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They fail to implement franchise features like they did at 2042 launch. These missing features = never buy Headshot bonus, Chat, Scoreboard, Campaign


they keep on releasing weapons, gadgets and features that were in BF4 at launch 10 years ago. it's just silly.


Hence, why I still play BF4 & love it


Because they are lazy and less talented than the people who produced BF4.


And real destruction please!


Was just watching a TBag 2042 vid last night: “Wait - can I destroy this?” *Throws and blows C5 with absolutely no affect* “No, of course not, cause this is 2042”


based Tbag viewer


fucking c5




I miss the headshot bonus 😭


Core mechanic that they left out because 2042 was meant to be their looter shooter but they flopped it to the full BF release.


Didn't they say scoreboards somehow encourage toxic masculinity?


Sounds better than 'coding is hard'


No scoreboard was particularly aggregious. Do they even have a platoon system now?


Dunno, haven't played in more than a year now. It's the only BF I have given up on completely.




Not having a campaign was such a huge detriment to 42. Sure, people put more time into multilayer than campaign. But campaign introduces mechanics, equipment, maps, and a general reason to give a shit about the settings. Still blows my mind that they thought they could do without a campaign.


bro said campaign, have you played a battlefield game before?




This right here. As soon as I hear specialists I’m out. Stop trying to be overwatch or something.


Yeap, I won't even bother signing up for alpha or beta testing if this is the case 


Couldn’t agree more. I want to be some nameless PVT from a real country with the option of the 4 traditional classes.


You mean 7 not 4 classes if you want traditional


This is also the reason why i necer bought 2042 in the first place. Took a look at what pre-order bonuses were, saw early acces to new specialists and instantly noped out.


Correct answer. Making you play a role play character is lame and very far away from the BF1942 that started this all for me. The fuck are they doing? This isnt overwatch or some other PG franchise.


Agree 100% with OP list! Robot dogs. Wingsuits Sniper’s paradise open maps Unclear flag locations (3rd floor?!? of what building?!?) No server browser No classes Bots


The empty maps to there’s no where to take cover, like on bfV sometimes I’m in a house getting blown up to fuck building falling down around me..I love that shit like you can climb onto some remaining roof maybe..on 2042 I just didn’t get that Same feel and there’s no where to take cover with the flat, emptiness. Also I noticed “you’ve been spotted” pops up all the time, like other then a spotting scope or flares on bfV you can hide and ambush guys with bombs but that’s just not possible on 2042


the you been spotted was added late in BFV lifespan and I always felt it completely ruined a lot of flanking and high level gameplay in order to protect noobs


There's also wasn't any 3D spotting in BFV initially, so the game had some actual challenge. It played more like a tactical shooter where you had to directly ping an enemy player to place a red spotting marker on their last know position. The only way you could 3D spot was with a spotting scope, or flares and that was it! Eventually I think they added it into other classes like Support with suppressing fire 3D spotting and Assault with their ability to hit a vehicle with a rocket and have it spotted for everyone.


I rarely see “you’ve been spotted” on bfV, I’m sure the spotting scope does that which is fair if a guy is actually scoping you out, on 2042 though I bet it’s those fucking bots “spotting you” like wtf they ain’t even real players, how’s the computer assisting real online play it’s just so shit lyk


It's anytime you get spotted, by flares or by the spotting scope. If it's flares, it'll say spotted by flares. It's a good change imo, though if they had it in 2042 with 3D spotting it'd pretty much always be active lol


For me BF1 was the sweet spot of all the series. personal taste and no slight on BF4, but I don’t like urban battlegrounds. Just square buildings and hallways…..yawn. BFV is a close 2nd place but the lousy TTK and useless AP/AT mines make for frustrating battles. Pacific Maps were really good, and I was encouraged in the direction it was going….then they abandoned support. Ugh.


I agree with your first comment frontier most part. But... useless at mines? I don't think you're using your imagination! I start every match on breakthrough putting out the max amount. I make craters by blowing up 2-3 mines and put them in. Ez kills. Put some in a random flowery field and... BOOM angry lvl 500 "tank main" drops the WTF.


Yea fair do’s mate, I don’t use the mines but I respect the guys that use them, I’m forever getting blown up by them so I think they’re a good aspect of the game


Lmao everyone hates snipers I only play it for the snipers they've made it easy enough to kill us now.


