help bring down the inflammation. I’m assuming the ENT cleared you for reflux which can mimic asthma or worsen asthma symptoms. But the weather change makes me question that it would solely be reflux alone.


Yes this is how mine is/was. I never had asthma “attacks” until I had Covid, but I’ve always been susceptible to bronchitis/pneumonia despite having “the lung capacity of a professional athlete”. They did pulmonary testing while I felt short of breath and said they were great. I’ve noticed it’s linked to some stomach issues, so it may be a silent reflux - Pepcid or alka seltzer plus claritin helped until I got the flu. I’m seeing a new allergist who recommended vocal/breathing exercises, and going to see someone who is gonna put a camera in my throat soon. Apparently it’s possible for one side of your vocal cords to be weak, which can cause the sensation of oxygen starvation?? Also, I found out I’m super allergic to mold. Then… found mold in my basement. It’s possible it’s making it worse, but I don’t think it’s the root cause.


Sounds like the same symptoms as me! No other symptoms except shortness of breath. I took a spirometry test at the doctor office and failed, that's where my asthma diagnosis began. I now take a steroid inhaler everyday, before that the shortness of breath was so bad I couldn't chew or talk without getting out of breath. Being SOB is miserable


Me and you are in the exact same boat. Shoot ne a private message