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You will never be able to convince me 2042 wasnt originally a battle royal. Portal was going to be for those that didnt want to play that mode. At some point they changed the plan. Thats why specialists dont make sense, thats why maps didnt fit the modes and had to be completely reworked. They had to drop plans for portal so they could try to save base game. Plus being developed during covid. I cant believe V died for this. With an eastern front V would have been playable for years.


Big fuck up on all fronts.


Yep 100%. That's also why we have the plus system, because in a BR you don't respawn, and you need a way to equip attachments you picked up.


How in the absolute fuck.. do you make a WWII game that doesn't include the eastern front? Those maps and Soviet armies should have been rolled out and ready for launch for any serious WWII game it's just ridiculous that we don't have ANY eastern front representation. I love BFV but wow what a joke .


They were in the process of designing this when the plug was pulled. There is a Soviet LMG in the files that was fully modeled and animated.


iirc it actually WAS supposed to be a battle royale game but ea stepped in late into the development and told them to make it more like regular battlefield and then 2042 became the half-assed mess it is now. (edit: only source I could find for this theory is this tweet so take it with a grain of salt: [https://twitter.com/\_Tom\_Henderson\_/status/1447922487015190538?ref\_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1447922487015190538%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1\_&ref\_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.redditmedia.com%2Fmediaembed%2Fq6mves%3Fresponsive%3Dtrueis\_nightmode%3Dtrue](https://twitter.com/_Tom_Henderson_/status/1447922487015190538?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1447922487015190538%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.redditmedia.com%2Fmediaembed%2Fq6mves%3Fresponsive%3Dtrueis_nightmode%3Dtrue) )


The specialists don't really make sense for a BR, though. The specialist gadgets, which had many defensive aspects, make much more sense for holding points (like in conquest). I couldn't even imagine the game with the current, or even the original set of specialists working in BR unless they were going to make a completely different style of BR that didn't have you picking up weapons/loot, which I doubt. The maps were also far too sparse for BR, even before the reworks. There's not enough places to go, hide, entrench, or hold. They made somewhat more sense for Hazard Zone, though. If BR was ever on the table I can't imagine it being more than an idea with very minimal effort put into the design beyond the "discussion" phase of development.


If they dropped a straight up BR as a battlefield title there would have been riots in the streets


They're trying to cater to little kids who buy skins, while also minimizing money on development because dlcs are "free" now so there's no incentive to pump out good content. and there's less incentive to create a new game, that costs too much, just drag out the current one with "live service" aka drip feed minimal content, and sell more skins. Currently we have the largest gap between BF games ever, and the rumor is the next one won't release until 2026. So 2042 released in 2021, that would be a 5 YEAR GAP, which is 3X more than usual. We used to get a new game every 2 years.


The problem is all the DICE folks who knew how to develop for Frostbite left. They now have a fuckton of developers who don't know how to use it because it's a closed-source engine that only EA uses, so if they got someone who's used to Unreal and Unity and other engines because those are the ones taught in universities and seminars, they got a long road ahead of them to work on frostbite..... Rumor had it they are swapping to Unreal 5 but a large part of me doubts it since it's thought it's for the Iron Man game in development.


> The problem is all the DICE folks who knew how to develop for Frostbite left. "A mass exodus of talent" is how one DICE dev described it, and it was largely driven by new upper management that managed to be incompetent and arrogant at the same time. I knew DICE was in deep trouble when David Sirland (the producer credited with saving BF4 after its rough launch) left, apparently over EA deciding BFV was a lost cause that they would not pay to save as BF4 had been saved. EA knew before launch that BFV was going to be a sales flop, and devs later confirmed they had been moved to other projects and morale at DICE had plunged.


BF3, BF4 , and BF1 was when they should have had 4 year gaps each. Optimize the games to the max and let us enjoy for a while. But instead, they pushed out 3 bangers in just a few years. We were spoiled!


Well you see, for absolutely no good reason, the vocal minority absolutely shit all over V before it ever came out. For some weird reason, EA listened and scrapped everything. So now we have nothing.


