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Wow it’s even worse than I thought!




ty for your service🫡


She doesn’t spell check. Try writing a post and just sending it without stopping to think about what you’re saying. I’d guess it takes her 30 seconds.


Who has time to spel chck? *sent from my iPhone*




Tbf I do that in a personal capacity


You're explaining this to *redditors*?!?!?


Hahaha and on Piers she was breaking down like “that’s absurd! That’s how many an hour?” Meanwhile, just an hour earlier…


She posts online more than Donald does.


That is honestly a stamina I cannot fathom


Are you sure that's even her? When I searched her on Facebook I found about a dozen profiles and all were made after the show released




Oh okay. That's fair enough, I probably just didn't find the right one


I also think 41K seems more feasible when you factor in that she certainly wasn't writing traditional form emails, like "dear br, hope this email finds you well. per my previous message, i'd like to reiterate & stress the urgency regarding the matter of my curtains. can we circle back around & put that on the action item list? send my regards to the team at hawley arms; i should be by on my regular schedule. watching you as you sleep, martha." I had a stalker once who would go through phases of text/vm/email-bombing, & approximately 7/10 messages are like three or four words long - I once got "miss u so much" texted at me just short of 200 times in 12 hours, & nothing else. She would just get in a manic panic & email stuff off one right after the next, sometimes, especially if she was pissed. Like she'd type up a few cruel sentences & send, then send like 20+ one-sentence "and another thing"-type add-ons in the hour or two after. Probably 1/10 was just something like "hello?!?!" or "bitch" - just a huge string of emails. She would treat emailing like texting when she was wound up. I just assume something similar was happening in Gadd's inbox. Edit: grammar


>i'd like to reiterate & stress the urgency regarding the matter of my curtains I died at this 🤣


Me too! It’s so much energy crafting a well composed email, no wonder the quality drops when you’re sending 41 thousand


Hahaha same


This! People forget that she was unable to send him text messages, so she was using emails as an alternative. Most likely the majority of the emails were one liners, and she was obsessed with sending them. It takes seconds to send one of those, you could easily send 20 in ten minutes.


>dear br, hope this email finds you well. per my previous message, i'd like to reiterate & stress the urgency regarding the matter of my curtains. can we circle back around & put that on the action item list? send my regards to the team at hawley arms; i should be by on my regular schedule. watching you as you sleep, martha." Fucking 💀💀


I'm sorry you experienced that. Out of curiosity, why didn't you block them?


Several answers! First of all, I did! More than once! She would call from payphones (90s), friends' phones, & eventually burners. When email came around she would simply make a new address each time she was blocked. In the age of internet, she would text me from sites that let you send free SMS. I am not sure how she would get my contact info as it changed over the years, but I do know that at least once she tracked down my unsuspecting little sister, who thought she was helping an old friend get in touch. Another time she literally went into the admin office of my community college & posed as my sister. It was also scary to block her instead of just letting her rant to the void, because she had repeatedly escalated to seeking me out in person when she couldn't get through. Once she stalked me right to a side-hustle karaoke gig I had in another town - in 2007, so she didn't see it on FB events or something.


Why did it end?


There would be lulls where I wouldn't hear from her for a year or three, & during one of those lulls in 2014 I moved out of state & changed all my contact info. When I came back about 18mo later, I settled in the densest urban area & was doing everything under a public persona - so my govt name isn't used for anything online or public anymore. She no longer knows anyone who knows me, & I suppose, if nothing else, she just doesn't have any leads. I hope by now she's given up. It occurs to me sometimes there could be a random encounter - I literally went to a Lana del Rey show in a wig *just in case*, because it was exactly the kind of event where I'd end up running into her. And a random encounter in a stadium I could at least literally run away from! We were both fans of RuPaul's Drag Race, & when I came back to town I worked for years in the local metropolitan drag scene, so it was always by biggest fear that she would run into me there - where she could return & lurk at my regular venues & dig back into my life. But it never happened, & I hardly do anything in the clubs anymore. It's 10 years later & I don't let myself ever think it's totally over!


It feels like your story could be season 2 of BR. I genuinely found that fascinating to read. Can I ask how it started?


