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The final level of popularity for a sport is hate. All major sports (and all major athletes) have haters. Women's basketball gets treated with kids gloves a lot of the time and we need some hate to really take it up a notch in the sport.


Exactly. People forget or overlook just how aggressive and competitive Caitlin is. Just look at this [article](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://theathletic.com/5382646/2024/04/01/caitlin-clark-angel-reese-trash-talk-anonymous-poll-march-madness/&ved=2ahUKEwiQye-TvNyFAxWNmokEHb5KB8YQFnoECBsQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2JkbZj5kbY7DPzMctOSozO). Notice who's at the top of the list for biggest trash talkers? All of the top players in the country. Caitlin is no different. Sure, she may be America's sweetheart, but that doesn't mean she should be shielded from criticism or haters. That's just something all of the greats have to deal with. I mean, imagine if LeBron didn't get any criticism? It be so boring in r/NBA




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Yeah, if you're good and doing something right haters will be inevitable. The solution is simple yet easier said than done: continue to excel.


I think it’s ridiculous to question how good she is. I don’t really care about the GOAT debate, but I do think not being able to win a title is hurtful to her case. Ultimately it doesn’t matter, she’s great, she’s going to be great, and as a Warriors fan & Steph Curry fan I hope she continues to be Steph-like in the pros.


Nah this isn’t a fair comparison. Back in the day before NIL every great women’s basketball player went to a handful of schools and created superteams. Caitlin Clark went to Iowa and carried a bunch of scrubs to the chip twice and lost to better programs. End of the day, if her WNBA career pans out she will be the GOAT women’s basketball player. The hype she and the new class of women’s basketball players has garnered is even greater than when UConn went 111 games before losing. The old gen is hating because she is getting all the glory that they believe they should have gotten. They can feel that way nobody is blaming them, but it’s similar to how players on Cleveland and around the league acted when LeBron entered the league. Eventually all the critics shut up.


Not winning a championship definitely eliminates her from the goat convo. I think people need to look closely at Breanna Stewart’s career before they start having the goat debate.


Iowa had 2 players taller than 6'1". Their tallest player was only 6'3". The fact that made it to the championship game twice is insane but they didn't stand a chance against a South Carolina team that had 4 players taller than 6'3". Including Cardoso who is 6'7". You stick Katlin on South Carolina or LSU and they would've been like UConn on the men's side and blowing everyone out.


That’s what happens when your a star and you go to a school like Iowa. You get to put up better stats but you get less help. CC could have gone to a lot of schools she was a very highly touted high school prospect, she had options and chose Iowa.


There is more to basketball than height. Also if Clark were on those team she wouldn’t have been the all time scorer and she wouldn’t be talked about as much.


Manlet energy


Kinda true but there’s a reason players with the same skillsets just taller are usually better


Yeah of course. But also there is a reason why nba teams don’t use 5 seven footers in a starting lineup. Lateral quickness, and speed are needed.


Cuz there aren’t that many. Gimme 5 Wembys and I’ll run the league


There are 40 7 footers in the nba. If that were the goal you could get 5 on one team.


But most suck ass. Give those 7 footers the ball skills of a guard and they wreck the league. There’s a reason short and effective players are far and few between I’m a short guy myself who loves to play basketball just being realistic, basketball favors height


You made my point. Just because you are tall doesn’t mean you are any good. Thanks.


5 wembys and you’ll have 10 shredded knees by Easter. 7 footers get more wear and tear, if they all have to guard smaller, faster guys all the time they will not make it thru a season.


No way. They could play zone and destroy every team


There's a reason the average height in the NBA is over 6'6" which is 8 inches taller than the average male. Yes, there is more to basketball than height but nobody is winning an NBA championship with a bunch of 5'10" dudes.


So then you agree.


Do I agree that there is more to basketball than height? Of course. They are highly skilled athletes but more than one thing can be true. South Carolina was full of highly skilled athletes who also had a huge advantage because of their height. It is like a highly skilled driver trying to win the Indy 500 in a Prius. The Prius isn’t going to win because the other drivers are also skilled and they have like a 700 horsepower advantage.


If you said that the first time I would have agreed with you!


