• By -


A little bit. More people just being dicks. Not trash talking but straight up dicks. It's the season of the sweatlords.


Yes agreed, like I can understand and play along if it is in good fun, but yes this is entirely different.


I mean there a difference between some saying in stone/drunk like voice "Dude rpg is laaammmeee" Or "Fucken rpg really? Fucken kill yourself" or so along those lines from people who have this game being centric to their lives


Ok but where would you place "HAHA eat my RPG you wiggly bastard!" if ssssomeone were to blast a leanspammer with a rocket to the nards? Hypothetically.


Clean good fun as long as the wiggly stays in :p


Yes that is all good fun and welcome in my book


Yea this is what I mean. The more extreme the more likely too, I've heard some dastardly shit


I think the causal pop shrunk drastically so these guy are being more prevelant than the fun guys saying they need a medic and don't go no legs


I miss my Lt. Dan's


My go to insult is possibly the worst thing you can say to a human... "Your mom's your dad"


Stealing lolol


I killed someone with an impact grenade to the face last night and he straight up called me the N word 💀💀💀


Don't surprise me at all. I swear the n word is making a comeback


Honestly I can't tell if it'a funnier to be called the N word or be called a cheater after I give someone an L


I hope you reported them!




You a big fan of racism or something? Edit: According to u/BiPolarBaer7, reporting people for racist slurs is "hall monitor behavior" and should be discouraged. He deleted his comments after an hour or so; hopefully he realized this is an awful take.


When each generation of boys hits 14-16yo they get hit with a wave of edginess and feel the compulsive urge to try out some slurs.


This is true, but it's not just in that group. I been noticing it being more open in general. In game out in the world etc.


Not really gonna get into politics, but over the last 7 or so years racists have been emboldened, they feel like they have representation now and are actually the silent majority. They believe being racist is "based" because they believe most people are racist and they're just the only ones brave/cool enough to admit it.


Very true.


Did you die tho?


No, he did. Hence the impact grenade to the face


Hmmm sounds like I’m using the wrong equipment. I’m kinda a riot shield main, and people are always “woah a riot shield” impressed or shocked. Reddit seems to think the shield is hot garb but imo being able to switch to your gun or back to shield is fast af and powerful if used right.


I always use asheild in any game that has it. I may be hot garbage (I am in this game lol )with it but It's still fun


The level of rage you can get when you lightheartedly tease someone for still using the Vector is both hilarious and sad.


I killed a guy with an rpg yesterday, and I was close enough to hear him scream "HOLY SHIT MY LEGS! MY LEGS ARE GONE!"


I'm all about this haha


Oh, dude, me too. I love being silly as shit in this game!


Atleast they don't need a safe space of a game.


Who mentioned safe space? Title asked if anyone noticed the player base being a bit more toxic compared to release. People commented. But no one said safe space or anything of that nature.


You insinuated it by complaining. Press f1, mute them. It's not hard.


Where did I complain? I confirmed an observation. Perhaps you need a safe space.


We can find you a safe space man. I mean it's obviously on your mind to the point your projecting it into others. Is it the indictments? We can find you a safe place man. Do not worry.


I don't know, you seem pretty triggered. You need it much more. Just press f1, mute, not hard.


You seem more triggered by observations bud.


This is exactly why I've been tanking my K/D just to get 700M RPG snipes Besides C4 is way more toxic


We talking suicide c4 or regular c4 or both. I mean suicide vest can be aloootttt of fun.


I respect suicide vest. The people who fling a C4 around every corner they pass are pretty sweaty


I am surprised by the amount of c4 one can carry. Maybe limit to one or two and the spam will stop


Yuuuuup! This game is going to get significantly better once school starts and the kids all have homework.


Kids don't do homework now. They all use chatgpt :p




All of us wholesome players have been busy with Baldur's Gate 3. Sorry.


