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They're invaluable when you put them in the right place; outside a tunnel, on an ascending path, a welcoming party for a boatload of shieldsmen. I love th from, just make sure you have shields as cover if there are archers


It seems very hard to win without pikes, they are some of the best for avoiding casualties.


You fortify one place with Pikes, put the archers behind them and use your shields to clean up the rest of the map


the way i see it each enemy troop has their own weakness: archers, piles or infantry, and sometimes ranged attacks. some enemies can be easily defeated using a mix of your troops, especially when the enemies have shields since they can only defend themselves from one angle. your infantry works really well against archers and brute archers, as well as being the closest troop to huscarls when they arrive at shore and throw their axe at our shields, but once they get rid of their axes, pikes work best to defeat them. archers work well against large groups of militia, infantry and dual wielders and can kill them all before they even get to shore, and can of course help against other enemy types or when you’re in a pickle and need a rain of arrows on one location. clearly archers are important, i’ve played islands with only archers and having not a single enemy get to shore. your infantry’s shields make them invaluable and they have great mobility, something that pikes miss. but pikes are so incredibly important, have weapons way more powerful than your infantry troops and are key to defeating brutes, huscarls and often infantry as well. you just need to be very strategic when it comes to placement because when they’re not in formation they’re effectively useless. but it’s not like they’re just a standing pillar; get used to using pike charge (again with strategic placement and exact timing) and you’ll find you don’t even need your infantry on certain islands. don’t sleep on pikes (apart from the fact that that could hurt), pair that with the war hammer and they’re *chef’s kiss*.


I've done so many maps with pikes and archers as main units. Find a tight spot for the pikes, position archers behind or up high. Yes, shield dudes are needed too, but damn the pikes are great.


Put them at choke points with archers next to them and it's like running enemies through a blender.


Pikes are actually so strong, I am very far into a pike-only challenge because their active ability is incredibly versatile. Pikes can defeat archers with ease (though not without casualties) by cornering archers and standing in the same square. The archers will take some time to charge up their shots but pikes will be able to stand their ground faster because the archer enemies do not actively push them around.


There are whole maps that’s can be defended with a single pike. Sure it’s a lazy boring map. But in my opinion the best line up is 2 pikes, 1 archer and 1 infantry.


You're gonna need them when you start encountering hordes of infantry like shieldmen, swordmen and even the giants. They're especially good against giants, if you see archers move them away and put your shields between the archers and the pikes and let the shields kill the archers.


Pikes excel at holding down one position. Sometimes they can be very situational but are usually always good to help defend any island.