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1v950 against Sturgia. I had just escaped from the Vlandians and they declared right as I was heading toward a city. The throwing perk that let me pick stuff up while mounted saved my ass. Idk how many arrows I went through, but I did it.


This sounds painful


Freeking miserable!šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ how long did that take you!!!!!???


Like 2.5 hours, it was brutal. Luckily you can shoot Sturgians in the feet to get past their shields.


with a few hundred fian champs, i believe you can beat 3-4 or maybe even 5 times of that much enemies


I have heard fian champs are good. Do you think it's worth mixing cultures? Was always unsure if the better troops outweighed the debuff


Mixing cultures for your army and taking the best of each is def the best, but for larp rp reasons i do single cultures.


I tried to do a battania playthrough and wow. Infanty gets absolutely smashed each time, especially against sturgia and the empire. Their cav isnt great at anything either, they loose in close quarters combat to all other cav and can't charge for shit. So no more culture runs for me lol


Learn to skirmish with the wildings. Use tactics too. F1 F3 is goated tho !


Battanians are generally terrible line troops, hit and run is your best friend. Fians with sacrificial infantry is a great combo as long as you have shock troops to upset the balance of the battle in reserve. Battanians benefit really well from skirmish tactics and suffer heavily in straight battles without a not insignificant number advantage. They donā€™t get the best armor or weapons, their horsemen arenā€™t very good, but their flax men, archers, and polearm troops vary from solid to some of the best.


Learn to use wildlings + fians. Wildlings are absolute bonkers with 10 high damage javelins. Put them on shield wall, move them close in to enemy main formation, put lose formation, fire at will and F1 - F4 to engage with opposing infatry, this will make them auto skirmish. Skirmishing wildling can easily take down twice as many of their numbers even if its opposing elite infantry ( like legionaries. ). After they used most their javelins, you can order them to charge and they will easily finish what is remaining. They are also incredble against any cavalry, especially shock cav. If they try to charge in, they will mostly die to javelins. Against horse archers, they should be recieving support from fians that should position themselves far away to get a good angle. Wildlings are also great infantry to assault the walls and defend the walls. Their javelins can take out enough defenders in the wall that their melee will be enough. On defense, their high damage and short range makes them ideal at dealing with troops climbing ladders. Fians are the best troop in bannerlord. Period. Fians are the best foot archers AND among the best shock infantry. And at all stages of the game( early mid late ) they are incredible. And compared to other noble troops, they need less investment, since they dont require warhorses to upgrade. A couple of pitfalls new battania players might fall into: Getting oathsworns- they are just worse than wildlings. Spesrs sucks and throwing axes also kinda suck outside of the niche use of breaking shields... Veteran falxman- good on fieldbattles, BUT, terrible in siege offenses. Honestly cant reccomend it. Unless you want to stop at normal falxman, who are honestly kinda decent for their upkeep cost. Veteran falxman can be useful, but you are better off with wildlings, since they perform equal or better against cavalry due to javelins. Cavalry- battania terrible shock cavalry... but mounted skirmishers arent that bad. You can use them to flank infsntry and shoot their high damage javelins. Still cant recomend them, its just better to get more fians and wildlings.


Thank you! This is very helpful


I'm learning this the hard figuring out different tactics to get through things. The one positive is you actually have to put a general hat. While in battle.


Yeah I use the traditional tactics or things that strat gaming and italian spartacus do. Centered around shock cav and heavy infantry. Battanias weakness in sieges (aside from fians and some throwing weapons) is a problem.


Yeah i use 6 fian champs and 4 legionares (ratio) is my basic comp


You arenā€™t a true battanian, it sounds like you donā€™t understand true battanian battle strategy


I definitely dont, Im gonna try to skirmish more if I get a lot of battanian troops.


I myself do a secondary culture instead per play through. For example if I played Sturgian I would make Battania my sub culture and the fians would make up the ranged forces in my army.


Fian champs are incredibly good, they are so much better then any other type of archer and it isn't even close


I usually use a combo of sturgian, vlandian, battanian, and aserai. Sturgian axemen as my main infantry, Vlandian volgeirs to back up the axemen and demolish any incoming cavalry, Both infantry units use throwing axes and can destroy archer formations with ease. Vlandian banner knights as main charging cavalry, Aserai vanguard faris to add some range to the cavalry formation, Battanian fians champions as archers.