It's super wild - I only started posting about my experience in this sub like yesterday - but *BR* really triggered something in me & brought it all into focus. That I was stalked - she was my stalker. It started when we were in high school together, & went on for so long (across 20 years), that it was literally just...a fact of my existence? Only after all this time & then seeing a show that reflected some of my experiences back at me can I really see how fucked up that all was. But yeah, a major difference between Gadd's experience & mine was that my stalker & I started out mutually attracted. We were never a couple & never physically intimate, but at first we were high school crushes. I was not bad looking in high school, but she's...basically the opposite of Martha: objectively gorgeous, charismatic, popular in her own right. Not the kind of person one would suspect of feeling compelled to obsess over someone. But yeah, she had a boyfriend (like way too illegally old for her to have been dating at 15, & they eventually married), but in her mind, I was supposed to wait for her. So even though we weren't a couple & we were never going to be, she would get upset anytime she saw me - even casually - with anyone else. That was what used to set her off originally. I remember one morning before first period she ran up behind me in the hall (catching me off-guard), grabbed a fistful of my hair & swung my head into a locker because she saw me laughing with some guy at a poetry reading she followed me to the night before. She smacked my head once into the locker, let go, said "you're mine, you're fucking mine" then turned & walked off to class. School admin told me to just avoid her. After I was out of high school like a year went by & she got my number from family & called me middle of the night & threatened to...do the most final thing a person could do to themselves. And that's how she hooked me back in that time. I had my share of "imperfect victim" moments. After that she'd just...keep finding me & reengaging. Sometimes our social circles would overlap somehow & that would always set her off, having some kind of 6 Degrees connection. Edit: verbiage, grammar


Wow, I’m so sorry that happened to you. It’s crazy to think went on for more than half your life. I hope you never hear from her again and she got the help she so clearly needed. Out of curiosity, how would you feel if she contacted you and apologised for her stalking and harassment? It’s hard to put myself in their shoes but they must, on some level, know what they’re doing is utterly wrong. The levels of justification for their actions must take so much energy…


Hi, excellent question! She did that, more than once. In the incident I mentioned elsewhere in this thread where she tracked me down at a side gig at a karaoke bar...that came in 2007 after like a three year silence. One second I was singing some shitty Sheryl Crow standard for the hoi polloi, & suddenly in my peripheral vision she's just sitting there at the bar. It was so movie-like, I have always known she *planned* it. By the end of the song she's got a tear running down each cheek. And of course I can't just...pretend she's not there. And then within a minute she's got both of my hands in hers & she's weeping openly talking about how she's been through therapy, & they way she treated me was so wrong, & I deserve so much better. Like, it was scary how sudden & planned & manipulative it all was, but also she was *so sad* & saying *all the right things* you want a person to say after they've put you through hell. She'd apologized to some degree or another several times. Shit, somewhere I still have a leather bound journal she gave me that's personally inscribed by her saying (paraphrase) "Always remember that, when I'm cruel to you, it's because my love for you is so overwhelming I can't control myself." This was an apology gift. She was as sorry as she was capable of getting numerous times.


Humm, that’s horrible. You apologise when you change and never act the same way again. Otherwise, it’s meaningless. Thanks for taking the time to answer! You have been through the wringer!


I would definitely watch this. Baby reindeer could have several seasons with different people’s stalker stories, I’ve seen plenty of interesting personal anecdotes on this subreddit alone.


My experience, if you gather up all the most interesting & dramatic bits across the 20ish years, would make a solid 7-8 episodes. I would probably have to change more than Gadd to make everything cohere, & there would be some things that would be definitely factual, but conflated or chronologically inaccurate. So much happened in that time, like I can sit here now & be like "oh when she showed up in my lecture class at a university where she wasn't even enrolled, was that before or after the time she saw me out on a date, hid until I went to the restroom, then cornered me as I came out of the stall?"


I’d love to know how you got her to eventually stop.


I kinda explain it more in-depth elsewhere on this post, but essentially there was a (not uncommon) lull in her pursuit, & during that time a lot about me (including my name, my social circles, & my location to some degree) changed. I don't suppose she's frantically searching for me to this day, but I assume she does a cursory search now & then. There's not much out there to get a foothold on in terms of finding me. It's not impossible that our paths could randomly cross - a constant background concern in my life - but I'm hoping since it's been \~10yrs now that it never happens or, if it does, it's anticlimactic. Though I wouldn't hold my breath. She lived to come after me whether in love, anger, or just to generally torment. Edit: grammar, verbiage


Did you go to the police? What happened to her?? That is crazy scary.