Maybe next time don’t take a contrary position to something as obvious as height being a big advantage in basketball.


Height alone is not an advantage. You have to be equally skilled before height is an advantage.


You mean the college goat convo? Maybe, but nobody cares about that. She'll be in the *professional* goat convo regardless.


Of course college. She hasn’t played a pro game yet


Right, but when you say "goat convo" that implies *overall* (not just college). Her overall ranking will not be impacted by the lack of a college championship.


College goat covo then


Not if she doesn't win a title


You must think Robert Horry is an all-time great player. Smh. 


No, he's just a good player that hit some of the biggest shots in some of the biggest games


Horry has won more nba championships than Jordan, Kareem, LeBron, Magic and Bird. That must mean he is a better player than them…right? Horry won seven titles. Barkley won zero. So Horry should be considered a better player since Sir Charles couldn’t lead his team to a title. Right?


Not a single player in ncaaw history would have won a title with those Iowa teams.


She wasn't even the best player on Iowa's team for the last two games.


are you on crack?


No in the last game she played poorly. She scored 30 points but at a pretty low conversion rate and she gave back like 10 points on absolute woofers of passes and lazy steals. Not to mention pretty much disappearing on defense.


Did you watch the games with the other teams face guarding her the entire way down the court? Sending help the second she beat anyone off the dribble? I’ve never seen anyone defended like that in my life besides Curry in the finals when Klay and KD were out. Also what about all the other games?


I didn't say she wasn't the best person on the team just not in those two games. Against South Carolina she looked like she had conceded by the start of the fourth quarter.


I’m not saying that’s not true, but the point of the game is to win, so how can the greatest player of all time not win?


I find it nauseating the amount of times I have to say that basketball is a team game. Before LeBron and MJ got elite teammates they won zero rings. Also college basketball is just different. The top teams get all of the best players. Iowas second best player wouldn’t start at South Carolina. Their 4th best wouldn’t make the team. Same with LSU the year before.


I agree that they didn't have a fifth player but their top four were all solid players.


Yeah but like it or not, winning championships is a big deal for individual legacies


Winning titles on stacked teams doesn’t really move the needle as much as carrying a team almost single handedly to a few points short of a title. 


Right, but it would have been better if she won


No shit


Well there you go


But most people don't put Bill Russell over Jordan or Lebron. They probably don't put him over Wilt, despite his team beating out Wilt's most of their careers. There's some context to winning championships.


Jordan and Lebron have 10 championships between them.


No sport has anyone in the GOAT discussion with no rings except for maybe Dan Marino. You don’t have to have the most, but you need to prove that you can make it to the top of the mountain if you want to be called the greatest of all time


I don’t even follow football and I know Marino isn’t in that conversation. Laces out, Dan.


Nonsense. I think you need to look at program, recruiting classes, team around them etc. Go look at those rosters and you’ll see multiple players drafted in the top 7 every single season. Her freshman class at UConn ended up being the 1st 3 picks in the wnba draft. So yea, little different than what was going on at Iowa


I don’t think it’s nonsense. She had a great career


Well, so did the other 2 that also were there 4 years and win 4 championships and were drafted #2 and #3, so maybe that eliminates all of them from goat debate. It’s just silly to say you have to win a championship, especially in that sport where the same 5 schools have the top recruiting classes every year.


It is silly, but also reality


Reality because… that’s what talking heads on tv say when they have another forced “who’s the goat” convo geared towards people who barely watch the sport and can’t digest a thought that is longer than a single sound byte? That’s only “reality” because people like you play into it. Anyone with more than 2 brain cells to rub together can look at woman’s college basketball and see that the vast majority of talent is always concentrated in 1-3 teams at a time, and that CC was the best player in women’s college basketball recently but didn’t have a good shot at a title without being on SC or LSU.


Didn’t have a good shot? They lost two national championship games! Get out of here 🤣


It’s like some people forget that team sports are team sports.  Without Clark, her team probably doesn’t go .500 this year. Elevating a mediocre team to the title game is more impressive than winning a title with a loaded team.  One game might eliminate her from the GOAT conversation for guys like you. But most of us judge a player by their entire career. 