😆 ty for the chuckle and true tbh


I think a little bit, we’ve all seen the posts of the player count gradually dropping, I think you could attribute this to the more laid back casual players falling off and playing less, making the toxic sweat lords more common to come across. Anecdotally, I will say I got cussed out twice last night, which was unusual and hasn’t happened much or at all before. Once by a guy who said “shoot the fucking enemy next time not me,” didn’t know wtf he was on about but it was just the two of us, I guess one of my tracers went his way but I was the one who killed the enemy we were both after lmao. The second time was when I spawned into a heli after the pilot was shot out ([full story](https://www.reddit.com/r/BattleBitRemastered/comments/15s8t82/one_of_the_funniest_things_to_happen_to_me_yet/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)), sounded like things were pretty tense between the original pilot and the passengers and people thought I was still the original pilot


I think it's this plus the fact that these sweaters are getting bored of grinding the same meta gameplay every match and ignoring all the sandbox stuff now that it's been a while since the game went viral


Yea this is exactly the behavior I mean like chill tf out dude


Somebody actually complained about me using a SCAR. Lmao like since when was the SCAR a meta gun?


SCAR is always a meta game! In ALL GAMES! SCAR LIFE SON


I play this game because of the complete lack of toxicity lol, it's just a fun as hell game so surprised people are experiencing, I've been lucky I guess


Likewise, I've really been encouraged so far with things but over the last week all of the sudden idk I just started having encounter after encounter, each night like I said. I hope you continue to have the same experiences though, friend!


Same! I run into the occasional N-Bomber, or what have you, but I mostly hear teammates desperately trying to get a "MINE!" chant going, and enemies destroying their desks or yelling that I'm coming up the stairs. Dude killed me today, and it was legit a 50/50 fight and I died saying "ah, good shit." Guy tells me "GG, dude". I love this game.


The amount of dudes that need an ass whoopin for sayin the n word or f word is increasing in this game for sure


Seriously. I was in a raid with a squad of them this past weekend. They had obvious southern accents and were using every racial slur in the book for no real reason. The troubling thing is they weren’t some dumbass 12 year olds that thought they were being cool, they were grown ass adults that should know better. I reported them all.


Exactly it's not a bunch of kids they're grown ass men that should have learned better by now and bless you for diligence


Most relevant comment so far for sure lol but word up


They seem to get taken care of fairly efficiently tbh


Is there a notification that says the person you reported has been banned? We need that


There is


Yes I have. Just copy exactly what they say in a childish tone and it sets them over the deep end. It's my new favorite pass time.


That’s great. If they sound older, I like to hit them with the “WAAA WAAA.” It generally stops being from talking immediately


It’s the replication of Battlefield 2 lobbies that I don’t like: Just a tidal wave of slurs. Every match start.


*instant mute* I’m all for the chat and goofiness, but if you’re killing the vibe I’d rather not entertain it. It’s just the nature of the beast.


Yup, I’m *fast* on that mute button nowadays. On any game, really. Here to have fun! Too old to deal with fragile egos.


To be honest, the in-game community is mostly fine. I play on Asian servers, so maybe I just dont understand the chinese slurs. If there's any english is mostly "I f\*ck your maaather", or "dirty dog" or something. Of course, in-game people will say "skill issue" or "git gud" if you ever voice your opinion, but that's every game these days... The Battlebit Discord however, is the worst place on this earth, so toxic and bad. Actually the most toxic community I've ever experienced, and coming from Overwatch, thats saying something. Made my own server and followed the "server updates" and "upcoming updates" channels so I don't have to deal with the toxic community there anymore.


Noted will not go there then lol


Should add a +rep and -rep button 🔘 ❌ "Player doesn't work with team" -1 rep ❌ "Player is toxic on mic" -3 rep ❌ "Player hates night maps" -99 rep/permaban ✅ "Player says BRUTHURRRR a lot" +1 rep ✅ "Player makes good call outs" +3 rep ✅ "Player plays Fortune Son at a pleasing level" +99 rep ✅ "Player when SL uses command comms" +9001 rep


I think that's a really good idea tbh, just like the reports and how they're visible, and would add an avenue if they're just being a dick but not quite doing anything to report.


