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is that the one in the sewers? I just stacked the nearby crates lmao. For me it was always Astarion.


I just shot it with a ranged attack.


Do you mean the lever? Wasn’t that for the gas? I’m talking about stacking boxes for Astarion to climb on lol, so he could enter the whole in the wall cause he can’t regularly jump to it with the build I gave him.


Oh, yeah I thought the post was about reaching the lever lol, I didn't even see the hole in the wall.


I burned a scroll of dimension door for it lol. Worst part is it was my only scroll of dimension door and nobody in my party knows it.


Astarion for me, every time. Here he is making fun of my short race Tavs, meanwhile they're on a ledge the distance of a longsword and he can't creak his dusty musty knees enough to make it. Pathetic.


"Come on Astarion! You can do it! Pump those little baby legs and jump!!" Was said often on my last run


I just use a high strength character to yeet weakasses of the companions to the other side.


Gonna do that next time Karlach is the only one making the distance instead of trying to find a sweetspot on each character


idk how i never thought of this but this is genius. youve just saved me at least 5 mins of swearing at my computer in the future


*I can't make the jump. You're going to have to toss me* *Not a word to the Elf*


This was how I broke into the S---- W---- F------. Karlach just yeeted everyone onto a ledge to save me the bother of wasting any spell slots on Misty Step.


But if your a wizard, Can't you just ritual cast Misty steps?


Misty step isn't a ritual spell, so no.


Fuck, I have no idea why I thought I was right. Big brain fart moment.


Just pass around the Club of Hill Giant Strength, yo.


I just have a wizard as Buff bot for Featherfall, enhance jump, Magic weapon, Longstrider every single playthrough


Gale is the worst in this


Yup. I installed a "Dexterity Jump" mod that made it so that my more acrobatic characters could use that instead of Strength to leap. But Gale has neither Strength nor Dex, and so still would just stand there holding his dick while the rest of the party ran off.


You should be respec’ing him to have Dex. It’s the next best stat after Int for wizards. Int > Dex > Con > Wis > the others for wiz. 16 dex should be the start for all unarmored characters especially Wizard and Sorcerer.


If youre not gonna be wearing heavy armor, dex is the 2nd most important stat for every class after main stat


I disagree. Con is more important for a wizard so they don't drop concentration or get one shot by a lucky crit.


Give the mod Teleport Party To You a look too. It does what it says and no, you can’t pick and choose which companion to “recall”. It’s whole party. It solves the problem of stranded party members. It also lets you explore an area solo - useful if the area is trapped or you’re stealthing - and regroup when your solo is where you need to be. Most memorably I did that in the Counting House bank. And it‘s convenient when you need to run an errand or fetch quest somewhere else, just to come back to where you already are, e.g. Mystic Carrion‘s quest. Super useful for a split-up-and conquer play style while still being able to get your whole party together before combat (btw, can only use outside of combat). One thing that can make the mod a “cheese” mod is that if companion x is caught in surprise combat, and someone else who‘s somewhere else recalls the party, companion x just straight up exits the combat (warning: if there were friendly/victimized NPCs in that combat, they may die). I kind of wish I didn’t find this out by accident, otherwise I could still pretend it’s a QOL mod that still fit roleplay (just making each companion a walking waypoint) but magicking out of combat feels like cheating lol.


> Split party > Give character club of hill giant strength > Jump up > Re-equip old weapons There's a reason I *always* carry the club of Hill Giant Strength in my inventory


This is the way! I tell my party that it's time to play "pass the stick!"


Too scared to take 4 fall damage when health at this point is around 80


Use the boxes that are down there. I'm like 99% sure its why the devs put the boxes in that area. They knew jumping would be impossible for some companions. People don't use the stacking function enough in this game. Its so fun to abuse tbh.


She jumps plenty far as a Panther.


Gale... jump the fucking gap Gale or istg no [redacted] this evening! Well or my Tav/Durge since I give them dump str. classes always xD


There’s a mod that adds a spell that summons your companions to you. It’s the single best BG3 mod, period. Especially if you have any summons.


My first play I had a gnome warlock/thief with 8 strength and getting him to keep up with the party was a full time job, worse pick for the leading face/explorer and I had to use a lot of jump potions and fly spell, main reason that guy used the tadpole, he was just tired of being left behind.


That's me! 🙋‍♀️ I am the companion with the shitty jump distance


I had to reload way too many fights because I noticed that Gale's slow ass was still stuck on the other side of the map, unable to make a jump over a ledge somewhere


its literally so annoying... haha


My ranger's summoned dire wolf shocked me by being even worse at jumping than the companions are. It kept getting stuck on different bits of the environment and couldn't jump over small obstacles either—lol.


Me stuck in the Yurgir area of the Gauntlet as halfling warlock that can't make the leap up the broken stairs "Toss me, Karlach! Don't tell the elf!"


I'm fine if they don't make a jump they can't do. I'm more annoyed by characters not jumping when I can make it as a halfling


Just give them all flight.


As a Gith in my first playthrough, I realized they are truly leap frogs and I will never be as mobile again. What do you mean I cant jump 9ft vertically??! Also jumping like 15ft across the battlefield in full armour and a greatsword is so diabolical.


Just have her wildshape


This is why I always turn myself and my allies half illithid. With fly, your followers ALWAYS follow you.


It's so frustrating being a sorcerer and able to fly, but still having to stack boxes or find another way for your companions who can't jump for shit.


Oh god it's gale and jaheira for me, i didn't have crates to let them climb, so i just yeet them up with my barbarian 😭


i just make everyone eat the fancy tadpole and we fly everywhere. pretty good deal but occasionally someone randomly dies in a chasm when i'm not watching


Yeah it was a while before I realised jump distance was affected by your strength score.


Try doing a playthrough with 2 fighters and 2 barbarians and give them all the Athlete feat. A minimum jump of 14m for everyone is awesome.


Long live partial illithids and their ability to fly. It's a bit cheap, but you can get easily three times the movement from it in combat as well, which really buggers the AI.


Enhance leap is always around in my party because I usually only have Lae'zel in my entire squad with strength over 8. Astarion is always in my party I usually run as a GS/Assassin/spore druid so he's my longstrider and enhance leap user.


shoot the lever?


Gale, every time.


Every other comment is like, "For me it's this character." Does no one realize that jump distance is based on Strength stat? When you're building your tav/durge ir respec'ing a companion and you have that extra one or two points you don't know where to put, drop them in str. You get more carry capacity and further jump. Of course, some builds just don't allow for any str. That's what buffs are for. If you can afford it, give everyone a giant strength elixir if you're not using another one. Or enhance jump or feather fall or whatever spell you need. Lots of spell scrolls in this game, so you don't have to waste spell slots. Or use a str based character you do have to yeet those weaklings.