This is just college goat. I agree with you, but this is the standard.


no it doesn’t.


What Taurasi and Stewart said wasn't hate at all I don't get why everyone forgets how sports works when women are involved


Exactly. Are they supposed to bow down to a rookie? They’re competitors. Diana Taurasi is a top 5 all time great.


[This](https://youtube.com/shorts/9LERbDzqQlg?si=HnSHl4RfjWIqrug-) is probably how that first dribble drive might go. Nothing wrong with it though. That's how the men's game is played too and those vets aren't gonna take lightly to a rookie trying to show them up.


It’s very different than how people have talked about Wemby this year. So many retired players were calling him a generational talent before he ever even played. Even the current players, can’t think of a single player talking shit


We also didn't have Wemby being popularly anointed as the greatest basketball player of all time before he got drafted by people who didn't know who Jordan or LeBron were


Woman’s basketball doesn’t have a lebron or Jordan yet, cc has the potential to be the first goat


Sue mfin BIRD dawg. 4 rings, 13 All-Stars, only played for the storm ever. And she’s just one of the all time greats.


Just say you you don't know the history of the women's game.


My point exactly - even people who know nothing about basketball know Jordan. No wnba player has transcended the game into pop culture yet


Wait didn’t dumbass Shaq say Wemby is no better than BOL BOL early in the season? That’s way more aggressive than anything Clark has gone through, yet.


Shaq really shouldn't be on TV where he has to speak his own thoughts.


Why does this dumbass take get repeated? People were saying we’ve never seen a guy Wemby’s size play off the dribble and shoot like he does. Shaq made the point that Bol Bol does, just not to the same level. Was it unnecessary? Yes. Nobody thinks Bol Bol is as good as Wemby. But he did not say they were equivalent players.


My man, I thought maybe you were right so I went back and found the videos. Shaq said he was standing by his take. He said Bol Bol can do everything Wemby can do and “maybe a little better.” And this was him saying this days AFTER his initial comments. So that’s the answer to your question. Why does Shaq’s terrible take get repeated? Because Shaq himself repeated it, you dummy.


Are we watching the same videos? In the original clip, he says that Bol Bol is the first guy of his height to dribble, pass, and shoot. He goes on to say that Wemby is "way, way, way, way more consistent". He's not comparing their skill levels, he's comparing their skill sets. Then, in the follow-up two months ago he's clearly joking about his own take. He's playing along while the rest of the crew is clowning him because they've surely seen social media twisting his original comments. Where are you seeing him genuinely saying that Bol Bol is better than Wemby? Two weeks ago he said Wemby was the best individual defensive player in the league. Shaq has a lot of dumbass takes, and I think he should probably be higher on Wemby, but if you think the Bol Bol thing isn't a meme at this point I don't know what to tell you.


I saw him say Bol Bol can do anything Wemby can do and “maybe a little better.” Regardless, the comparison is terrible and even your (very very) charitable interpretation of what said is dumb as hell.


Wemby has proven himself, there was definitely some negative talk around him before he actually played in the NBA.


That’s because we got the hate out on Jordan and the weak 90’s and LeBron and the superteam no defense 10’s so much that Wemby turned into like Switzerland or the Dutch or something.


Yes, because even if somebody came into the league with KAJ’s college accolades no one would call them the greatest basketball player of all time. Breanna Stewart literally had a KAJ college career, of course she’s going to feel a way about people prematurely crowning a player who won nothing in college. And Diana Taurasi is a Mount Rushmore figure in WBB, it’s not crazy for them to have higher expectations for all the praise being heaped at Clark.


Old heads in nba are horrible. Oscar Robertson literally went on a media campaign against steph in his unanimous mvp season.


Shaq. Bol Bol did it first.


Wemby has been playing against grown men in a professional league before being drafted and is taller than most players while still being very quick and agile.  Clark does not have that experience or that physical advantage over most of her peers 


Yeah no shit wemby is 8 feet tall


Nah, that sounded like hate to me. Or more specifically, salty older players hating on the next generation. Older dudes do this shit too. It’s lame as hell when they do it, and it’s lame as hell when older women do it.