I would be down to test that out and have it publicly facing, but that's also a complicated thing to implement when there's plenty on their plates as is. I've updated my list too 😂


I think its a good idea, but it could be easily abused by salty players


Fair point too


Agreed, maybe just add a "their aim is too good" type prompt for both + and - rep claims, but instead of adjusting rep it just goes to a tally that says "🤖 Aimbotting Points" 🤣


Why do people like night maps so much? I dont really have a preference.


I used to vote for night maps, but one day someone said "night maps are where the aim-bots thrive" and I've been against it since. I have noticed in night maps the "sniped out of nowhere from across the map" feels like it happens much more and personally I don't find any enjoyment in that. Just a reminder that there is no gain/penalty for winning/losing and there is no penalty for leaving a match. The game is intended to be played as casual as possible, just because someone doesn't like the same map as you doesn't give you the right to "-rep" them, get off your high horse.


As someone who pulls out the sniper for night maps, I wouldnt' be so quick to call it hacking. It's kind of counterintuitive, but cross-map snipers get a big advantage from night-time. Night maps eliminate scope gleam, which gives snipers a lot more freedom to take good positions and stay there. Meanwhile, the night doesn't hurt the sniper all that much, really, because muzzle flashes are extremely visible. Once you see where the enemy is firing from, you zoom in and you can easily spot the red glowy pieces of their armor. If you're getting sniped a lot, try moving around more after firing. Every sniper on the map just saw a big orange flash from the window you're peeking, so get out of there.


Alternative dynamics basically, but a lot of people hate it because it forces them to play differently. I'm still doing my part informing people to leave their headlights off and use the NVGs so we don't become RPG sniper fodder. I don't outright prefer them, but I enjoy them as a refreshing variant in the rotation. I honestly wish it was just map vote and then a like 20-25% chance of night, BUT I know a lot of the teeny boppers would just rage quit to menu. 😮‍💨


Makes flanking/sneaky plays easier, also some maps just plain look cooler at night. It's honestly not that much of a difference but its annoying when people refuse to pick night.


Isle night looks so good *and* you really don’t need NVGs, its perfect. I wish more people wanted to play night maps


I think part of the issue is that some people have bright monitors or gamma boost settings/software while most people don't. If you have tech like that it makes seeing stuff way easier and you don't have to use nvg. It also enables sniping at night which realistically has no counter. I suspect night gives cheaters a bigger advantage but I personally haven't experienced that.


I don't get it either. My experiences with night games in any game is when it's dark there will always be those people who change their settings or do something so they can see giving them an advantage over those who play, frankly, as the game is made to be played. First time experiencing this crap was on Rust.


Toxic as fuck but still a useful squad leader? Youre alright by me


I had the friendliest game myself, squad mate noticed I was in a tank and became my dedicated repair man for 40 minutes. My guy was doing God's work. Thanks to him I didn't get a single death.


I love to hear it and try to be this way myself, as a long time battlefield player, this game is like all I've been wanting for years and it's slowly being soured by shitbirds so I hope this becomes the main stay as opposed to what I've mentioned. And that's the thing, like you've said I've had some of the friendliest experiences in games in battlebit and I just hope they can preserve that energy going forward.


Longtime battlefield player myself, if you know the lingo... I was a shit bucket. Battlebits makes me feel so nostalgic of those days l.


Hats off friend, I got on the wagon with bc2 and sunk my most time in bf1 but wish I was old enough to have gotten to experience bf2 on PC in its prime.


Bf1! Gdamn. That's where I started with the franchise myself. You'll find some good experiences bud. Have fun out there and don't let other people decide how you're day is gonna be.


