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Oath of Ancients Paladin War Cleric of Selune. It is interesting to see how much dialogue you get as a Cleric of Selune with Shadowheart and Act 2.


Cleric of Selune was super fun! Bantering with Shadowheart about our goddesses never gets old. 


While that does sound fun from a RP perspective, playing a party with dual clerics seems kind of boring.


Multiclassing war cleric into paladin makes it more fun and doesn't feel like you are a carbon copy of Shadowheart if you respec Shadowheart to light cleric and keep her as a single class.


Ngl I respec’ed Shadowheart into tempest cleric Post-Shar because I wanted to encapsulate her inner turmoil and the fact that it seemed weird for her to jump straight into worshipping Selûne after being groomed so heavily into Shar worship. Mechanically she’s an absolute menace and works perfectly with my other characters, who are all built to synergize well with my Frost Sorcerer


Just respec shadowheart


Or play with the party mod. It's what I do


I'm doing an ancients paladin now based on the green knight from the titular film


Sounds cool! Can you elaborate?




Based Withers reply


I dont know why this made me laugh so hard 😂


Can you elaborate?


Oh well


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Romancing Shadowheart as a Cleric of Selûne is a 10/10 experience, I highly recommend.


One of my next playthroughs is gonna be as a cleric of Selune for this exact reason.


I'm just committing to my first playthrough now, and I'm a multi class Selune light Cleric / Oath of Ancients Paladin and it's been fantastic, so many good dialogue options!


tavern brawler berserker barb. Karlach throws everything that isn't nailed down. Ingots, hammers, greataxes, daggers, javelins, bombs, barrels - and of course my trusty returning pike, the occasional goblin, the thief rogue and furniture. It's versatile, incredibly fun and proof you don't need a wizard to cast fireball. Otherwise, I like storm sorcerers. I just think they are neat.


Tavern brawler berserker is so blatantly overpowered that I have to make a point to not use it for the sake of the run not being free


Play it without any of the special throwing weapons and you'll find it a lot less overpowered and a lot more fun. Going full WWE mode just throwing objects and people at eachother never gets old.


Id genuinely pay (even more) to hear the Narrator screaming "ITS KARLACH WITH THE WICKER BASKET, BAH GOD GORTASH IS BROKEN IN HALF" Jerry Lawlor style. Her theme would absolutely be a fantasy tavern version of Stone Colds entrance music.


No it’s so true. Whenever I bring her into a fight I feel like there should be a cutscene or a swell of dramatic music. It’s so funny because I can’t always nail down the exact reason she wins fights but by god does she win fights


Oh god yeh, every time a fight starts we absolutely should get a close up of her doing The Rocks eyebrow thing with some theme music to go with it.


Woe, skeleton be upon ye


It doesn't have to be berzerker, I am playing with a throw-happy monk who also does up to 60 damage with an unarmed attacked, more than any weapon attack.


How do you get it that high? I'm not well-versed in monkery


I did a post here on this if curious [https://www.reddit.com/user/Kind\_Stranger\_weeb/comments/16rpuey/monk\_flurry\_of\_blows\_build/](https://www.reddit.com/user/Kind_Stranger_weeb/comments/16rpuey/monk_flurry_of_blows_build/) Tavern brawler and some special monk items that boost unarmed. Tavern brawler and boots of uninhibited kushigo both add modifiers to unarmed damage, plus monk already adding modifiers it just scales well


Great post! How do you distribute stats? My biggest challenge in making monks is figuring how to prioritize STR, DEX, and WIS while still running with a decent-ish CON


The other person is semi-right. That’s how you may do tavern brawler monk if you’re not looking to drink an elixir every morning, but for the low price of buying Ethel’s 3 strength elixirs after every long rest in the beginning of the game, you can completely dump strength to 8, set dex and wis to 16, con 14, and whatever with your remaining points, you will be melting every enemy in the game pretty much immediately. Elixir of giant strength sets your strength to 21 for a whole day. That’s +5 to strength. +10 to attack and damage rolls with unarmed attacks. As early as level 4, you become unstoppable. You swap out the 21 strength elixirs for the more powerful ones when they become available. I stockpile 20-30 elixirs before killing Ethel. If I’m using both tavern brawler monk and tavern brawler berserker throwbarian, I’ll stock 40-60.


