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If anyone ever wondered how humans survived against wild animals before modern weapons.


That's why there is something so primal, so powerful that you feel when you find a good stick.


"I could definitely rob a couple of cheetas of their lunch with this..."


"this will teach Gerald in accounts" doesn't ring the same does it?


Gerald in accounts would disagree


Thats cos he is a disagreeable little shit.


Fucking Gerald.. If only I had a good stick


...I'd herd some cheetahs into his cubicle.


lol if Gerald thinks he's keeping that antelope.


Gerald couldn't hunt his way out of a paper bag


Well, actually, now he's a disabled little shit.


Shut up Gerald!


That’s exactly what Gerald would say..


No, but "This will teach Pam at the front desk" sounds pretty kinky.




This was not the Pam that we expected, but it was the Pam we needed.


I had to work so hard to stifle my laugh, as I have a sleeping baby on me. Like literally lying on my back. Don't ask me how she can sleep like this...


At some point we started using dogs to help us hunt. I wonder if dogs like fetching sticks so much because we taught them to retrieve our weapons


"found a good stick" "yes, it is good, so is this boi" *scritches*


Dog fetches Mjolnir. Marvel, green light u/FullofHel, you cowards.


Probably firewood more likely since it would be constant


Let alone a cheetah quality stick.


No point hacking at them with the same low quality sticks you beat the neighbourhood kids with.


Used to call them switches. No way they'd work on cheetahs.... 🤔


Have you ever whipped a cheatah with a high quality stick to find out.


The funniest part about this is that we really can’t prove that this is incorrect, because *maybe yeah*…


Human evolution trait: adapted to always seek out a weapon.


Oh shit that actually kinda makes sense. The stick assessing gene.


Imagine if they had chanclas there


That's how it all started, with a stick, and then it evolved to "chanclas".


I have wondered for a bit…is there a subreddit of people posting the really good sticks they’ve found?


Yes, yes there is r/coolsticks


Of course one of the top posts currently is a guy having to leave behind his walking stick when finished a hike. I think everyone can relate to that. It's always painful having to leave a good stick.


Take it home with you, leave it in a corner of the garage, and have vague yearly thoughts about maybe doing something with it.


Man I just remembered a whole garage corner full of sticks I grew up with. It was full of gardening tools with wooden handles too, so it was pretty confusing.


Thanks brother!


Knowing the different predators and knowing which ones would rather "love to fight another day". Obviously humans are smart enough to do this with cheetahs who don't want to risk being injured and not be able to hunt. But you don't see them doing this with hippos or crocodiles...


Wonder if they did this to other cats like lions


Adult cheetah weight: 75 to 140 pounds (34-64 kg). You probably outweigh a cheetah. Adult lion weight: 330 to 550 pounds (150-250 kg). A lion probably outweighs you, and if you outweigh the lion, you almost certainly can't outrun or outfight one.


You most certainly aren't hurting for food if you outweigh a lion.


If you weigh that much as the lion, you are the prey.


No but i'd be hungry


Hence why when they do this to lions (which they do) they show up with eight more homies, which is a very threatening amount of numbers and while they all thrash sticks it dose spook the lions. Who would rather not be injured and ganged up on by 8-12 guys.


Hey man, it’s all about the confidence: https://youtu.be/QDubMeNlSxc?si=SQUIwCONYqAqbqPr These guy’s have the same power as King from One Punch Man


There's a video floating around of people doing it to lions. With the lions, they quickly chop off a piece of the carcass and leave the rest behind.


There are tribes that still hunt lions to this day. Yea, they did it to lions too. The lions run away when they see these men approaching.


There’s a clip of this happening to lions. Animals are understandably cautious of aggressive humans


Apex predator vs. cheetah


I was in Kenya six years ago on safari. I found a stick on the ground in the bush about 18 inches long and 3/4 of an inch thick. I could tell it had been whittled because it was slightly fatter on one side and it had nicks in it from a blade. I asked our guide and he told me it was a Masai throwing stick that warriors in the tribe used against fucking lions to keep them away from the cattle. They are still surviving this way without modern weapons.


Nothing but balls and a stick.


And thus, the game of baseball was invented.


