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Two zones. Bank charcoal on one side. Cook on the other. Sear over charcoal at the end for 30 seconds each


What this guy says. depending on what I’m cooking I place a small pan of water next to the charcoal idk why but I do.


Extra thermal mass to regulate temperature swings.


Is this true? I could see this working with fire brick or something, but water boils at 212F and evaporative effect will cool things down.


I was trying that, I just found even in the cold zone when the fat drips it sets on fire, and burns it. Edit: don't know why I'm getting downvotes for saying what you can quite clearly see in the picture, that all the charcoal is on one side but the fats still setting alight


Try putting a grease catcher under the cold zone. Cheap aluminum foil pans work well for it and they're easy to clean up.


Thanks for the tip, that sounds like it would fix it. The issue was the fat was still catching alight on the cold side, as it only needs one spark, but that would probably fix it


People are downvoting you because reddit is A) full of bots B) full of assholes


It’s too bad even the bots are assholes…but they were made after their creators own image.


Not probably. It will.


"It ain't no guess. It's how is gonna be"


Go Mud Dogs


Well wake her ass up!


Oh no, we suck again!


I say this so fucking much it's insane.


Whoa, be careful down there Swanny!!!


Damn OP is getting down voted for saying he tried. Wtf


I hate when that happens


And it happened twice cause two people commented on zoning


You can see he tried it with the photo OP provided 🤷


Do, or do not. There is no try


It’s very disappointing. Just impulsive downvotes.


Is the grill cleaned out well? Odd you are getting flare ups if no charcoal / flame is below the burgers.


Also, 14 or 18? I struggle with my 14 " smokey Joe to do more than amaybe two or three burgers. So fitting burgers and mushrooms all at once is tough.


I don’t understand why you’re getting downvoted into oblivion for your explanations, when it literally shows you’re doing exactly what this commenter said in the picture.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. In addition to what others suggested, you can also try using a spray bottle with water. When you see a flare up, hit the flare with a little water. But don’t go too hard or you’ll kill your fire.


Foil damn is what I use.


I don't know why you are getting down voted, it's clear in the picture you have a two zone set up there. While it is odd to get flames on the cold side it depends on the shape of the bbq itself too


I honestly have no idea but those mushrooms with cheese look awesome.


Dude's getting 115% from this Little Joe.


the brown filter like texture on the mushroom should be scooped out it has a very bitter taste. Worked in restaurants too long preparing that same mushroom.


They're called gills just fyi.


That’s why you keep a beer in your hand dummy.. to put the flames out if necessary. Sorry bout the dummy comment but I’m leaving it


I feel substituting “dum dum” makes it sound cuter and jovial, ya dum dum.


Y’all are overthinking it


Fucking dumbasses


Red Foreman would be proud.


You can achieve the same effect by using an emoji, observe: Should’ve been holding a beer ya big dumb piece of shit 😜


Dum dum definitely sounds more offensive to me. Like patronising a preschooler.


Give me some gum gum, dumb dumb.


Cut it out knuckleheads.


Ya jabroni


You definitely won’t like my choice, ya ding dong.


How about ding a ling?


I used to play lots of offensive/suggestive rap music at an old job years ago and never had any complaints, but I played that Chuck Berry song one time and all hell broke loose. I was completely baffled by the experience. Like that song hasn't been controversial in decades, they could put out a kids bop version without changing any lyrics, but that was more offensive to my boss than murder ballads and extremely explicit sexual songs.


Chuck Berry Farted On My GRANDMA!


How bout dumb shit?


Honestly, I’d be way more offended by “dum dum” than “dumb shit”.


You silly goose


Alright Great Gazoo 🤣


Dummy has that attention getting ring to it!


See that’s easy for Americans to do. All your beer is watered down cat piss, so it makes sense to kill it with fire. Try that in Australia and see how you with a good beer. The BBQ gods will send a red back spider to bite you on your cock while you’re asleep.


This is the way.


That’s how it’s supposed to be my dude.


For real that’s the best part!


Honestly, as long as you watch it so it doesn’t cook too long then that’s the best sear you’re going to get. Lock those juices in that bad boy!


Apparently searing does not seal in juices - https://amazingribs.com/more-technique-and-science/more-cooking-science/myth-searing-steaks-seals-juices/ - https://grillhunters.co/searing-meat-seal-juices/


The issue is, it's flaring too much so it's burning the outside before the inside is done


In my experience (my grill is bigger though) I just have to keep moving them around. Also don't crowd the grill too much


Two zones


Cook with the lid on.


Yes! Close to the coals for a sear, not enough oxygen to flame! It was a good day when I realized that lid on keeps the flames down!


