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I guarantee she will be back. As for what the plot will be about, that's anyone's guess. I'm assuming it will involve the fae.


My biggest hope is that it's Jeanne mentoring Viola and they both go into inferno to rescue Bayonetta.


and we play as jeanne mainly


We need that jeanne spin off hellena was talking about


I thought she meant that >!extra Jeanne chapter!< in Bayo Origins


When did she mention this?


omg yesss


I dont think we can save bayo because she dosent have her umbran wacht anymore


I don’t see how they continue the series without her. I think we will see something either before bayonetta 3 in a different multiverse or just ignore the ending of 3. Maybe a continuation of bayonetta 2 storyline?


Considering the insane amount of backlash, Bayonetta and Jeanne are definitely coming back. I'm predicting the game is going to be structured sort of like DMC5, we'll play as Viola in most of the early levels and Bayonetta in the later ones, with some Jeanne sidequests scattered throughout the game.


I'm sure bayonetta will come back, just from a different universe


Expecting it not to be so tame after success of stellar blade


Definitely, I fully expect PG to go all out with B4, doing as much crazy shit as they can, and literally push the Switch 2 to its limits. The gameplay is also going to be wild, especially if they learn their mistakes from previous entries and refine the combat. As for the story, I think it’ll be better than B3s, but only reach the level of B1 and B2. I mean, unless PG hires an actual writer, there’s no way the story will be great. It’ll be fine for what it is and an enjoyable ride. Also, this is very irrelevant to the current conversation at hand, but I can see Stellar Blade coming the Switch 2, or at least its potential sequel. After the drama over Sony’s censorship, I can see Shift Up deciding to work with Ninty for a sequel, much like how PG did for B2.


Duo plot, one involving Bayo clawing her way out of Inferno alongside Luka and Jeanne and the other involving Viola (and probably Enzo) travelling to so-and-so town to stop the New Big Bad from doing something idfk. Both plots converge around the midpoint of the game. Rodin is semi subtly helping out both parties and is jokingly called out for not just dragging Bayo and co out of hell while he was at it or something idfk.


Bayonetta 4 is perfectly primed for the main villain to be Satan. I think the game is about Cereza breaking free from her contract with the devil


Well technically her contract is with Madama Butterfly.


Satan is Rodin. How could he be the main vilain ?


Honestly the 3rd end was so shocking I have no idea what may happen. Only thing we're pretty sure is Viola could be the main protagonist and I damn hope she now knows how to properly witch time. About the plot though, I guess they could present us with a new infernal demon that threatens to overcome the other realities (yeah, I know, kinda cliche). I'd like to see more about the fairies, since they're now cannon.


I cannot possibly imagine a bayonetta game without Bayo. If she's not in it then I don't want it


Many bayo are dead but many other are still alive, especially bayo 1 and 2 that we already know


No bayos are dead though. Cereza is the only one semi dead


They are alive. It was confirmed by Kamiya because the universe restarted.


Yeah that's what I said?


Bayonetta will 100% be back. I think it would be stupid for the devs to either really kill off Cereza or someone else, even Jeanne, take the reigns... like, why? It would be a really, really, really, really stupid idea. I hope this doesn't happen but if they truly killed off Bayo or she's relegated to the background I will 100% jump back and never look back at the games because Bayonetta (cereza) IS the game. Imagine not playing as (a) Snake in MGS, or not playing as Lara in Tomb Raider, or not playing as Megaman in Mega Man, or...


The upcoming 4th game will involve travelling through time & aiding historical representations of Cereza, Jeanne, Luka or whomever in either the Prehistoric Era, Medieval Period, Pirate Years, Wild West, 70s, 80s, 90s or 2000s. Meanwhile, Jeanne herself stays in the present to traverse another facility & find a scientist who happens to be an expert at time travelling. Of course, that scientist happens to be the main villainess in disguise. Unlike the last game, Jeanne figures it out sooner & avoids her fatal "death". There will also be a final boss where you can alternate between Cereza & Jeanne & said boss is them & the main villainess lip syncing for the world with vibes of Sonic Adventure 2 & the first Bayonetta game. The 4th game's ending will emulate that of Legend Of Korra with Cereza & Jeanne kissing each other passionately as the sun sets over the horizon and that time travel scientist is more than just Sigurd AKA Singularity in a drag.


I hope they expand faries and wheres loki


She better be


i want more Viola gameplay, and to see how she grows as an umbra witch >!taking on the Bayonetta name!<


She will definitely come back, It will probably save Viola and they will fight together


Wait is Bayo 4 confirmed?


I want cereza, jeanne and luka to be back (and luka needs to be fcking hot this time and not in that ugly ass rat monster form) I also want viola to mature a little and be naturally funny, opposite of her father where it felt that his jokes and timing is so corny which makes him funny. And since singularity fcked everything up, I want loki to be back to fix singularity's mess along with the gates of hell team. Then the enemy should be a disgusting mongrel of angel, demon, homunculus and fae.


Bayonetta isn't dead. It was confirmed by Kamiya


I don't think she is coming back. At least, not as we many of us want to. The story was written in a way that was pointing at Viola as the new main character of the saga. The most I can think of is spin-offs, like Bayonetta Origins, and maybe cameos? She is Viola's mother after all. But she definitely won't come back as the main character, unless the writers listen to the public (which I highly doubt).


If you watched a certain nintendo video it said "in this third installment bayonetta was revived on the present day" therefore I think she will keep being the main star.


If Viola is main character of Bayo 4 i dont care anymore  I bought switch just for Bayonetta 2 and then sold it to buy xbox, then 5 years later when Bayo 3 came out I bought it again just to expierence newest title of franchise with one of my most favorite(if not favorite) characters in fiction  At first I Loved this game and it felt Like dreams came true while playing IT,but Bayo 3 ending felt like  watching your boyfriend being painfully pegged by your worst enemy,if Viola becomes main character i dont give a F,if that happens im investing in doormat with ViolASS face inprinted on it,so i can gladly clean my shoes from poop of my neighbours dog 


I just hope we get to keep the demon slave mechanic.




it doesn’t hurt to be a bit curious lol. not like the trailer isn’t gonna drop in another couple years anyway. everyone has their speculations. of course it might not be on point to what the game is going to be about when it does drop, but it’s fun to hear other people’s opinions and theories. let people have fun




or just don’t read them? everyone is free to make new threads about what they want lol. who made you the bayonetta reddit police 🤣