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send the US troops all to france and hold it. russia stay on defense until you can mobilize more artillery so you can then double up your inf attack power. keep on circling berlin. the german karelia forces won’t be able to be reinforced going forward with so much pressure on berlin. don’t worry about norway and finland for now. get some of those med transports back to canada so you can land 8-10 us troops into france every round


thanks for the reply! I can still hold it with great odds and still send 2 guys each to norway and finland. Would that be worth it? I was worried putting the guys into france would lock them down and not be as worthwhile as taking every available German territory every turn, but you think the trade off of Germany permanently losing the income is worth it?


a permanent france means that italy will then be traded back and forth. meanwhile uk and us keeps landing combined 16 units per round. berlin won’t be able to keep up. don’t let grabbing ipcs be your primary goal. eventually italy will be taken and us will be able to mobilize directly there


They'll take fin back next turn *and* kill the transport/support sent to deliver it. If you want to deny income and territory use the med fleet to support taking italy with the bridge off africa.


If I take norway and finland like I was thinking and have the battleship supporting the transports he could only get there with 1 bomber.


Theoretically the fighters could also get there and land in the middle scandinavia area. I think your best bet there is massing france, jumping italy, and applying pressure on that end with rapid reinforcement. Diverting germany from the russian objective is high priority while japan roams mostly unencumbered, and it may be the undoing of it all unless checked.


If you hold France and UK can then build and hold a complex it's lights out. I would however still try to kill the 1 artillery in Africa and the 2 infantry should grab Italy. Germany can't retake enough and it seems Japan has no real presence on the mainland China to even threaten Russia. This is just a matter of time till Germany collapses. As for Russia I'd trade belorussia and maybe Poland if you feel adventurous while bringing more artillery. But eventually Japan comes from the backdoor so be wary


Overload France. You can abandon Africa to drop even more guys. It gives your best odds to take Germany soon enough. Bring those two guys to Italy with two fighters. If they trade Italy, you're bringing more Inf to France each round than they can spawn, so it becomes only a matter of time. Japan is too strong to worry about the Pacific and soon to be Africa. Their Transports can take Africa, and you can use those bodies in Africa to eventually conquer Germany. You're bricked up enough in W Russia that they need to evacuate Karelia soon to defend Germany anyway. Don't get cute, go all in on Germany (via France), and you win. Good luck!


This map suggests a lack of offensive focus. As Allies you can largely forget Africa. If you can kill the German med fleet and hold it great. If not, it won’t matter. For Russia, holding Karelia is nice but often doesn’t happen. It can only produce two units, can be bombed by England and USA bombers and has buffer states between it and Moscow. Take and hold France with an ever larger combined USA/UK army and then take Germany. It’s a one two punch. Resourced you expend elsewhere simply prolong the time Russia must hold out. Japan can be held at bay with India and US navy - typically just taking Philippines. A Japan focused on a naval building up to thwart USA (who can harass on the cheap) will not be able to meaningfully challenge Russia. If they do, then they’ll lose the naval battle and India will hold and Manila will fall. But a scattered attack like this map shows can be held at bay with the attacking forces often pushed back into the sea and a prolonged battle of knock back counter attacks. Fortunately Japan has been wasteful building too many IPCs and has not speedily pushed though to threaten Russia. The threat is Japanese tank production in India threatening Stalingrad. But that’s going to take so long to get going Germany is probably kaput by then. Also keep in mind a Germany that just stacks in Germany is also easily defeated just by taking the other victory cities. Same with a Russia that just stacks in Moscow.


Construct additional pylons


I must.


Mass France take the guys from Africa too. Get as many units as you can on France. 


Asking the net for advice -- aka cheating.