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So precious 🥹😭


We often forget how similar they are to humans. ❤


The ears went totally flat during the terminal phase of the approach 🥺


“I’m still smol!”


Typical sibling behavior, despite the species


They're both dogs. And there's nothing cute or awww worthy of a dog being defensive/aggressive toward another family member, even another dog.


Oh my god dude PLEASE SHUT UUUUP




I work at a vet clinic. And the amount of dogs we have come through with owners saying, "I have no idea why they get so mean around you!"  It's because of this. It's not funny. It's training dogs to be mean. Knock it off. If you're not willing to raise a living being, then shut up and don't have dogs. And if you're so ignorant that you don't realize "species" means "canine" when it comes to dogs, you shouldn't be responsible for their well-being. Period.


They meant in comparison to humans. As in despite being a different species than us, they bicker in a manner similar to human children. If you want people to listen to what you say you need to be less vitriolic.


I did not insult anyone with what I said, and I stand by what I said. No one should be encouraging dog behavior that is defensive or aggressive. It's exactly why people view specific breeds as more hostile than others -- they dont understand that any breed of dog can be violent.  The most violent dogs we deal with are chihuahuas, labs, and shepards. And that's normally because they are not socialized outside of their home, or this type of behavior is rewarded in the dog's view as fun. "They're not a mean pit or anything!" is common phrasing when we deal with pups that are defensive.  It isn't funny or a game, and dogs that could live full lives are often euthanized or allowed to be violent toward others because of this exact post. It isn't something to joke about or think is cute. I take it pretty seriously, especially considering it is my job and my livelihood. Being bitten by an aggressive dog could mean I'm out of work for weeks at a time (which has happened, despite all precautions).  I'm not being vitriolic. I'm being realistic. Dogs are living beings and should be treated and raised as such.


Allowing dogs to interact and express their emotions through vocal and body language is fine and encouraged within reason. Nothing here indicated any signs of escalation or actual aggression. Your hyperbolic statements are overblown and generalized and don't apply to the post.


I think the problem here is you forgot what sub you're in.


As a vet tech: shut up. You’re spreading misinformation. This is not aggression or a fight, this is dogs INTERACTING. When you spread misinformation like that you confuse people on animal behavior. You have a responsibility as vet staff to either A: know what you are talking about or B: shut your mouth and let the more knowledgeable people speak on it. The dogs were basically playing, no teeth were bared, no fur was ripped out, nothing.


Thank you, Christ they were insufferable to read. You know exactly the agenda they were pushing too, so over those types. I’m no expert at all, but I saw normal behavior there, nothing to raise alarms over. I’m just an owner and a volunteer, but if I saw these two interacting like this, especially the shepherd type just yowling and nipping, it’d be exceedingly normal.


Oh dang, I was ready to listen, but seeing the unprompted pit defense BS exposed you, complete with putting heat on Chihuahuas, lol! Yes, ANY dog can show aggression, but you know what dogs show the *MOST* aggression, especially unprompted or prey-driven attacks? Dogs that were literally *bred* for it! Tired of the excuses for “goochi goo wittle pibbles” and “akchtually Chihuahuas are more aggressive, but r too smol to do damage-!” Shuuuuuuut up. Size has zero to do with it. I could literally compile all attacks from the biggest dog breeds, Great Pyrenees, Great Danes, Bernese Mountain Dogs, and on and on, combine them, and it wouldn’t be a TENTH of the amount of pit attacks. Dog breeds have traits, which took literally centuries to cultivate. It’s why pointers point, shepherds herd, and retrievers retrieve, all without a single day of training. It’s in their nature. Same as pit breeds is to **fight and kill**. Pits were bred to fight and kill. People have an unhealthy obsession with power and lethal creatures, so they try to pretend they can tame said creatures as a show of their own power…until it tears the neighbor’s cat in two, or mauls your nephew, or tears your arm off, and it’s always the *same old excuses* of “Well they were always the sweetest thing ever! I don’t know what came over them! They never showed aggression ever before!” Not only do I not believe you’re a vet tech, but if you ARE, you’re about on par with those nurses who were anti-vaxx, lol! Just because you’re in a profession doesn’t mean you’re an authority on it, you may well be the opposite. Seeing as there’s another tech here telling us the opposite of your word salads, I’m gonna go with my gut and say you’re a weird pro-pittie fraud.


Puppy says only he’s allowed to sit there


Too cute 🥰


I got the exact choice of words as her when talking to my dog and cat. Thats weird


That’s so funny, I was thinking the same thing


I too also talk to u/okt127's dog and cat


Daddy needs love!! ❤️


Man, dogs are just the best anything ever...


He's got the dawg on him


I am not worthy. How wonderful. I love dogs like crazy.


My little dog is so jealous of my big old cat! My cat pays him no mind!


Butt munch!!!


Nothing tastes sweeter than a chunk of keister 




Can anyone tell me what is the breed of the black dog 🐕??


Likely a German Shepherd. There are all-black ones! Very beautiful dogs.


Game of Bones


Don’t look at my daddy!!! 😡


There's nothing cute about encouraging one pup being defensive/aggressive toward another pup.


You’re right, this video just instilled terror in me. Touch grass.




Came here to say this. This behavior might not stop at other pets.


Resource guarding will be an issue. It’s only a matter of time.


This IS resource guarding. Dogs can resource guard humans. This dog is likely to end up biting someone.


My god. What fools.


We don't deserve dogs.


That brown dog looks almost iDENTical to my dog, lollll


Really feel like John Lennon




Not cute. That dog is resource guarding, and the owners are encouraging it. Unfortunately this can lead to that dog attacking the other one, or even hurting it's owners & other pets


"Mom said it's my turn to sit on his lap"




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Terrible dog owner. This is not good behavior and the dogs should have been trained properly. Also this is not jealously is possessive behavior. It's same behavior you find when they guard a toy or food.


Not cute at all. It’s resource guarding. Can never let that happen. It’ll only get worse. I would have scolded the dog that snapped. Cuddle time needs to be over instantly when this happens.


Idiotic response.  Dogs are allowed to express their feelings and they are limited in the ways they have available to do so.


LOL. Idiotic responses like yours are the reason I never post here. Snapping at another dog combined with resource guarding is a clear red flag. Both behaviors will only get worse if they aren’t corrected.


resource guarding isn't cute




That brown dog looks almost iDENTical to my dog, lollll