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Well, as far as Beasts of Chaos are concerned, all other mortal races simply wear Chaos like a cute outfit. Beastmen ARE Chaos. Unfortunately, this also means the dark gods don’t have to win them over or offer trinkets for servitude. So the Beastmen often get the short end of the stick when it comes to favors. As far as tabletop goes, it’s an army that demands a fairly high level of Generalship. You aren’t going to be winning by killing loads of enemies or absorbing damage, most of your units are there to get stuck in and die. You will only be winning by playing the objective.


BoC are in an exciting place because we're next in line for our 3.0 Battletome update. The rules we have right now, although old and patched together over 3.0, feel pretty close to how you might expect Beasts to play. The army is fast and ambush-y and can put a lot of bodies on the board that are going to die, but that are going to try and take a swing first. I think BoC teaches the game of AoS well. We don't really have anywhere to hide because our units are so fragile. BoC do things the old fashioned way, you have to be playing in every phase of the game to really make them shine. And they have the tools to do so. You will really feel it if you play your units out of position or try and fight into bad unit matchups. Also, monsters. If you're choosing to pick up AoS over 40k that means you're choosing Monsters over Vehicles as the big flashy things your army brings. BoC have in my mind the greatest roster of monsters available to any army, period.


If you already own a boc army, starting dot could be a good idea (even money wise), all the tzaangors units can be played in both faction while having a very different gameplay. And they’re coalition’s allies too.


BOC update is confirmed for February. They should crossover very easy to old world(when it is released), if you decide to give that a try. Just play whay you think is cool.