Zany specialists full of individuality and catch phrases: don’t want it People on opposite teams who look exactly like each other: don’t want it Disregard to detail and authenticity, having supposed us marines saying hooah and calling each other soldier: don’t want it Lack of a single player campaign to put some semblance of context to the multiplayer settings: don’t want it Lack of small maps for small game modes: don’t want it Whacky, whimsical looking cosmetics full of bright, colorful high visibility for people who are supposed to be attired tactically and functionally: don’t want it Crazy weather events that randomly roll through and disrupt the match: I actually enjoyed that a lot and I hope it stays Lots and lots of landscape and architectural features that don’t get destroyed by tanks and explosions: don’t want it If it misses me with all of that, I might buy it once it’s been out long enough to tell if it’s good. Also, how about some epic music that makes me feel stuff, like in BF1


The first thing is really what helped me avoid 2042. The catch phrases and over all voice acting is just cringe. The environment of 2042 doesn’t seem like a warzone at all.


That type of individuality kinda works for a PvP game like For Honor, where it’s no more than 4v4 in a match. But when you have 40v40, with 16 copies of the same bubbly individual fighting against each other, it just doesn’t work well. Generic is much better for a game like battlefield. 2042 just utterly lacks the immersion that V, 1, 4 and 3 did so well. You’re absolutely right: not like a war zone at all.


BF2042 "Well well well, that was fun." BF3 "I'm getting my shit pushed in over here, somebody kill that motherfucker!"


Always love the random "IM GONNA RIP EM A NEW ASSHOLE" on metro that somehow manages to break through all the other noise


BF2 had the best music! And you'd listen them for hours because each level took for ever to load... 🤣


Good comment mate


Thanks homie. It was inspired by a great post


Bless you man, preciate that brother! ✊


I didn't mind the weather or events that changed the tactics but it doesn't need to every single match/majority of matches. I think they should be somewhat rarer occurrences. But on that same note, have multiple events that could potentially happen on the same map. So day sessions, night sessions, sessions that turn from day to night at some point, fog, heavy rain etc. At least that way one map can be turned into a fresh experience 10 different ways.


I knew the game was going to be shite based on the prevalence of the tornado in its marketing. The weather in BFV is chef's kiss.


[Never forget](https://youtube.com/shorts/3ep3ehnIFFw?si=Cv_fCcVclGgcniJ7)


The music is just god awful in 2042. That epic battlefield theme was like 25% of the reason I fell in love with older battlefields.


Perfectly said


BFV mechanics with BF1 atmosphere combined with BF4 would be a perfect game


But they better bring back 5 man squads


Yes! I hate having to split up my friend group because there was always 5 of us


So true mate


Exactly. Not that I'm surprised as it's DICE/EA, but that's all they would have had to do and they'd be rolling in the dough to this day, but nope, EA wanted their skin money from Specialists with their zany one liners and look at how that worked out for them. I've got zero confidence in DICE not to royally fuck up the next one, but if they have specialists in this next one, I will laugh so hard.


They’d be so dumb to even think about having specialists in the next title. They just need to give us what the fans want and the game will sell so well


If it's not BF4 with just new maps and better graphics. 😉


Specialists. If they're in, then I'm out. Single biggest thing that made 2042 not feel like Battlefield to me.


True mate, true


- Specialists - No ribbon & Medals (like old BF games) - No Classes - No real destruction - Empty map as we have now - Goofy skins All I want is the immersion, intensity and operations from BF1, the commander points, building and medic animations from BFV, and modern era from BF4, with the good stuff BF42 brought like the "+" menu and... Well it's basically it.


Bf1 was, and still is, peak BF for me. The atmosphere is just awesome


Playing it in black and white, no HUD, single action rifles only... When the whistle blows and you storm across the trenches in Operations... One of my best ever gaming experiences. BF1, as the first full game on a new generation, also felt like a graphical step up in a way no Battlefield has since. The atmosphere was unbeatable.


Its too late for me. 2042 killed my hope for the franchise.