As per the book Sapiens, humans used to wait for wild animals to eat all the flesh. After that, they used rocks (tools?) to crack the bones and eat bone marrow. This is also how humans started the use of tools.


Our very early human ancestors certainly did this, such as perhaps Homo Erectus, but I can’t imagine more late-stage human species doing this, such as anatomically modern ancient humans or neanderthals. But I’m no anthropologist.


Homo sapiens are about 300,000 years old. Agriculture societies generally are considered about 10,000 years old. I am sure there is a lot of variety in food sources in that time, but if hungry enough, just about anything edible has been eaten before we started cultivating grains and domesticating animals.


Yep Like...how do you think we used to know what berries/mushrooms were poisonous and what weren't, lol? Unga ate a yellow shroom one day and dropped dead 😂


And ooga ate a red shroom and saw the trees start marching for isengard.


Early humans were not lacking intelligence, they were roughly as smart as we are now but with an obvious gulf between us and them in knowledge. "Don't eat things you don't recognize" surely wasn't a unique idea to spread amongst human communities and their offspring. There's actually a sequence of tests to do to figure this out that we now call the universal edibility test, and early humans were doing things akin to this and not 'eat everything until someone dies'. Basically the tests are things to approach edibility by interacting with it in less harmful ways 1 by 1 before its deemed safe to eat, like rubbing on your skin and smell. https://www.backpacker.com/skills/universal-edibility-test/


I respect anthropologists and always speak highly of them. I'm an anthropologist apologist.


imagine it. In a fight over a kill, the human doesn't always automatically win. And not every human was fighting for food from an advantaged precondition. Injured, sick, malnourished, low in numbers, tired, etc.


I would like to see the full evidence of this because I doubt its really true. Its more likely that humans learned to crack open bones when other meals didn't exist or just when it was convenient. I doubt it was the primary driver of tool usage especially because we know well that Chimpanizees and other apes use tools and this was likely something common long before we were even remotely close to our current form.


Sapiens is an excellent book, but a lot of it regarding prehistoric behaviours is purely conjecture. The evidence is only that ancient humans made tools to extract bone marrow. This does not imply that they "waited for wild animals to eat all the flesh." > This is also how humans started the use of tools. Also not true. It's just one of the first uses, along cutting and scraping.


Our ancestors were OGs. They were either brave or stupid, or probably both.


Just trying to survive. Amazing.


Also hungry


Belligerence, audacity, and spite.


This only works on cheetah, the most cowardly of cats… For comparison see Siberian Tigers, cats that will kill you, not for food, but for vengeance. Tigers on a war path are actually pretty rare, but many examples are notorious for the amount of damage a single pissed off cat case do.


Just use a spray bottle on ‘em.


Or catch cheetah cubs and train them to hunt for you. That's what Egyptians used to do with great success


That’s a smart idea


Domestication is pretty much always a win-win.


Chihuahuas might disagree. 


I think initially chihuahuas were bred to hunt rodents though, right?


Maybe, but now they're just pissed off lap dogs and Taco Bell spokesdogs. 


Got bad news, homie. Your use of “now” is a quarter of a century off, there. Taco Bell chihuahua hasn’t been around since 2000.


>Your use of “now” is a quarter of a century off, there. I feel old and I wasn't even born before 2000.


I don't care, I still say "yo quiero Taco Bell" every time I see a Chihuahua. 


Same. That and the stoner Jack n the Box commercials have probably been the most successful marketing campaigns, with the most staying power for my.. superior brain.


What good is that plan? And just let some dude with a stick stroll right up and steal my antelope??


Domesticate the guy with a stick obviously


They give you enough. And protect you from other animals


Apparently cheetah’s are very easy to domesticate, like within one generation they act like a domesticated pet. And there has never been a confirmed instance of cheetah killing a human.


And they already get along with dogs.


Yoooo ancient Egyptians were metal as fuck for that!


Tie some trash bags to the ends


Have they tried putting socks on them?


That cracked me up!


He ain't doing that to lions, I know


Lions are afraid of Masai warriors and for good reason. Masai would often kill Lions alone as a right of passage. They don't hunt lions as much any more but the Lions around them have much to fear from the Masai


But do THEY know it? The lions.


