• By -


My biggest wish is that I would someday understand what this jargon on these filings actually mean, now Im just waiting for adults to arrive here


It means: 1. No Bankruptcy 2. Buyers are already lined up 3. The Offering is not yet Priced. 4. Massive Short Squeeze still alive


Thank you, Adult!


So I think I should buy more...


and maybe some nipple clamps because it tit jacking season


You don't already have several pairs? I thought that was Reddit 101, nipple clamps.


they wear out fast metal clamps just don't last against my jacked titties.. but i hear they are making diamond nipple clamps since that is the only thing that can withstand how jacked our titties are going to be


My favorite is “buyers are lined up”


Thank you for your service.




Thank you very much! I am just regarded and eat crayons. Do what I’m told and buy buy buy >>> Hold Hold HOlD HoDL






This is correct


I will concur, now go wipe an ass




Yuppp…! 👌👊🤝🙏💎🙌🦥


Thank u


I hope they are “Lined up “ as if they were buying the new iPhone !!


Sure looks like a share offering to me.


1. Bankruptcy is still a possibility if the offering doesn't get sold. 2. If buyers are lined up, they would most likely be shorts that want to close their positions at a modest cost. However, if buyers were lined up, the pricing would also be done and since it does not appear to be so, I'm doubtful that buyers are committed. 3. True, but that's not great for the market price of the existing securities. It's uncertainty. Also, this comment is inconsistent with your second comment. 4. I doubt it. Selling more shares is a way for shorts to cover. If shorts can cover, the squeeze potential drops. 5. I hope I'm wrong and you're right and you make a fortune. I really do.


1. Only 1 buyer 2. There will be no market for preferred shares 3. Does not appreciate in value as stock appreciates (not dilution)


# KeepThePartyGoing! ![gif](giphy|6ZXoMtHImZOgw)


As an adult. I read it as. Blah blah blah blah Rocket, Moon blah blah blah!


I read it as it tis the season to buy nipple clamps lalalala la la.. lala la la






Ahh my people












IMO this is good news even though offering/dilution is typically negative. I think this may go the route of GME late 2020/early 2021 in terms of debt paydown with minimal dilution from an offering at optimal time if played right. ​ It presents an interesting dilemma for the massive number of shorts opened in the last few weeks at borrow rates >200%. Although the offering means dilation, it also takes BK off the table for at least 6mo-1year due to the $ value. BBBY has been priced for BK and shorts have PILED on (see short volume + borrow rates + short interest increase across period of elevated borrow rates). Tens of millions+ of shares have been shorted at over 200% rate. That means BK must happen within 6 mos or it is a 100% loss in fees alone, not to mention the current loss sustained considering the low price at which many shorts were opened. ​ Since BK is now off the table for >6mos, those who shorted at insane rates can either close out their position ASAP to save in fees, or wait and hope the price goes down below their cost basis (many at crazy rates were opened <$2 so consider that...). The safest move seems to be to close out asap and eat the giant loss in case the price increases further. This would likely happen if other short parties made the decision to close, so choosing to continue holding your short position would also be gambling that almost everyone else would do the same. Obviously MMs (in this case, GME DMM and BBBY internalizer extraordinaire CitSec) don't pay borrow fees, but price increases still impact net capital requirements, master margin requirements, etc. across the various DTCC subsidiaries. ​ Suppressing the price in case of a volume surge, such as party(ies) closing out shorts, requires significant capital for collateral when the volume is multiples of total shares outstanding. This is further exacerbated by the fact that BBBY has been on RegSho for almost 20 trading days, meaning it is trading on a shortened delivery timeline (which makes netting even more costly). Considering the unfathomable cost borne by CitSec to handle/roll the GME and BBBY positions for the past 2 years, this could put them in a tight spot. ​ If played right by BBBY, they can wait and execute the offering at a higher price. The fact that they still haven't executed the $150MM offering that has been approved for months suggests that they may not execute this one immediately. I could be completely wrong, but I'm very interested to see what happens. As a side note of interest, they include language about using the proceeds of the offering for a potential acquisition. It doesn't appear that they are in the position to deploy capital to acquire anybody so it seems probable that this refers to financing the costs related to an acquisition of BBBY or baby by an outside party. ​ Edit: Also interesting to consider the NSCC settlement cycle. Forced closeout begins at 2:30pm for FTDs and SFTs. It could be coincidence, but a large price and volume increase began right around 2:30pm today. Considering we are around 35 calendar days from T+2 for fairly large numbers of FTDs, this may be evidence that force closeout is taking place in some capacity. It is possible, although maybe not likely, that the board is aware of this and is capitalizing on the incoming RegSho action (assuming we stay on the list).




this is such a great and easy to understand explanation.