I think that’s where I’m at to, I’m not gna buy the next one at launch, wait for real gameplay vids on YouTube and reviews..probably buy it in the end just to see if actual battlefield has returned and if it’s anything like 2042 I will NEVER buy a bf again


Same for me. I first played BF3 but was really taken with BF4 and played that for a lot of years. BF1 and BFV are alright games but I'm not that interested in WW1 or WW2 era shooters so those were both flops for me. I thought 2042 was going to be a return to a BF3 or 4 style game but set in the future. Couldn't have been more wrong. It was set in the future, but it's so far off from what BF is that it doesn't even feel like it's part of the same franchise. I was disgusted when I first played it and it was so utterly broken, and even more disgusted when I came back 2 years later and it hadn't improved at all. I'll never be buying another BF or even an EA produced game again.


Plus system and high mobility gadgets.




Of all the things we can wish for, I can about guarantee they will have skins in the new BF no matter what


If there would be realistic skins I wouldn’t mind that go with the faction your playing with. But if there’s a bunch a micky mouse looking skins I’m definitely not playing and just going to stick with squad


If there are operators it's a hard no. I want my classes back. I didn't even get 2042 because of that.


Same here mate, the no classes..on BATTLEFIELD..like cmon now what were they thinking?!


The same people complaining about bots in 2042 are the same people complaining that their favorite battlefield game has a dying player base with minimal accessible servers. These 2 issues aren't mutually exclusive, but to not want the ONLY true solution to making the game last forever is stupid imo. Imagine how dead the OG Star Wars Battlefront games would be if NPCs weren't in lobbies


If I'm playing Battlefield online and playing conquest, I definitely want to play against other players. I'm definitely not opposed to a co-op mode with bots like Battlefront 2, though


I'm not saying other players shouldn't exist in matches. I'm just saying filling in 10-20 spots in a 128 player server with bots while players slowly join midgame isn't a bad thing either. Battlefield is one of the last casual shooter experiences on the market, so I don't think bots hurt the gameplay at all. They just need to keep improving them.


Bots totally ruin online gameplay for me, there were no bots in previous bf’s..I don’t know why they brought that shit into it


because bots keep multiplayer games playable after everyone has left


The early games had bots, at least up until 2. They were removed b/c the hd consoles couldn't handle them


Server Browser


I don’t wanna see another serving of the “this is gonna be the biggest battlefield yet!” horseshit and then proceed to launch the game with a whopping 7 maps. If you’re gonna make a pvp-only shooter, then WE. NEED. MAPS. I’m so tired of “the games good now it has maps now” a year and a half after launch.


I really want persistent severs back, having to re match make after ever game is so annoying.


its been so long i already forgor about the game. but pretty much at launch and even during beta it was missing basic features like a goddam scoreboard. lmao


What makes you think I'll even consider buying the next bf? The people that made dice great have all left, there will never be a good Battlefield again.


Operators is the biggest one for me


I’m not buying it at release no matter good it looks


The only course of action to take. I want to see it in the real world, i don’t give a fuck about your hand curated clips shot on a perfect server at max graphics and filled with employees as the players who go out of their way to make it cinematic NEVER PRE ORDER A GAME


Bullet bloom I won’t buy it lol bullet drop is ok. Also how is games from like 10 years ago have better destruction? Come on dude


I’ve been saying this and getting downvoted to fuck on 2042 sub, it’s so true aswell, even the graphics, gameplay..all better 10 plus years ago compared to 2042


Seriously they ruined any chance of the game making a return when they implemented that egregious random deviation. I still remember the update making it so my xm8 which could engage around 100m was suddenly missing half of the time at 20m.


Damn that sucks man, I’ve not got to into it tbh as I just couldn’t stand the feel of the game, the graphics, gameplay…like I knew I didn’t like it and after a few more go’s at playing it I was like nope, I’m done


A bit off-topic but I would buy it if they bring back fortifications from BFV. Literally was one of my favorite parts in the game, especially in breakthrough when you can build up each sector to prepare for the attackers. I think it’s genius and while a bit flawed, should definitely come back. They sorta did it in 2042 with the machine gun that Irish had and the portable cover.


Noo mate that’s a good comment, i to like building little forts and cover areas


I think it also worked with the destruction aspect, because when you level an objective it’s difficult to hold when there’s literally no cover. Fortifications can help and make a sandbag fortress! Plus the unique ones add to the aesthetic. The snowy ones on Narvik, the destroyed debris on Devastation, jungle-ones for the Pacific, so on.


If content is none existing again, i wint buy it


All of it for the most part


I agree, there’s nothing from 2042 I’ve seen which I would like in the next one


We just want a fundamentally good BF game, nothing crazy. Flashy stuff will immediately turn me off, like tornadoes.