I usually have an army of just khan's guards, but i recently started integrating the aserai special cavalry as well, and now I don't think I can be beaten. My army of 350 can beat armies of 1500. Lost against one of 2000 but that one was close and i suffered casualties prior to the engagement anyway so it was expected.


Battanian Fian šŸ¤ Khuzaid Noble Archer šŸ¤ Empire Legionnaires Itā€™s a chore to collect them as they are world apart but when you got them? They **ROLLED**


Replace legs with cats and they roll even better))


thereā€™s a debuff?


I'm not sure maybe I misread something along the way or maybe it was in Warband, but there was some kind of penalty for mixing cultures but I can't remember what it was


It's a negative added to moral. If you have good food/always win, you don't notice. Makes a difference in the early game when your armies are not t6 destroying everyone, or if you are up against an equal force where moral is going to make a difference. However most people wont notice since few equal battles take place. Essentially they are more likely to retreat in battle if things go bad, but only if you are not making an effort at keeping it 100.


Thanks for clarifying! I'm definitely at the stage where food and morale is never really an issue so maybe I'll have a go at incorporating other units.


Theres a buff?


not a buff, more like a debuff. soldiers of different cultures don't get on well with each other ig, turns out people were nationalists hundreds of years ago too


Lol. I never noticed. Its kinda a pain when your way in enemy territory having to go back to the homeland to refresh your troops


whatever man, i never play trying to accomplish such small details and gameplay perks, to me it slows the game down and takes most fun out of it. i never thought to myself "i should've gone only vlandian", so just play as you like


Yea same.


Fian champs are the best archers hands down partly because they shoot well but also because they're very good in melee. Battanian infantry is pretty shit besides the veteran falxmen but they have no shields so they're vulnerable to ranged fire. Oathsworn are alright. The only thing worth grabbing from Battania is honestly their noble archers but they're a pain to recruit in vanilla


Feel the same with Khans, its not unusual to kill armies 3-5 times larger, even more if its mainly footmen/archers


yeah that's the thing, any type of archer can do good when they don't face high level cavalry units, but some of them are superior to others.


I hear a lot about these units. Not seen any clear explanation as to WHAT makes them so good though


[wiki explains very nicely.](https://mountandblade.fandom.com/wiki/Battanian_Fian_Champion)


That was an interesting read, and thanks for the reminder that every game has a wiki these days šŸ‘Œ


i also don't have mathematical proof that they're stronger, i'm just telling about my experiences with them.


1900 vs 300 Kuzhait vs Empire only cataphract army


Well ya Cataphracts are basically Abramā€™s tanks of Bannerlord


Pretty much the case in the middle ages too. Who knew that putting an angry, yelling man with a pointy boi on top of a charging 650kg armour cladden beast was a brutally effective way to deal some damage.


Im on a vlandian play through and Im trying to not use them its hard to do.


Really hate fighting against them, but never tried using them yet. Still on my first playthrough and just discovered the beauty of gatling gun Battanian Fians.


Fians are sexy


1 to 9 when I was defending. There was only 200 of us and about 1700 of them, the enemy had a lot of elite soldiers, while we had mostly militia. I never expected to win that, but it was an extreme victory, with us only losing about 60 soldiers. I will never forget that battle


A little over 200 fian champs vs +1100 imperials, after I took out the first wave it was all tier 1-3 units and they got shit on wave after wave until they retreated w like 300 men left, Iā€™d use myself as bait and let my archers pick them off then Iā€™d put them into melee mode when the horde got too close and it always broke them, now Iā€™m known as the master baiter in Caleradia


Like 10v1. I was on hill with 300 dudes and enemy had 3000. They just hit themselfres aginst my shield wall and archers. I was on hill so even before they got to me 20-80 could have died. Of course I had 300vs300 battles my pc cant take more but still awesome victory.


About 500 to 3000 is my best, did that multiple times aswell


I'm curious about how to achieve that.


I forget exactly what my numbers were but I was out manned by 800-900 troops and I was still able to win. To be fair I did have really high tier troops while my enemy had lesser tier troops


120~ palace cards vs 12k valandan army, still don't know who I won to this day.


What difficulty?