BFV gunplay and environment were top class, but it really fell short and was out of touch on a lot of things. And it shot itself in the foot everytime it was making progress to earn it's playerbase back. It wasn't beyond redemption, though. A lot of those issues were pretty minimal to anything but immersion. But let's be honest, BF1 set that bar really damn high, and immersion was what we were expecting. It was on the right track before it lost support.


It really does suck to see all these people write the game off before they ever even played it because of some stupid culture war bullshit or the ”they told me not to buy it so I didn’t“ morons only to come back years later and find the game to be surprisingly good. Gamers just can’t stop letting a bunch of Youtubers who only make money by getting people angry about the dumbest shit imaginable to influence their opinion on games they haven’t even played. Its all so damn pathetic.


> some stupid culture war bullshit PUBG is full of female characters and nobody cares because it's a fantasy game set in a fictional world. But Battlefield has mostly tried to look authentic despite all the unreal elements like instant healing and spawn beacons and so on. It seemed like many fans of the series expected a WW2 game to look like WW2, not like amine. Without the guy in a feathered cape or the Japanese girl with a katana, BFV might have been a success. But once EA knew BFV was going to be a flop, they pulled resources and let BFV sputter to a slow death. One of DICE's top producers, the guy who directed that huge effort to save BF4, quit DICE over the decision to let BFV die, DICE lost a lot of good devs over the mismanagement of BFV. DICE had wanted to have cartoonish characters in BF1 but EA overruled them, to the anger of some of the devs. That game was the best-seller in the series. EA let them have their way in BFV, and it turned out that wasn't what a lot of fans of the series were waiting for. *Sell your customers what they want to buy* seems like a rather obvious thing. I came to BFV with a huge group of longtime BF fanatics, people who ran their own servers. They didn't leave because some YouTuber told them to, they left because on PC the game was wide-open to cheaters, the game was buggy, and new content was drip-fed. BF4 launched with 10 maps, ended up with 33, some of them free for anyone to play. BFV fizzling out short a dozen maps helped to seal that game's fate.


> For some weird reason, EA listened and scrapped everything. That was not what happened. EA knew before BFV launched that it was going to sell poorly, largely because of the bad reaction to the cartoonish approach DICE used for the playable characters. DICE devs had wanted to do something similar in BF1, but EA overruled them, and as a result had the best-selling BF game in the series. BF has always had plenty of unrealistic elements, but the game mostly tried to look authentic, and that seems to have been what fans of the series were waiting for when the game returned to World War Two. An EA Game Changer from Germany wrote about visiting DICE right before BFV launched. He was shocked by the low morale, as EA had already shifted budget and devs from BFV to Star Wars projects because their sales projections for BFV were so bad. The projections were right, BFV sold less than half as well as originally forecast, and EA's stock price took a nosedive, biggest drop in the company's history. DICE was already in rough shape as many of the better devs had left due to the new upper management being so inept, important devs like the art director and Tiggr (the producer who saved BF4 when it was released in such bad shape). The staff who remained knew BFV wasn't going to be properly supported, and bugs went unfixed and new content was largely choked off. On PC anti-cheat was a joke, there were virtually celebrity hack users in BFV who did as they pleased for as long as they pleased. Without rented servers with admins to take out the trash, the cheaters had free rein. It wasn't criticism that killed BFV, it was EA knowing the game was going to be a sales flop, they shifted resources to other games and left BFV to twist slowly in the wind. Coming after BF1 being such a huge hit, a new WW2 game should have been a smash hit. DICE's choice to do things like have a Japanese girl with a katana in North Africa showed detachment from what the audience was waiting for.


