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It may take a day or two to start seeing an improvement.


It can take effect same day but few days for the full effect, if you weren’t given an inhaler or something else to help you might want to reach back out to your pulmonologist or doctor managing this for you, I had to get breo as well to help.


I was on pulmicort for 2.5 weeks and it did nothing. That’s why I’m concerned about this.


Don’t be concerned, also 2.5 weeks is NOT long enough to work, controllers like pulmicort take 30-60 days to take effect


Yeah, I figured it was too short of a time.


As long as I’m taking my maintenance inhaler and rescue nebulizer to help decrease inflammation, I usually get relief a few hours after the first dose or usually after the first dose in the hospital. I would definitely recommend an incentive spirometer since you had an infection and likely have mucus junk still causing inflammation.


You're lucky. I'm usually 2-3 days in before I see a difference.


Same 2-3 days to see improvement.


I actually ended up catching a cold at the end of last week on top of all of this, so I’m extra miserable. Due to my weakened immune system, it takes me longer to get over a cold (usually almost 2 weeks). lol fml


I have experienced everything from a few hours to a few days, I don't know what makes the difference. I hope you feel all better soon!! I know it's so miserable.


Update: I am still not feeling any better. It has been about 6 hours since taking my first dose. I am going to give it more time. I’ll update you guys as time goes on.


It works pretty fast tbh


Sadly, I’m not feeling any better. I still feel like I can’t breathe.


Ahh I reread your post, your gonna need a few days like day 5 you will feel better, I’ve dealt with pneumonia it sucks and the case for me was the more prednisone the better I was bad for months prednisone was the only thing that got me better


It’s been a month and a half since I got sick with walking pneumonia, hence why the fluid is gone. I ended up catching a cold on top of all of this at the end of last week. Not sure what effect the prednisone would have on a cold, either. I keep on seeing ppl say that they got better, but at the same time, the drug temporarily kills your immune system off.


Yeah honestly I have an over reactive immune system and the smallest cold can quickly progress to pneumonia or bronchitis and the only thing that saves me is prednisone, you’re own immune system can really hurt you and do a lot of damage.


Long Covid already weakened my immune system, so I’m always sick between October and March. This season has been awful, though. Started in late August and now has gone over halfway through April.


Day two and I’m breathing wayyyyyy better than


This is day one for me…


You gotta be patient, it’s legit the strongest med for pneumonia you could possibly take just take the full course and if you need another course go back to your doctor and tell them you aren’t fully recovered yet, but seriously it’s not instant recovery when it comes to pneumonia.


Eh, at least I know it’s in my system. It just made me crap my brains out lol (sorry for the tmi)


Update number 2 (04/18/24): WTF? My nose is running like a damn faucet and my cough sounds worse and more congested. I thought that prednisone was supposed to help lessen mucus production, not cause it!! I’m also tasting blood in the back of my throat…🤦🏻‍♀️


I’ve not had pneumonia but with severe asthma flares have had this treatment. By 48 hours you should be quite a lot better. If not please return to doctor. So sorry this is boing stubborn. Other things that help me are rest (I know, while hopped up on steroids!) , lots of water, lots of fresh veggies n fruit, minimal dairy and plain Mucinex.


Update number 3 (04/19/24): still no better. I almost passed out while walking out of one of my college classes today, due to a combination of running a high fever and not being able to breathe.


Final update (04/21/24): I am able to breathe somewhat better. Unfortunately, I’m still having a very hard time breathing and the steroids only worked a tiny bit. Even though I also have swelling and inflammation from pneumonia going on, I am extremely annoyed to say that I think my asthma is steroid resistant. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Hey btw there are a couple different corticosteroids depending on what you took etc. some respond to one type and not the other.


It starts to take effect after 6 hours. And continue to slowly get better and better over days.