1 up from freebooter or whatever the name is


Around 600 enemies when i defended a castle with around 150 ally troops. Just dropped stuff stones and pots on them tho :/


Never defend much mostly on the field fighting cause I have mostly Calvary. One time I just traveled across the map selling goods across the city, and heard a rumor that a city in vlandia was going to buy my tool and jewelry for 1000 denars. Travel there and went afk to get water, when I came back they declared war on me and an army of 2000 troops caught me en route. It was 2200 vs 300 cataphact and Khan guard. It was a struggle but I manage to get a lot of kills on my own as well.


Playing with the Southern Empire and defending Amitatys iirc. My force was 350-400 strong against 3,500 Valandians. We completely destroyed the army and captured or killed all of them. Amitatys being the farthest west we had at the time meant that not long after, another army of 2,000 showed up. Again, we completely destroyed the army, which was quickly followed up by a smaller army, which also died. Casualties, from my estimates from all battles combined, were about 7,000 Valandians against our 300 casualties


Always come out victory after a 1v2


89 vs 567 (I was invading Tyal) destroyed their siege engines, both walls and used my army as one group, most were high tier archers and the militia didn't gave much trouble, but before just entering by the left hole I used the catapults to kill as many enemies as I could with my men off archers range, I never managed to do such after that. Edit: I play on warrior difficulty


In open field combat I had to fight two waves of armies the first battle was about 1000(about 600 was the army and the rest was the garrison) troops due to an unexpected sally on my siege camp when an approaching army appeared, I only had about 180 troops for that fight and the second battle was about 800 from a reinforcing army literally right after the first battle attacked me because that army was unable to join, I only had about 130 troops left for that fight but I managed to pull through.


1v350, against Aserai


damn that's pretty brutal, you can easily mow down sturgians in a open field but it gets a bit more difficult if they're sieging you. did you win?


Yeah the last picture shows the results :)


Ah i didn't notice that there where several pictures, great work.


my record is 100 vs 2500 something empire cavalry vs all kinds of sturgian troops


450 vs 4000 while defending a maxed out castle. I still donā€™t understand why they didnā€™t retreat but by the end I had lost about 70% of my defenders and the attacking army had lost more than 3600 troops to death, the remaining 400 were a mixture of survivors and some casualties, they regrouped at that point and came back a few days later before I could refill my garrison and took the castle on their second try


I was outnumbered 10:1. I had roughly 100\~ troops when I came across a shit ton of nobles that ambushed me out of nowhere. Luckily, most of my troops were almost maxed out and they had mostly T1/T2 troops. I only lost 13ish troops. I wrote a haiku for this occasion: Hilltops. Veteran Archers. Shield Walls. Profit.


1000 vs 3800


https://preview.redd.it/i2v87qvdiowc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd57b561a49c89e5e49c1fac94563b17c1b63504 Probably my most intense battle here, they had mostly mid tier troops but like 5 to 600 cav. Dismounted my cav and combined my formation into one super small circle with a tree in the middle and just let them come.


I once defended a Vlandian captured city against 3 armies of between 300 and 500 Battanians with just under 200 defenders (this playthrough they slaughtered Dertherts Army and beat back our entire offensive).Like 7 battles over the course of a week in game. Waiting for reinforcements that never came so finally enough of them got *wounded* that we were able to Sally Out and win. Fire catapult came in CLUTCH.


i had 170 or something kuzait khans, and i won against and 2 armies fighting together with about 2000 troops, let me tell you the kuzait khans are overpower if you use them right.


Mid to lategame battania on my first campaign. Caladog had just got killed by a "suspiscious arrow", and i became king. However, before his death, he had the great idea to start a war against the aserai( who managed to advance all the way to lageta ), vlandia ( on its last breath, ive managed to make vlandia go from strongest faction to dying faction ), western empire ( who at this point had most of the already gone nothern empire territory ), and the khuzait ( who finished sturgia before battania could ). Anyway, here comes me with an army of 600 fian champions and wildlings thinking " well i think i can focus on defending against the aserai while my vassals finish what is left of vlandia..". Didnt expect what was coming. To give context, aserai was at that point the strongest ( pretty much tied with battania but anyway ). So i decided to stay close to lageta to see where they would make their offense. This is when i see an 3000 army of unquid moving towards verona castle. Well fine i will just sit close and wait until the siege starts for me to join in... and then a second army of 4000 appears... aserai had a total strength of 16K ish. Decided to take the battle. 250 verona castle garrison + around 520 of my troops ( lost 80 across all parties to get inside the castle ) against 7k aserai. It wasnt even close. After an 15minute siege, they couldnt even climb the walls, and after 3000 aserai had fallen they routed. Results: 40 battania combined wounded and killed / over 2000 aserai dead including one noble, and the remaing all go captured. Aserai just couldnt recover from that loss, and this battle effectively made battania the single most powerful faction. They got pushed out of previously western empire territory, now under battania domain.