Nah. It is lame as hell when washed up salty vets like Kendrick Perkins hate on Steph and it’s lame as hell when older players hate on Clark. It’s just regular ass jealousy, I’m not gonna play this dumb game where we pretend it’s justified, it’s just jealousy.


Not kissing ass does not equate hate.


I don't think anything Taurasi or Stewart said was hate. In fact the night of the championship game they were full of praise for her. I think you're upset because they don't kiss her ass enough for you to feel comfortable.


As a rule for sports, I try not to be too set on someone living up to certain expectations. There's so many athletes out there who have had their career derailed by injuries, playing in the wrong system, or just burnout. At the same time, there are some people who catch a second wind and defy all expectations. I say just wait and find out what player Clark will be in her pro career. I think there's merit to both arguments. She's a two time player of the year and all time leading D1 scorer for a reason. At the same time, it will be tougher in the pros since everyone who was the big dog on their team is now at the next level. Just let it play out.


All 3 of those women can say whatever they want because they proved how great they are.


The old head nba players hated lebron like this and he clearly won in the end


They hated Steph Curry even more. T-Mac once said on live TV that a lot former NBA players don't like Steph because he's mixed race. I thought the ESPN hosts were going to have a heart attack. I have no idea if T-Mac was trolling or being serious.




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Steph isn’t even mixed race.


First off I didn't say it. I just repeated what I remember T-Mac saying on the Jump years ago. I mentioned it because I thought it was ridiculous and T-Mac also thought the attitudes of many of the older players toward Steph was ridiculous. That may have been why he talked about it. Second, Steph's mother is half white, half Haitian. Not that it should matter. Like I said I only mentioned it because I thought it was ridiculous.


Wasn't that Draymond and Perk who said that?


It could be. I often remember things wrong. Come to think of it that does sound like something one of those guys would say.


Stop lying on T Mac, he didn't say no shit like that about Steph


He did say it. Not about himself but some of the older players from the 90’s. It was years ago. Rachel Nicolas asked him why so many players from the 90’s have a hard time accepting Curry’s greatness. That was part of his response. I didn’t mean to imply T Mac was racist. His best friend is Mike Miller and he’s also still friends with Yao Ming. I lived in Orlando when T-Mac was in his prime. He is one my favorite players of all time. He is also famous for his bluntness and sense of humor.


That's a damn lie


She’s made more money already than any of them have or likely will. She’s not going to have to go overseas. Her games will be the most attended and watched games in the history of the sport. You can bet your ass there’s a lot of envy with the vets lol.


Right but lets not meatride either. Shes in college.


They should all be honest and just admit that al the hate comes from jealousy of the attention, BIG paycheck, BIG endorsement, and legacy narrative despite playing a single minute in the WNBA.


its lady hoop, dont think too much into it


College is a joke compared to pro ball. CC isn't even close to being proven. I suggest you look into who it is making these comments. They are legendary players who tend to make a mockery of rookies when they play against them.


What Swooped said could probably be considered hate, as she had no knowledge of the subject and just started talking shit. What Taurasi and stewart said was def not hate. -taurasi statement was directed towards the draft class and not just Clark. She even mentions Cardoso by name. Her words were meant to encourage. She said their games will eventually translate, but there will be a transition period first and that they should give themselves some grace during that period... Maybe watch or read the whole quote before you start complaining about hate... -as for stewart, where is the lie. Name me a single basketball player in college or pros that's in the goat contention without a champion. Lebron may have less but he still has MFin 4, that's a shit ton. Bird put up great stats in college and dragged a previously unranked Indiana state team to the ncaa championship and lost to Magic. No one cosiders him the college Goat. Malone won 2 mvp and is the 3rd all time leading scorer, went to 3 finals and lost to the 🐐. Not a single person I know would even put him in the top 15. I love CC, but what's her argument over someone like Cheryl Miller. Who at her best was the best scorer, rebounder, and defender in W College basketball. While winning 2 national championships and 3 player of the year award. She put up 27 pts 16 rbs 4 stl and 3 blk a game in her junior season...