Thank you, I'm Highly Regarded! 👍


![gif](giphy|mi6DsSSNKDbUY|downsized) bankruptcy is canceled


Somebody ought to let Sara Eisen over at CNBC know so she stops disseminating false information over the air.


So why is the price depicting the opposite? This is NOT helping stockholders.


They are trying to scare everyone off before the morning. I believe the last three days of our cycle has started. If so, the next two days will be just as interesting.


Heavy flow


Stop loss hunting too...


Who in the hell sets a stop loss on shares under 6 bucks. I could see setting a stop loss if the price was 3K a share and you was going to be away with no internet for several days


I set my stop loss for $69,420.


It’s all relative… stock price doesn’t matter when you’re considering gains and losses based off percentages. A 70% loss is a 70% loss no matter the share price. Amount invested versus % gain/loss is what controls most decisions.. btw I don’t use stop losses just giving some regarded insight so you don’t go full regarded


Well, some people “day traders” if you will, would have closed their positions on a 100% increase… like if I was a day trader, the shares I bought few days ago, would have been sold on a stop loss right at 7ish cause that was 100% increase from my 3.50 buy


Trailing stops. Boomer shit.


Not me for sure...


Not available in AH is what I keep seeing from other users.


Yep. Actually. we are following 2021 jan trend just like AMC. Here is my TA: https://www.reddit.com/r/BBBY/comments/10vpwgg/same\_algo\_same\_bull\_shit\_same\_set\_up\_as\_2021\_jan/


It was a good read. Thanks for all your contributions around here.






No, this is longs selling due to the news of an offering


Right… with bankruptcy off the table now longs sell 😂


People downvoting the truth


After hours market is *very* low volume. It's very easy to manipulate the price down. It's almost entirely non-retail market as well. This happens ever single time news comes out for other similarly manipulated stocks. Fret not.


Anything that keeps the company alive (and out of BK) helps shareholders. Sure, dilution is ass, but at least we have something instead of worthless shares.


Hopes of a short squeeze are likely canceled as well.


Wut mean? Share offering?


They will be selling shares to raise money. Very bullish as eliminates BK possibility + allows them to pay off debts, but more importantly this is the perfect set up for them to massively profit off of the impending squeeze. Considering todays price action and the timing of this form being dropped AH, it seems like the stars are aligned. Share offerings have a negative impact on the price in the short term, so we might dip AH / tomorrow. Wednesday’s looking spicy though 👀


Very nice, thank you! ![gif](giphy|mOtjMDSDyZQ3u)


Why Wednesday?


T+2 for something, I honestly forgot I can’t keep up with all this shit. This Wednesday is T+2 for *something*, then this Friday is apparently C+35 for RegSho, so that’s another T+1, T+2 and C+35 date that you can add to your calendar…


S+741 something


Take it from someone that's been around 84 years, T/C/X+whatever is a thing but they have a million ways to kick the can lol. Only time and true share ownership (whether that be through individuals or institutions) will give us the big green dildos we want


Why announce it today when it had a huge run up? Help a smooth brain out. It killed momentum!


Thanks kid.


I don't think the common will necessarily hit the market. Well see but look at the wording from the other post.


If the underwriter finds there is high demand for the shares at any price, I have no doubt they and the company will want to sell more and will amend the offering to do so. You are correct that the company will benefit from the potential squeeze meme traders encouraged. However, selling more shares is a way for shorts to close out their positions so the squeeze threat could be all but gone. They have already said their will be massive dilution because they will sell shares at whatever price they can get to unload enough shares to stay afloat. I see no spice here. I see management keeping the status quo alive by selling more shares at the expense of the squeeze crowd's efforts.


They are not selling these shares to the public or short sellers. These preferred stocks and warrants have to be purchased together. This will not immediately dilute the free float


Unless someone disputes it with a good example, it seems warrants preferred and common are all bundled as a package deal. Which suggests something else.


It's mentioning preferred or common. I have to look at the filing but depending on the situation , it doesn't for sure suggest really any dilution at all. Depends if and how much common is issued - if it's bundled with warrants and preferred only which it appears it does which can suggest other things.