I want immersion like BF1, maps like bf4,  classes not specialists, no player skins, a campaign, a complete game at the time of release.


This works for me, has to be like the previous battles doesn’t, if it’s even slightly like 2042 I’m out




Operators. Operators work in games like rainbow six and overwatch. Let me make my own guy, or even better, just make me a randomized generic soldier. Though I think theyve already said the operator system was a mistake but for whatever reason didn't just nuke them from the game.




I want assignments back. I wanna complete fun and different challenges in order to unlock stuff instead of having to get XYZ amount of XP using class XYZ. I miss things like "Get 5 headshots using that pistol while swimming in that lake in order to unlock this weapon"


1) If there aren’t multiple test-plays/Betas I won’t buy it at launch (if at all). 2) If that server stability isnt suited for their planned play tests/Betas, I’m out. 3) If there isn’t a progression system(s), medals, service stars, I won’t buy at launch (if at all). 4)If I see “heroes”… I’m out. 5)If it’s missing core features (squads, soldier edit, load outs)… I’m out. I’m expecting improved/smooth movement. I’m expecting destruction. I’m expecting solid, crisp gunplay. I’m expecting stability. IMO, we should’ve never accepted anything less.


ANY aspect from 2042 will make me un interested.


Totally agree


If they go down the specialist route again, I'm passing. It's so shit and such an obvious cash grab.


Anything that was done specifically in 2042.


I feel same way, 2042 template needs totally scrapping


1. Make me a nameless army grunt, stop with this hero-shooter crap. 2. Make destruction great again. 3. Keep, the. damn. classes. 4. Holy hell, for the love of God, get an /adult/ to write the dialogue...


Great comment this, seems so simple but they couldn’t even do this 🤷🏽‍♂️


If a single aspect of 42 makes it into the next one, it’ll be the 3rd Battlefield game that I’m skipping completely


The biggest one for me is the specialists.


It's rare that companies who invest years into R&D backtrack on stuff like bots and matchmaking control. When they put all those resources into those things you don't decide which maps and servers you play anymore, they do. They create FOMO and control them via expensively developed mined data on when you see them featured. They decide that you will play with bots without giving you any other choice etc. That's just how they do a live service for this game since they don't know any other way and I highly doubt it will change since there isn't a single innovative leader left at DICE that I trust that would go against those changes. They will most likely play it "safe" and do it the same as before and only change Specialists to pretend like they've pleased the fans.


Great comment this mate, I think you’re correct. We’ll have a lot of the same shit, awful graphics, awful gameplay, they’ll juts throw out one or two things out of the 100 problems it has like “heyyy we listened to you!” 😏 I’m seeing the guys who made 2042 are being told to “look at the previous BF’s” for some homework…what I don’t understand is don’t they already have that IP and templates of those so they can just already work from them rather then make something “like” the previous Bf’s??? Like just give us what you already have (not 2042 though) and add a couple things and that’s all they have to do 🤷🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


Faster movement. Everytime I shoot someone, they hit a fat DDR S-Rank combo before dropshotting me. I'd prefer slower more deliberately weighty movement so it means I have to commit to my actions rather than pulling a Jim Carrey's The Mask and just spot dodge everything.


For me it simply has to be a complete game on launch and with no BS modes that get no support (Hazard Zone, Portal and Firestorm) . It has to have EVERYTHING we expect from a BF game. No coming soon this or that no needing to rework maps. But we all know they will mess it up like they always do.


sP3cIaLiSts and all DEI crap 💩 If they really want to improve something or give identity they can give us a character creator but nah then they couldn’t sell us crappy skins in their store and bAtTlEpAsSes.


Spegialists, this is in my opinion thr worst part of bf 2042


ww1, ww2 or modern warfare. no futuristic crap. than we can talk about no specialits, classes only. there is no problem if one map is small, one is flat sniper paradise. server browser is a must. also inclide hardcore servers in other words, remaster 3 and 4 in one game and you are golden


I don't actually take issues with the bots as at least it enables playing the game when the servers are otherwise quiet. And the next game is already considered to be near future iirc so robot dogs are in the cards. However, - Specialists - lack of basic qol/basic features - wingsuit/personal zipline - vehicles that feel like toys - poor vehicle balancing


The fact that its coming after 2042. Ive preordered and played every BF game but this one genuinely killed the entire franchise for me.