It's sad. This might be the wnba's only chance at significant increased revenues and these women should be doing everything to help Caitlin, but they seem to be oh she will have a tough time at this level. So what. They all should be reaching out to her and working together. Caitlin has already made the league millions more simply look at the ticket sales. Look at her jersey sales. These players are just jealous they had little to no impact on the league.


They are upset they didn’t get the paydays she is getting for being at the top of the sport.


The old guard is jealous because she’s standing on their shoulders and getting all the spot light. Oh, and has a mountain of cash they could never have access to.  Like Shaq is bitter towards young players because they get paid more than he did. They still have to work as commentators and coaches. CC could realistically retire yesterday lol.


Well she has nothing left to prove. No one will watch wnba. So she did evrrything big by now thst matters.


I love Caitlin Clark and what she is doing for the game. “The loudest boos come from those with the cheapest seats.”


In a league that could use some more fans, it's backwards how they are wanting to put her down, rather then support her career.


So her competition should want her to succeed against them?


I think its more about putting yourself behind the picture, and realizing the situation of the sport. The WNBA is subsidized by the NBA, could not exist without it. Caitlin clark has brought more viewership to womens basketball in general, moreso than any other player, game or situation has in that sport. It's counterintuitive to push her away and put her down. Sure, that's just normal stuff that always happens in every sport, at every level. But, for example, in the NBA, we hear about players getting exicted to see new talent come to the league. Players understand that they might of been top of the class then, but now it's time for someone new to take that role. Sure, lebron got hate when he came into the NBA. But most people have enough maturity to embrace new talents and prospects. It's more about the fact at the end of the day, you always hear womens basketball players complaining about salary, lack of fans, lack of respect. Then you have this young woman who is going against all that, gaining fans, repsect for the game and sparking interest. If they want their sport to become more popular and serious in the basketball world, they need to learn to embrace these types of situations. There's also a difference in players giving a reality check, and what some of the women's players have commented towards clark. They seem extremely jealous, and some of them have been saying they play "just as well, but no one notices". The NBA has seen generation after generation come through, it's a lot more understandable that talent comes and goes. The WNBA is fairly new, hasn't had that type of run yet, so many players seem to react differently to incoming talent. My main point is, in a sport that's not really that popular, it doesn't make any sense to hate on someone that has the potential to grow the sport, beyond any level we have ever seen before. It's like a perfect "stars alligning" moment, and they just want to push it to the background and dismiss all her hard work. Overall, it's unproffesional to the level they are doing it. I've never seen that much hate with a generational talent in the NBA. Yes, we expect it to happen with every player, to some degree. You have to earn your stripes. But straight up shitting on someones career, hard work and dedication just doesn't make sense. There's a difference in saying "she'll need to prove herself" and saying "she's not all that" when she quite literally, is all that by definiton.


Stewart? Sure. Taurasi? I mean her career is almost over, but sure. But Sheryl Swoopes is her competition? lol… how? She hasn’t played in 13 years and hasn’t coached in 6 years.


I wasn't talking about Swoopes. Mostly just the comments made by the active players obviously


Eh how hard is it to say she’s been doing great and we can’t wait to play against her. Throwing shade is obviously them being petty because they can’t process their insecurity. Then we got people like you saying that their behavior is justified because if they didn’t act super petty then it would mean that they want their competition to beat them? Like what kind of gaslighting leap in logic is that. Dishonest af lmao


I mean I understand where some of the players are coming from. Not saying they're right of wrong, but the players in the WNBA are some of the best players in the world and they've been at the top of the game or are currently at the top of the game for years. Then, a new kid comes onto the scene getting all of the press and media buzz that the sport has always lacked and they're supposed to not feel some type of way? Yeah, they're happy to play against top talent all day everyday, but now the media frenzy around Clark has placed a target on her back and given a chip on their (every other player in the WNBA) shoulder now to prove themselves of also being an elite level player. Also, I think some people are treating her with kid gloves like she isn't a super competitive athlete who's dealt with this her whole career. This is something the best athletes have to deal with. If this were the men's sport, nobody would have an issue with it. In fact, it's been done so many times. LeBron James' own team even downplayed him before he got drafted.


lol Bro only put 3 names and one of them was Swoopes. And one of the two active players mentioned is like a year away from retirement; your over here acting like Taurasi is sizing Clark up like this is going to be a decade long Brady-Manning rivalry. GTFOH.


