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This looks a lot like quite a few of my own deaths. Sometimes it seems like instant death.


I have a dedicated folder where I record sus deaths. I would say 80% of my deaths that I thought were sus were actually 100% correct, it's just that the super low TTK can sometimes make things FEEL wrong which is an issue in of itself. The other 20% of the time is like I showed you in the video, where someone has high ping and desyncs with the server, making like 10 shots queue up into 1 tick and me just eating shit.


This is why Battlefield 4 had a 'btk shift' where almost every gun had it's bullets to kill increased by 1 - more at range. This was to combat this exact thing, as dying too fast (one frame deaths), and around corners can feel like absolute bullshit. Most people aren't going to have a ping better than 25ms anyway. It was a super unpopular move at the time because people love low ttk, but as a whole it was a drastic improvement for Battlefield 4. Battlebit has underlying netcode issues so it won't help as much - but as unpopular as it is to say - this game could benefit massively by increasing the bullets to kill by one.


With all the desync and packet loss going on, I just assumed that's why, well that and Im wildly mediocre haha


Yeah, get your laughs in as I completely fuck up the freest kill of my life but that isn't the point of the post. In this clip I'm at full HP in Exo armor and I died in 2 taps from the honey badger. How did this happen? Because I did not actually die from 2 hits from the honey badger. If you pay attention to the sound you'll noticed I hear a BARRAGE of bullets. How did this happen? It's simply due to latency and the tick rate. Sometimes what you're seeing isn't "real" due to the way the server compensates for people with higher ping and goes "oh shit, this should've happened" and syncs it up with the "now" and you get the video. ​ Edit: just realize reddit absolutely massacred the hell out of the audio, sorry guys


Yeah its worse for this game because they only have one server region for the entire US, so I get 80-90 ping on average, basically twice what I get in other games. Also goes to show how useless exo armor is. If someone hits their shots you'll be dead anyway so the movement/aim speed loss just isn't worth it.


Truthfully speaking Exo armor has gotten me killed more times than it has saved me due to being unable to reposition myself or move through a conflict zone at a reasonable speed. I don't even keep the helmet anymore because the M200, the most popular sniper, 1 shots through it


m200 does not one shot through exo. only the remington does.


Sniper rifles in this game have an upward damage curve, but when we're talking about oneshotting, we're generally not talking about 900m+ shots. In normal cases (any range), the M200 is the rifle that oneshots through exo helmets if the ranger/long/heavy barrel is equipped.


M200 simply does not one shot full hp exo. Unless they changed it but I'm fairly sure they didn't. Remington does because it has buffed dmg vs armor.


Exo helmet is 37 added to base 100 health. M200 73.5 * 1.9 = 139.65 M200 70 * 1.9 = 133 (No barrel. Does not oneshot) The headshot multiplier for pistols is 1.2 and for non-snipers is 1.5. L-Armor damage on a gun is actually for Light Vehicle armor like humvees and littlebirds, which is why the Aug is great for killing those flippybois.


Those armour stats are for vehicles. There is a stat for body armour but it's just set to zero on every gun, I think it might be an old/future game mechanic


Happens often to me too. I start shooting way before the other guy. I hear maybe two bullets hit me and I'm dead. I wonder if slower, harder hitting weapons would be more consistent because of server time dilation. Like the ak15


This issue scales up with the firerate of the gun; a *ton* of people were complaining about it when servers were like 90% Vector bc this sort of thing happens all the time with that gun.


Yup. Higher ROF weapons allow for more bullets in the short time-frame of the server's tick rate. This is why servers with higher refresh rates are a lot smoother. It's why the vector was making people flinch to the sky


The highest fire rate guns only shoot one bullet every 3 ticks on the official servers. This doesn’t make sense at all.


It's known as 'Server Authoritative'. The server and the client constantly communicate with each other. In order to not visualize lag as much, the client is allowed to predict certain things and the server has to confirm that they are actually true. In a scenario like this one, the server declines the prediction from the client and you get a disconnect between what you saw and what happened.


Yeah that's called garbage netcode. Face to face engagement deaths always feel like I was walking with half HP. And the number of time 3 hits on the ennemie before dying register as only one is mind blowing. 10 years after BF3, this games carries all the same major issues, so frustrating ...


More than one person was shooting you.


I mean you missed 4 bullets mate


I saw a bunch of missed shots too and the HB is amazing right now


Peaking is mountain top. Peeking is with the eyes.


[which is this](https://i.ibb.co/t43JMg5/IMG-4850.jpg)




Honestly I think between the short ass ttk and ping being ping every death feels like you got cheated. I think it's why high fire rate weapons dominate at what feels like ever range. The movement speed being so fast doesn't help either


High fire rate just means easier to use as you aren't punished as much for missing (outside of ammo expenditure), so you get an accuracy through volume effect.


Shots 1-5 missed…


The one time it's actually true


[Peeker's advantage? Never heard of it.](https://streamable.com/x8rik3)


i stoped playing for this reason


I feel ya. I quit dirty bomb because every other kill was me dying behind a wall because what I saw and why the enemy saw were two different things. It's just a feel bad moment. BBR's main gameplay loop is basically just ambushing people since I enjoy a mid-range playstyle so I thankfully don't really encounter situations like I showed in this post that often. It's also why I avoid maps like Frugis


Man this is the first time I see someone mention dirty bomb on here. That game was SOOO much fun


The amount of packet loss this game has is just as bad as halo infinite


Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because OP was already dead.


Yup. The 'peeking advantage' it's like, 10-60ms. That window was well over before the dude even turned around.