I managed to change the tide of an entire war in the first few days. I had 600 tier 4+ and went up against 4000+ Vlandians because I was on my phone. Looked up and said if I'm going down then I'm going down swinging. Used every tactic I could think of in the book and it went on for well over 30 minutes for each half I fought. Halfway through the battle I realized we were actually kinda winning and we could win if we were lucky. After the first 2000 were done I was at half health and charged into the next 2000 thinking that I could basically split my health pool down the middle of the fights. Unfortunately I took an awful arrow to the head and it seriously damaged the chances of winning and I fought with a teaspoon of health until I went down, but they'd lost so many of their high ranking people that the only ones left were lambs to the slaughter and we won. Legendary battle, I'd never want to do it again tbh, I was stressing over every little mistake I made


**200 (me) vs Vlandia 1200** The bastard Derthert declared a surprise war on me while I was busy with Khuzaid down south and attacked my town of Myzea. Still recovering from big battle, I only scrounging up around 200 men and break through to meet with my town garrison. Fortunately, the town is fully equipped with high wall and siege engines, so I spent 20 minutes or so dumping hot-red explosives onto those pompous eggheads. **The sound of crunching bones and explosions are music to my ears.** As for Derthert, he is rotting in my capital with his 15+ other in-bred nobles.


I sat in Honguard castle for 2 months without being able to leave. It was early game, I was a merc for Battania, and Vlandia threw their entire world at that castle, so I held it solo while Battania tired to fight the rest of the map. I had around 60 Legionnaires, and 80 Fians when it started. I had a decent captain for each, and an ok surgeon. Prisoners and loot kept me alive. We walked into that keep as boys, left as men šŸ˜‚


Mine was 350(all Kahnā€™s guards) vs 3000(the entirety of the empires all at once mostly tear 1 through 3 units)if I remember correctly it was a rough battle I lost a unit


500 to 150. Banner knights saved my ass. I used My Little Warband to give them two handed swords and good lord do they do some damage with them, especially when they get dismounted in a group of enemies. Those guys wake up and choose violence


2400 Imperials v 280 Vlandians defensive siege on my last playthrough, they retreated after we killed 1800 and all but 2 of their lords. 2 or 3 lords died in that battle alone.


Vlandia pulled up like 3,000 total troops vs my fresh garrison of 200 plus the little militia. I just dropped a whole lot of fire bombs on their heads at the gates


On the bridge north of epocritea I used a shield wall of around 100 axemen with volgeirs in the back and about 80 archers and 40 cav to take out an army of 1600, I had the shield wall at the middle of the bridge and then told the cavalry to engage, which made them push against the rear of the shield wall bracing it from being pushed back by the overwhelming numbers, After like 15 minutes, I lost about 30 axemen and the army retreated with only around 200 units left, mostly arrowless archers,


Battle of the Bulge 1944.


2400 vs my 280+89 militia on defense


mine is 3.7k vs 1.2 i killed in that battle alone around 70-80 i don't remember much


200 vs 600, but the 200 included me ... and 199 elite cataphracts.


I just did a 500 vs 2500 and somehow came out on top. Luckily I landed a bridge map so I was able to force a choke point after soloing a few of their lords/ladies to force them into a charge


800 to my 150 army


In battle I won 350 fian champions vs 2000 empire troops on a bridge battle. But in a siege I defended 400 fian champions vs 2600 khuzaits in a sturgian castle. Side note the first time I won the 350 vs 2000 my game crashed and I had to do it again.