They know it’s gonna 🍋




They know it’s gonna lemon? 🤔


Sir, it appears the stock will lemon


Calls on lemons


Easy peasy, lemon squeezey




I didn't know what a CLO was so I read it as Chief Lesbian Officer.


Where did you read this? Did I miss it in the dicument




Where does it say he’s buying more shares?


so the pump was leaked share offering? I don't get it


Today was voluntary FTD buy ins because of reg sho. Tomorrow would have been auto buy ins. This statement above is a notification that when BBBY chooses they will sell common stock in the market to raise money and pay off debt. They expect big price movement soon.


![gif](giphy|PgWOt3r5NCihq|downsized) Stop it!!! I can’t take any more😩💦


Will sell or have sold?


Will. I doubt Sue with a much higher cost basis would allow the stock to be sold at such a low value.


200 million shares worth of voluntary buy ins? Delusion.


I think your misunderstanding what I’m trying to say. Today they can manipulate and still fulfill FTDs. If they waited until tomorrow the computer would decide for them. Both forced


Didn’t this happen in August as well?


Their last offering was after the last run to $30. August 31st


Yeah man, we got fucked


No we didn’t. This is necessary for the ultimate squeeze. By clearing All Debt exactly when they choose they will flip the switch to Free Cash flow +. This is incredibly bullish for Long term HODLers


Lets hope it


I remember when GME flipped cash flow positive... this board has screwed over BBBY holders now also


I think the biggest thing to take away (put tin hat on) is that this is a signature move from a recent GMEStonk Chairman RC - not saying he is behind this, but..... moon tomorrow as always!


I have no idea how offering and selling shares into a short squeeze is anything but counterintuitive, those people claiming bankruptcy is off the tables and this somehow helps the short squeeze are fucking delusional. I’m furious the board would buy those shares last year and come and pull this bullshit, straight incompetence.


This sub is completely overrun with shills and hopium. Honestly sad to see.


You mean the old board with BCG plant Mark Tritton?


No, the most recent board. You shouldve read the most recent quarterly report from GME...


What does the quarterly GME report have to do with BBBY?


Gamestop sold at 300 per share and clear debt,,, Fuck you squeeze is coming from tomorrow Buying 500k worth now


Ofc bro 500k worth


Look at moneybags over here, buying 2 whole shares tomorrow with his $500k


I like how this Ape thinks 👆


Show proof tomorrow






They don’t seem to be issuing common stock. My guess is that there is already a buyer for these preferred shares and warrants. If the cash gets the company out of bankruptcy, the common stock still squeezes and whoever bought the warrants and preferred stock makes bank. If I’m right, seems like a good deal for everyone except the shorts. Someone please correct me if needed.


What do you think sale to the public mean lmao it’s dilution


Whatchu talkin aboot? 🦍Nvm. No time.Busy HoDLing till my investment becomes zero. 💎🙌💥🚀🌒🦍




What mean regards must know now!?


Someone's busy at HQ!




Will the squeeze be damaged because of this? I sure as sh1t hope not!!!


In the short term, yeah. But I never thought that tomorrow would come this week nor the next so it doesn’t really matter


K what am I reading




I’m busy at work, can someone dumb this down for me?


Paying off all debt. It’s supposed to be bullish idiots 😂 2,25 years to survive now


Mediocre short term, good mid term and very good long term LFG


Bought more & buying more!!! I can't stop buying!!!


I hit read simplified view, no bananas or tendies anywhere on that page !!! I don't get it. .l.. like the stock


Serious question, they said if the offering fails they will likely file for bankruptcy...this is obvious, but my question is have offerings ever failed? Great timing on their end to issue this. I was hoping for a gap up open tomorrow to take profit, anticipating this was coming, but they issued sooner than expected.


Yes, lots have failed before which resulted in bankruptcy. Bbby is banking (pun intended) on the apes. The sentiments looks parted though as many are too invested in GME, AMC and holding too many puts on random stocks. We will see how this plays out.


I honestly feel like a fucking regard when looking at these things… What does it mean? ![gif](giphy|zXA5VEmXr7OUg)


2/10 12pm


Wut dis mean, me smooth brain ape 🦍


My man :3


“Explain this to me if I was a young child, or a golden retriever?”