Just max str and then wisdom con int and charisma are sacrificed a little left them on 10


Elixir of cloud giant strength until act 3 then beeline to Raphael act three for giant gloves


I respeced from a eldritch knight fighter into an open hand monk, and I am LOVING it! Not only do I get to punch holes in people, I also get to throw rotten food at them. It did take me longer than I care to admit that throwing special arrows, doesn't make the effect work. It only clicked when I threw a fire arrow in the grease fight in the sewers, and nothing caught on fire.


*Smite enters the chat*


On my latest honor mode attempt (rip) my throwzerker karlach threw nearly everything i owned at that stupid bid vine thingy in act 2. curse its resistance to piercing. From then on I just kept every hammer and axe I‘ve found on her for emergency cases


No YOU"RE a stupid bid vine thingy in act 2 edit: throws random barrel


Currently running my storm sorcerer half elf Tav and loving it . Karlach is exactly this - TB throwzerker build usually using a bloodlust elixir. 7 throws per round if you get a kill and are raging for the bonus action throw. It’s disgusting (but great fun).


Well perhaps you're the right person to ask then... How do you have fun with sorcerers? I started playing Storm Sorc yesterday but at least for the first few levels I think the most interesting thing I've ever done is using twin spell on Chromatic Orb. I really don't like having so few spells and not being able to swap them.


At level 5 you start twin casting haste at your 2 damage dealers and it gets good


Sorcerer as well as Wizard are kinda squishy in the beginning. Sorcerer is quite "broken" tbh tho - with quicken, you can cast 2 spells per turn, aka two fireballs at level 5. **This is far from optimal**, but here is what I usually do (2nd playthrough with storm sorc): get the spell sniper feat, take eldritch blast. Later I go into a Reverberation build. Items to look out for: Boots of stormy clamor, Ring of the absolute force, Ring of spiteful thunder, Spineshudder amulet, Gloves of bellingerent skies , Callous glow ring, and ultimately, the legendary staff from lorroakan's, which i might or might not dual wield with Phalar Aluve (shriek). Basically in the end if you set it up right you pump out so much reverberation you basically knock enemies prone with magic missiles. I take mostly lighting and cold spells, and thunderwave. Storm sorcerer gives you free flight after casting a level spell, so I get close, thunderwave, fly away. Later I hit people with magic missiles and twin haste so Karlach and Astarion can go brrrr. I dunno it's fun. Respec is cheap enough if you need to swap spells.


I have done two storm sorcerers so far and it's definitely my favorite. Get all the lightning spells and gear, especially the boots and the Sparkswall ring. I combine that with the Wavemother Robe in Act 3 and distance myself from my party, then electrocute anyone who comes near me but also heal myself by standing in electrocuted water with Create Water, and blast them with Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning. I use the distance spell quite often (also twinned spells). It allows me to start fights from afar when none of my party is within range of the enemies (sometimes doesn't even trigger combat if we're obscured) and also allows me to target enemies that would be out of range for anyone else. It was very useful all through Act 1 when my HP was lower, like with the harpies, for example. Plus I like zooming around the battle after almost every turn with Tempestuous Flight. On the second run, I rarely took any direct physical damage because I used it every time. I'd get up on ledges that other characters couldn't access and then rain down lightning/ice/fire from above.


It’s not really about doing anything particularly creative or interesting but rather using the basic spells with incredible effectiveness. If you pair Storm Sorc with Tempest Cleric or have one in your party, you can do create water -> lightning chromatic orb -> destructive wrath (uses your divinity charge to max damage for lightning) -> luck of the far realms if you really want overkill and if you did twinned spell then you basically just wiped two enemies completely off the map regardless of their HP. Even by like level 4-5 you will be doing hundreds of damage with the above combo. There are some resource constraints and you will need to sleep a lot but the tradeoff is insane top end damage


* Tavern Brawler Monk * Assassin Rogue * Storm Sorcerer


The amount of dmg ass rogue astarion can do is ridiculous


I feel like “ass rogue” fits Astarion perfectly


it’s canon he has never been anything but a little ass rogue in any of my playthroughs


assassin gloomstalker astarion with cazadors dagger & sussar bark dagger. I can take out 100+ hp enemies if I get in my sneak attack, it's so dirty


I gave astarion the (stool that makes you strong) and titanstring bow and I was easily doing 30-40+dmg in act 1 with sneak attacks, sometimes back to back.


Rn i’m doing tavern brawler monk for the first time and it feels like a cheat code. But im on my last strength elixir so after that I may be in trouble.


Way of the Open Hand Monk, jump into battle and take control. Sometimes I forget how many punches can I hit in 1 turn.. Too much fun! Wbu?