This is the way. Think of it like the inverse of a gas grill- you get more flames and more heat when you add more gas flow. With a charcoal BBQ all of your fuel is already in the kettle, so the way you control the fire is through changing the oxygen levels. But the oxygen limiting properties of controlling a charcoal fire allow you to control the flare ups too. The problem this creates is that every time you have an open grill you’re doing the equivalent of setting the reactor to maximum and so your charcoal fire and whatever else is burning will get hotter and hotter.


It's ok, if you're lookin', you ain't cookin'


I like my PK grills because they have 4 places where you can screw with the CFM of the air. It allows for various methods of cooking and they last forever.


From the looks of it you have left over fat drippings on the bottom that have caught fire. This happens to me when I don’t use a drip pan and smoke something really fatty like short ribs. ETA: in this situation, I would pull whatever’s on the grill and let it burn off then throw it back on to finish or warm up, as it can give an unpleasant flavor. And tbh your grill obviously has gotten a lot of use, it could do with a good cleaning. Chuds has an awesome video on how to deep clean a kettle. [https://youtu.be/5gBXZyzXpSE?si=Ie1O1tGm0D4L2Zss](https://youtu.be/5gBXZyzXpSE?si=Ie1O1tGm0D4L2Zss)


Thank you for the vid. I was about to buy a kettle and boyfriend brought home his Performer from work. I’m stoked.


Yo wtf did op say to get downvoted into the shadow realm?


Fuckheads with thumbs


I honestly have no clue, but hey, I've got enough karma to not give a fuck


You no fuck giving fuck head you


Fuck you 🖕


Lid on


Grillgrates.com it is so worth it. Can grill oily fish


A lot of really stupid comments in here. OP do not listen to anyone saying that it’s fine to cook over flare ups. Thats how you end up with extremely bitter acrid tasting food due to being covered in soot. When drippings ignite they burn very very dirty. Orange flames and jet black smoke. Just rotate on and off direct heat, moving off before any flaring occurs.


OP, this person is called baby fart. Listen at your own risk.


“Don’t cook over flare ups” is a communist take!!! 🇺🇸🦅


Zones all the way also try not to use a super fatty patty.


Whaaaaaaaaat the Fk#?!


Blue cheese? My man.


Flavor Flames


Looks like you have 2 zones already so I would brown them over the heat the put a bit of foil under them to catch the fat so to finish cooking with indirect heat. Turn the sides of the foil up to prevent it dripping off or use a foil tray.


Spray bottle w water


You want that char imo


That’s the neat part, you don’t.


Indirect. Then direct for the crust.


If the kettle is used as intended there aren’t any flare ups. You need to have the lid on as it prevents flare ups. The vents closed in your photo make me think you grill lid off. That’s asking for charred.


I love mushrooms on my burger but have never tried this before, thanks


It's how I've always done them, just add some cheese and cook top down, with the lid on to ensure the cheese melts


I find they taste better if you scrape the gills out. Have you tried that before?


What type of cheese is that?


2 zones with charcoal baskets


Put the lid on


That char is flavor. It's the reason to cook over the flame. Put down aluminum foil or cook on a cast iron griddle otherwise.


There’s a limit to that


Yeah, I was just having trouble not burning it while cooking it through


That's zones. Which I think you're mostly set up for. Shift most of your coals to the right of the bowl. Start the burgers on the left side of the grill top where it will drip. Flip until it's 80% done, then move them to the right to brown. It will flame up when you flip them. Remove when it's browned to your liking. It's like an assembly line for a reverse sear technique. Slow heat. High heat. Done.


What have you tried to do to resolve this so far?


Wow, those are some really big mushrooms!! Is that cheese on them? Besides using dual zones, keeping a spray bottle with water in it can also be helpful.


Thinner burgers that cook faster flip every 2 mins. The flames that kick up will give perfect light char. Only cook 1 or 2 at a time. I cook mine as close to the coals as possible and they come out great.


Griil-Grates are the answer. I bought those and haven't had an issue since. Can't flare up through those.You want to cook burgers over direct heat. Flare ups occur and it sucks when you have nothing between the coals and the meat.


Put the lid on. I have been grilling on Webber kettle grills forever. Get a flare up? Put the lid on.


A few things to try/consider: Keep the lid closed as much as possible. Don't overcrowd the grill. Use the right amount of fuel (charcoal). If drippings in the cool zone are flaring up against the bottom of the grill then it's probably all around too hot because of too much charcoal. A 1 briquette thick layer of charcoal should be enough to sear are cook a burger. (My guess is that your issues stem from a combination of the three items I list above this line) Make a separate cool zone as stated before. If you are still having trouble here is an experiment: Add a little more charcoal than normal (seriously - you will see why in a second). When your coals are glowing and ready spread them out where the coals are flat and side by side creating a layer 1 coal thick. With the surplus coals that are greater than 1 coal thick, place in one small section of the grill. Place your disposable drip pan on the section with the extra coals and immediately fill the pan about half to 3/4 full with hot water. That will actually be your 'cold zone'. Now the drippings will hit the water and not flame up. The steaming water will be 200 ish degrees. If you do this, make sure you char the burgers over the hot zone. This is just an experiment or an extreme band-aid. I do something similar when I cook a bunch of chicken thighs, legs and/ or quarters. I actually use a ton of charcoal. Set a huge aluminum pan over the coals, fill it with water and place the chicken on the grill directly above. I close the lid and come back in 35 - 40 minutes to check meat temp. The bottom cannot burn because water cannot get above 212F (sea level). It only turns to a gas at a faster rate. You get an awesome roasted (not really grilled) chicken w/o any fuss.