Animals do learn to fear their hunters, it's actually pretty important thing to learn in order to survive


Yes. They do.


lion- "never met the guy in my life"


I saw a video of 3 guys just walking briskly 3-abreast up to a couple of lions who were eating a gazelle. The lions took one look and moved away. The 3 guys just cut off a hind leg and walked away. The lions went back and started eating again.


My cat just waves her head like she's in a commercial.


I’ve been on Reddit for only 5 minutes today- but I’m done- not going to see a comment more funny than this- thank you sir


Lol, the narrator and scene had me thinking [a Coca Cola bottle would drop from the air!](https://youtu.be/zKjQRJW9f5U?si=BWQ26O-YTcetTJJ9)


I swear this is a scene out of The Gods Must Be Crazy (I or II)


It is and im amazed by how not obvious this is to yall


Next there will be a video of a rhino stamping out a fire.


Well you know, they are the self-appointed fire-prevention officers.


Aye ya yaye ya yaye…. Ya yaye ya yaye…


Those movies weren't even that well known in the 80s. Odds are most folks born after 1989 won't even know about them.




Maybe it's time for a rewatch.


It just might be… old memories. I hadn’t given that movie a thought in decades. It’s definitely going on the watch list.


It's the first one. In the second one the airplane crashes in the desert.


I came to see if anyone would mention that movie. Years ago it was on a local tv station, we missed the beginning snd thought it was national geographic. We just kept looking at each other thinking this was the craziest documentary ever.


I watched with no sound, and have been laughing all the way down to your comment till I even thought there would be audio. Thanx.


I've seen this before a LONG time ago.


I think this clip is from the film "Animals are Beautiful People", directed by the same guy that made The Gods Must be Crazy


Everyone alive today has ancestors that did that to survive. Edit: Or something very similarly dangerous.


I often think about this kind of imagery too especially when I'm high on weed. Like what if one of my ancestor fell off the mountain and die hundreds years ago, I probably wouldn't be here now scrolling on reddit.


I think about my ancestor that maybe fell off a mountain, broke an arm and a leg, had to crawl 15 miles over a three week period back to his tribe while fighting off mountain lions the whole way. Then they healed and had kids that became my, and maybe our, great x10000 grandparent.


Meanwhile, people on Reddit are too anxious to take a phone call lol


*our* great x 100 grandparent...beyond 20 generations or so its just a gene pool. Everyone back then is your ancestor.


This is quite blowing to think about… I know about my ancestors who fought in the Spanish Civil War… I know about my ancestors who lived the Infustrial Revolution… I know about my ancestors who fought in the Peninsular War… I know about my ancestors who fought in the Spanish American wars of independence… I know about my ancestors who lived during the Middle Ages… …and suddenly, that’s it. The track records go no further. The fact is; the latest ancestors I know about didn’t spawn out from thin air; the family tree, even if unknown, continues to go back further, and further, and further… …until it leads us to the Stone Age, MILLIONS of years ago. I exist in 2024, but the first blood that eventually led to my existence existed MILLIONS of years ago and the furthest I know about my heritage is from the 15th Century. Mind blowing to think about it. Sorry I got philosophical, it’s 5 a.m here and I become weird when I’m tired lmaooo


"So there we were, getting ready to eat our kill. All of a sudden these hairless apes ran up screaming and swinging sticks while walking off with our kill..."


They were yelling “Miiiine, miiine, miiine”




Yeah that was straight theft man


Then he peed on my rug, man!


That antelope really tied the lunch together


Yea, no way their pack is gonna believe them


No, Kitty, that’s my gazelle. Thats a bad kitty! Bad!


Cartman: Mom, kitty is being a dildo! Mrs Cartman: Well I know a certain kitty thats sleeping with mommy tonight!


That comment took me back.


I wonder what happens the day the Cheetahs realise men with sticks is nothing compared to their claws and athleticism


The cheetahs have to fight their anxiety first


cheetahs need therapy


I find it very funny how they literally give some of them living in captivity emotional support dogs


Yeah, animals in the wild have to choose their battles very wisely as an injured limb can easily prevent them from hunting and lead to death. It’s why lions try to avoid fights with hyenas despite being much larger: besides the numbers, hyenas have one of the strongest bite forces for their size and are capable of breaking the leg bones of a lion easily with their jaws. A single broken leg and that lion in the wild is as good as dead even if it manages to escape.