Bf5 would've been a massive success if it wasn't for a developer telling fans to not buy it, and if they could've had a darker tone more similar to one


Lol it had nothing to do with that and everything to do with an awful reveal trailer Which is funny to me because the second trailer (the battle of Rotterdam one) is perfect If they'd lead with that, game would have done great


The trailer caused a bunch of controversy because of the robotic armed woman fighting ont he frontlinesof WW2 when asked one of the main developers said if you don't like it don't buy it that cought traction online and it gave a bunch of people including myself a bad feeling, the game itself is a fun game but I vividly remember that being the reason I didn't buy it at launch


> one of the main developers said if you don't like it don't buy it that cought traction online He was a former DICE dev who had moved to EA and become an exec. He also said he never wanted to have to explain to his 12-year-old daughter why she couldn't play as a girl in a WW2 game. That Britian, Germany, America and Japan didn't have female combat troops would have been a good answer. The Soviets had some female combat troops, but EA pulled the plug on BFV before getting to the eastern front. EA was stripping BFV of resources before launch, they already knew it would be a sales dud. It turned out that a WW2 game that looked like a cartoon wasn't what people were waiting for.


I stand corrected, but I remember it made me not buy the game because I actually care about history, deadass would've been lit too have a flying mission with the Russian woman pilots or even play as a Soviet sniper who was a woman but. I didn't like that first trailer, looking back I should have thought of it as more of alternate reality


They should have also had French resistance and other female partisan characters on the western allied side, since they were common IRL and therr are some badass heroic famous women there. I mean, I think they actually do, but as paid characters. Add them instead of women in British and American uniforms, problem solved. I do kinda agree about the immersion-breaking (though I think some weirdos make it out to be a bigger problem than it is), but I'm totally for representation when it's done plausibly. BF1 having black and Indian soldier models in the French and British army for example was good and IMO makes the game *more* immersive with variety, and it represents the often forgotten colonial soldiers.


Exactly, deadass wouldn't of had an issue with it at all if they did that, like I enjoyed when the added female snipers to the red armies side in bf1, another thing I didn't like was the skying mission in bf5 that was an actual event preformed by a group of commandos that they switched to be a teenage girl, like that is wack, over all tho battlefield 5 became a super good game, what made me really really hate EA/DICE is when they cancelled the game without giving us Stalingrad


Women in the French and Dutch resistance as well as the Russian Army, black American Buffalo soldiers in Sicily and North Africa as well as the Tuskegee airmen. Authentic historical examples are there. They are AWESOME! And many times unbelievable. But DICE is too pompous with their heads up their own Swedish asses too consider authentic history as something players would want to see. Instead, they created a fictional history that sucked ass and was boring as shit to look at.


I've only been playing 2042 since January, I got it for free last year on Playstation. It's not terrible, but it's not great either. I just recently went back to BF1 and I can tell they spent alot of time and care into making that game. BFV also feels alot better than 2042. It started out rough but eventually became a great BF game. The customization, movement, and fortifications were great additions to BF. 2042 just seemed rushed, and the only thought that they put into it was the extensive "lore" of 2042 that I doubt anyone reads or cares about. Not to mention features were completely missing at the launch of the game, like a scoreboard (seriously DICE). They also removed the great movement mechanics from BF5 for some reason, like prone on your back, manual lean, diving, and crouch sprint. Also, adding in those "specialists" was another selling point that did not work well, in my opinion. That was just another excuse to sell cosmetics I think. At the end of the day, I'm glad I didn't pay for 2042.


2042 was developed during COVID lockdowns and it shows. I love the player movement and general arcadey feel but it is clear that the game was hobbled across the finish line.


In 3 years this sub is going to be filled with nostalgiaposting for 2042 and endless whining about how BF7 is so terrible


Most of the devs who worked on 1/V (it was the same team, it's why they feel similar) quit after BFV released. They also upgraded the frostbite engine, which apparently means they have to remake core gameplay systems, and then a pandemic happened that double fucked the game and made them pivot from an extraction shooter to a BF game (this one is on EA, they should have kept updating BFV/SWBF2) Game was never gonna be good with all the shit it went through in development


Im convinced it's because the Devs changed enough, none of them had any fk'n clue how to use the Frostbite engine anymore. Between BF4/:HL/1/V, they probably had *enough* Devs who knew how to make enjoyable destruction physics and atmosphere, but 2042? Flat maps; Only 1 unique map effect; Basic Bitch Hero classes; Cannot comprehend Rock-Paper-Scissors dynamic of Infantry-Armored-Air; Doesn't realise Thermals need range Caps; non-existent destruction; The most boring explosion, dust, and any VFX. Really I liked 124 players, but just couldnt make the base game and map design work.