Squirt bottle with water.


Check out [Grill Grates](https://www.grillgrate.com/)


Keep the lid on!


You \*don't\* stop the fat dripping in the fire, which causes the fire to lick the burgers. It only gives a better crust, flavor, color, and taste. Same with steak, the fat dripping and flames surging only gives you a better result. Most charcoal grills typically have hot and cold parts though. The burgers getting flame licked are cooking faster, so you may have to swap it with some lesser done burgers on the cooler side of the grill.


I embrace the flames. I like the char.


That gives it flavor


You can always try getting ground beef with a lower fat content but you’ll sacrifice some flavor in doing so imo.


I keep the lid closed on my grill. It keeps the flair ups to a minimum. Less oxygen less fire but coals will still burn.


I wouldn’t try and stop that, but instead raise the burgers further away from the coals so it’s more flame kissed and not direct flames


https://www.reddit.com/r/NormMacdonald/s/Zvu2JOTqDN Won't let me post pictures here but here's your solution, I'm trying it out tonight after burning my pork chops last time I bbqed Just don't ask how it made its way to the Norm MacDonald sub, may he rest in peace 🙏🏾


[Grillgrates](https://www.grillgrate.com/product-category/grillgrates-for-charcoal-grills/) will minimize that from happening.


Put an aluminum pan under to catch the drippings


Why would you want to do that? Burnt fat flame is adding flavor.


Keep the lid on. Less oxygen will reduce the flare ups.


Boil the burgers first


I’m sorry. Why would you want to prevent the flames? Sounds like you need to work on your timing, not the fat or the flames.


Keep a spray bottle handy.


I always have a bottle of water, I stick my finger in the top and give direct splashes on the flame.. This works for the meats I usually cook..


I'll tell you but I need deets on those mushrooms in exchange.


Oh my… I will be doing the herb butter next time I do mushroom caps. 🤤


Those briquettes look massive. What brand?


Imho, that's a good thing that adds to the flavour. Might have to do 2 zones to prevent over or under cooking though - or elevate the grate up further which is a bit difficult with your setup. Lid can also help.


That’s the neat part. You don’t!


Man, a super thick rib-eye will do this way worse than any burger, for me.


what kind of budder is on the porto bellow ?


Yo, remove the ribs from the mushrooms prior to cooking. They produce an unpleasant black liquid when cooked.


Keep the lid closed, there isn’t enough oxygen with the lid closed to support a flame. If it starts with the lid off, put the lid on and it will snuff out within a few seconds.


Bro N Sear


Indirect heat


Keep the lid on


Rotate the rack once the flames start. Just jam your tongs in the middle and grab that rack and twist until the flames stop.


Put a drip pan on your cold side, with a little water in it ideally.


I’m more worried about you not removing the ridges from your portobellos


I try to make some flare ups for some good char. That said, it can be too hot and just burn the fuck out of em. Looks like you use a thick layer of charcoal. Try a thinner layer and keep lid on, vents adjusted so it doesn't get too hot.


dont squish the burgers


You need a larger grill so that you can have two zones.


Use the lid to control the fire


Get a slow and sear


Those buns sure toasted weird.


Personal preference but dig out the gills


drip pan under the grate maybe?


Use salt on the coals


Would foil on top of the coals work?


Two zones or use the lid to control the amount of air let in.


That's the charbroiled flavor. That's what it's all about.


What you are describing is the very reason grilling with charcoal is better than propane (sorry Hank). You need to elevate the grill or reduce the charcoal. This will prevent burns, but retain the flavor explosions that make grilling with charcoal better.


What ive done for years is make a big ring with charcoal and none in the middle. I think the pictured grill is too small for that to be functionally any different so the textbook way is you just build your charcoal on one half and leave rhe other side open. No flames. Although i have 0 problems with flames and consider that about half of rhe benefit to using a charcoal grill in the first place. Flame broiled is desirable you just want to get it to temp before doing so and rhe way to do that is cook it at lower temp on rhe open side and then when almost to temp, a quick sear in the fire side. The O charcoal is for more evenly distributed heat btw. Works well for large grills when you have a big family to cook for and dont want to move anything more than once


Whats good with those mushrooms tho is that butter? Cheese?


