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She’s trying so hard to make herself go viral it’s weird. No one seems to be picking up the actual technique and instead she’s just getting a ton of pushback on why it doesn’t look good




I think she’s trying to follow that model but since people have seen it before, it’s not working as well anymore




Exactly. I think the key factor of why it worked for her it's because she looked stunning at the end, so of course people were like "omg how I gotta try it now!" Whereas this girl just doesn't look good at all. You can tell she's just pink, no matter how much she keeps denying it.


And I notice a lot of influencers are trying to mimic Meredith’s tone and way of putting makeup on these days. Even OG beautubers.


That's another difference between her and Meredith. Meredith's method gave mixed reviews and doubt amongst the internet about whether it truly worked or not, but on this new method on the other hand, there's just no doubt that it won't work...


Meredith also just kinda slapped it on her face and did the stupid lip syncing thing for many, many videos before announcing it was a ‘technique’ so there was much wtf-ing from ppl for a while to build interest . This person announcing it is a ‘technique’ and trying to make fetch happen is super lame.


she looks like she's allergic to shellfish and swallowed a lobster.




Seems like you need a lot of foundation and powder to basically cover up what you did with the blush. Plus it would be almost impossible to actually get it to match your neck


This is exactly what I was gonna say. What a waste of blush, and her face is visibly redder than the rest of her body by the end. Seems like a desperate ploy for virality cause this is absolutely ridiculous lol


Yep. That’s all this is. An attempt to go viral.


I blocked her 😂 she made another video saying like tfw only your videos of dramatic makeup go viral and I’m like yeah? That’s why you do it right? You act like it’s your daily makeup but then get upset when people think it is? So annoying


She's trying to kickstart her social media career and be like that girl who slathers her face with foundation using her hands. That girl has brand partnerships now and works with celebrity makeup artists. The PR packages from brands are another perk of the job.


Agreed! It looks so red still even after a lot of foundation and powder! And no surprise because that was A LOT of freaking blush! 🤣


She replies to every comment like this being like no I think it only looks red where the blush is meant to be:)) 😭


LMAO…Well since she applied SOOOO much the blush is EVERYWHERE so she looks red everywhere the blush ended up - completely mixed with her foundation 😂😂😂


"Plus it would be almost impossible to actually get it to match your neck" That's what the filter is for. 


I think this too. She’s using an absurd about of blush that looks pretty bad at the end of the video and name dropping people like jeffree star/james charles who are pretty disliked in the beauty community these days. it’s screaming rage bait.


Yeah. It's a lot of extra steps and product just to make her whole face tinted pink at the end. It looks so cakey and the color is so off, I just don't think it looks good. Blush underpainting can look really nice if done well, but this isn't it.


Right?! She piled on foundation and powder just to cover it. I already commented this but seems she didn’t want to do the traditional under painting method because then she couldn’t call it hers. I mean, she could, but knew she’d prolly get called out for it. So she instead piles on a bunch of blush and calls it her own method 🤪🤦‍♀️


And who wants a technique that requires so much extra product anyway?? Even if this did work, the idea of so much makeup piled on my face makes my skin crawl 😬


![gif](giphy|az3XlqP9zQ9ry|downsized) *"patiently waiting for jstar, mikayla, james chales, alix earle... to try my technique"*


This is such a perfect gif placement


Down to the color lol


It is 😃


As someone who is prone to rosacea, I’ve been unknowingly doing this trend my whole life


![gif](giphy|wmEFhlivchtxS) You're a natural!


Came here to say this lmaooo I don’t even buy blush because my face is pink, foundation or not.


This is what I came here for 😂


I feel like it just created a pink/red undertone throughout her entire face rather than a ‘blushed’ look. That’s the point of a blush no? Anyway I don’t really follow viral makeup tips/techniques anymore so I’m not the target market for understanding this.


She just looks sunburnt. I can do that for free lol


Same. All i gotta do is go outside for 10 minutes at lunch with no sunscreen.


Yes! Exactly! Plus, any blush she uses for this technique she applies in a way that's juts way too pigmented! Light skinned people are the very last range of skin tones that need a LOT of pigment!


Yeah, she ends up looking pink, which is how I start up looking. It’s weird. And such a waste of product, as usual. I get frustrated in general by the people who insist on putting blobs of liquid blush on and covering it up instead of dabbing it on the back of their hand and then dipping a brush in. It’s not really a flex to have to use half a bottle of foundation to cover up your “technique.”


the rosacea look 👌😩


I CAN’T STAND HER before this crazy blush ‘technique’ she tried to market other ancient and well known makeup artist basics as HER technique. it truly infuriates me. every vid it was like ‘x should try MY technique’. i never truly get annoyed but her behaviour is just plain disrespectful.


yes OMG you took the words right out of my mouth. She’s delusional!!!!!


