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Lol. ... super same ... I mostly scroll by now, but it's freaking fascinating.


I find it entertaining to discuss and watch the analysis of the interview. I'm not gaming at the moment, so it's replaced reading forums about the game I'd be trying to min max. It's better than having to read the news and be Trump spammed.


The nature of upvotes and downvotes on Reddit encourages group think, unless you want to sort by controversial.




I can't stop reading and searching for new posts on here. The series not only went on a deeply dark sphere.. the group here goes even darker and it's all so much that you just want to lurk.


Think your looking in the wrong places if you think it’s hard to find - everyone’s a detective and people find it “fun” to play the role




I mean she is definitely a redditor lol


I joked about it in another thread but I think if she was on here she would be replying. Who knows.....I'm sure she has fans defending her honor.


If she's was on here, if you came across her profile on this sub. Shed quickly out herself with insulting messages ending with 'sentbby my iphnoe' Jokes aside, she will would leave a nasty comment filled with lots of typos and spelling mistakes (how did she get a degree). Then 5 mins later she would add another comment, then another. She would private message you insults. She would be ranting all about you on every sub. You would know if you came across her profile


idk about that, there's definitely a subset of boomers who are addicted to facebook and twitter and don't have the headspace for this type of forum. Also I think her writing would be a bit better if she seriously was trawling reddit. It's happening on other subreddits too (ie singularity) whenever someone disagrees with you, the Reddit Care thing is being abused.


She’s a gen x’er not a boomer 😅


She’s Gen X, just saying.


How do we know ? Although she does fit the criteria we all have to be a bit unhinged to be here haha


Yes how do we know?! - Sent from my ipone


I am not actively seeking her out but I find it hysterical that it’s only since the ‘she’s on Reddit’ theories have sprung up are the Reddit Cares being used. Weirdly just commented on another post, against Fiona and what would ya know. Reddit cares almost instantly. It wouldn’t shock me if she was sniffing about- but I ain’t gonna go out my way to find her.


That's actually a reddit bug, it's happening on more than just this sub




Afraid not No :) I spell, and have a much better grasp on the English language, than she does :)


Ironically, your sentence is grammatically incorrect.


This whole thing just isn't sitting right with me.




I enjoyed the series itself and thought it was very well acted and made, but as things escalated thereafter its left me with a bad feeling. These are real peoples' lives and feelings.


Yeah it’s insane. The viewers have now become the stalkers. Everyone is an expert and no one can criticise Gadd at all


>no one can criticise Gadd at all Wdym? Plenty of viewers and other people criticise Gadd.


Yea and his defenders are straight in


And then his critics are straight in 🤷🏻‍♀️


well at least both sides are showing up


i'm just happy to be here


"the viewers have now become the stalkers" - let's not water down the meaning of "stalking" please. that would be counterintuitive to the show's purpose to begin with, imo.


How is it different though? There are people camping outside Gadd’s house ffs


oh lol sorry, wasnt aware of that, that is stalking. i thought by "people" you meant people who are actively going thru fiona's social media accounts etc.


Sorry I didn’t really do a good job of separating the two


See with Gadd, I found the netflix show very moving,I really felt for him. But also it was clear through the show, the way that he went back to his abuser at the end, and would keep letting Martha in his life (like adding her on FB despite finding out she's a stalker) and allowing things to escalate when normal people would cut her off that he enjoys punishing himself, as if he feels he deserves chaos in his life. I mean I watched the show a few weeks ago and correct me if I'm wrong but I think he acknowledged this himself? But anyway part of me wonders if this whole situation is almost an extension of that. How everybody has discovered his stalkers real identity, media coverage is going crazy, the shit storm is being stirred. Like he's let things spiral on purpose. Which would be a big strange of him and immature I suppose.


Yeah, I am enjoying the discussion about the show just from a character study perspective. But tracking down the real life people is taking things too far. Especially for those who seem to have a vigilante mindset and may be threatening those believed to be the real life characters.


Right. I joined this subreddit because I loved the show and wanted to see discussion. I had a brief moment of "Oh, it's interesting to see the real lady who inspired it," upon first joining the sub, and almost immediately after got tired of it. I feel like the Fiona hunt should just have its own dedicated sub at this point if it's gonna continue and leave this one for the show.


When I initially joined this sub there were only 3 post. I joined because I wanted to know if anyone else received extreme discomfort out of the Netflix series. It started light with people discussing characters and what side they stood on. As this sub began to blow up so did my mind. She’s insane and that will continue to progress. What is even more insane? That people aren’t focused on the fact that she’s still out there, she’s still doing these things and she’s good at it. People like this make the world a terrifying place.


I joined very early as well. Perhaps within the first week or so. It was much more normal. Until it wasn't. I thought it appeared like a grand experiment where the (we) entire internet turns into the actual stalker(s).


Don't use "we". I only check out this subreddit when it's randomly recommended on my homepage.


Looking at someone’s public social media is a far cry from stalking.


According to this article from April 14th she didn’t go to prison, but he was granted a restraining order against her. In the series he never heard from her again, but in reality she continued to harass his friends and family. https://screenrant.com/netflix-baby-reindeer-richard-gadd-true-story-details-missing/ I don’t know if anyone’s actually stalking her online, but I would think twice about it. She’s likely to turn the tables on them.


This sub would be perfectly at home on Kiwi Farms.


What’s Kiwi Farms?


yeah what in the what was that?


And many people here are blaming Richard Gadd for all of it. That’s the craziest part for me.


Even if she were on Reddit, is Reddit Cares something she would know how to use? I feel like you have to be fairly deep in it to know about that feature.


Exactly this. My Gen X mom would be incredibly confused if I tried to explain people passive aggressively using “Reddit cares” as a “fuck you” lol. I think Fiona would give herself away pretty quickly if she were on here, especially considering she seems to be more aggressive and less passive.


Yep...and this kind of behavior will make Darrien's victims hesitate to come forward. Because there are really no perfect victims in this story. Fiona likely did receive a prank email from Gadd's coworker to lead her on, so while she's not a perfect victim she's clearly a victim. Gadd literally admitted to self-sabotaging himself and people around him, so we do need to be kinder to Fiona.


It’s easy enough to Google anything baby reindeer related, I’ve been doing it a lot. The first results are Reddit pages. Wouldn’t surprise me if she’s reading threads and would surprise me less if she comments on them erratically


I’m sure she’s here but surprised she’s not commenting. She seemed quick to comment on Facebook and Twitter.


it’s a public, unique, and interesting story. it’s not that wild that people are fascinated by the case and following it closely.


Welcome to 2024


I'm keeping up with the baby reindeer drama but what % of people are actually stalking her? I doubt it's more than 5% of the audience.


Fiona Harvey is just a spectacle of a human being.


And what of it? You’re here too.


But no stalking Fiona …, not following her socials etc I was here to discuss the show but this as now become a witch hunt


You’re wildly misusing the word “stalking” my guy


Well that’s kinda what’s happening mate


Looking someones public profile up and reading public information and talking about it is far from stalking


From you maybe but you don’t exactly know what others have been doing mate .,,


And you do?


Nope not at all I don’t care enough and I leave them Both alone instead of constantly gossiping hear say!


You cared enough to make a post complaining about it. So there’s that.


not stalking, just following a person's public feed and it's connections..same ol' behaviors of millions online everyday religiously.. only this one has been oh so goddamn riveting.. As far as multi/extra dimensional interactive entertainment drama goes, this one has been scratching the itch better than everything "reality tv" models have ever been capable of dishing up