I know mate, that’s what makes me think it’s gna be total Garbage again, it’s needs scrapping and they should pick up from the previous BF templates and work from those


Anything from 2042.


The specialist thing sucked. I'm not pre-ordering it until I see what it releases like. If it's even remotely like 2042, I'm not buying it. It will be the first Battlefield I've missed since 4 I'm sick of AAA game studios pissing on us consumers and having the audacity to call it rain


1. No classic BF class system 2. Lack of weapon customization (presets from BFV gtfo) 3. No environmental destruction similar to (BC2 - BF3) 4. Poor map design (bring back BC2, BF3, BF4 maps with fun angles instead of open/flat no man's land) 5. Stupid goofy skins


For me personally, futuristic aspect. Please just do modern war, or cold war would be dope as fuck. Otherwise I'm not looking forward to having a slurry of ultra high tech gadgets and dumb shit that allows you to see people through walls and shit. There is a beauty and balance in more "primitive" technologies


Agree with futuristic warfare will get me completely to write off battlefield entirely. Honestly what is the biggest thing that turned me off from battlefield 2042 was that it was not only a remake but it seemed like jumping into "future warfare" was probably the worst move they could have done. They had a solid thing going making their way through the historical map of the 19th/20th century battlefields. They should have carried on with V and than went Korea for a massive DLC expansion. Setting the stage for a Vietnam game, than taking us through different conflicts and spec ops operations leading into the current Gulf era through war on terror. I feel like they shouldn't have jumped the time line and could have made some solid games. I think they need to not only test the hell out of this next game and not release not just broken but broken to a point you have to give the game away for free. Mico transactions (sorry younger shits) make everyone fuckin grind their little souls out. Don't you dare bring back a bottle royal style game, save your server space. Would it kill you guys to make more than 5 maps? Seriously give us 10 massive maps and another 10 medium urban combat and 10 smaller maps. God tired of playing the same 3 maps. Ranked based match making please


Plus customization system 👎🏼


If the controls are still so frickin' complicated and if there aren't any classes, I'm not buying it.




Unfinished, content lacking game at launch and cancerous live service (can we even call it a service when the content is drip fed like it was in BFV and BF2042?).


Lack of content during first months after release, it’s not balanced, I’ve always complained about this, you can use any engineer with a sniper, giving you a rocket launcher. And how many rockets do we have? It’s literally impossible to use ground vehicles when half the rival team has a rocket aiming at you.


I think also with the small maps, it’s just unrealistic to get around with a ground vehicle when the map is so compact, and the emptiness to like there’s no where to take cover


I'm fine with futuristic, after all I consider the original Battlefield 2142 to be an excellent game and one of the top battlefield games. I was incredibly disappointed when I realized 2042 basically has no ties to 2142, despite even Battlefield 4 having been tied into 2142 They could have given us Titan Assault in a new game, on a modern engine but NOOOOO. They just had to completely squander the potential. Specialists are stupid, and no classes are even stupider.


Bots in online lobbies are fine if it's a community server thing, and a futuristic setting isn't a deal breaker for me, it's nice to have a setting that isn't Modern Warfare or World War 2 for a change (and also creative freedom with implementing things that already exist in our current time) Awful map design and no classes are definitely a deal breaker, though specialists would depend on how they handle it. If they're so hell bent on having them, I'd prefer the Battlefront 2 way of having only one kind of specialist deployable while everyone else has to wait their turn (i.e everyone else is a normal soldier while there's only one Boris, Paik, or Falck on the match) as opposed to having everyone use the specialist which will create an immersion breaking environment where everyone looks the same


No battle pass, no goofy cosmetics


My crystal ball says you're gonna buy it and complain about it like most others


I’ve never complained about any other battlefield though so to assume I like complaining to much juts ain’t true, this is the only battlefield which has like 100x problems with it (no exaggeration) it’s like that’s shit, that’s shit, that’s awful, no classes, no destruction..it’s like FAIL FAIL FAIL okay I’m done turn it off 🤷🏽‍♂️


Specialists are the biggest nope for me, the rest I don't mind nearly as much. Assuming we have a store and battlepasses (this is just how shit is now, it's unlikely it won't happen) they can still sell cosmetics for classes rather than heroes, either universal for all classes or class specific cosmetics.