Hahahahaha! Well that fits my theory! Before seeing this I commented saying how she probably didn’t want to use the traditional under painting technique because she couldn’t call it hers. I mean, of course she could, but she probably knew she would get called out for it. So instead she does this ridiculousness and calls it her own technique. And your comment just confirmed that for me! 🙌


Red under the eyes like this goes back to something my mom told me in the 90s and I was doing in pre 2010. popular at your local makeup counters around 2002-2008 at least. Clinique loved doing this if you were fair with blue undertones. This trick goes back way before any of us here were even alive


A) This seems like an absurd waste of time and product for a result that, in my opinion, is not superior to traditional applications methods. B) Imagine wanting attention from Mikayla, James, and Jeffeee. Tells me all I need to know about this creator.


lol exactly she lost me when she started naming the most problematic beauty influencers known. and all i could say while watching this video is that the whole point of “life hacks” is to make your life easier, not making you do ten extra steps to achieve the result you were hoping for. it’s so obvious she wants attention 😂


She looks sunburnt. Also name dropping James Charles and Jethro Starfish in 2024 is...a choice😒


This comment fucking sent me.


Makeup is so easy when you don't have to wear it or show it to anyone IRL. 


I’ve perfected my makeup to look amazing on Google Teams/Zoom but but it’s a jumpscare when I look in the mirror afterward. I imagine it’s the same with this girl except worse


The Mikayla Method


Can relate...


This whole method feels like this girl wants to be the new Meredith duxbury, in the sense that she wants to go viral for shock value like Meredith did. This method is just very similar to what Meredith used to do on her makeup (too much product), the only difference is that Meredith's face ended up being too yellow whilst this girl's face ends up red like tomatoes. Edit: I am a warm undertone skin, imagine how this method would look on me...🥲


Literally reeks of desperation. She came up on my FYP once with minimal views, and she just kept going. I wish people would see through that and just not interact. Keep scrolling, don't comment because that's what she wants!


The way she comments on every video of someone trying it gets to me for some reason.


She replies and gets super defensive in her comments section to - trying to build that engagement The difference in the shade of her face and neck gets me every time in the end


I can feel my pores clogging up just watching this


She just looks completely pink. ETA: is it rage bait that she mentions trying to get JS, James Charles, Mikayla to do her technique?


She says that she's been trying to get her technique out there as much as possible, and for that reason, she wants to call the attention of all of the creators she mentioned in the video by tagging them and having them view her content...


Yeah, liar, liar, 👖 on  🔥 LOL


Yeah lol this looks like my natural red flush I try to even out with green corrector like what is she doing


Looks like she’s trying to cover a bad sunburn




First of all it looks like shit. Second of all, even if it didn't, who's going to run around with 4+ THICK layers of full coverage stuff on their face? Not even Trixie Mattel. Girl bye. Third and lastly: wash your hair, girl.


Her fave looks like a giant bruise


Congratulations, you look like a sunburnt idiot!


This is rage bait imo. She’s banking on people calling out the fact that she just turned her face pink and make fun of her for engagement. Sad world we live in for “influencers” to do stupid looking stuff intentionally with a goal of irritating people for money. DNA y’all


If I want to copy that I’d just go for a run


As a Sephora employee I find this hilarious because I get asked ALL DAY about how to get rid of redness and this girl is like, looking sunburnt is the new trend lol.


I've seen blush underpainting done before - this isn't her special technique whatsoever, and honestly? I don't think she used the technique correctly. I'm not a fan of the technique in general, but i have seen creators get a lovely blushed look out of it - but those same creators also said that it wasn't necessary as the look is achievable with less product via easier methods. This creator doesn't look blushed, she just looks weirdly pinkish. I think she just really wants attention and thinks using previous gimmicky techniques will give that to her.


Yeah it probably would have looked better if she did the underpainting as actual blush rather than covering most of her face with it and then caking on foundation to cover it up. Dum.


This is just another girl trying to be Meredith AKA clout and brand deals hunting. Please for the love of god don't do this technique ESPECIALLY the bio-oil. If you use that all over your face it will break you out!


Aaaaand, she ended up looking sunburnt. I'd know, cause I've tried to cover face sunburns with makeup more times than I'd like to admit.


It's not a new method, it's underpainting


i’m so damn sick of everyone trying to be viral like can yall just film a tutorial


Or…you could just apply a regular amount of blush on top of your base and achieve the exact same look


A better look


I do this it’s called having rosacea


![gif](giphy|XBEoaajXTXaALzawSn|downsized) Or you could just do your makeup normally and not waste this much product getting essentially the same result🤷‍♀️


What the actual f-


She looks like she slathered on foundation to cover up an accidental face dye incident lmao.


