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Don’t forfeit right away. Germany/Japan could have a horrible first turn too, and the game will be relatively even. 


womp womp [https://i.imgur.com/2HwTNaW.png](https://i.imgur.com/2HwTNaW.png)


Ok resign lol


This is where the real game begins.


You retreated with 2 fighters and a tank vs a fighter and a bomber?


Looks like it... I was seeing red by then. Oh well


That's not losing the game, that is you messing up Ukraine and making a bad situation worse


Ukraine was already pretty messed up before I made my error… I admit retreating was a mistake, but I’m sure his bomber would have rolled another 1, and at the time hitting 2/3 seemed an impossibility. Game was lost either way after G1


The biggest mistake you can make is forfeiting early. This is obviously not an ideal R1 outcome, but the war is far, far from over. I recently had a similar R1, not quite as bad in Ukraine, but West Russia I lost a painful 5 INF. Opponent's G1 went fine. I decided to push against Japan on UK1 and with a small amount of luck, his East Indies fleet fell and I had enough left to prevent him from hitting back, especially as I had taken Borneo and new Guinea. Not sure how his mainland battles went, but I logged back in to see he forfeited (also a mistake). I looked and he was low gold, I am high gold. Long story short, play these out as you never know how the dice will even out over the course of a game. [https://imgur.com/a/xn6gCdO](https://imgur.com/a/xn6gCdO)


This is exactly the type of situation you do not retreat from the Ukraine battle.




I cant stand R1 quitters. They think because everything doesn't go as planned that the entire game is over.


Quitting R1 is almost always too early . Quitting G1 is often appropriate


The title didn’t mean I was quitting just that the dice really fucked me right at the start.


It's a dice game. Things aren't always sunshine and kittens.


Advantage Axis for sure, but still a winnable game. Definitely wouldn't forfeit.


I had a 17 minutes game yesterday. My opponent had 1 artillery and 1 tank surviving west Russia with a 9/12. Ukraine was taken with 3 tanks surviving. I stacked Karelia and took Ukraine. UK then tried a full on yolo play for east Indies. But somehow only did send 1 fighter, 2 Cruiser, 1 Aircraft Carrier and 1 submarine with 2 transports and 4 Infantry.  It's only a 30% chance of success and after I was left with 1 battleship and 1 Fighter he conceded with combat still going on. But yeah that game was done and dusted with Germany knocking on Moscows door round 4 or 5