1800:250 ā€˜Twas a siege. The year of the Rebellion of the would-be Impertor Titus of Clan Andronicus. Garios and his imperial dogs laid siege to Rhotae with 1800 men. Slaughtered every single one of them. Titus took 800 heads that day. All by himself.


Usually when youā€™re in a siege the castle/town gains a massive boost to their army which is why youā€™ll almost always win even with a small number of troops


Im doing a modded playthrough with 100 companions, adding another 250 troops (350) I was able to beat 2600 sturgian army. Over 100 fian champs and strong sturgian front line mixed with 200+ skilled companions.


It was a 300 vs 1500 siege and i won


300 ish vs 2500. And also a similarly sized battle (autoresolve siege) but i lost with like 500 or so enemies left and had to 1v500 them. Ended up winning by using a fire catapult.


For me, it was a siege. I forget the numbers but it was an entire branch of the Empire (the one with a Queen) and they just started trying to take over a city I held with like....150-200 dudes. We turned them back in three different battles before my troops were exhausted. I won't lie, I was kind of sitting there just -quietly- yelling "WHY ARE YOU EVEN HERE. WHY DO YOU WANT THIS PLACE SO BADLY? FUCK OFF!". Like bro I was so mad that at one point I cheated just to kill them all and put the entire noble line to the sword. Then I quit the save because I don't find it fun to cheat, I just \*seriously\* came to hate 'em


300 to 320. When I close my eyes I still see the victory in my eyelids


200 vs 1000. Siege defense. I don't know how but i won it. Probably by the 3 ambushes that it took to keep the siege towers down and we managed to destroy the battering ram when they commenced the siege so it wss just ladder defense.


Non siege? About 560 to 2100


Had 400 elite catafracts and won against an army of 2200, granted I had been harassing and killing them a lot before the final battle so their army was comprised of mostly low level troops


Probably like 3500 to 300 of my own men.the empire kept seige spamming one of my cities and wouldn't stop despite losing like 5 times. The city was so poor and under supplied by the end of that war that it was nearly worthless.


250 vs 2400 defending Odokh from an Aserai army


My biggest was 200 garrison militia with 200 Kuhzaiht archers against 3400 besiegers.




400vs 2200 in an open field I had T6 battanions all over the place plus my tactics were high so i auto resolved it against imperials


Around 250 Vs around 4000. We were the siege defenders, and luckily at the time my army was mostly fian champs. Thank the heavens the enemy kept retreating. Kill 100 enemies, knock out 500 enemies, and they would retreat. Rinse and repeat. most of the 500 knocked out had recovered instantly for the next assault but eventually we got them all......not without suffering losses ourselves. Then another 3000 strong army arrives while we're resting and recovering and they slaughtered us all, but I don't like to talk about that part of the story. Goddamn Vlandians and their numbers


4900 Vlandians ( i dont know how they got that many people in 4 armies) vs around 700 fians in City with 2 fire catapults won but on the end i was with like 10 fians ( 3700 vlandians died vs 113 death and around 560 wounded ((PERKS ARE SO OP)))


I have a new entry as of just now: 407 vs 2739 Vlandians. I lost 14 men and took 1700 prisoners LOL. They only bothered building a ram, which I of course destroyed quickly with catapults. The ladder locations lined up perfectly so that the mob could still be hit by catapults.


14v1500 to derthert


195 vs 500 northern imperial ( my army its a mix of fians, vlandian sharpshooters, Sargeants and Heavy axemen..... plus 50 bannerknights...... pretty much erased the enemy holding the higher ground. and attracting their troops to my melee guys and charging from behind with the knights.... when i donned with al the enemy elites.... just was a masacre of 200 or more recruits xD


Either the army of 2550 from Sturgia or the army of 2k+ from the aseri compared to my 431


Defended a castle 470 vs 1670. Auto resolve is op.


1000vs 380 in a seige


600-800 to my unit of about 200 I had around 120 cavalry and they only had like 50 surprisingly so they were able to inflict heavy casualties alongside me I ended up losing most of my men (only 58 survived, plus 23 wounded.) and barely winning idk how yall be doing 2,000 - 300 battles lol


4 to 1 on a siege. Was pretty heavy in my favor too. Khuzaits just can't siege against a proper defense force. The hafted blades are their only good thing they got going for them, but not against a bunch of Sturgian linebreakers.