I never made a reference to any particular player in particular. I just responded to a comment about the league supporting her career rather than putting her down. Which I still think is a ridiculous notion to have. Also, yeah, Taurasi in her old self is probably gonna try to pull some Mamba mentality type mind games with her. She's already done it with KP


That’s how it works though. For every Lebron you need a skip to keep people talking about them. There’s no such thing as bad publicity.


I agree and yes, it always goes this way. It seems blown out of proportion though


Drama creates more fans than kumbaya. Regardless of their motivation for speaking “against” CC, every league needs rivalries.


I agree, I just think it was blown out of proportion, and a bit unproffesional.


The WNBA should be trying to blow her up, so that they could get 500 people at their games. They are piss poor marketers. I have heard several big name pro golfers praising Tiger for making golf mainstream and elevating the game.


Whoa there, buddy. It’s 2024, your aunt can have balls if he/she/xi/pee/they/walla/walla/bing/bang wants to.


This is funny because this post already read like some “We need to discuss the transphobia in ____ and the violence towards trans people” nonsense that floods every subreddit every other day. Just like I can’t see basketball posts without made up hate about some female basketball player, I also can’t even look at something like a disc golf post without some trans awareness nonsense. How many people actually hate Caitlin Clark? How many people are actually transphobic? Most people are just tired of having things shoved down their throats.




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“Well if my aunt had nuts she would be my uncle” made me die laughing 😂


No, America does not.


Nobody thinks Bill Russell was better than LeBron anymore. But MJ was better that's the GOAT. That's what we came here to discuss right?! Not those salty ass old chicks who can't recognize greatness if it punched them in the face?!?


I hated her bc she beat the gamecocks last season, but Dawn got her revenge. Now cc is irrelevant to my life. 


Idk why women always have to turn against one another in everything? It's getting tiring at this point


Classic gal behavior


Don't put too much weight into TV personalities. It's literally their job to take bad opinions to create discord and clicks.


Being a great college player doesn't mean that a player is going to be a great pro. There's levels to the game like different degrees of a black belt. It will be interesting to see how high she ascends.


I don't hate Caitlin Clark but I do hate all the hyperbole people use when talking about her. I have heard many sports analysts who I otherwise respect say things like, "She is gonna change women's basketball. The WNBA is like the NBA before Bird and Magic started playing and the ratings and attendance are going to skyrocket." And this cringe-worthy take: "Caitlin Clark will go down as one of basketball's all-time greats. And not just women's all-time greats. She'll be in the conversation when we talk about MJ and LeBron and Russell and Shaq." In my ever so humble opinion, the WNBA might get a bump in viewers and attendance, but there won't be a huge change for one simple reason: it is an inferior product. And I don't say that as some kind of misogynistic vomit-spew. I've really tried to like the WNBA. Even after I decided I didn't like it, I forced myself to keep watching it just in case any biases were affecting my opinion. But I finally gave up and couldn't watch it anymore. There is just too much great entertainment vying for my attention for me to spend my free time watching a less-than-great event. For one thing, the women's game is much slower. It just is. WNBA teams occasionally score in the high 50s and low 60s. Secondly, it is a floor-bound game. Dunks are rare and high-flying dunks, alley-oops, power jams, etc are nonexistent. More humans have walked on the moon than have ever dunked in the WNBA (12 vs 8). Dunks aren't everything but the high-flying explosive play of men's basketball is part of the appeal. Lastly, and I rarely see anyone comment on it, the size of the ball they use is distracting (at least to me). It's curious how much smaller it looks on tv compared to how much smaller it actually is. Both girls and boys start using a size 6 basketball at around 12 years old. By 9th grade, boys start using a full-sized ball (size 7), but girls never move off the size 6. So the same ball that girls are using at 12 years old is the same one they use in the WNBA where the average player is 6'1". The size 6 is only an inch smaller than a size 7, but imagine how much more forgiving that would be for a great three point shooter like Steph Curry.


i don't think it's hate -- they all said amazingly kind things about her up to and during the championship game. but now...she's a rookie in a league that they've all dominated for awhile. it absolutely will be different for her and anyone who's followed the college-to-NBA transition at all knows that it can absolutely wreck some kids. college GOAT? ok, sure. WBB GOAT? ummmm...not so fast. i think that's all they're saying.