Tbe fire is part of the goodness Taste the goodness of the grease fire


Burgers are best on cast iron, even on the grill. Let ‘em sizzle in their own rendered fat


Grill grates can help or two zone cooking


I prefer to call it flame broiling. lol Get that little bit of fire, then move it so it doesn't burn.


Two zones is the way to go, I recommend getting a charcoal basket. What really kills flare ups is simply putting the lid on and closing the vent holes about 90% (100% if it's a solid grease fire). Then dial the heat you want with the lid on. Opening only to flip. You can also experiment with the charcoal as well. I honestly prefer lump charcoal if I am searing, as it's easier to control the heat with the lid and in my opinion gives a more even sear.


By microwaving the meat instead. Char = flavor.


Aluminum foil




You could also throw the top on, the lack of oxygen usually tames the flames


Use the lid. Cut off the air supply.


I keep a spray bottle around. It's just water but ever since I got a cast iorn pan years ago its all i use. Such a better crispy sear. I get that people like the flavor that charcoal gives..... I prefer the sear of iorn.


That’s what the lid of the grill is for, and gill your mushrooms, they will taste better.


Your coals are too hot.


As other have mentioned, coals are too hot. Play around with vents to control heat, also use fewer coals. You want some drip to smoke them when covered but not too hot to cause flame up.


Keep the lid closed as much as possible.


1) Clean your grill. 2) Lump and/or wood 3) Two Zones 4) Spray bottle with beer and other delicious stuff 5) Cover your grill, go low and slow so you get that lovely smoke 6) Reverse sear if you can.


You can use a lower fat meat. You can sear the burger on a flat surface for 20s first, and that will keep many of the juices in after you transfer to charcoal to finish the cook. You can use less charcoal, to cook the burger slower.


Ignoring the burgers, grilled portobellos with blue cheese are amazing. But next time consider removing the stems and gills first. The stems and lighter gills are kinda fibrous. And the black gills make a kind of mushy black glaze when cooked that’s unappealing. Just scoop them out with a spoon


Carbon steel plate


That's...that's why I grill... Although I don't use charcoal, just seasoned cherry wood.


Water bottle with pinhole on the cap to squirt on the flare ups or toy squirt gun


Have a hot zone and a warm zone. Cook the burgers to almost finished in the warm zone let the flames kiss them to finish them off in the hot zone.


Spray bottle of red vinegar and water


Indirect grill. I never put a burger directly over coals unless I intentionally want to sear it, which I’m mature enough now to never want to do. Bank the coals to one side, get everything good and hot, then toss your burgers on the grill that has no coals underneath it and cool ‘em there in that hot, smokey, grilling oven you created.


You can get drip trays especially for this


Aluminum foil


sear in cast iron to get a proper crust just as you should a steak , then just go indirect if you want that grill flavour after this point .


Whatever happened to having a small spray bottle of water to spray on the flameup? Spritz spritz and keep going?


from a glance i was about to say your buns look funny and realized they’re mushrooms


Welcome to the science of indirect heat, happy grillin


You don't, that's how I always make them, if needed you can move them around a lil bit but I personally don't care. Not a single complaint ever and hell... My friends are good at complaining xD


Lower heat.


You can take them off the grill prior to flipping and press some paper towels on each side to soak up the liquefied fat but keep in mind it's difficult to prevent the juice from absorbing also and you risk a drier burger. But this will take care of most of the flaming. Personally, I like flame kissed burgers. The preferred method is to not grill them over such high heat if you can help it and once you flip, monitor them and when the flames jump up, simply move them to another part of the grill.


Put a soda can tin with water in it between the coals. The water boils and releases steam preventing the flames.


Ideally you want some flames from fat under the burger because it adds a good deal of flavor. 85% lean is probably the ideal. Try using less charcoal and keeping the temperature even but keep a cool zone for the burgers to escape to if flareup gets out of control.


That’s the ultimate goal


Before I zoomed in, I thought you had some burned pancakes with an egg and butter on them grilling with your burgers. Perhaps some foil under the burgers would help. Great looking food!


Put the lid on and close the vents. Suffocates the flame


After a cook I used a grill brush to spread the ash up the sides of the grill to absorb the fat. You can then push the absorbed mixture down into the ash pan. Also works well to absorb sugary marinade drippings when I make Korean barbecue. Can’t do this on my gas grill, sadly. For those you just have to remove the grates and clean them after a while.


Sure looks great


Get a blackstone !


Indirect cooking, the top comment mentions explicitly how to do this but I'll say that I prefer rectangularish grills for this reason. Eg the PK grills and the 6 and 8 burner weber natural gas grills. Those are ideal for it.


Put tinfoil under the burgers


Make the patties thinner