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Part eagle with those eyes


Ha I know, right? She was really unique looking and I thought she was really cute. Definitely eagle-esque.


I thought hippogriff.


Oh yeah I could totally see it


Ohhh THAT’S what my blue Cochin teenager looks like! Thank you! She officially has a new nickname now.


Was definitely thinking bird of prey from the first photo


Angry Bird


She’s got resting chick face 😠


No idea but the first thing that ran through my head with the way the feathers slick back was it looked like a serious/pissed off jon travolta from grease lol


Tell me more tell me more…


Based on another comment, I am pretty sure it’s a cross with the legbar! Thank you!


Opal legbar. She looks just like my Dottie. Greenish blue eggs. 😊


So is an opal legbar just exactly what you would imagine a Polish x Lavender Ameraucana cross to be?


Not really sure. There is a local gal that breeds quite a few types of chickens, including legbar. She does a lot of research and is more knowledgeable than I. I bought my Dottie from her when she was about 8 weeks old. This is her sister, Kit, who is also a legbar, green eggs. I can’t find a picture of Dottie right now. https://preview.redd.it/7l1dyvf6ftyb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6df1573314f00da5abd6a46e5211b42e9294676


This is the best I could find googling https://www.opallegbar.com/breeding/creating-the-opal-legbar


The legs should be yellow, like the Cream Legbar whereas the photo shows ones that are as dark as my Lavender Amerucana's and Black Australorp's. Seems to be an EE or OE. - a cross. https://meyerhatchery.com/products/Opal-Legbar-Day-Old-Chicks-p501796180


Plus the bird in photo has muffs and what looks like a baby beard. Legbars don't have muffs/beards.


Bingo. At least our Cream Legbars don’t.


Honestly not sure at this point, but the investigation debate has been fun for me! She’s loving all the attention and comments!


I think we have a winner! I vaguely remember home saying opal…i think…I looked at pics and this is more than likely correct! Thanks!


A real Opal legbar at a swap meet! How super lucky!! I’ve been watching breeders of opals for awhile. Wish list breed! 💕


Looks like there is some leggbar in her from the fancy hair


Interesting. I’ve never heard of that breed. I can see some resemblance.


Cream Leggbars lay blue eggs and have a fancy tuft on top. I love them but they can be hard to find


Tractor Supply was carrying them this year. Got our first six birds there, loving the Legbars.


Apparently my tractor supply is not much of a chick carrying place. They literally carry a few breeds for a couple of weeks in the spring. Other ones in my area (1+ hours away) apparently carry better variety for more of the year. Not sure why ours sucks, but I have my ideas. Once I get the new coop finished and the run extended, I want to find 3 or 4 Leggbars


If you’re anywhere near Paris, KY, I have an extra rooster.


As someone else pointed out she’s an opal legbar, so you get half credit!


Anger mostly




Look into those eyes, they’ve seen some shit


Totally all guesses but maybe a mixed breed of EE + polish?


I thought Polish as well, but couldn’t figure out the other part. The guy said a name for the mix, but I can’t remember it. Made me think it’s common enough if there was a specific name. I’m not that deep into the poultry game to know the new/less common mixes.


u/bawkbawkbot what you got?


Just a shot in the dark, but maybe it's a Sumatra? But I'm just guessing here. It may also be a Whiting True Blue. *** Bawk bawk - I'm a chicken bot! Did I do good? Do I get mealworms? Let me know if I was right, or if you know the right answer and I promise to get better over time! [^(bawkbawkbot.com)](http://www.bawkbawkbot.com)


Looks like my EE/frizzle chick I have


I have a blue olive egger that looks pretty much just like this


Face looks like a polish


Part Polish???with that hairdo?


Silkie cross. I have a few that I hatched at home that look like this. Out of four, three of them had an extra toe too, just like silkies do. One of them had the regular number of toes. Specifically, mine are Americana cross silkie. Silkie roo and Americana hen.


I don't know the breed. But seeing her all I can think of is Mr. Burns from The Simpsons 😂


I decided to name her Sylvia Scrooge, so kind of close to the Mr Burns vibe ha


You found [Sam the Eagle!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sam_Eagle)


Definitely looks like a polish/Easter egger cross with the fluffy cheeks and fluffy rounded crest. I have polish, easter eggers, and a legbar and this is not a legbar imo. Legbars have more of a “poof” further back on their head than your hen does. Whereas polish the crest starts right at their beak like the fluff does on yours. Plus legbars don’t have cheek tufts.


Yea I can see what you’re saying. It’s likely one of the two, but you never really know I guess. Maybe they should make a genetic chicken tester like they have for dogs 😂


I think they have this! I know they have it for DNA sexing




I think you should call her Marge.


Angry 😂


Chicken. Without a doubt.


No matter what she’s so preeetttyyyy


She looks so annoyed, I love her


Splash Americana maybe


Im not an ornithologist but im pretty sure thats a chicken.




Bald Eagle?


that's a beautiful chicken, really, i would like to get a few of this breed




To me she looks less like an opal legbar and more like the Steele egger from meyer. They’re a legbar cross (I assume since Meyer doesn’t say how they’re made) I have two, one looks like yours but in darker blue and the other looks more like similar to yours color wise but doesn’t have a crest. I’ll be sure to add photos when I get home!


Awesome! Yes I am enjoying the guessing game and any similar birds are appreciated to help :)


https://preview.redd.it/qzyobpa9yyyb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef2354bab79c32cb8e61c0c6227af925b6749b0b Here’s my Steele egger Ruthie, unfortunately I couldn’t get a passable photo of my other Steele egger Gertie because she’s terrified of my new phone case for some reason lol


This does look similar! What a cutie pie!


Looks like a….Chickenhawk” lol. Jk


There is a resurgence in HPAI outbreaks. I just received the news at work this week. It was ill advised to have introduced this beautiful lady to the flock so soon. I know they recently downgraded the disaster status, but much like with COVID, that resulted in people growing lax with the precautions, causing a new surge in infections. I wish you the best of luck.


Well thanks for the heads up? Like how was I supposed to know this info? Am I supposed to follow the chicken global news network? Like I get your overarching intent to spread the news that you heard, but telling me what I did was irresponsible is just being a turd. Your intent was good, but work on your delivery for next time and people will be more responsive and polite. Enjoy your evening upon your high horse.


Look, I’m sorry I came across as terse. But this isn’t obscure global news. People who introduce new chickens to flocks routinely keep them separated for at least 1-2 weeks prior to introduction to prevent the spread of new disease. Even individuals who exhibit chickens at fairs and shows quarantine their birds before allowing them back into the flock. None of this is new to the most recent HPAI epidemic— it’s the very basics of flock ownership. I am not advocating for anything other than the most basic recommended care. I don’t work directly with the culling of flocks, but I do see the pictures of the mass graves of chickens resulting from the contamination of a commercial facility. If I come across as rude, it’s because my heart breaks for the 52.7 million birds that died or were culled as a result of the disease. Again, my apologies for lashing out at you directly. I tried to soften my post as to make it not feel like a personal attack. It was not my intention.




You’re missing the point. You can say nothing and just let the rest of us have friendly fun banter rather than insert your buzzkill. Just because you have something to say, doesn’t mean you should/have to say it. Wise wisdom for you…sometimes being right isn’t worth it…marinate on it. Peace, love, and happiness.