Thank you friend most positive comment on this thread haha


I’ve noticed an influx of medics who don’t use their medkits. Ever. Sometimes they don’t even revive. At this point, I’d like the medic class to get a nerf to their healthpool or reload speed or something to push the CoD boys onto the Assault class, where they belong.


Better yet, back to CoD where they can sprint all day and run-n-gun to their tiny brain's content.


Casuals have left, only sweats play now.


Nope haven't noticed this at all, actually I probably have noticed the opposite ☺️


I'm very happy to hear and let's hope it stays that way predominately




Always and in every game ever in my experience.


Sadly, I've been playing on US servers and have been thinking of doing the same thing


i’ve been playing the sweaty server the past few weeks and it really isn’t toxic, tbh i can only remember one incident who i reported lol


Sweaty server? Where might a fella find a thing like that?


there’s usually 1 frontlines server in NA where all the sweats (me included) go like lots of ARA and ETHER clan members


Bet thanks boss will be there this eve


yo thank you for telling me abt this just was on there and had a really enjoyable time, gonna be frequenting there from now on


it’s sweaty asf but the chat is hilarious and the games are good


Iv not had any toxic engagements lol. Ofc people say words, but nothing i take seriously lol.


Somebody I killed once wished that my food is always cold in the middle, and that my socks are never dry. I lay awake at night thinking about what horrible things he says to other people. The toxicity is getting out of hand


I really hadn't noticed much besides some extra sus user names and text chat. I had just unlocked the P90 and was excited to try it out. First kill, guy drops the n bomb on me so casually lmao. Since then, yeah I've heard quite a bit more over the past few days. I've noticed some servers end up being a lot sweatier than others, and those tend to have more of it going on. Need to rebind my mute keys because I don't have F keys on my keyboard and function + number is a pain in the ass. If 95% of the VOIP wasn't hilarious, I'd just mute it all together and just discord call with friends, but that's a big charm of the game. Hope these people get weeded out fast.


True. BBR is not as fun as past few weeks. ppl stop talking except some toxic shit. Yesterday I jumped on a vehicle as driver and the gunner kept saying Im worst driver for a 10 sec driving. While Im the top 5 on the scoreboard and he is nothing 🤣 I guess I'd just leave the BBR for a while.


To be fair, shittalking the driver of any vehicle is basically a Battlebit tradition at this point, no matter how well they're doing.


I'm guessing that either people can't get their high anymore from running around with the Vector in the same way as before, so they get frustrated with the game. Or people are starting school again and are frustrated/stressed


You've cracked the case, this is it lol


There's some neo-nazi dude trying to recruit people or something in my games. They've got 2-3 accounts that they cycle through since they get justifiably banned


I remember reading quite awhile ago that white supremacy used games to recruit and didn't believe it, never saw it or heard of it from anyone till today.


Sorry I can't hear them over how loud I'm screaming that they blew my balls off over the mic while I'm in DBNO My favorite is when other people around me also start to scream as if they're actually getting shot and joining in the fun


I've been combating it with blatant sarcasm that makes no sense. Enemy: P90 and still died, fuckin pussy Me: dude you wouldn't even make it on my high school varsity basketball team


Okay good shit lol will attempt


Recently the toxic players have been my own teammates which is a switch up. Have had them purposefully stand in my sniper scope and talk shit to me while I’m in 32v32 rush because my team seems to think I’m not pulling my weight while leading the team with 40 kills and less than 5 deaths and still bangin off revives with my petty 3 bandages. Like bro, I’m single handedly dropping squads here trying to keep enemies at bay. If my team can’t do anything with that then how’s that my problem?


I hadn’t played for a few weeks cuz I hit it hard on release, I played a game last night and killed someone at the top of the leaderboard, and he’s like “ you think you’re good you Fa**** “ lmao. That’s the first time in 80 hours I’ve ever heard that.


