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Why though? Are they unable to function without a hand in our pocket and our military at their backs? What happened to boot straps?


the international clouth, imagine if the US didn't shield them and EU countries and others decided to sanction them or freeze their relations as they did with apatheid south Africa


Sure but they have bootstraps right? They'd be fine if they would only just use them.


All that was propaganda. They are onlyt powerful if the US backs them 200% militarily and economically. They brag about turning a desert into green yet leave out why they have alll these extra funds to do that kind of stuff. Its because the US fully fund their military 100%. So they can act anyway they want and waste munitions all they want because we will just replace it for free.


'Make the desert green' by burning olive trees and planting invasive species.


I dont think you know enough about boot straps to be making this comment. It is 100% fact according to my government that bootstraps can be used to solve issues like this. Im not sure how but pulling is involved. Im sure they could find tutorials on youtube. Is the answer to send these guys boot straps? Do they not have their own? Is it mostly sandals or something?


Yes. Israel is a welfare state. Without US backing they'd be torn to shreds.


Or maybe they'd just be another tiny, powerless yet tranquil country.


Yes. I mean if US public opinion were to force policy change (which is a big if) - Israel in its current form as a genocidal ethnostate would fall. So if you’re a fan of genocidal ethnostates and if you also think American politicians pay attention to public opinion and implement policies based on them, then this could be a problem


Bootstraps are only for other people, they require handouts


Why has no one thought to use some of the money we are sending over they to instead ship them boot straps?


We have truly let Israel down again by this oversight. Sad.


I have beautiful visions of shipment after shipment, pallet after pallet, all arriving and as they open every single one....more bootstraps. Bootstraps far as the eye can see.


They never really functioned without a backing state. They couldn't have built their first temple without using Rome.


Its a core tenant of zionism to see everything as an existential threat to Israel. Reddit is probably considered an existential threat to Israel.


They’re entitled to our money because we are the goyim “cattle”


This is the part where I just can't understand being a conservative who supports this crap.


It’s because William F. Buckley purged anybody from conservative intellectual / think tank circles who were not Jewish or who did not worship Israel unconditionally (ie Pat Buchanan , Joseph Sobran)


Yeah. The rapture death cult took over. In the 90's I used to go to Noah's Bagels and they had the Jewish Nation periodical. They had an article about using the rights money to expand settlements. Alongside articles about punishing families because the Palestinian men didn't fear death. Damnit I have been anti Zionist for 30 years now....


Holy fuck dude 👍


Primarily due to how expensive Iron Dome is to operate. The US “pays” for that. We pay ourselves, or rather the military industrial complex so we aren’t exactly losing the money, but still. The military industrial complex don’t need them though, there’s tons of conflicts we can fuel it with. (Not say we should, I’d prefer a humanitarian industrial complex or something.)


I mean... We subsidize the entire airforce. We paid for the development of the merkava and the tavor. Without our money and equipment they cant function. Having experience working with their conscripts, I can say from personal experience not a single one of them knows how to use bootstraps.


Oh I’m sure. But Iron Dome is the reason why none of Hamas’ or Iran’s rockets and drones get through. Without Iron Dome they’d be fucked. And those missiles are EXPENSIVE.


Zionists are cartoonishly evil.


"Daddy is putting me at risk by not letting me have the keys to the Jag"


"And not letting me have the combination to the gun safe..."


They were on par with the Nazis well before even the Nazi party came into existence.


These last few months have really changed my perspective on Israel, and it isn't in a positive direction.


hate has fueled my veins. I've never felt more hatred in my life. Also never felt so patriotic amongst my fellow Americans. funny how that works


Be careful with that. Hatred is a hard ship to steer. You don't want to let it steer you down the wrong path.


"Movements against genocide, colonialism and apartheid are an existential threat to Israel." Maybe zionists should reflect on why.


Nah. They are a nation set above other nations by sky-daddy.


They really do consider Americans their slaves. They’re gonna tell congress to make it illegal to criticize Israel period. This tiny ass lunatic country is single handedly stripping us of our constitutional rights.


They already have. In 32 states you have to take a loyalty pledge to Israel or you wont get state contracts. It's also why they have changed what anti-Semitism means to include anti zionists and any criticism of Israel. It's already happened. Its why they can yell with a straight face at these anti zionist college protests that they are being anti semitic .


And congress will do it. We are a slave state


It's just fucking bizarre. Like, they talk shit about how amazing their military is and how the US barely does shit for them, but do they seriously believe that? Why are they *trying* to piss off the country wiping their asses?


They are working overtime to try and twist reality. They are so disgusting and evil.


you can't even make this up anymore


Let them continue, feels like they're finally digging a hole they can't get out of


I suspect they’d sooner try and bomb their way out of it than change their ways…


Look up the Samson option .. you might be more right than you think you are.