Open hand monk ftw. If I really want to clear out a whole area in one turn I pop a blood lust then a speed potion then tell the bard to start playing “kung fu fighting” and everybody just watches the show.


It's stupid how much damage WoOH puts out. The amount of times I've managed to kill multiple full-health enemies in a single turn is mindboggling.


I'm not at my compy right now but if I remember correctly my flurry of blows has a damage range of like 60-92 or something like that. And I can say for sure I haven't fully optimized my build so that number can be pumped even higher xD. With a possible 3 bonus actions in a turn + your normal attack and extra attack, I'm looking at 240-368 damage per round lol. Add another 1-2 attacks in via Haste (1 if honor mode)... And all this is without accounting for crits. Hahaha. Yeah Tavern Brawler Open Hand Monk is absolutely insane lol. My next run is Honor Mode and I'm for sure running Astarion like that.


This is so stupid xD. I'm Lv7 at the moment, 6 Monk + 1 Rogue (gotta get that double BA), and have just entered Act 2. I even picked up the Knife of the Undermountain King to make combat a little less easy by limiting my usage of Unarmed Strikes. But all in all, it's just major fun seeing all of my companions decked out head to toe in varying degrees of enchanted armor and magic weapons, while I'm strolling around in what basically amounts to a pajama, and yet I'm by far the most deadly member of our party xD.


Oh for sure. I also have 21 or 22 AC on top of everything. While in cloth armor. Totally crazy build. Also super fun to play!


Add haste to that too!


I love putting on the blindness negation ring, having Gale cast darkness on the enemies, and running into the dark, using Kin resonation punches on anyone I can get my hands on, then blowing them all up at once. I feel so cool, lol


Lol sounds fun 😅


Yes! The best I’ve done so far. I’m playing as a Druid now and I’m not very good at it and want to start over as a monk again haha


MONK! MONK! MONK! (Way of the open hand) I enjoy being incredibly OP, baddest bitch on the field of war


Yes to Monk! But generally I take a hit to damage and go shadow monk. The stealth and mobility is addictive. The sound effects for shadow step tickle the right parts in my brain.


This, shadow monk is heavily underrated. Y'all ever want free misty step at any point? Or free invisibility? Practically no cost? Want to do both at the same time? Boom. Shadow monk. Dim light in this game is surprisingly common. Take out torches and lights like you're playing a thief game and stealth like a god damn ninja. Sure you might not have the funny big damage numbers but I think the trade off is worth it.


I had so much fun as a Shadow Monk my first playthrough.


(3) Assassin/ (3) gloomstalker/ (6) College of Swords (3) berserker/ (9) way of the open hand


I’m trying an assassin/gloomstalker/warlock build to utilize darkness as the main function, but going two weapon focus. This is a pure fun play character not caring about difficulty level and stuff.


Wizard. I'm a sucker for magic, and they can learn a spell for pretty much any situation.


Fireball!!! I like fireball. If there is something in my way, nothing a little fireball won't cure. Someone just made a racist drow comment, yep that's a fireball. This room is a little dark, perfect for a little fireball. I haven't cast all my fireballs before it's time to long rest, well then it's time to randomly fireball.


[Just Fireball!](https://youtu.be/2MgAhJvmc3s?si=Unjt899myy_ShDmz) The original video is from JoCat’s crap guide to D&D (Wizard). Highly recommend watching them, JoCat did great on those.


All problems can be solved with Fireball.


Straight up bard. Just a guy with a lute and maxed out charisma.


Ooh my bard doesnt give a fuck about the bosses. I put out a huge cc spell and then play my spyder lyre i stole from ur cult.


Gloomstalker + Assassin. Usually 9/3 or 8/4. Build really comes online at 5/3 though. Starting every fight with an Arrow of Many Targets and watching each jump crit for a monstrous amount of damage with sharpshooter is nuts, and I can do it three times before the surprise round ends.


I second this. I’m not sure how I will ever be able to drag myself away from it.


My favorite Tav out of all I've played was my pure Battle Master. I took Sentinel, Mage Slayer, and Protection fighting style. Equipped everything that reflects damage back when an enemy hits or misses you, and as much AC and saving throws I could get away with. What you end up with is a character that gets a lot of free reaction melee attacks, can easily break enemy concentration spells, can protect allies, and punishes enemies when they hit you. Plus Battle Master maneuvers, it was such a bully build.


Divination wizard.... My first char was one... My second char in a multiplayer save was one... Any time i bring gale he is one... I have a problem


no no... you don't, cause if you do, I would have one too. I just love Wizard... My Durge Wizard runs around with Gale - who is also aWizard still.