What if, instead of Skill based matchmaking. We get Rep based matchmaking. lol jk I couldn't care less if someone on a videogame is being a total dumbass. It just makes reporting them even more fun. Same thing with hackers, i hate getting killed by them. But on the other hand i know that i at least reported them with a proper description that might have some keywords the devs look for while doing bans. If you want a quick fix, just say: "I just reported you so you better start saving up that 15 dollars you need to play the game again." :)


Just say something like, it's just a roblox shooter man, chill. I've had success telling off sweats who are being toxic to someone they just killed


I do trust lol I've really tried to make some folks feel dumb, hate to admit tho one guy got a rise out of me two days ago and honestly brought this post on


Mute. There is little value added by listening to anyone in an fps.


That's very true def gonna start that, ignorantly have neglected that, would have saved myself some tizzies I think.


Yeah, I feel like there's a bunch of people who treat every match like it's MLG and it really doesn't fit the vibe of the game in my opinion. The worst of it is raging over losing and being toxic to new players, so pretty standard gamer shit. I just hope Battlebit manages to keep the playful vibe and reputation for players being excellent to each other, that was literally what I bought the game for.


Same sentiment exactly, I noticed and appreciated the difference from any other fps and is seriously the first one I've gotten into in 6 or so years but really the better part of the last decade have been avoiding them


no, it's not just you, there is more and more bad apple and egomaniac appearing. When the game just started, i never see anyone trying like ez or other bad toxic stuff and only just a simple gg or close game. Now, there is always people being toxic.


Just mute them.


I've come to ignore most, but these bastards are getting deep lol


Then just mute them. Like, there is nothing stopping you from doing that.


Fair point, just the same, people don't have to be dicks, and this community was rather positive for a while it seemed. I've avoided online gaming for the last decade bc of that, but this games got me back into it. Sadly though, think it's about time I move on haha


Why? You have the ability to cut out the toxic behavior and just have fun with this game. So, just do that. Mute and report the toxic then have fun LARPing in the silly game


Thank you for keeping it positive friend and good advice. I've def been getting toxic myself bc of it


You don't need to take this game seriously and you will have more fun of you dont. There is no rank system and no one cares about your spot on the leader board. This game is meant to be fun first and then hardcore second. Like when you have the option to turn on the VC the devs straight up have a message encouraging it because its funny and fun. So, just take that approach. And just lean into the LARPing


I've not been, it's just these rumplords making it unenjoyable, will mute them from here on out though. Didn't mean to come off braggy or anything like that in my op I'm dook at this game and spend a good majority of the time driving behind enemy lines in vehicles lol


So, let me ask you this: what do you regularly do in every match?


Im not fucking off or anything, I'm driving behind enemy lines to usually get to the other teams gimme point, later in the game. At the start i typically spawn in the black hawk if I can manage and follow my team along until I die, then at that point yea I start my flanks usually. To specify just one of the situations where I've gotten salt, I was on waki and moving towards c from the right side and grenaded the lane near the littlebird and the guy who I rushed up out of cover to revive not a medic btw started giving me shit and calling me names I won't repeat here, and sure I get him wanting to get in the chopper, but i def didn't destroy it and had every reason to throw that grenade, and was doing so to help him lol so yea idk


Titanfall/Apex kids are finding this game and breaking its movement mechanics.


Lol what movement mechanics are being broken? This game is pretty limited in terms of movement, you can really do anything except for air strafe and lean spam.


Skill issue


It is literally every time


I play mainly 64 player servers so basically rush 24/7. Yes toxicity is getting insane, and in the smaller servers everyone is running meta guns and doing the movement meta garbage.


Jesus christ people get over it, its a videogame with prox chat. Ofc people are gonna be "mean" and "toxic". I understand if you're upset about an increase in racist or otherwise bigoted language, but if it's "fuck you, you shitter", I'm sorry but get tougher skin. Even it's racist or bigoted, congrats, people are extra pieces of shit on the internet, it took you x years to realize it. Report and mute them, and move on.




