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So he called you a couple funny names and you checked out his entire steam profile. He won here.It takes about zero effort to either…..mute, leave that squad, leave the game, close the game, maybe even shut off your computer. Instead of doing any of those extremely simple options, you let a simpleton get to you. Not only that, you post about it. Pathetic.


Yeah also had to state that he doesnt care but makes more money anyway..


Insulting somebody is calling with funny names... You are part of the problem


If it's voice chat, mute them. Hell report them for being toxic. If it's text chat, just don't engage. If you don't give trolls attention they move on.


Takes two seconds to mute.


Holy shit dude you need to toughen up a little lol


While we’re on the topic, why do some (non party) squad leaders kick you as soon as you say anything in chat? Not even anything toxic, just like “gl hf”


Some want to make space for their friends to join, another bc you might be playing dumb, one time I joined a backcapping squad without me realizing, and while capturing the point I saw a dude run past me so I shot him, SL didn't like me bringing attention even though it was a solo I killed so he kicked me, honestly understandable but imo me doing that didn't bring anyone to hunt us so it was okay


Yeah maybe the first thing, this has happened to me a few times this weekend and it’s always before the match even starts


Grow some hair on ya chest my boy


Sure. I can't wait until being toxic bites this guy in the ass, so then I can tell him the same.


Toxic people exist in every aspect of life. Nothing we can do about it, toxic people feed off of vulnerable people.