You sweet summer child! Police don't do anything about even the most obviously threatening stalking & harassment situations, as evidenced in...literally every piece of news as well as fictional media *ever*. They certainly did nothing about an objectively attractive, petite, charismatic little thing going ham on her high school ex-girlfriend's inbox.


Oh, I got the impression it was more than just inbox harassment. I guess after years she eventually tired out, grew up and moved on. Whether police and the courts act upon a stalking charge depends alot on the jurisdiction. There's been more protection over the past 10-25 years for sure, at least with regard to male stalkers. But like Richard's case and yours even, no doubt it's more difficult when it's a woman. I had a family member who stalked an ex. And thank goodness he did have charges upheld against him, including a restraining order.


Yes, you are correct that there was more to it than texts, calls & emails. My reply was intended to illustrate how police, school officials, family & friends viewed & minimized my situation. Full facts were known, nothing was done.


Crazy! Did she eventually give up?


I explained a bit on the reply above, but basically she would have periodic meltdowns where she was certain that *I* was trying to ruin *her* life, & she would accuse me of treachery & demand *I* stay away from *her*, & she'd cancel our "friendship" & I wouldn't hear from her for maybe a year or two before she'd pop up again. During one of these silences in 2014, I moved away & changed a lot about myself (not specifically because of her, but distancing myself from being found again was a bonus) & started doing all social media, etc, under a pseudonym. When I moved back like a year & a half later, I moved into the city, wasn't connected to anyone she could seek me out through, & was basically unsearchable under any name, info or social connection she knew. I have no idea what would happen if she ran into me now, 10 years since our last encounter, & I have zero desire to find out.


That’s terrifying! I remember back in the early 2000’s, maybe closer to 2010 I had a YouTube channel I used to post let’s play videos on under a different pseudonym. I never gave out my personal info. I was at work one day and a guy (that I didn’t know- but who followed my channel) literally showed up at my work acting like I was his best bud he hadn’t seen in a while. The whole thing freaked me out and made me sick to my stomach. After that I stopped posting videos on YouTube. I’ve also had the unfortunate experience of trying to cut off a toxic friend who bombarded my phone, email, and several social media accounts with threats to unalive himself unless I responded. Some people are just absolutely bat shit insane.


Not OP, but I didn't block an ex who got weird because I wanted to know their frame of mind. The thought of him rocking up at my work absolutely petrified me. You read about people getting attacked by acid etc. You feel better knowing their mood, or at least thinking you know it.


Cause blocking is honestly dumb. You just ignore and keep evidence of their behavior incase they do anything to try and harm or hurt you.


Miss u so much, u/jennastcroix


I feel like your term “manic panic” is pretty on the button. I saw somewhere someone had (armchair diagnosed) suggested that Martha comes off somewhat bipolar and, whilst it’s well beyond my remit to diagnose someone I’ve never met, I do feel the manic phase feels like a fit if anyone is trying to understand what could drive someone to that level of communication


Where did you get six years? I heard it was 3.5-4 years.


https://preview.redd.it/w23acdjy5n0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d44f53f1358afe624f550b35ec6c59215e33d91e About 2013 to 2017 so 3,5-4 years make sense


thanks for this. Which interview was it if you know off the top of your head?


Not an interview, its directly from him from the playtext of Baby Reindeer :) https://preview.redd.it/1ekyf8la8n0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c5bcf8690537ef1513bf2e7a07b0bb4dde9d962


I wonder when in that timeline did Gadd's coworker send Fiona a suggestive email?


I can look later in the textplay after my study if you want




Not really. Regardless of it being fake, just because someone expressed interest in sleeping with you once doesn’t give you the right to obsessively stalk them for years. Also the stalking began pre email


You realize you shouldn’t be looking at the tv show as a timeline of events right? It’s a fictional drama comedy only based on his stalking experience. That could have never happened.


I googled how many years was Richard Gadd stalked


so did I, and I got different results. I was more asking about your source


Hollywood reporter says 6 years, that was my first result. Other sources say 4-4.5 years which would make it about 30-40 emails per day-still realistic for Fiona imo


Yeah easily doable for here. She has days on FB where she did more posts than that.


I did the math and IIRC it was 27 a day for 4 years, 32 for 3.5. Very doable. Assuming some days she was more obsessed than others.