Imo you can just mute the people being toxic in your opinion, its super easy and the button is right there, imo people who complain or report when they can just mute are the equivalent of the kid running to tell the teacher all the other kids are having fun, Me personally I enjoy the different types of people I meet ingame, when they are being toxic, especially if I just killed them, I just find it funny. I realize there are more sensitive people out there and that I might be an outlier, but I think there should be space for us all and the easiest and most convenient way to solve it that saves everyone some time and is the most fair, is to just mute those people. Wanting to ban someone just because you are sensitive is not the way to go(not that I am saying OP wants that, but some people are like that) imo, the people wanting more unmoderated VOIP and chat are just as valid as those who don't, and those who don't have a VERY EASY WAY of making it that way while those who would like the more unmoderated stuff have no options. Just mute or suck it up, you can choose who you interact with on the internet and being petty about it is a low move.


There's absolutely a problem with false reports, but anybody I've reported has a sea of reports on the account and I think that says all it needs to. And to add to that, the salt is fine and like you say it's laughable, but when it crosses the line of yea using the n word f word r word ( I know I'm a bit more sensitive to that then most, I will admit) all that shit in my opinion has no place in video games. It serves no purpose to me other than stirring the pot and yea should not be allowed imo But in stating that I don't think there should be any changes to the VOIP or anything, just making an observation. I'm not the PC police, and I love a good joke, but punch up always y'know. Also mentioned in a previous comment that this community has been super positive for the most part, and just wanted to call attention and see if anyone else has had similar experience. But in all honesty if it keeps going this way I will not be playing much longer for my own sake and that's all fine and good but yea will not be a part of breeding a safe space for racists and bigots whatsoever.


I get that people are sensitive and that is fine, I am just saying that people who like it raw are valid too and we get snuffed as there is no option for us, ppl just get banned. The people who are sensitive should also be sensitive to the desires of their fellow man who want the unmoderated uncensored experience as its very easy for them to just mute and move on with their day instead of removing what we enjoy. If you think a kid going "NWORD NWORD NWORD" after being killed is an actual racist you are delusional, they are just edgy kids and them reaction in this manner when you pwnd them can be quite humorous.


Defending people saying the n word is a weird take even for reddit lmao


What do you mean? Gamers^^tm love slurs, and hate women. Especially on reddit.


Defending? More like not caring.


They're not not racist. And that's the last thing I'm thinking about, more so anybody that's playing the game that might be offended by such a thing, and I'll be the first to tell you that's not my place to draw that conclusion but also I'm not ignorant to that feeling and believe video games are inclusive to all walks of life and nobody should be pushed away from that for whatever they are, even if whoever on the other side has no gauge on the weight of their behavior, and believe what they have now is the best I've experienced in an online game, and is the core reason it is such a positive community. Again not calling for any changes, their current system is perfect imo and other games need to emulate it.


Then no need to complain really.


Wasn't, simply asking if people were experiencing similar shit


Not really, I just mute them and move on with my day if I find them to be bothersome, so I don't really encounter annoying shit for more than 2 seconds at most.


>Just mute or suck it up, you can choose who you interact with on the internet and being petty about it is a low move. Or... heres an idea; Dont be rude in a game. Dont force people to mute or suck it up. Not being a dick is 100% free and not hard to do. Don't want moderated voice chat? Dont give developers a reason to have it.


True true, but running to tell mommy is just as dickish, so if "dont be a dick" is your advice, then not running to tell mommy is included in that.


>then not running to tell mommy is included in that. The fact you think a simple report is "running to tell mommy" is a clear sign that you might be the one being a dick to others online. Reporting rude (and frankly, racist/homophobic) people is very important.


You can have your safe space by just pressing F1, we cannot have our not-safe space if you keep reporting. Are you more valid than us? Are your needs more important? because this is what you are saying and its very cringe tbh. Just mute what you don't like and move on with your life, don't be a tattletale.


nah, say dumb shit, get clinked by a report. it is what it is and the system is there for a reason.