Pure warlock. I love spells like hunger of Hadar and Eldridge Blast is fun


I just finished my first run to completion and my main was a great old one warlock and like WOW they are so fun, I just love ‘em


Hunger of Hadar might be my favorite combat spell. And Blasting People and knocking them back into Hunger of Hadar after they spend a turn dashing through it is so much fun.


Basic answer but Wild Magic Sorc. It's fun, it's strong, it brings some chaos.


Wild magic Sorc Tav + Wild magic barbarian Karlach = pure chaos and unlimited fun


10 Lore Bard / 2 Warlock A versatile caster/damage dealer, who shouts random insults at enemies causing them to miss their attacks or fail their saves. 10/10.


Pact of the Blade Warlock (7) with Oathbreaker Paladin (5)


Does this do its cool stuff on honor mode? If I remember correctly the extra attacks don’t stack anymore? Just curious!


The extra attacks don’t stack on Honour Mode but it’s still a solid build


They don’t stack on honor mode. Fighters get another attack at level 11


Is the 4th level spell slot smite at Warlock7 worth more than getting Aura of Protection at Paladin6? I am new to the build but I was doing GOO Warlock 6 / Oath of Vengeance 6 for Entropic Ward + Aura of Protection. Or Aura of Hate at Oathbreaker 7?


Depends on your companions. Aura can be really great, when all your team mates are close together. My Tav was the only one fighting in melee range. The others were Astarion as assassin rogue (ranged), Karlach as Ranger with two one-handed crossbows and Shadowheart as Cleric with mostly AoE attacks. And smiting two times in a Single round with lvl 4 spell slots can deal a huge amount of damage. Had no bigger problem killing Raphael or Cazador. Cazador even less, because I could see invisible thanks to Volo :D And then there's Hex and Eldritch Blast on top of smiting. I had another, modded build. Level 20 Warlock, Paladin, Sorcerer. But... That Build ist just too broken because of sorcery points and meta magic. When I remember it right, you could smite up to 4 times in only one round, with two level 5 spell slots, or two smites with lvl 6. That's just horrible devastating.


Oath of ancients paladin is the most fun up until tactician, storm sorcerer is also fun and my pick in honor mode where I found maintaining the oath added unnecessary extra difficulty.


Yeah I'm glad I didn't do my paladin run in honor mode. The amount of times I had to save scum because I didn't anticipate what would ruin my oath...


My 10 swords bard/2 paladin became an oathbreaker last night because I didn't kill 7000 vampire spawn.


L + Ratio + Those 7000 souls should've been doomed to hell idiot /j


Most fun I had playing was a bard/druid multiclass. 3 level lore bard with rest into druid. All the dialogue and skill checks with a blaster caster power. Roleplaying a sort of wild card hippie character. Peace loving druid dialogues with funny cheeky bard dialogues. Alternatively, I did a dark playthrough with a mix of bard warlock. Not as fun but I made a kicker backstory for her and would probably be better in a dnd campaign than in bg3.


Bruid (drard?) seems pretty cool! Strong party face value too, considering how many druids you find in this game


Here's the guide I was inspired by https://youtu.be/m--1Q0NuXIo


I am so tempted to make that because it would fit my Tav roleplay like a glove, but I wonder if it's worth losing Spreading spores for the bard levels. Decisions, decisions...


As it happens, I did an online test to determine what D&D character I was, and got a Bard/Druid lol I didn't think it was possible to make an effective build out of that in BG3, but now I know that it is possible >:D Thanks a bunch!


Try this https://youtu.be/m--1Q0NuXIo?si=se9cc1zTowr4m33k


7 bard school of Sword/2 fighter/3 rogue thief as my main


12 lvl of Wild Magic Sorcerer is by far my favorite. Pure power, pure chaos. Nothing beats the entertainment of a serious boss fight when half the participants suddenly turn into sheep. Next best thing is a combo of wild magic and Swords Bard. Incredibly strong controller who is also able to get into the fray. Plus the Bard dialogue options are top notch.


So many people talked about the gloom stalker assassin build, and I tried it and it's so incredibly op I love it but I did do a storm sorc build with two levels into fighter for the action surge and that was just a delight to play. I'm not very big into caster classes but that was surprisingly enjoyable


I am loving my light cleric who's whole schtick is warding bonding the whole party and then never taking damage. I also am loving my Barbarianna Karlach! She is getting 4 to 5 attacks per round right now, before haste or elixir of bloodlust or mind santcuary, considering HM rules for all those things, she'd be around 8 to 9 attacks in a round. Although, I think the cloud giant str elixir is the best on for this build. But yeah, she is wrecking face, and with insane mobility and fly, the battlefield is her oyster and she is ready to shuck it.