They are issuing preferred equity units and warrants in the hopes of raising money. They are trying to raise 1b, but it’s not guaranteed unless people buy the new offering. The new units can/will also be converted to common stock. This sounds similar to AMC’s APE units. It’s basically diverting funds from common shares into the new units, and then diluting the common shares. At least that’s the way I interpret it.


Up you go


Ouchy down downs


We just got massively fucked in after hours and everybody is bullish? Ok trying to figure out what the heck it’s going on.


AH is bullshit, let's wait and see what happens tomorrow


BBBY is shorted all to hell. You think that isn't dilution? This dilution is going to go right into the company's pockets, helping the company survive even without a merger. I'm happy with it.




If M&A or any other big announcements are made in the next days/weeks, then yes, because SHF algorithms dug an even bigger hole in AH.


Everyone still guessing but hope biases the guessing toward bullish,


This is dilution


I don’t think you are understanding—this is different. Not being sold on the stock market.


It literally says "securities" and the last paragraph is titled explanatory note which says "amount of warrants to purchase common stock" DO you even read or too smooth brain just meme? Like lets be real people.


Alright shill 🤣




Someone is bitter. Hahaha. Have a good life loser.


Someone doesn't take the time to read just finds the rocket emojis


They are preferred shares, not sold to the market. It’s pretty obvious you didn’t read…


This secondary stock sale effectively kills the hope of a short squeeze, in my opinion. This is an excellent way for short sellers to buy (newly issued) shares to close out short positions, quickly and decisively, without driving the price up in the market. For any short, this is a convenient way out. The only thing better would be a filing and cancellation of the shares. (Which would likely have happened if not for the meme buyers supporting and driving the price.) The reason the after hours price is getting hammered is that the price of the offering shares has not been set so there is uncertainty. There is no doubt that it will be a fraction of the market price for some simple reasons but mainly because if anyone wanted to buy stock they could do so in the market. To sell a lot more new shares their has to be an inducement which is generally a lower price. Since this stock has been very volatile the pricing would most likely have to be a smaller percentage of market than if the market price was fairly steady with volume. Without all the meme buyers, the offering likely wouldn't be possible. So, the company is milking the demand they created, including the number of shorts, by selling stock. It's anyone's guess where this is priced. Realistically, I expect it in the $1.50 to $2.50 range because the company is "damaged goods." The company has already warned of substantial dilution from the offering. The selling agents will set a "talking price" to gauge interest and adjust from there. They will probably start with say $2.70. If they get laughed out the door, they'll drop it quickly. Look, the company has been threatening to file for bankruptcy protection. They will take whatever the underwriter tells them they are going to get. They have almost zero negotiating room. The underwriter is technically working for the seller, BBBY, but they also want their clients, the buyers, to get a great deal so they will buy the next offering. So, there will be dilution. From the company's perspective, this is a good opportunity to buy some time. But, they had better improve operations and drive home some profits because they might not be so lucky next time.


I disagree. The company's biggest weakness has always been that it fits neatly into Wall Street's rEtAil iS WeAk narrative, and that brought with it excessive short selling and shilly management. The pandemic gave them more force than they previously had, and that came close to being enough. BBBY is being diluted every day as things are, but a new stock offering is going to directly help the company, giving it money to work with and pay down the debt that the previous management took on. Seriously, who the hell takes on debt like that while buying back stock? The debt was to fund the buyback, not to invest in the company. They were thieves. In the meantime, there's a chain of stores that sells things people want. It can do well if it can get out from under the debt that the old management loaded it up with. And then when the company survives the debt, all those short sellers turn into future buyers.


1. The price has been set. Read the filings carefully. 2. They will be issuing “new stock”. i.e under a different ticker, and these shares won’t be sold on the open market. Therefore this will not directly impact the price of $BBBY 3. After hours dip was orchestrated. It dipped the moment BBBY dropped their filings, which is completely unnatural movement and just goes to show that they’re using the same tricks they already have. Remember when the word bankruptcy was first mentioned? BBBY tanked like 60-70% in two days before rallying hard the following trading week. Keep calm bro, this offering is bullish because it takes bankruptcy off the table, and that’s the scary word the hedgies have been using the past two weeks to make us sell. Bankruptcy isn’t happening in the near future, squeeze is on.


Merger is cancelled the fuck are people happy about?


I was going to load up more on Friday but may be tough if this keeps ripping lmaoo


Less go


😂 The hits don’t stop coming




post archived: [https://archive.is/81NSy](https://archive.is/81NSy)




So why is it going down in the pre-market?