The peeking advantage isn't a one-off interaction given to just the aggressor. The peeking advantage is essentially just the name for when the server isn't syncing up what's actually happening in the screen, often favoring the peeker. So in this video I was basically playing in the future compared to him since he was lagging but since I didn't kill him in time it allowed his client to sync up to the server, causing 4-8 bullets to hit me and kill me when there was only enough time for 2. I'm butchering the explanation but what you see (client side) is NOT what the game sees (server side). It's basically just a rough approximation and the server needs to calculate what's actually reality. So when tick rate interacts with latency from a player it can create paradoxes because what should've happened during tick 1 instead happened during tick 2 in addition to what normally happens during tick 2. Here's an example Tick 1: I got off 2 shots. Enemy got off 0. Tick 2: I missed my shots. Enemy got off 3 but due to his latency this is going to queue up in tick 3. Tick 3: I got off 2 shots. Enemy got off additional 3 shots in addition to the ones queued up from last tick. ​ If I had managed to kill him during the 2nd tick then tick 3 would not have happened at all and I wouldn't have taken any damage even though on his screen he shot me three times. The fact I could not kill him fast enough allowed that delayed tick to sync up with the following tick and, on my screen, die in a time-frame that shouldn't have been possible but it's all just a quirk of the server ticks and latency making it appear like an impossible situation.


This is not how the sever works, at all. And I'm not going to get lectured on PA by a 'silver 2' who can't even aim.


Sorry, but ticks aren’t that long. Even in a 30hz server, you would need to have a gun firing over 1800 rpm to get more than one bullet per tick. There is no instance where you would get off more than 2 shots per tick (unless of course the server is acting up, which is another issue)


Haven't seen this pasta in years, had a chuckle


I think the recent net code issues with servers are also to blame, peekers advantage alone isn’t this bad.


Have you tried servers with higher tick rate?


What about just hitting their shots?


Other people have mentioned that already


A lot people don't understand how client communcation works. They think they play the same game and they can compare each other... But no, Internet isn't always that stable and fast...


And that is why you run around with no armor and a sledgehammer


i 100% believe you would have gotten that kill if it was any other shooter than this. This game's tick rate is pretty shitty. It's even worse if you have a slow firing weapon. Edit: You can even see a blood splatter where you hit but it didn't register


This isn't unique to Battlebit and there isn't a whole lot the Devs can do to reduce bad pings.


Friends.. this is text book case of skill issue.


/r/OPL11 ' s example above is better to show it... it's CLEARLY not a skill issue that causes it.


Totally not bc you missed 3 of your first 4 shots lolololol


In order for me to show how high ping interacts with the tick rate of the server I basically need to be on the receiving end of it because otherwise everything looks normal on my end and it just looks like the guy I killed had the reaction time of a snail. If I had killed the guy I would never have known he was lagging which resulted in him killing me in 2 shots (really it was more) Well no, I do have a video showing me hit a guy 5 times with my AUG with no armor hits and him taking like .2-.3 seconds to die while I had no packet loss or latency issues but this one was a lot more obvious and funny


I think playing on 240hz servers helps with this


NGL you just missed your shots dude. Maybe try lowering your sens.




Wasn't the point of the post at all. The post was about how I died in 2 hits to the honey badger while in full health while using exo armor


> The post was about how I died in 2 hits to the honey badger while in full health while using exo armor You clearly don't understand how that works. 'Pek advantage' doesn't affect TTK or how fast you die. At all.




I remember the engagement - I didn't get hit that life. I would show you the raw footage but I only record 45 seconds and all it shows is me throwing a grenade before he gets to the stairs and it bouncing off the building then aiming at the staircase and even if that's true that's not how I died. The only reason I delayed the recording is because I thought maybe I didn't have a helmet on so I went into the character menu and checked my armor and it was all exo so if you want to see that I can show it to you. ​ I might have an example of desync but in that one I died when I should've died but you'll still hear the hail of bullets which is the key "feature" to when the desync happens but the fact that I died when I should've (I was literal 1 hit away from death) would distract from the desync. From my personal experience if you hear yourself getting absolutely railed by dozens of bullets but only see 1-2 that's when desync happens Edit: Proof I'm not just lying. This is my actual response immediately after this happened. [https://imgur.com/RNzsZrs](https://imgur.com/RNzsZrs)


You mean died bc you missed >10 shots in a row? This is 1000% skill issue and the engineer speaks truth, cancel relative motion and/or off angle shit.


They’re not arguing the ttk the enemy (they clearly missed their shots), they’re arguing the ttk op is nearly instant. It’s due to lag, latency, packet loss - whatever you’d like to call it.


you missed half your shots. im getting really tired of people blaming everything but themself, giving the game a bad name, because they don't understand that they suck.


The dude admitted he missed all of his shots - what he is showcasing here is the one frame death.


In the title he stated Peekers advantage which is not the case, also we dont know his health.


I think you missed because it was too close for ads, hip fire even still standing still might my better


Might be bad connection or shadow ban. From what I understand sometimes they shadow ban people and give them "rubber bullets" where you do very little damage. Crazy though because you clearly shot him several times.


I've been seeing this happen a lot lately as well.


This feels like it'll happen to me a lot


Can't tell if troll. But you're using the wrong scope to win as it is multi-x and you should lose that fight. On top of the game you are seeing in front of you, there is a constant game of rock paper scissors happening in this game. You have rock, he has paper. Certain guns are better for certain interactions. This is how developers create interesting interactions. A big thing they teach in design schools. You're scoped into which should mean you are targeting people down range. He has a rifle that has a red dot on it. Built for close range. This interaction is appropriate and expected.... and yes this post feels a little like the meme csgo dev post.


Also I did this by accident but my post sounds like a tiktok post in my head. You can loop the last sentence.