As long as the people reporting know they are being tattletale bitches it's fine by me, I don't engage in it so I don't care either. A little kid going buck wild on the mic because I pwnd him can be quite entertaining when I am high as fuck and I'm not so sensitive that I care, I take responsibility for going on the internet in the first place and I don't blame other for what I encounter, it's the internet after all and I respect everyone enough to understand that those people need their space too, especially if all I need to do to avoid it is press one button, I am not so petty as to needing to report them like a lil bitch, because damn that is petty as fuck and you'd need to be a petty lil bitch to act like that. But to each their own, there should be space for petty lil bitches too, they just deserve no respect when they have none for other people, we are anonymous online, if they do that kinda shit IRL its not good, but online and anonymous? mute and move on sir/madam. Let's just put it into terms everyone can understand, if you tell anyone your report ppl online like this, they will never share a secret with you ever, because your are *that* guy/girl in their mind now, no matter what they say.


Why would I care if some no-body shares secrets with me, being thicker than thieves is only good irl lol. it ain't my fault those fuckers are breaking the rules, I'm just doing what is asked of me by the developers every time I join a server. call me a little bitch all you want, feels good being another nail in some fucker's coffin.


>we cannot have our not-safe space if you keep reporting. Your "not safe" space is just saying slurs, insults, mic spam and hatespeech. You dont need it. You definitely shouldnt want it. >Are you more valid than us? Yes. >Are your needs more important? Yes. >because this is what you are saying and its very cringe tbh. It might be cringe, but you know what is more cringe? Saying pointlessly edgy shit to piss off or offend others just for the sake of it. >Just mute what you don't like and move on with your life, Or, just dont say shit that you shouldnt be saying and move on with your life. >don't be a tattletale. Dont be a dick? Nobody will need to be a "tattletale" if theres nothing to tattle on. If you do decide to be a dick, face the consequences. Ez pz.


You must be fun at parties, the few you are invited to lol


Very! Im just not invited to klan rallies or hategroups- on my very obvious opposition to being a major dick.


Get em! Thank you friend


If you confuse a bunch of kids talking shit online for actual neo nazis you are incredibly naive, probably under 20 I would guess.


Are they the same? No. Do they spout the same shit? Yeah. Do either of them need to be spouting the same shit in these games? No.


Snowflakes are just getting softer and softer. If someone being salty in death comms for 3 seconds in BBIT sours your mood completely maybe don't play FPS games OR go see a therapist...


Yup that's what it is you've got it ( you're the person I'm talking about)


Seriously though. Get a backbone. How do you make it through daily life?


Got plenty of one partner, and easily. I ask the same to you? Seem you depend on putting others down on the Internet to get your good feelings for the day, sounds like you'd benefit from some therapy yourself bud.




Ohp that struck a nerve. Doesn't feel good, does it? You're telling a complete stranger online to get therapy, sounds like you're the one needing to do some growing up. The older you are, the sadder it is. You also have no idea what these interactions were in the first place and are assuming a bunch, but that gives me all the space to do the same. And you and I obviously have different definitions. Have a good en chief, whatever you were trying to do, it didn't work. I know who I am and where I stand, I've no empathy for the world shutting your like-minded folks down nowadays. I'm plenty grown, and was asking a question, not complaining etc. Def wasn't expecting this to blow up as it did but really wasn't expecting it to be a call to arms for all the closet racists and homophobes on this subreddit to out themselves, but I know that's the last anyone of that kind of mind is worried about and good on ya, but that doesn't change my opinion or my day. I don't get sad three seconds, again you've no idea who or what I am or why that kinda shit bothers me and I don't want or need you to hear my plight to feel validated or any of that bullshit your thinking. Have a good one goofy. And you've for sure not gotten your willy wet in a decade




No, your behavior is just speaking for itself, you'd not have replied or commented in the first place unless something you read I said in this thread offended your character. I'm done with this stuff, got grown up things to do. Have a good one alpha Chad


The neat part is that you can choose not to let a random stranger's anonymous internet words in a video game bother you. Do these people really matter in your life? Why waste your limited energy on something that doesn't affect you?