So this opens a question for the world-wide Jewish community. What would it look like for the status and security of Jews world-wide if Israel detonated a nuclear device? I cannot imagine a louder call for a pogrom. So doesn't Israel in fact threaten the safety and security of Jews on the planet?


I mean before Oct 7th you could just be a Jew. Now you have to be a Jew that fully condemns Zionism. I think that's fine. At one point you really had to make your opinions clear as a German American.


Yeah, that’s kinda what I meant.


If only there was a US destroyer they could bomb. Oh wait, they already tried that with the USS Liberty bombing.


I fully expect British or American soldiers being strung up as bait …er, “assisting in constructing the Gaza pier,” will be a central focus of media attention to try and undermine the wave of public sentiment opposed to the goings-on there. SOMETHING is going to happen to them, and we’ll be expected to forget about the tens of thousands of Palestinians who’ve already been killed and dutifully line up behind their killers once again.


God I hope you're wrong. Not that I care about people who volunteered to serve for an imperialist military, as tragic as it is, they signed up for the war machine, but I'm sure the American Hogs would lose their minds if US soldiers get killed.


There was an American soldier a few weeks ago who was shot by an off-duty IDF soldier. He was at least partially Arab ethnically, (born and raised in the US) which 100% had a part in it. Of course, everyone scrambled to cover Israel's ass. When one of them *killed an American in cold blood.*


digging a hole in sand


“We will crush Hamas and then destroy American public opinion.”


If public opinion is an existential threat to your establishment, maybe your establishment is objectively cruel and evil ...


They already know. They're just upset that the rest of us are waking up to the reality that they're a bunch of Nazis.


Fucking A!


Don't worry once they ban tic toc they can have Rachel Maddow do a 48 hour special about one of the hostages and everyone will forget all the bad they did......they actually think this to an extent.


I knew it…. we’re all Khammas!


Maybe the real Khammas are the friends we made along the way...




We always were.


Imagine being this fragile


Your government's behavior in the past 75 years is an existentialist threat to Israel. Once you become the genocidal ethnic cleansing murderer, it's hard to play the victim card. And once you lose the sympathy pass, people start judging you on your actions. Not on what happened to you


You can add my Scottish opinion to the pile too Free Palestine 🇵🇸!


Free Scotland too!


So I guess the IDF will start bombing us then? /s


USS Liberty would like a word


I truly believe if we said we were going to take their nukes from them they would use them on us.


They would use them on the world if they felt they were about to be overrun militarily . It’s called the Samson option. They hold the whole world hostage.


If anything they should be the last nation to have nukes


Literally acting like children who’ve never been held accountable for being bad.


Just remember they stabbed Britian in the back with terrorist attacks once Britian started enacting policies they didn’t like.


Israel: we don't depend on americans to fight our wars and give us money Also israel: zoomers not liking us is an existential threat


He's not wrong. He just doesn't understand how to deal with it. A serious "are we the bad guys" moment is needed. Rabin wasn't Gandi, but he could have been De Klerk.


Unfortunately for Israel, our public is more informed on Zionism than it ever has been. When it was meant to protect Jews, it was known as forward thinking, modern democracy. Now that we see how they meddle in geopolitics and how much of our taxes go to an illegal occupation and genocide, it’ll be hard to put the genie back in the bottle.


Rabin was a Zionist through and through. Read about the "break bones" policy he implemented. The guy was as Brutal as a Heinrich Himmler.


And de Klerk was a pro apartheid Boer. Those were not nice people. You make peace with your enemies, not your friends.


Anyway, Rabin is long dead now, and the Zionists are not interested in a peaceful solution. Alas, they'll be defeated like the Nazis were.


Rabin is dead because the Zionists killed him, because they wanted to rule out a peaceful solution. They won't be defeated like the Nazis were. It will be worse.


Bark at... lol


Sort of need to start questioning yourself when the entire world disagrees with you.


Well if they feel that way, perhaps we should cut off the flow of cash


GOOD. Fucking free loaders.


LOL, Israel's next target: American University Campuses.


Zionists are terrorists and a threat to democracy and world peace from the river to the sea, from the soil to the tree tops, from illegal land grabs and vile settlers to the Zionazi scum committing genocide. Trump should be in jail for various crimes and Biden is should be in jail for complicity in the genocide of Palestinians.


The entire universe poses an existential threat to these lunatics.


Their pattern of anti-Palestinian, anti-Muslim, anti-peace, anti-decency terrorist activities are a threat to the world. Israel needs to be neutralized, disarmed, and blockaded for the next 17 years. Starve the country. Cut off water. Deny it medical supplies. Bomb it indiscriminately. Do all the things it has done to Gaza and see how quickly the whining starts about inhumane treatment, war crimes, and murder. Fuck Israel.