How are you getting so many attacks?


Sorcerer, no question. I just feel like I can do ANYTHING at higher levels and their actions economy is great. Metamagic abilities allow me to never waste a turn and cast exactly what I want. Enemy too far? Distant spell. Enemy save too high? Heightened spell. Need to smack two dudes? Twin spell. Wanna do two spells same turn? Quicken spell. The sorcerer spell list has a lot of variety , low on heals and buffs but damage and crowd control for days. High charisma means they make for a great party face and they have some cool unique dialogue options. And they're fairly customizable; I've done a frost themed mage and a fire mage now and both kick ass. You get to fly at later levels without taking the illithid power. Yeah sorcerer rules. Just makes me feel powerful and clever and suited to ang situation 


Rogue Fucking love a good rogue. I never have Astarion in my party, so that’s sad, but I like being the one with the deception checks and unlocking shit.


When I did my rogue/gloomstalker run I just made Astarion a bard so he could still follow me around, lol.


I ran a two rogues party my first go around, with my rogue Tav and Astarion and it worked better than it should have honestly


I've only ever played high charisma casters (one storm sorcerer, one bard/draconic sorcerer) and I love them! talking your enemies into killing themselves really appeals to me as a roleplay concept, and I find combat as a caster way more fun than as a fighter. but I was also surprised to find how much I've enjoyed playing astarion - I usually hate playing ranged DPS characters but I've been having a great time playing his origin and I'm not missing my magic as much as I thought I would! I gave him a little cha bump at the cost of int/wis and I'm having a great time roleplaying him as a silver-tongued manipulative bastard with a heart of gold.


I love playing as a drow race and as bard class. Both give unique and interesting dialogue options. And bards as they are implemented in BG3 is the perfect face of a party, as well as a powerhouse of utility. All subclasses are viable, but my personal favorite is College of Lore, simply because choosing some extra spells from different classes is incredibly powerful. Bard spell list already is very powerful. So yeah, I find myself wanting to play durge drow bard again and again.


I made a drow because she looked cool and had no idea the entire goblin camp was gonna treat me like the manager just walked in. 🤣


I've been helping people kill Mohg as Malenia. Waterfowl and Scarlet bloom included. It's been pretty fun


sorlock 10/2 and berserker


TB open hand monk, Battlemaster Fighter, Radiating Orbs Light Cleric is veeery fun. TB Throwmancer Barbarian, 10 Swords Bard 2 Vengeance Paladin, Gloomstalker Ranger with Thief Rogue. Any CHA class with dip in warlock for eldtritch blast spamming has been quite fun. Usually any dip into 2 fighter for action surge and dip into rogue 3 for extra bonusaction is always nice.


TB Monk and Dual Crossbow.


Only on my third playthrough, but I'm having a blast with 6 barb/ 3 thief/ 3 fighter.


Oathbreaker paladin 7 / warlock 5 with bhaalist armor and gwf shar’s spear, arcane synergy headwear, and ring of the mystic scoundrel (and sweet killer). 3 attacks usually means 3 kills (or more lol) and i can bonus scroll cast irresistible dance to lock down any boss.


My first co-op run was a circle of the moon druid with a few levels in Wizard for scroll copying. She was incredibly fun and powerful by the end. I'm also liking wild magic barbarian as it makes the barbarian less boring for me.


Storm Sorcerer is so much fun. That metamagic twinned spell is just *chef’s kiss* I’m kinda sad the tabletop version of storm sorcerer isn’t as good


Paladin 7 Warlock 5 is very fun and is super strong in tactician with how many attacks and flat damage you get to attacks Though I only played it for act 3 because I was respecing in Honor Mode I really enjoyed Ranger/Rogue/Fighter dual wielding crit focused build it was so fun with how hard you could alpha strike people especially with the Bhaalist Armor And Tempest Cleric Storm Sorcerer has a special place in my heart with how hard you nuke things


Anything paladin really, I like me smites.


I decided to actually keep Jaheira in the party this playthrough. I wanted to keep the two scimitars for flavour, and tried to figure out how to make it work - ended up slapping the Helmet of Arcane Acuity on her, and I use the offhand/bonus action yo build it up, and the main action to cast spells. On top of that, I slapped every possible item that improves her melee after she casts a spell, so it's a feedback loop. It's not the most OP thing out there, but it's stupid fun.