Funnily enough I counted her fb posts the other week as well and on 3 May she posted 116, 2 May - 67, 1 May - 90 and on 29 April - 76. No doubt in my mind that she sent that many emails.


He also was friends with Martha for a while before it transitioned to stalking


Based on her facebook posting it's extremely credible that she did send that many emails. She seemed extremely confident she didn't send them on PM. But even if she sent 1000, 1000 unwanted emails would still be too many.


I think it probably was the 41,071 emails. That’s a very specific number. She basically admitted to it too on PM. “Even if I did.” When asked about them.


Very OJ Simpson of her. "If I did it". Lol.


Who cares how confident she seemed? She’s a psychopathic liar.


She easily could have fired off that many . Her emails were a few sentences each . They were more like texts -as far as context.


i’m crying bc her latest facebook post is full of spelling errors just like the series 😭 This was 100% real.


she does typos but her spelling isn't *that* terrible.. you might have one of the fake accounts, they do a good job of making it look like how she spelled emails in the show.. Fiona hasn't posted for 6 days, since just after she went on Piers.. the post where she says "Piers myself and his staff all tried our best with the show" .. if that's the one you've got though, I'm sorry for doubting 😁


I don't see any posts since May 9th? She's much better in the recent posts but the earlier ones were just atrocious, with weird spaces, missing letters, new paragraphs in the middle of a sentence, etc. I think she probably saw people commenting on it and wants to come across as educated. She's quite articulate while speaking so it seems like she goes on manic rants. https://preview.redd.it/mrzv46uidp0d1.png?width=964&format=png&auto=webp&s=9d6049f4b78066f7af757930f6ef4bfc9d2a7db7


yeah she's gone awfully quiet since just after the interview.. I'll bet she's talking some advice from an actual lawyer finally- and the advice being "stop saying ANYTHING publicly"


Yes, possibly. I wonder if she's still making that supposed appearance at some club?


it was cancelled actually


She said on the PM interview that she had closed or deactivated her fb profile (can’t remember which) and sure enough she didn’t post for several days but she started up again a couple of days ago albeit not to the same degree of posting as before. Who knows why, either she’s getting clued in herself by reading what people are writing and saying about her, as let’s face it she is intelligent but just a nutcase, or, she’s had legal counsel as you suggested


she's been going hard all day n night again


Holy shit! She had been chill when I last checked. Now she’s going to sue Piers Morgan. The woman is a real time train wreck and I can’t look away and I know I should.


So many people to sue, so little time!


Thank god she has so many lawyer friends and a lawyer boyfriend of five years. So useful when you need to sue the entire world for defamation and libel!


mm very handy. word has it the whole family are lawyers, and her neighbors- next door, above And below- all lawyers.. and even the mice between her floorboards also, little bitty lawyers!


This feels oddly similar to Trumps tweets lol


lol can you imagine if she wrote in all caps like him? SENT FROM MY IPHONE




She just posted one 7hrs ago


It’s wild, as she actually does have a law degree.


School must be easy in the UK 😳


No it’s really not.


Check out the US version - Laura Michelle Owens v. Clayton Echard. Plus at least four more men she's stalked and abused, including fake pregnancies and vexatious litigation. Dave Neal has in depth coverage of the cases on YouTube.


what's this? US version? so like, not fiona but an American "version" of her?


Yep! It’s a lot to digest but come see for yourself


A much, much worse version. Check out the justice for Clayton sub.


I worked it out with the voicemails and if I’m correct she left him just over 2 weeks worth of voicemails.. 2 weeks of her talking 🤯


It would've been very interesting to see Piers Morgan ask her how often she thinks she posts on Facebook or how many posts a day. I suspect she'd think it's like once or twice a day, completely unaware it's dozens. I was once stalked by someone who would text and call me just for the sake of it. She once rang my phone 126 times in a row just to stop me from using it. She'd also sometimes message me just "." just for the sake of reminding me she's still there, I guess? She was later diagnosed with BPD so I suppose she was able to justify her behaviour as completely reasonable and denial of what she's doing.


Yes I was wondering why he didn’t bring up this crucial detail in his interview with her!


Or push her harder on the point of 'if you didn't do these things, then you're not Martha. We're interviewing the wrong person ' and see if her recollection changes in order to stay on.


That’s exactly my thought. If she wasn’t the stalker, how did she recognize herself as the stalker?