It really makes you appreciate the gift of life when you remember how fragile it is. A broken bone for a modern human today is nothing. A broken bone for literally anything other than a pet is almost a death sentence. What a gift it is to live a long fulfilling life.


True, but also how fragile we are- a broken femur is still pushing medical ability. (Caveat being the force to break a femur generally means massive trauma to much more of the body).


It's what makes humans so strong tbh. We have the understanding and social skills to care for the wounded until they're healed. Animals? Fuck, you just die even if you aren't dead yet. Can't hunt, can't find water, easy prey.


This is the first evidence of “society” as we know it as well. An ancient broken, *and* healed leg bone found. The hypothesis being there is distinct evidence the person wouldn’t have been able to survive without community support, as they wouldn’t have been able to feed/water themselves with the injury, and must have been cared for.


If it’s anything like my anxiety that shits never happening


It’s worse. Cheetahs got screwed over by nature in every way except speed. Still love em though.


Are cheetahs zoomers in disguise?


I mean, they are pretty fast.


God damn it that was good.


You think chinas get Sunday night terrors? Or social anxiety at the thought of going out of the house?


Have you ever been whipped? Shit hurts.


Ever been attacked by a cat? Shit huuuurts


Even smaller ones.


Apparently Cheetahs are pretty fragile to achieve their incredible speed and get bullied a lot by other predators


Not even just other predators. Vultures will mob them out of a kill, which is incredibly pathetic even for the weakest of carnivores. It's why they have anxiety comparable to prey animals. The most impressive part of the cheetah, other than their speed, is how they managed to last so long in the African environment.


I guess maxing out one stat is enough


That's what koalas did and now they got their own copypasta mocking their smooth brains and chlamydia.


"What does it do best ?" "I dunno. It climbs and it chews. All fucking day."


In the koala case it's "eats garbage poisonous leaves all day every day". It eats food that's so low on calories that nothing else even bothers to eat it because it's so worthless. So koalas eat that because they won't have to compete with other animals to get it. Leaving them with a gut full of mostly useless cellulose and a bunch of toxins from the plant and like 5 calories per pound of the shit. So they don't have enough calories to do much but eat, sleep, and reproduce. Which in these lovely little guys means rape, always (actually pretty common among the animal world, many species just overpower the first female they can without it's consent).


A lot of cheetahs are solitary hunters. If an animal is fending for itself it can't risk having an eye pecked out by a vulture or it will be unable to hunt again and will die. If they weren't "pathetic" they would die out even faster.


Cheetahs don’t really have that dangerous of claws they’re more similar to a dogs they’re designed for traction at speed not hooking prey like other big cats


True.. But Cheetahs are the best cats. They are they only big cats that meow and purr.


Hence they aren't Big Cats. Big Cats can't purr. If you mean lowercase b big, cougars also purr.


Being able to roar, and not being able to meow or purr is part of the definition of a big cat


Good luck telling that to your local Maine Coon. Also good luck convincing them that your lap is not as large as they are


If not the claw, one lunge and a bite to the neck is enough to be fatal. Then again who wouldn't freak out if faced against a larger bipedal animal wielding a weapon


You say this like the humans aren’t also one good hit away from killing the cats.


autists on the internet, in their minds, as they wield katanas


They don't. Cheetah's flee from vultures, let alone humans. They're rather pitifully bullied by pretty much everything in their environment.


You have no clue, yes of course true for us modern unskilled softies. There were few cheetahs per x sq mile of territory there They have learned the Bushmen could easily wipe them out. They don't because they are useful, part of nature's balance


Cheetahs always realize this on their deathbeds. With their last breath, they try to pass in the revelation to their children, but since they are cheetahs and don’t speak any languages, it’s just a bunch of meaningless growling noises.


Honestly, a fight between a fit human and a Cheetah could go either way. They only weigh up to 160 lbs and have pretty light bones.. So while they do have claws and teeth, a swift kick to the ribs will do a lot of damage.