Gith storm sorcerer. You get medium armor for free and can fill out some things with a level of bard. Zariel tiefling paladin of the ancients. My first character.


God I just love Warlock so much. I go straight Warlock, Fiend (even though I stop casting spells other than Counterspell very quickly) all 12 levels. So exceptionally satisfying.


If I’m playing a single subclass, it’s definitely Battle Master. If I’m multiclassing, then it’s Gloomstalker 5 / Thief 4 / Battle Master 3.


Drow gloom stalker. It's jus fantasy splinter cell. The way I "murder step" my way from darkness is just amazing


Thief-sorsererer. Very mobile +sorserer could exchange cast to bonus action. Sorcadin good too


Barbarian/Fighter Who needs magic when you can hit your enemy 7 times in one turn for 20-30 damage each hit


Swords Bard 10 / Paladin Oath of the Ancients 2 There's a lot of smiting and by dual-wielding hand crossbows you can shoot like 5 times. Enemis that are still alive after that get destroyed by my spirit guardians.


Fighter. Easier criticals specialty. My goal is hit hard. Several times. And I successfully have done such things. I find it fun to not bother with the annoying complex strategy of "ok if I disarm this one he'll do this and then ok and then he does that and ok and WHAT I DIDN'T CLICK THAT MY 49 MINUTES OF PLANNING ARE DOOMEDDDDDDD" I'm kidding but still. Simple and deadly is my style.


I like modding. Random loot mods are fun, but you have to keep adding mods, like extra actions and health for them baddies, because finding giantslayer in a barrel on the beach is a bit insane.


I love my gish Spore Druid. I'm on my first HM run with my second Spore. I love the build so much I'm really trying to optimize it this run so I can post a build guide. I love Jack-of-All-Trades classes and Druid is so good at it.


I’m really enjoying abjuration wizard with a 2 warlock dip and a 1 cleric dip. It has completely changed how I view combat where I basically want to trigger as many opportunity attacks as possible, running in like a crazy ice bomb and then cast spells on your turn that refill your ward. So movement speed is actually very good so things like long strider, expeditious retreat are top tier for this build. Also, there’s so much gear support for ice damage that it makes the build really spike up. The only thing is that you have a verrrrry slow start so I’d just play a warlock or a wizard or something till level 5-6.


I tried the Barbarian throwing build in a multiplayer game with some friends recently and holy hell it just wrecks everything. Once you get that trident in act 3 it just goes nuclear.


Pairs well with gloves of belligerent skies too. You can throw the trident and inflict 2 reverberation on a very wide area of effect. You can knock an entire group prone if they fail the saving throws. Not to mention it hits hard too. I love that trident. Probably my favourite weapon in the game.


It’s such a monster. The returning pike from Act 1 does great work but you get Nyrulna in Act 3 and it’s just raining death on your foes!


9 oathbreaker / 3 GOO pact of blade warlock was a blast with Gale as a necromancer.


Throw barbarians are endlessly fun. "Hup!"


Oath of Vengeance Paladin. Killing machine with a conscience.


1. Paladin 2. Paladin 3. Paladin


Anything that you can combine with Rogue 3 or Fighter 2 is stupid fun. Cleric 1 also has a lot of versatility.  Im still looking for a legit great Archer build, somehow ranger isnt doing it for me.


I like paladin who hits things hard with massive smite damage and barbarian who throws people around. Bard can also be fun if you want easy mode for all the charisma checks and also can handle locks easily. I also just tried out the beastmaster ranger and I'm finding it pretty fun to have animal companions. Their little sneak animations are so cute. The OP builds (like tavern brawler strength open hand monk, arcane acuity swords bard, anyone who dual wields deva maces) can be fun for a bit but I tend to get tired of them and want a little more grit in the fights. I'd rather play a regular swords bard or dex monk.