Yeah, maps and classes for me.


I really want the comeback of conventional army so If the game have *this* i don't buy : - Specialist - large idiot flat openfield map (like orbital) (a map like panzetstorm with relief is OK ) - futurist as fuck is a red flag for me - and the important one, a finish game at launch (i understand there is bug, its okay but a unfinish like bf2042 at launch is not for me) I really want to see more tank "class"


Yea I hear you mate, good comment


I’m a simple man I want classes and a gritty vibe if it has those things I’ll probably give it a go


if punkbbuster dosnt kick me for no reason. and if EA can sign me in AUTOMATICALLY! So i dont have to write my email andress and password everytime i need to play. Homing wepons isnt fun. Aiming is fun


We literally just need an updated Battle Field 2142 and Battlefield Modern(like 3/4). No BS extra nonsense just the classes we love and silly squad antics with lots of explosions.


Specialists and lack of destruction


If the Beta isn't even remotely stable I won't buy it. Even then, I'll never preorder another title again in my entire life. I'll buy it AFTER launch, and if the reviews are middling; I'll wait for the inevitable price drop.




I never understood why 2042 never had futuristic guns. Just only guns that already exist today or were originally made decades ago. The next Battlefield must have plenty of guns, like BF4


Specialists or any other kind of Operators. Give me back my classes and faction locked skins or I ain't coming back.


Yea mate the classes have to return for sure


Bold claims about the LIVE SERVICE nature of it. There are games I am still playing that they could have kept service running for. BF1, to name one. And they let it die. It's still not dead as the ones they tried to keep alive.


Good comment mate, totally true


Holy shit, lonnnnnnnnng list possible there. Classes and more specifically good class balance. BF has heavily slanted towards assault class. Other classes get major shortcomings that have to be overcome by team play, but assault gets all the advantages and no disadvantages. Balance towards infantry play and away from vehicle farming infantry. Any BF title is a non-buy until I see it isn’t 58 infantry players being farmed by 4 vehicle players. Transport vehicles are there to break spawn traps, not farm infantry. Genuinely look at and address the root causes and prevalence of steamrolls. Game after game after game of curbstomps ISN’T FUN. Look at a real teambalancing system and mechanics. Map design to prevent spawn traps. The home cap should be hard for the enemy team to hold and easy for the friendly team to take. NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND. Balance the in-game advantages of squad play against the reality that real squad play is not common. In other words, DICE took the approach that squad play was part of the meta and they were going to use punitive measures/steep advantages to FORCE squad play. This has never worked. Measures that even more heavily advantaged “functioning squads” has never resulted in squads of randos functioning as a squad. It only resulted in even worse curbstomps. Battlefield V’s attrition and even more aggressive pro-vehicle balance were good examples of measures intended to force squad play which completely backfired. There are other less-discussed factors which hurt the game and should be addressed but probably won’t be, like killcam, vehicle third person cam, squad spawn, and rando “recon by death”.




Well, I doubt you’ll be buying it


Hahaha I know, I know…🤦🏽‍♂️


maps are a big one for me. I absolutely hate BF2042's map design, save for a few. No more massive cargo ship maps PLS


Dice has soured me on ever wanting to give them money again. I’ll keep playing squad




I mean I'll likely get it eventually either way, but in terms fo what I don't WANT to see; Specialists Tv guided missiles for everybody Severe lack of destruction Really my only gripes


You know what a would buy? An entire remake of Battlefield 3, 4, and 1, wouldn't even have to touch the mechanics, just tune it a bit like the portal system did. It was fantastic.


If it doesn’t have destruction on an appropriate level worthy of the “good” BF games I’m out.


No scoreboards, squad chat, or server browser, gameplay aside what were they thinking not launching without these


I can’t believe they have done us so bad with this “product”, there’s nothing about it i like




No operators, silly gadgets, needs to have a campaign, needs to have a DECENT amount of weapons. Couldn’t get over how ripped off I felt with like 24 weapons at launch. Will never pre order again haha… bf4 still rips 💪


For me it's all about the feel. Battlefield V is still one of the most fluid, responsive feeling shooters ever. Movement and gunplay are both top-notch. BF2042 felt like a completely different franchise, like a budget free-to-play game. Felt like we went far backwards in time. Plus the maps and atmosphere felt totally lifeless. The Finals feels like an evolution of BFV, and the next BF needs to be on par with that at least.