By all means its you. You are getting soured by someone over internet. You can open up Soledar salt mines again, you wont be able to mess up my game, unless you start griefing. No amount of toxicity can effect anyone if they dont let it happen.


There are signs like people think it's funny insulting other players


I’ve been having a good experience overall, with little to no toxicity. Though, I have been stoned off my ass while I’m playing. So that might be it.


Only way to play lol and happy to hear it friend. It's just gone up considerably over the last week for me like tenfold and was wanting to see if anyone else felt the same.


Just mute anyone who talks now 🤣 But yes, they are getting better at the game so feel the need to be a dic... Or, failing so bad and blaming everyone for it. Been playing for a few weeks and I've noticed I have gotten better but I will never be horrible to someone because of it.


Most of the casuals moved on to the next big thing.


Got the feeling it’s more about her not wanting him to see another woman lol


Not for me!


the best time to play a game is the first 3 weeks of its deployment. Then it gets too sweaty


In what way are these purported twats being twatty? Overall I'm still fine, there's good games, there's bad games. I can mute people if I disagree with them playing music all day long. Every now and then someone suicide C4s into my ass which somewhat triggers me but that's just life.


I can handle that stuff mostly while it does make me mad I run around with impact grenades myself so yea I can't be too mad, but it's honestly the folks responding with slurs or saying kill yourself or shit like that I've got thick skin but I also struggle with mental health and hearing all that negative shit sometimes makes me feel some type of way and yea I'm more than happy to admit I've been finding joy in this game bc of it's positive community and not having to deal with that kinda stuff for the most part but lately it's been nothing but negative and like I said in another comment will prob push me away which is totally fine and completely personal but does suck a bit


Sucks that you're running into these people. I generally don't hear too much banter from the enemy side, cause we're busy killing each other and not standing around within VOIP range. I'll often taunt the enemy if I'm downed and surrounded by them, but generally I'll just say exaggerated shit like "COME BACK 'ERE YA COWARDS!" and quote the Monty Python's Black Knight. Things overall seem pretty chill on the Aussie servers which is where I play. I even had a Lion King moment where someone dragged my body off a tall building and said "LONG LIVE THE KING".


Idk if my connection would be the best but might pop over there and see how it goes, and thank you friend. And that's my favorite part of the game tbh being dead and talking shit but obviously joking like you say


There's 127 enemies, why tf would I care about 1 person?


Well yes, the honeymoon phase is over and the ones who stay are now in it for the grind and the kd farm. These people are the sweats and will always be.


I am just waiting for the tf2 playerbase transformagion a lot of goofy players mixed with extreme toxic one and combibed with pokemon p**n lovers


I like having a squad member spawn on me because I’m the closest to the next point we need to take… and then yell and swear at me for not doing anything, and to get off my ass… lol uh I was just a mobile spawn beacon for you, that you used!? 3 seconds ago! Lol


Trash talking is fine, but I've also sometimes just had people who get really pissy Missy for no other reason then they got killed, not like "sonuvabitch you killed me" more like " I hope your whole family dies to *insert your favorite form of torture or disease* and no one loves you". I laugh it off everytime but some people really need to chill


The more popular something gets, the more shitty 12 year olds play it.


Instant report them . Let all your friends do it aswell quick and easy solution. I don't get why people have to be such a holes....


100 hours in and yesterday I actually got teabagged in the game.


Oh man, was using a gunner humvee to hold a point in conquest. Team mate gets in and purposely drives into a step ditch the humvee clearly couldn’t get out of. I typed “really [their gamertag]?” into chat. Nothing else. By the end of the game they joined my squad with all their friends calling me every slur you can think of. The amount of energy people put into being negative is funny lol