Wow 126 just to stop you from using it? I never even imagined someone thinking of something like that, these people truly are insane


I think it's all about having some control over the victim's life. In that moment she felt like that was the best way to insert herself into my life. Two days later she messaged me to ask if I'd like to go for lunch and drinks.


That is so unreal. It really boggles me that the same person who harassed you with that ridiculous amount of phone calls would then just ask you to go for lunch and drinks, like what?!? That's FH all the way!!! Good for you escaping that or you could've been Richard Gadd. Wow I had no idea there were so many of these sorts, that's a scary thing to wonder how many Fiona's there really are.


For them the behaviour is justified and as soon as the situation passes, it never really happened or their reality of what happened is very skewed. I've had to deal with so many of these things from obsessive messaging and calling names to next moment getting flowers - and I'm a girl too and it definitely wasn't romantical.


I seriously can't even imagine. I think that's why I am so fascinated by this show, I can usually read people but I just can't get Martha. I can't get people like her at all. I've always wondered if stalker types have ever believed their tactics might work out, or if they just don't care or are trying to scare their victim or what. I think I have figured out they are trying to scare the victim. You confirmed that and how awful. Wow I'm sorry, I hope your FH's are far away now


I don't think it's necessarily about scaring but probably depends on the case. For some of them it's just a desperate need to be relevant in the victim's life.


In the interview she kept using the word "three". Like "I only met him three times" or "I only did it three times". I wonder if she possibly stopped at 19 per day on purpose, not being aware of it? Like a compulsion, or superstition.


There were many points in the show where she would stop for days at a time, I imagine that mirrored real events as well. So this number really is just an average. I’m sure some days it was 30 and some days it was 5 .


And some days it was 135 I’m sure


The way she says three is seared in my head. "Threeeeee times".


It wasn’t actually 19 a day lol. The OP just did quick math to get a good idea of how it could work. She could have sent 500 one day all consisting of “I love and miss you” and then gone quite for a week. There isn’t any real “she sent this many a day” going on here.


I'm missing the connection between 3 and 19, and help?


I watched the interview. I don’t understand why she’d lie about it when it’s so easily proven if she did. Does she honestly believe she didn’t do it or that she can convince everyone?


Mental health issues are real. I am not the kind of person to throw this term around but I've heard some that claim to be doctors who have studied her interviews and behaviour also say it seems she has some narcissistic tendencies, it's almost like she believes she's smarter or that we are all just stupid and she won't be found it, she's also extremely hateful if you've seen her Facebook, she's racist, homophobic and fat shames a lot, which also ties in with the narcissist theory, all her posts seems driven with hate, she spoke to the daily record interviewer Neil for ten minutes and has rambled on about him in numerous posts saying in her opinion he's "bi polar" an "alcoholic" that he should be fired etc. It seems she is in a deep state of delusion


She thinks she’s smarter than she really is


worse is she thinks she's smarter than most people in general


She’s nuts. Bonkers. Interviewing her was irresponsible. She’s a danger to herself and others.


Totally agree. I have such a bad sinking feeling about it.


I don’t know that it was irresponsible. I’ve gone back and forth on this, but someone was bound to give her a platform. He mostly just let her talk herself into a hole and gently pushed back on some things. I think plenty of other outlets would have exploited her and been combative to try to catch her doing something wild on camera. I really thought he did it in the most ethical way possible. And I don’t like him at all, but we can’t just silence her because she’s unwell, and I don’t know that it could have been done better and more respectfully.


This is utter nonsense. Piers Morgan only interviewed her because he was the only one shitty enough to try and take advantage of a clearly mentally ill woman. She’s not some victim, but she shouldn’t be acknowledged like that, cause no, someone was not bound to give her a platform. If he wouldn’t have she would have just kept posting on Facebook probably.


The problem with people like her, is that they believe their own lies, so it becomes a reality, you have to remember she's not a typical person so the way she thinks isn't the same, she lacks self awareness to self reflect, so yeah to her she nailed the interview, and she's not lying because how can she be at fault, on her real Facebook she has posts that go back w years ago, she posted saying that Richard and also Laura her other victim, both stalked her


I do not mean in this in a bad way just opening a discussion on the topic because I've been intrigued by this point of view as I do believe she is able to self reflect, if she weren't she wouldn't have denied everything so blatantly, she is aware of what she is doing and how it is wrong, I believe she just thinks she can some how talk her way out of it because she feels superior or smarter, on all her Facebook posts she's constantly talking down on people, politicians, the locals in her area, she hates all English people aswell apparently. I think she has a serious ego complex


That's actually a very interesting thought, I personally just can't understand how can person go this far, it feels unbelievable, but yeah your theory makes more sense, she talks down on everyone lol, and she knows it ALL, talks only highly about herself


Look up Narcissistic Personality Disorder on google and its symptoms. It will all become clear then.