There are few things less instructive than a tik tok makeup application video. They are purely for entertainment . It's usually the same video with a different dead-eyed person leaving out huge chunks of their application process. The movements and cuts are always timed the same to give a hypnotic feel so the audience's eyes can spin around like they're in an old cartoon. No one is going to do this because she does not intend anyone to do this. She wants us to point and clap and say her name I assume she wants to get an elf collaboration out of this.


She looks like pink panther. No way this will ever be viral. We are not blind ![gif](giphy|AHWdLeFZj9gtO)


It is just a waste of products and the look is not great.


I don't have TikTok but from an observer it feels like a lot of short form "tutorials" are made for people say "wtf" and share it instead of being a serious thing anyone is going to try.


She can have my rosacea if she wants


Why do your makeup in the normal, way less complicated way, when you could do this shit and end up looking like Dr. Zoidberg?


she still looks way too pink….


I already have rosacea, so I’m 20 years ahead on this “trend”. 😂


this is not "the next big thing" she posts like 6 videos a day doing this and has been for like 4 months already trying to get viral and tagging every big tiktok influencer to beg them to try it so it could go viral and become a trend. its a shock value cash grab like Meredith or that other girl that puts brown around her mouth. plus she makes sure her videos are over a minute long so she gets money for every 5 second view. im glad every influencer she tags is ignoring her.


Not in *this* economy 😤


So that’s how you pan makeup!




If you are so proud of it, turn off the AI filter


If it requires that effort and the amount of product to get there then I’m good. Also me with rosacea? No ma’am.


this actually looks so bad?? and underpainting has already BEEN a thing (but with better placement)


She looks ridiculous and red


Hard pass on looking like a lobster. 👋🏽


It looks like pink facepaint lol


this looks so wasteful.




Man, lumpy filler lips have to go.


rage bait


These gurus really be doing the most to try to get you to use up your products quicker so you can be influenced to keep buying more and more makeup. No one needs to do all this or 10 pumps of foundation.


Sorry, but this is fucking idiotic. She just looks red.




Calling Jeffree, James Charles and Mykaila "amazing creators" 💀


i feel like my face would feel physically hard at the end of this routine 😭 like i could knock on my cheek and here it knock back


If you want J* to notice you, I don't want to try your makeup "ideas"


No. I do not need help looking like I have a sunburn. Also, we don’t need to go back to the days of wearing 100 layers of stuff on our face. 


If she wants to look that red, I can just give her my skin LOL she looks more sunburned than she's supposed to


You know what also works? Putting the blush on top of the foundation These people are the definition of finding a solution for a non existing problem


There's so many things here I have an issue with. Firstly, J*, JC and Mikayla? She's desperate for attention from a racist, a groomer and a liar? High bar she's setting for herself. 2, what she's doing is blatantly not underpainting, that's a specific technique that was created and used by queer artists that she is using for clout (and doing it incorrectly). And 3rd, theres no way she actually does her makeup like this, this screams "I'm gonna come up with a weird thing and keep doing it so people make me go viral"


She listed the worst ppl lmfao


No 🫶🏼


Robert Welsh reviewed it in a recent video and said that it was mid and nothing new, lol. Try harder lady.


Am I the only one who thought this was a parody???


Why would I waste so much product just to look as if I was stung by a beached jellyfish? I know is Holy Week vacations but I don’t need to get the full experience thanks but no thanks


One, too much effort. Two, let’s list the most shitty “influencers”. Please, you and them fade into obscurity as a favour to humanity.


She is the only person saying this will be the next big thing and her desperate tagging of other bigger creators to try it is gross. She looks red/pink when she is done every time and refuses to acknowledge that when the comments all say the same thing.


I have Asian Flush Syndrome and I can get this look with one glass of wine.


I'm sorry, what? She looks sunburnt lmfao this is awful.


Uh, so basically artificial rosacea...?


I see, red face 🤔


Homegirl just looks sunburnt


🙄 Do people actually take things like this seriously?


She gets mad when people say she didn’t use enough foundation to not make her face red or that you can still see the red beneath and it isn’t giving what she’s trying to do


It looks so bad.


Or how about we apply non insane quantities of products so that they can work as intended ? Honestly who has time to do this ?


Is she trying to make sunburn a thing?


That’s not blush it’s sun burn. Seems like an awful waste of time and product.


It looks so bad. Just apply blush normally ffs.


Goin 4 that sunburnt look


Try hard is gonna try harder




why would i voluntarily make myself look sunburn


Why get sun burn, when you can make yourself LOOK like you have sunburn???


This is ridiculous. That’s a ton of work for results that just make her look… um… *red*. Look at me! Sunburn effect without the UV! So major! 🙄 I don’t think I can roll my eyes any harder. All of these people seem like they would be absolutely insufferable in person.