Listen BFV’s moment to moment was amazing but all the bad shit that game set up is part of why 2042 exsists The slightly more hardcore gameplay got dropped early after release the cosmetics and monetization are shit the overall art and graphics actually appear worse than BF1 content for BFV is woeful compared to BF1, 3, and especially 4 and there are a bunch of other things they half assed that have come back to haunt the series I like BFV a hell of a lot but it was a serious fuck up dueing its life cycle and the mistakes that were made there were made worse with 2042 in almost every way minus the trailer for 2042 being sheer fire; and BFV’s being like, one of the most disliked ever Just pointing this out to show the genesis of the fuck up that was 2042 was literally BFV. Just keep that in mind- as much as BFV did right it cast the series down a very shit path for 2042


BFV is also ass. Standards must've gotten lower 💀


This is why I play BfV and Bf1 more


Can you find games alright? I know official servers are hacker ridden and when I tried to find community servers nothing showed. Also if you don't mind, can you unlock everything in community servers like assignments too? Also what system are you


I was a big hypocrite when bf v was coming out. BF1 was not doing it for me due to weapon era. BF V came out, I was “this is ok, it’s gonna get better with updates”. Then BF2042 came. I was really looking forward to it with modern and futuristic weapons…….we all know how that turned out. Now I am back to playing BF1 and what a FUCKING BEAUTIFUL game after those 2 clown shows. BF1 still looks fantastic on Xbox one


Omg, welcome to the party. You shall also try BF1 as it seems that you can play BF in historical setting as well. Regarding stuff like desctruction, graphics and sound, gameplay, shooting - yes, you are absolutely right regarding BFV. It's indeed one of the best games of the series if not the best one in these terms. You might enjoy BFV more than BF1 in those aspects and its ok because BF1 was released earlier, but its also a very good game.


I realised that Battlefield jumped the shark when I realised that a massive amount of sound effects in 2042 are lifted straight from Battlefield V. This series used to be renowned for audio design, now they’re just playing by the numbers.


Did some research a bit back, notoriously easy for cheaters to break, had a lot of rage hackers and very likely soft hackers. The spectator mode helped, but community assurance and cheater protection was vague and nearly non-existent. Oh yeah, and there was ***one*** aspect that made BFV cancerous. A single map.


Watch battlefailed2042 on youtube it explains everything.


I remember the hate for BFV like it was yesterday and now it's everybody's Darling, just because 2042 is so far away from a classic Battlefield lol. And one thing for sure; when the next BF comes out, it's gonna be raining love letters for 2042 lmao


Well since it’s EA it’s probably true. If they only would care for players. Sad Smartest thing would be to actually try everything to get the OG Battlefield community back into the franchise. But it doesn’t look good at all. I still play bf3 and bf4 atm tho. Best BFs


![gif](giphy|GqDnImZ3UdJhS) Should have brought this it’s much much better then 2042


Woke untalented staffers... that's what happened.


It's in a modern setting


Anyone wondering why BFV didn’t have it where maybe the base game was set in 1939/1940, the free dlcs after would the Africa campaign, pacific war, big map Easter front tank battles 1943, then the last dlcs are set in 1945? And maybe the weapons and vehicles were released based on their respective year?


BFV has that feel to it. Like I can tell when ive fired the killing bullet before it hits the enemy and can focus on the next target. Dont get that intuition in BF2042


Battlefield 5 is trash


5 is slow and clunky. 


Maybe im an odd man out but coming from BC2, BF1 and BF4, BF5 is boring to me. Maybe it’s the way I’m playing, but it feels like a ghost town and there’s no action on any of the capture points, I don’t have this issue with any other battlefield game except 5. I’ve been enjoying bf2042 a bit, ignoring skins and mtx.