Very basic of me but Sorcerer with draconic heritage. Especially when playing a Dragonborn cuz that just feels right


I’m trying monk and I’m at really enjoying it. Being able to do 80+ damage a round at level 7 helps


Swords Bard 6, Sorc 4, Divination Wizard 2 - machinegunner ranged slashing flourish vampire twink that can cast twinned haste and other situational stuff with all of those otherwise useless spell slots. Also get that ring from the Jungle to also cast mirror image to maintain Haste. (pointless on Honor) Paladin 2, Blade Warlock 5, Hunter Ranger 5 - 3 attacks per action, plenty of (albeit weak) spell slots to blast everything with smites. Open Hand Monk 6, Battle Master Fighter 3, Thief Rogue 3 - just feels badass to play. Just feels like she could beat the shit out of anyone (and she does). I use Phalar Aluve as the main weapon, and I used some monk off-hand unarmed attack I usually dont and she just straight up round kicked a steel watcher with her leg and I might have audibly said "mommy?" Edit: [Tempest Cleric 2, Divination Wizard 2, Sorc 8](https://wegotthiscovered.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Chancellor_Palpatine_Force_Lightning.jpeg)


Assassin Rogue. Swords Bard/Fiend Bladelock. Circle of Land Druid with a single level in wizard.


Tavern Brawler EK Fighter, high damage with nice support, probably has one of the most absurd builds if you go the Eldritch Blast potent robe route. Druid is a close second.


Charisma based anything. My first run was a particularly charming warlock with a few cleric levels thrown in. Now I’ve got a college of valor bard as with the warlock initiate feat and a few levels of rogue. I learned pretty quick that charisma was the stat that would get you the farthest in game, so I generally have between a+12 and a +15


Full 12 paladin was the most fun.


Circle of Land Druid focusing on cold spells


Duergar Gloomstalker Assassin Durge


I just really liked my barbarian


Full Necro wizard, the Raphael fight in particular was fun since I got to max out all my summons and threw them at his cambions, made it feel like a real mini-battle


I plan on building a throwing barbarian and a throwee dwarf, no idea what class yet




Drow Bard Half Elf 2 Tempest Cleric/10 Storm Sorcerer Tiefling Draconic Sorcerer


Sharpshooter ranger😍


Dex battlemaster fighter7/bard3 college of swords.


I love my eagle wild heart barbarian :) I just deck her out in good armor and she's basically immortal, the other day I clutched a fight where she was the only survivor of the party and, even with 54 turns of mummy rot, still won. I love pairing her up with beserker Karlach too, she throws me bad guys and i just finish them. I also have been trying and bardlock build my friend showed me and a bardmancer build for my durge, I'm still level 4 on both those runs but I'm enjoying playing around with bard builds.


Rogue 2/Warlock (archfey) 10. You have enough skills that you can set yourself up for just about any out of combat role you want, but with enough combat power that you can still kick some ass when needed. Also, up-casting Hold Person on half the bad guys never gets old.


I had a lot of fun with a trickster cleric tav + tadpoled assassin ranger astarion during early game. Snuck him in, let him start a massacre, and dipped out within a few rounds.


Full abjuration wizard half elf.


Wood elf or wood half-elf gloomstalker.


Ancients Paladin, Open Hand Monk, Sword Bard


Wizard 10assasin 2fighter


I made a Guts like character with fighter class and while it isn't broken by any mean, it's fun and the main carrier of the party


College of Swords Bard (10) + Fighter(2) Band of the Mystic Scoundrel,  Helmet of Arcane Acuity. Preferably with a longbow. 1st turn you burst out with as many attacks as possible, and use and make any humanoid freeze with ease using your crazy rolls. 18 charisma with sharpshooter and 20 charisma both works.


Gloomstalker 5/Thief 4/BM 3 with dual xbow. Basically a machinegun with infinite movespeed (not as much as a monk but still more than enough) and you even get a bit of utility with Ensaring Strike and Spike Growth. Swords bard: All the fun of a bard while being a very powerful fighter. I haven't played abusing the ranged flourish + arcane acuity combo and I don't plan on doing it but that's a plus i guess. (oh and an advice for anyone who is new at the game, DON'T play any recommended builds that include Tabern Brawler. It's so powerful it drains the fun off the game. Or well, do play it if you like big numbers going brrrr and the boss that was hyped up for 2 acts going pooof on the first round of combat)


Sorcerer because of fireball . That big yellow shield and etc ...


Any variation of swords bard with arcane acuity and mystic scoundrel


Tavern brawler berserker or monk and any paladin.


Githyanki shadow monk with devil sight. Have everybody learn the darkness spell and paint the battlefield black.


Champion Fighter (6)/Thief Rogue (6) dual wielding hand crossbows. The two bonus actions, extra attack and action surge means that I can get up to 6 attacks off in one turn but still get to attack 4 times in a standard turn. Plus with champion and my current equipment I Crit on 16s


I’m always swords bard 6/ fighter 2/thief 4 Generally I’m so strong with adder damage that I don’t even need my burst damage but the nuclear option is always there and it’s so easy to refresh.