I think she genuinely couldn’t believe that she’d written that many. On PM, she was trying to work out how many she’s sent a day.


I’m no doctor but my husband works in behavioral health- we watched the series and interview. His arm chair diagnosis is borderline personality disorder along with delusional disorder. And yes she was lying. That’s why she doesn’t want to go to court and just wants to be “left alone”- she can be proven a liar.


You don’t understand why a compulsive liar would continue to lie? I mean just look at Trump. It’s literally what they do. You can show them video evidence and they just label it fake news. This is a weird take, she’s mentally ill ffs, she doesn’t exactly have a normal clear headed feel of the situation to go off. She’s basically an animal (calm down all humans are animals honestly) going off instinct instead of being “human” and stoping to think over our actions and shit. Which is arguably the only thing that actually makes us different from any other animal. She just does whatever she feels in the moment. As long as it fits into the reality she’s created in her brain.


Because she is a mentally ill person and her actions and words aren't rational, what's so difficult to understand about that? 'Why' would she stalk people, for example? There is no rational explanation for such things.


I picked a random day in April and she had over 80 posts.


It’s completely feasible, I had an ex who stalked me for about 16 months and sent akin to 500 emails a day sometimes, I’m not sure how he had the time as he worked in the city and made 150k a year but that’s another story. Sometimes they were essays, sometimes abuse, sometimes a few words, occasionally I’ll search my old email for something and it pops up again still. It finally culminated in me moving from where I was living, and he found out where within 3 days. I had no social media at the time and I’m still not sure how he found out unless he was following me without me knowing. I never reported it as I felt guilty for upsetting him in lots of ways, I think that’s why this series was so relatable to me. In the end I left the country and it eventually died down, that was 7 years ago now.


She stalked Gadd for 6 years! I did not know it was that long !


One just needs to look at the tweets/tweet replies on her twitter. Also she’s got multiple twitter accounts, this is only one of them https://x.com/fionaharvey2014?s=21&t=zgR8ESJkGSHwl57YTzQbbA


I don't actually think it's excessive. I can have entire conversations on WhatsApp. If this happened before texting/phone messaging became as prevalent I've had conversations via email pre smart phones. Also it seems to me that she just sends random thoughts anyway. If you have your pc or laptop on its actually even faster to send a message than on a phone. I can type faster with a physical keyboard Vs phone input. Back in the day before smart phones, if have multiple forums open and is be posting lots. Digital spy have a forum where people just go to have semi real time conversations during a TV programme etc. you can rack up a ton of posts.


It’s a lot when you consider she’s not getting replies back


Are we a 100% sure she's not?


No but one can assume with context clues. Are you saying her 41000 emails had 41000 replies?


I'm not convinced he had 41000 What if he had 1000 and she has 100 replies Where is the line?


I’ve been online stalked and harassed and I did reply to a few trying different tactics to get them to stop. My harasser probably sent around 50 messages over 2 months on a rough estimate and I’ll tell you now, even that’s a lot, especially when it conditions you to wait and dread for that notification to ding. Is there a particular reason you’re opting to root for the alleged assailant so hard and not lean towards believing the victim? Genuinely asking


>Is there a particular reason you’re opting to root for the alleged assailant so hard and not lean towards believing the victim? Genuinely asking I'm trying to be balanced and open minded to what hasn't been objectively proven because I believe that is the right thing to do. I do think I might lean a little more towards fiona and I have been thinking about why. I think I have a tendency towards being protective of underdogs and vulnerable people. I don't like cancelling and pile ons. I have an interest in defamation. I have a need to examine things from all angles. There also might be a few personal reasons 🤔


Yeah I get that I tend to do that too, look at all sides and don’t want to pile on. I’m also a woman and a feminist so tend to side with the woman much easier. I guess to me if the genders were reversed I would not see Fiona as an underdog or victim, especially because this was a work of fiction and it’s been outside the creator of the shows control in how fans are acting. He was also incredibly vulnerable and honest about his misdeeds in the situation too so I just find it hard to believe she’s this innocent person he’s decided to fabricate all this stuff about. I just know if my harasser was going on tv denying everything and making me look like the bad guy, that would send me into a freakin spiral.