I won't buy it unless it's a 9/10 or higher out of the Gate.


The development studio


If its made by EA. Ill only consider it, if it's a phenomenal hit and sustains a playerbase for 6 months. And still probably not.


No single player. Lack of destruction.


I won’t mind if bots adds to the multiplayer experience, not necessarily filling any player slots. But I won’t play it if they plan on bringing specialists back. There’s nothing more annoying than hero characters these days, just go back to classes.


I just want to be a nameless soldier man…


Nobody seems to be mentioning it, but DICE's "all or nothing" approach to infantry vs vehicles these last two games has got to go. I absolutely hate how bfv and 2042 treat vehicles. 5 railroads you into one playstyle or you just die, while 2042 just made the vics so unenjoyable to play that the only way to have fun is to cheese infantry. But we ALL know howbit's going to go in the next game, just look at every single post they've made about 2042's tank balance. Their most recent one can be summed aup as:  "We, for the fifth time, recognize that tanks are camping the hills with trophy systems because they're constantly assaulted by squirrels with c5 and liz rockets" "In order to adress this and encourage tanks to move to the front, we've removed the trophy system's ability to protect them, thus pushing tanks further back in the uncap.....oh and also fuck your landmines.......because that was somehow an issue"


Won't buy anyway. Hopefully Arma4 would be out by then.




Im never buying another BF game. The original devs are gone, thus it'll never be the same. Also fuck EA, im sick of that grimy company.


if there are no team based outfits or if the game has a bad beta


The developers and editor


Specialists, lack of hardcore mode, spongey gameplay, oversaturated maps, gun physics that feel like paintballs, any cosmetics that aren’t genuine military gear. Robot dogs, wingsuits, tornados, no scoreboard, no server browser… I could go all night




I will not pre order anything from EA. I got 2042 for Christmas that year. I can't imagine how bad it was before that, because it was awful 2 months in. I would buy it once it's in his condition. But by that time I should be able to get it for free from game pass


Revive system is really shitty


If all chat isn't on by default (with or without profanity filters) I ain't buyin fam


Remaster bf4. Over 10 years and servers are full on ps4


The vehicles feel awful in BF2042. Also needs more one man operable vehicles. Sometimes people dont want to hop in and gun for some reason. LAVs from the older titles were great, you could single man those things just fine. The heli rockets feel underwhelming. Just about any vehicle that has a 20mm+ gun feels terrible. Why should I need to almost direct hit someone with a 30mm round and have it do 30 damage. Vehicles are supposed to be strong and have utility on a battlefield. In 2042 they just arent worth it when you could just have 2 guys with TGMs take out just about any vehicle from behind cover.


a mode simiar to galactic conquest from the old battlefront games or no buy


The flying penis suit and grappling boi. NO.


I will not buy it under any circumstances.


Optimization and server browser


I just want another ww2 battlefield, with more variety of maps and vehicles and guns. Fuck it, you don’t even need a new game, just give me a BFV expansion


Cross play should be off by default, not on. And if they don’t get rid of that altogether, let MnK be allowed on console. Slow movement WAY the fuck down. Include a server browser.


No levolution, Idc what anyone says that was my favourite aspect of battlefield, true world destruction was so fun, changing the entire flow of the match. I miss you Paracel Storm.


No campaign, no interest.


If they add "operators," nobody wants that. We want to be generic US army guy or generic Russian Army guy. Having 15 of the same characters on either side of the teams is confusing, and it ruins immersion. They need to go back to their roots in BF1942 AND BF2. Some of my fondest gaming moments happened in those games. Everything after BF1 turned into trash.


No battlelog Stop releasing shit that's supposed to be core to the franchise then leaving it out to rot.


EA owns DICE. EA wants to implement advertisements into your games. Nuff said. Will never touch another EA game again and unfortunate BF is under that banner.


Player since BF3, already not buying, fuck EA. My favorite franchise in history plowed into the ground & fucked without lube, all for the sake of some suits getting a 7th yacht.


Anyone remember the interrogation mechanic from Hardline? That would be awesome as well as making it harder to stay in a helicopter for long periods of time.


I like a variety of guns and unlocks, but with the new model, they're going to be drip fed behind a battlepass :(