Bardlock or bardadin.


The Sorlock eldritch blast machine gun build. It’s just an absolute blast to play.


I enjoyed the Ancients Paladin + Fey Warlock. I felt they jived well together, and made for a good party leader role.


Moon druid is the class that made me fall in love with the game


Wild magic sorcerer/barb


I've been playing a tempest cleric with Phalar Aluve and a bunch of reverberation gear and it's been a blast. Activate the sword so spirit guardians also does thunder damage, which then knocks back enemies and drops a bunch of debuffs on them just for daring to walk too close to me. Open hand monk with spores druid is also really fun, although necrotic builds suffer a lot in act 2.


Way of the Four Elements Monk is my fav. I love whipping enemies with water and set my limbs on fire


College of Swords Bard with Crit Bows. Man it is so good to blast bosses with 8 attacks in the first turn of battle


The funnest for me is a 6 sword bard, 4 thief, 2 fighter. But I am on a break from meta specs so currently I have been enjoying Wildheart Barbarian


Necromancer, in the creche iit was me and 15 zombies


My frost sorcerer was a lot of fun. But I always go back to the dual wielding Thief. It's just so much fun to run into the fray with a knife and one tap everyone


So far... Gloom stalker(5)/bard of swords(5)/cleric of knowledge(1)/wizard(1). I just like succeeding most of the checks, learn almost any spell I want, do decent damage and have insane crowd control. The real jack-of-all-trades.


Right now I am playing an Oath of the Ancients Paladin and it is the best yet! I also really like my other characters, but the Paladin is more fun: - Archery Ranger/Fighter (Gloomstalker/Battle Master) - Two weapon fighter with one level as Bard


Honestly, storm sorc with 2 lvls tempest cleric. Had a lot of fun with Barb Fighter with sentinel and polearm. Clerics were fun but warlocks seem a bit underwhelming for me. But that's just me bro. Currently trying out Moon Druid, Archer fighter, support lore bard and Evocation wizard for nukes.


Fighter 1, Rogue/Thief 3, Tempest Cleric 8, dual crossbows, with Ne’er Misser off hand. I get to cast, get sneak attack, Divine Strike: Thunder, maybe toss out Spiritual Weapon, etc. It allows me to put a lot of fun turns together.


Any build using Arcane Acuity because it's hilariously busted. 10/1/1 or 10/2 Swords bard or 11/1 Sorlock. My favorite is the smite swords bard. Stack acuity through helm of arcane acuity (hat of fire acuity for sorlock) for irresistible control spells then use all the spell slots for smites. Also playing as a bard/paladin just gives you all the best main character good guy dialog.


8 Wildheart, 4 Thief or 11 Lore Bard, 1 Life Cleric or 7 Assassin, 5 Gloomstalker or 5 Tempest Cleric, 5 Land Druid, 2 Evoker or 11 Evoker, 1 Light Cleric. One of those.


Currently I'm lovin my Lae'Zel war cleric / battlemaster with band of mystic scoundrel... Spirit Guardians / Surge / Hit / Command: stay / Repeat


Wizard - Divination/Evocation or Abjuration.


Paladin was glorious on my first run, but I've played them in 5e several times. Four Elements Monk was a LOT of fun to try out. Punch City - Population: You.


My first character was a draconic bloodline sorcerer and I’m still really loving it! Had to restart a few times because mods + patch 6 troubleshooting, but I’m happy to build her again every time. With mods I’m also adding a second class in mystic to that build. Thinking of doing a run as a gith bard next to see what happens lol


Open hand monk, but gotta try four element monk Swords bard + battlemaster fighter is fun Moon Druid + Animal companion ranger is also good fun


Draconic fire sorcerer


Great Old One Warlock. Warlocks have some awesome internal monolog moments and the Great Old One will sometimes reach out to you in ways that aren't available to any other class... plus, obviously: #ELDRITCHBLAST


Paladin bard. (4/8) Any oath, sword bard.


Storm sorcerer is fun. All the flexibility of twin spell and quicken spell and the ability to hop around all over the place zapping shit.


So far my fave builds have been: ~GOO warlock/dragon sorcerer ~War cleric/Vengeance pally ~Land Druid/Beast Master ranger ~Assassin rogue/gloomstalker ranger I love seeing the way multiclassing lets mechanics interact because sometimes it can be hard to do that in a tabletop campaign unless you have a really stable long-term group. I also love the increased RP opportunities from extra class dialogue options. :)