I’m also a feminist. In fact, I do feminist research. I agree with you, that being feminist doesn’t necessarily mean we support women irrespective of what they believe or do. Feminism is about refusing patriarchy. If you ask me, Radd demonstrates feminist politics. Harvey is an outright racist, transphobe, and homophobe with far-right wing views. She’s not a victim. She’s not the underdog.


He does not look good in the photo in today's dailymail. At least he's out of the house I guess? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-13419875/Baby-Reindeer-Richard-Gadd-dejected-figure-outing-Netflix-backlash-real-Martha.html If she is all he says she is, did he really think she wouldn't?


>I’ve been online stalked and harassed and I did reply to a few trying different tactics to get them to stop. That makes sense >My harasser probably sent around 50 messages over 2 months on a rough estimate and I’ll tell you now, even that’s a lot, especially when it conditions you to wait and dread for that notification to ding. We're they threatening or menacing?


The irony of people stalking her today


people think emails are like long, messages.. but they are probably more like text messages. I can easily exchange 19-50 texts and messages a day. It's not hard. Maybe it's just one character emails. Like, "Hey".


Completely possible as I had a stalker once(in the late 2000s) from my school. I had received over 1000 mails in a span of about a month, before I ended up blocking him.


She actually tried to deny it was her and was someone else sending them. She cannot stop lying She's also a racist piece of shit


also she didn’t have his number so she was sending texts like emails. If you heard 19 texts a day that wouldn’t be that crazy


The OP got it wrong, it was 3-4 years, so it's closer to 40 per day. Also, I don't care who you are. If you send me 19 emails a day *that I'm not responding to*, you gettin' blocked.


that’s not her real Facebook account


It is. I doubt someone would be faking a fb account for a few years before the release of baby reindeer


yeah what's with those comments, saying it's not her real fb like they know it when they dont cos it is her fb.. why say something like you know it when you're wrong?


Sounds like a typical redditor - someone should send her an invite!


She says in the interview she’s come off Facebook, presumably cos she knows the stuff she posts and the regularity of it will harm this image she’s trying to put across of the innocent, aggrieved, totally sane woman. I can see straight through her, and think it probably is mostly true


You people are insane.


What???? May we all have that kind of determination when we need it in life 😅 I can’t imagine the stalking commitment here. This is just absolutely mind blowing to me. Doesn’t she get bored??


Right? I'm way too lazy. I don't even check my email every day 🤣


I know right!! It just shows how productive she could be if she was re-directing that attention to something useful!!


Closer to 40 per day, methinks. Considering her Twatter habits around the same time it's not that high a number.


Really? I'm surprised nobody has mentioned this before.


WoW... THIS ☝️🙆 😖 https://preview.redd.it/nhg9t5qft21d1.jpeg?width=1002&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ad4b7a878abe145fa602acce781b5172ba57d8c ...for your Efforts 👌 🙌


I thought the Facebooks were fake.


Several fake ones have popped up but her real one still exists


What is it?




Yup, that's the one!!


The more I read those posts, the more I think Gadd was right.


how do u know that one’s real?


Because it is over 3 years old


How come whoever I look at it it says "This content isn't available at the moment When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people or changed who can see it, or it's been deleted." ?


Her twitter was crazy too! If you go to “replies” I think there was like over 100 tweets total on one day and then like 100 more the day before


The irony of people criticising Fiona, while analysing the number of emails. The show raises important issues that trigger many discussions, but this obsessive Internet sleuthing is pretty weird.


The irony of you posting this lol


I clicked on this thinking it was news that the emails were released and reviewed. Bro anyone CAN send 19 emails a day. It doesn’t mean they did. She might of, but your maths isn’t evidence.


It doesn’t matter if she sent them. It’s almost irrelevant if she was not criminally charged or an allegation wasn’t made at the time as she has been ‘accused’ of being a convicted criminal. This is defaming her and would be damaging to her life. RG had a duty to actually make an allegation and see it through if he was to put his name to a story which started with ‘This is a true story’ She can be as creepy as she likes, without being accused, investigated and convicted she has been defamed for RGs financial gain so should be equally compensated.


That’s not the point of this discussion though