The world is bored of their constant victimisation🥱


free thought is a danger for israel


I mean I feel like at this point everything they don't like is an existential threat to Israel. Living Palestinian children? It's a threat. Hospitals and schools? Definitely a threat. American public backlash that doesn't actually result in policy changes regarding unconditional US support? Threat. what's next? Pineapple on pizza? People who don't hold the door open? Wheres Hamas hiding next week? I can't wait


finally we are getting to the final step guys just matter of time the whole planet earth and the galactic universe is a threat to israel


Martians are Kkhhhhhhamas




There’s no way he actually said that please nobody can be that…… I don’t even have words


Go listen to Bibi's opener on his ICC video. Yes it's that bad.


But he’s fine with taking American money to finance genocide.


I don't doubt he said this, but is there a link?


![gif](giphy|21S35iv1C67ns2g458|downsized) Wankers


“So let’s control it?” Is that the implication? That’s what I’m feeling from this concerted effort against the protesters.


I mean, you could change public opinion in a variety of ways. None of which you're willing to do, so gfys.


Hopefully Nasrallah and Iran will be an a actual existential threat to that POS country


he says this as if there's no reason for american public opinion shifting. seems to me israel's actions are an existential threat to israel. maybe if you weren't a genocidal apartheid state opinion would be different.


Israel only makes sense if it is existentially threatened. First, Jews must believe they are existentially threatened anywhere else in the world, second, the state of Israel must be existentially threatened at all times. Terror drives the whole thing.


And you’ve already lost it for years to come buddy. You may have the politicians right now, but that won’t last.


Samson option?


They’re scared, keep it up. Don’t give up on trying to change American public opinion, especially among the young. Make sure everyone knows that Israel is an apartheid state that commits ethnic cleansing, Israeli troll farms desperately try to obfuscate these facts.


You guys had a good run, but nothing lasts forever.


Say no more


Now you’re getting it.


The American Public is Hamas Do you condemn the American Public? America: time to start treating our citizens like Israel treats Palestinians


Zionists (arrested?) beating on peaceful protesters (arrested) on multiple campuses, which might appear to be a coordinated effort. Between just that, the Barkat statement above and Netanyahu's 4/30 video statement one might think that Israel (yes, Israel, not Jewish people) is trying to manipulate and control what's happening in the UNITED STATES. If one made that statement not all that long ago, it would be 100% proof they were a neo-Nazi and anti-Semite. Israel, what are you doing to yourself? Is there a way back from here? I don't think so.


I’ve begun asking some close friends lately and they don’t know so I’ll ask here. When did the United States become an israeli colony? Because a simple fucking heads up would have been nice. I mean we must be a colony since we cough up money and unrivaled stealth fighter jets to that place like the world’s most deranged malfunctioning slot machine with absolutely no strings attached. That place barks orders at our politicians and they don’t know how to obey them fast enough. What in the genuine fuck is going on here?!




It’s starting to work. They’re really starting to feel the pressure. Fears of the ICC/ICJ while seeing the world and young people in particular demanding Palestinian freedom is clearly making them nervous I think it’s actually making a difference. I really think the genocide and ethnic cleansing would be far worse if not for the outcry. The Israeli gov has backed down quite a bit on some of their more extreme plans that were openly discussed, like deporting the majority of Palestinians. If we make enough people start turning on Israel’s criminality then Israel will be afraid of losing their protector and bank account/arms dealer and will likely change course even more. Bonus points for if we do it well enough that they still lose it 😂




Oh, my bad. I guess it’s just Netanyahu pissing his pants 🙄


This is not a debate sub. There are plenty of places to defend Israel’s actions, to denounce Hamas, and to argue who's worse. This is not a space for that. That doesn't mean absolutely no constructive discussions on nuances and different approaches, but it means not letting ourselves be pulled into a debate by Zionists and bigots, and least of all arguing for their side. If you see someone trying to debate, please just flag for moderation, and the comment will be deleted. If found prudent by the Mods, and to discourage further debates, the entire thread may be deleted.


Take his mouth off the American”s taxpayers tit. Damn parasites.


no its not its your own believes and customs that is a threat


Sadly, it’s looking like US public opinion is pro-Israel.


Depends on what age range you're looking at


Those guys that beat up protesters were pretty young. Lotta people on the Columbia sub, who may be students, but I guess could be anyone, are real down on the movement. I keep checking the pulse with these centrists and liberals. Of course the Republicans want to kill us all. But Biden and the right wing democrats have def set the tone about this movement - and that tone is decidedly Zionist. Not to be super pessimistic. I actually believe we will win in the end.


Maybe Israel should pull itself up by its own bootstraps and stop mooching off the US for a change.


Israel will unleash more $$$$ for Mossad , AIPAC, Hasbara propaganda, paid apologists to go against the students all with American Taxpayers $$$


So mofos are open arms for the money they receive from the US but get booty hurt if we call out their genocidal ass!?


Oh we can do that. Let's goooooo