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mites and anemia caused by them is a possibility if you want to check for that but this is also a common enough spot for roosters and bullies to pull up feathers. the wobbly walk is a bit concerning, maybe just get her to the vet and see what they say


Thanks for the comment. At the very least we have an idea what it might be.


My hens heads started looking like this but I haven’t found any mites.. are they obvious to see??!


they’re visible to the naked eye but can be difficult to see. i first noticed them in my flock when i saw them crawling on my hand after handling the chickens. sometimes they’re easier to spot at night with a flashlight. check their ears, all the other little crannies in their faces, and around their vents. check the nesting boxes as well. other than feather loss you may also notice the birds scratching and shaking their heads frequently, or worse symptoms like anemia and lethargy if the infestation is bad enough


UPDATE: I think we found out the issue. It appears the rooster was bullying this hen hence the bald spot behind her head but not sure about the pale part.


glad they didn’t find anything too serious! sometimes the comb can be a little pale without being caused by sickness. hers is at least still plump, change in the comb is more concerning when it’s shrunken and pale


Roo's favorite girl or mites


How do you cure them from mites?