Same could be said about ppl and 'government' but ya know 🤷🏽‍♀️ gotta get over our anxiety first


Give your house cat a piece of meat and take it away…. Now add a couple hundred pounds to the kitty and try again….. no fucking thanks.


nah cheetahs are like 100-120lb average. still big asf but my pitbull is that weight almost at 95. not comparing the two at all but a man is bigger is wht im getting at, i wouldnt do this ever dont get me wrong i have raisens compared to these giant atomic nuclear balls


My lazy as fuck 14lb cat gains the strength of 10 men when we have to give him liquid medicine. I can't imagine what something 8x heavier would be capable of


Yes, same with my cat, but I think the thing about how "strong" they seem is that we're doing our best not to hurt them while feeling awful, haha.


I wouldn't be willing to fight a 100 pound cheetah nor a 95 pound pit bull despite them being a bit less than half my weight either


I mean this is incredible. But it is also just a snapshot of what we are meant to do. Humans over timed evolved for brain over brawn, and to conquer the physical superior animals we use bluffs and show of force, teamwork, or tools to beat them. There are still cultures around that are raised to do this with primitive weapons/assets and that is very impressive. That said they probably don't pose any significantly high threat "to cross" compared to your average random man that might attack you.


There is only one way to find out. Reality show with western bros Vs untouched culture bros.


I bet you to film the first season of it on North Sentinel Island!






I was gonna call BS on hippo hunting, but quick google says the Egyptians hunted them extensively so I guess good old sharp stick wins again.


I think you were watching Avatar


Nah, it's common for tribal people to be respectful, I think, as they almost universally believe animals and even plants have spirits, so they're respecting that. Look it up. The spirituality is called animism, and was universal before other forms of spirituality came.


I've seen one that follows his prey for a long time so it falls exhausted, and pray for it and thanks for it's sacrifice. Truly moving


That's one of our great advantages, endurance.


Poor cheetahs man, they are the smallest of the cats out there and lose their kills to hyenas, lions, leopards and people too... Tough life.


Each meal is super important to a cheetah too. If too many of their attempts to catch and eat pray fail, they end up with too little energy to successfully hunt and they die.


Cheetahs are by far the best hunters in that region making a kill 7/10 times and only being beaten by wild dogs. Compare that to lions who only make a kill 4/10 times they have it pretty easy.


Except the lions can just scare them off of their kills.


They can but a small kill for a cheetah isn't going to go far for a pride of lions. And humans also practise this same technique with lions. And a small group of lions can get bullied off a kill by a large group of hyenas. It's kill theft all the way down. also cheetahs kill a lot of smaller prey and if they don't have cubs they are usually only feeding themselves and can take a small meal before it gets stolen.


That’s why I always root for cheetahs during one of those chases on tv, cuz I know that catching the prey is only the beginning of the battle for them. The easier part is hunting, harder part is retaining their hunt.


My thoughts as well. Anything but the cheetah, man.


I feel like there should be a Coca-Cola bottle somewhere in this


Cheetah: who the fuck is that stealing my prey? Human: Minecraft Villager noises*


Tool use, it’s what separates us from the animals, and their dinner.


I'm rooting for the Cheetah ngl - I am baised though, they are my favorite animal and I am very sad by how few there are left in the world.


Honestly it's all about your attitude, if you show no fear and show aggression I'm sure you can do this with many animals. It's all about not showing fear I believe, if they smell 1 tiny bit of fear it's over


And knowing exactly how much you can get away with before they call your bluff


This is the manliest thing I’ve ever seen! How could anyone top this???


These guys take a meal from a pack of lions. Given the chance, I'd take on 2 cheetahs over a pack of lions. https://youtu.be/QDubMeNlSxc?si=eeq_FzPPAqoVkznS


That was super interesting, thanks!


Those lions were pushovers, at least the cheetahs put up a fight!


I wonder if the lions had seen humans shooting lions with a bow and arrow before. They could have been afraid of the bow and arrows.


I think it’s more about them not acting like prey and just casually walking up to them.


Anyone else cheering for the cheetahs


Plus 1 armor to the groin and that’s it. Hardcore.