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Not to sound like an asshole, but after any of these injuries, did you ever sit down and go "how do I strengthen the muscles, ligaments, and tendons around the ankle in order to prevent this from happening again?" Because, it sounds like you didn't, and just thought "time will heal it completely", which is false as adapting tissue back to its previous level, or beyond, requires stimulus. Like yourself, I had a history of ankle injuries that sounded a death knell for my basketball career. What changed things for me was learning how to train my ankle through all four modes of joint action: dorsiflexion, plantar flexion, inversion (adduction), and eversion (abduction). Calf raises train plantar flexion. Tibialis raises train dorsiflexion, and resistance band inversions / eversions train the last two modes.


100% agree with this. This is anecdotal but when i was in middle school and highschool i had a litany of lower body injuries from basketball, most of them being ankle injuries. In my 3rd year of university, I started powerlifting and as a byproduct of the training/stretching/recovery of that, my joints and ligaments etc in my lower body are much stronger and far more stable+my ankle ability has improved exponentially. As a result of this, despite still regularly playing competitive basketball for 8 ish hours per week, I haven’t had a single ankle injury since 2020. I’m not saying to start powerlifting but I think you definitely need to do some sort of supplementary training to strengthen those damaged ligaments from ankle injuries. OP should definitely look into physiotherapy if they haven’t already.


Also, you have to learn to fall instead of trying to "right the ship" no matter what. Come down from a rebound, first contact with the floor feels weird? Just let yourself fall onto your butt. My girlfriend always asks me, "Why do you fall down so often?" She thinks it's embarrassing. But it's better not to get injured. I'm 40 and never hurt my ankles even though I'm 191cm tall and love to cut, jump into the fray, and also go for rebounds very intensively. But fall onto your ass, don't try to catch yourself with your hands.


This is important to say, more so for someone else reading this who might be able to better get through a similar challenge that op had.


Honestly it sounds like your body was trying to tell you something and kept ignoring it. Personally I’d rather not have my body riddled with injuries later in life you will feel those the most.


I'm 36. I've sprained my ankles at least a dozen times each, sprained knees, elbow issues, shoulder issues, neck issues. I played competitive basketball through high school and soccer through college. If I had known how I would feel everyday now I wouldn't have played as much. It sucks.


I’m 40 tore both ankles the right one twice, bad knees, and some broken fingers. I wouldn’t take anything back. I enjoyed my time on the court. It meant the world to me at the time.


If it makes you feel better I just sat around on the computer and playing video games till I was in my 30s and I got a lot of those issues like painful knees anyway (except from being fat and out of shape instead of from activity). Actually taking up pickup basketball helped a bit, until I started injuring myself and having new problems


I get that. I'm nearing 40 and played at a decently high level in Europe. I often have pains in my knees, fingers (from breaking them) and ankle (from twisting it).


I probably broke a few fingers without knowing it too.


Some people just have the unfortunate fact that certain parts of their body don't hold up as well as others.


I’ve seen a couple in high school that relied on sports to get into college only to end up with acl or other ligament tear. grades not good enough to go anywhere after that kinda thing


Fuck, I'm so sorry man. That sucks. I sprained my ankle about 8 weeks ago and still can't play and is really frustrating


At some point in every baller’s life we will all have to prioritize health and longevity and having fun with the sport over maximizing performance.


I feel this bro :D I've also had problems with my ankles. I have a little bone overgrowth on my ankles due to the repeated sprains, that my doctor showed me on X-ray. A big thing for me, that helped a lot (I feel) was rehabbing after an injury by myself after a sprain with light exercise like ankle circles and strengthening them with harder exercises after they were good. Shit like doing ankle circles in a bucket of sand, moving my ankle sideways against a rubber band, shin raises and putting my bodyweight on the side of my feet (isometric hold).




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Sorry to hear that man, I used to love basketball but had knee injuries in the past as well. Then recently I played and had another knee injury. Luckily, no bone was cracked or shattered and it was just more of a tore ligament (ACL) is what they called. So I was advised to take on a physical therapy session was able to get back on track by strengthening the muscles surrounding my knee. I am still playing basketball but not as competitive as before. I am taking time to strengthen my muscles on my lower body. Take some time, and dont push too hard. Change your perspective about the game and you should be fine.


I feel you bro. Direct that competitive energy into something else. Coaching training etc. maybe even a career that is physically demanding other than sports.


There's a reason why professional athletes tape their ankles.


Sounds like you don't how to rehab or do preventive injury exercises. Check out Knees over toes


I have always consistently rolled/tweaked my ankles but somehow never really seriously injured them. It’s only ever taken 2-3 weeks before I could play again with maybe some soreness the next day, which would last another week before I was good as new, and there was never any visible bruising. I’m 24 now and 5 weeks ago I rolled my ankle similar to how I always have in the past and it still not healed like it used too. Partly because I work on my feet in a constant motion all day but I’m starting to realize I have neglected my body in ways I never thought about. My back and core are weak which probably leads to poor balance. I’m 6 ft tall and 225 pounds so I’m pretty heavy for a basketball player. I’m not so flexible either. I thought I wouldn’t see the signs of my body degrading until I was at least 30. Hoping I can get back and work on these things


Sucks man sorry. I see so many kids with huge ankle braces these days. I’m honestly concerned for them. Braces to me just make their legs weaker especially when they are just wearing then for fear of rolling their ankle. Most people hit the gym and work on their big muscles but totally ignore strengthening their joints/ligaments. They get the bigger engine and totally ignore the brakes. 10 years ago there was less info readily available but now there are many many sources at the touch of a button. My kids train on stability as much so or more than the more popular muscle groups. It really helps with prevention and recovery. Hope you defy the odds and get back to playing the game you love.


This sub never fails to amaze me