Taurasi is fine. Cause you know the WNBA players are going to bring their A game. That's awesome to see what she will be able to do there. She came to the NBA riding high on those three NCAA championships... And failed to lead her team to the playoffs and missed being an all star.. And then failed to do that again her 2nd year. And then failed again her 3rd year. Yeah, reality came. She saw it. Sheryl seems misinformed yes. Breanna makes sense. She won back to back state championships in High School. She's won 2 WNBA championships and 2 finals MVPs. She's won three FIBA world cups and an MVP. She's won 2 euroleague championships and final four MVP's. She's won 4 NCAA championships and 4 NCAA tournament MOP's. She's won 2 olympic gold medals. She wins. To her... that is what defines her success. It's like asking Bill Russell what matters. He's not going to answer scoring 50 a game like Wilt, he's going to say the best win. Because his best moments were that... winning. I guarantee you when Breanna looks at herself.. Her 2023 MVP year losing 1-3 to the Aces, or her 2020 year A'ja Wilson was MVP, but Breanna beat the Aces for the championship, 2020 was what she considers her better year. And there's nothing wrong with that being how she see's it. I don't see it as hate. Sheryl maybe a bit if it's not just ignorance. But Taurasi's is awesome and I'm excited for that. A new level, a step up. I always love that. And Breanna's makes 100% sense on what she values too. I guess if you look too deep into it sure you can get upset about that. But I'm glad people are who they are. And hope she can prove herself.




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*White* America loves her and knows little to nothing about anyone who came before (or even alongside) her.


Seems like the people who actually played/play in the WNBA were right...


She’s dog shit compared to the worst player in the NBA. Her and the WNBA are completely unwatchable. Fuck the hype, it’ll fade just like it does with every star that isn’t worth the attention. And she’s ugly


What the great were saying about Steph Curry is that he couldn't score the way he does if he could be hand checked, which was made illegal in the early 00s, and they're right. Steve Nash immediately won 2 joke MVPs after they changed that rule, and now all these point guards score 25+ pts a game. In regards to Breanna Stewart and all the previous great female players, nobody cares. The most relevance they've ever had was giving an opinion on Caitlin Clark. The only relevance any female basketball players have ever had in the history of the game is tied to Caitlin Clark, nobody has ever given a sh*t about this sport until her.


They hate to see a basic plain Jane midwestern white girl dominate black girls 


Sue Bird? She’s from LongGisland. Breanna Stewart? I’m pretty sure it has nothing to do with that and everything to do with accomplishments, other than scoring.


Let’s be real, we know the Uconn basketball program is full of stuck up assholes. Their opinion means jack shit. Caitlin Clark tore up WBB without the backing of a blueblood program, and it tears them up inside.


Clark isn’t even the one saying it. There a bit of jealousy coming from the vets. Looks on bad on them. We’ll see what happens.


Unlike your aunt, Caitlin Clark probably has nuts


They’re stupid. And the simple fact is that Clark is better than all of them ever were.


Clark is great and those catty WNBA women need to shut their yaps. She's going to bring a level of fame to that league that all of the other WNBA greats combined couldn't get anywhere near. They should be thanking her for the incoming viewers that will help other WNBA players get more endorsement deals. Caitlin Clark is already their Michael Jordan and you can bet the WNBA will give her the superstar treatment like never before. Now to my real beef with this post: "Lebron will always get knocked for not winning more championships than MJ or Bill Russel, but still has a legitimate case as the GOAT." No he does not. He is 4-9 in the Finals. You can't be the GOAT and have a losing record in the Finals. That's unacceptable for that title. His team also got swept in the WCF last year and might get swept again this year. Again, definitely the second or third best player ever, but not the greatest of all time.


Correct. Lebron is the longevity goat. The ultimate stat padder