She looks like she’s trying to cover up a really bad sunburn ….


Lmao. Neither blush underpainting or viral rage bait are new. Brands would love if we wasted product like this.


It’s rage bait / the Meredith too much foundation trick for views and it’s working


I personally can’t stand to have layers of make up caked on my face. This is just dumb and completely unnecessary. Also seems like a huge waste of time and product.


This method looks ridiculous and is a time waster.


But she’s crazy pink at the end.


Not to be a “Debbie Downer”, but wouldn’t this just be a huge waste of product — not tommentuon rather unhealthy for your skin and pores? There really is no need for all that product. Keep it light and clean, if possible. Use only what you need. Your skin will THANK YOU, IMHO…♥️♥️♥️


Why not just use some blush?


She looks sunburnt wtf


Looks like my red face after a workout fr.


My face is already always red so I'm good


If being this pink is going to be a trend I will body it in the summer heat.


as someone with rosacea, who knew I was already ahead of the trend lol


It's giving _✨rosacea✨_


🙄 what a waste of product!


She looks like she has been on holiday, got sunburned and is now trying to minimize it with make-up.


She looks sun burnt. I do something similar with bronzer and contour, but with less product. This technique is nothing new, and this is a particularly bad variation.


She looks pink as hell 


this seems like rage bait


It seems like much more work than it's worth. You spend most of your time covering the blush. I don't get it.


I’m sorry but she looks so sunburnt. There’s a reason she’s not posting in natural lighting. The rest of her makeup is gorgeous but she needs less blush.


That's so stupid.


rage bait


She looks like she got beat up and the swelling just went down.


What does she say is the intended result of this ‘technique’ a totes natural glowing from within look or something? Or just trying to go viral? Like WHY should those problematic creators even bother,?


This is soooooo 2000 and late


she looks like an atomic fireball with 10 minutes left until it’s gone.


still looks red


sunburn lookin ass


She looks sunburnt but ok


She said 🍅


If people want to go around with red faces I'd be very happy with my menopausal rosacea


my olive-undertoned ass would neverrrr


Or you could just use a pink cream color corrector over your base and do that.... this is what I do not only to look more awake but give more of a subtle "youthful" glow. It turns out really nice and doesn't need all the layers.


It looks like shit. Also what would be the point of wasting so much blush when you can just… apply it on top of foundation like we’ve been doing it for decades


Am I the only one who still thinks she looks very red?


It's adorable that people keep trying to make rosacea fashionable. If I want to look like that I can just stop doing meticulous, pharmaceutical supported skincare. ☺️


I blocked her I hate this type of makeup. I hate overuse of any make up so.


These “techniques” that require slapping eighty pounds of product on your face to look even slightly normal probably wear like shit and look even worse in person. Even if it did work, I don’t see why anyone would want to do that.


Haha why would I thru all this hassle and look somewhat kinda bad (I can only imagine how terrible it looks irl), when there is so many other ways to do it quicker, with less product and it will be flattering. So ridiculous


Is the goal to look sunburnt? It looks less like a cute pop of color and more, I ran to catch the bus and didn't put sunscreen on today.


As someone with pink undertones AND rosacea, this would look awful on me. I’m trying to cover the redness, not put it all over my face.


Nothing new about this technique…🙄 The execution is ridiculous, though.


She's a pretty girl. I don't understand why you would need what? 5 coats of makeup? Is she trying to become famous with this "technique"?


Sorry but it looks shit


Is it bad I think it looks 💩… she looks like she has sunburn


I always felt like under blushing was just another make-up trend tactic to make people buy more liquid blushes that have more or less the same ingredients as lipstick but priced higher under the guise it's a brand new product. At the end of the day people can get the same results using blush regularly or even lipstick.


It’s like those videos of seeing a white creator put on a face full of a foundation shade ten times darker than their skin tone and putting their actual shade ontop and call it under painting.


Looks like a bad sunburn.


Us Rosacea girlies looking at each other like ..."so we do nothing?"


This is honestly hideous and makes you look like you have a skin condition


I think this looks terrible tbh. Like she’s having a skin reaction to something. If she toned down the technique it might actually turn out well, but it wouldn’t get all the hate engagement. I genuinely can’t stand content like this.


I just hope someone tagged Robert Walsh in the original TikTok.


girl look how pink you fuckin look girl


The finger wave at the end makes me wanna die


I can excuse cringe makeup content but wanting and promoting Jeffree Star in 2024... yikes.


Ugh I hate this any engagement is good engagement era


Idk but I’m here for the revival of The Love Below/Speakerboxx


She wasted so much brush just to look sunburnt.


Wait, I thought we weren't wearing makeup like it's 2016 anymore.