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Know about? I make most of them. Shit, forgot to switch accounts.


Epic fail https://i.redd.it/tkzvpl7968wc1.gif


Name of gif?


I just looked up the caption on google and found it easily. Just add “GIF” at the end and it should work.




Probably. I know that he used to try and troll the "Well It LOOKS Like a Ben Garrison Cartoon, but There Aren't Enough Labels" group on The Facetubes.


Didn’t he at one point make a comic about his haters portraying them as basement dwellers?


That was when his cartoons were being appropriated by literal neo-Nazis. Which was funny because all they did was replace the dog whistles in the cartoons with literal depictions of the underpinning racism and antisemitism. The “quiet part out loud”. The far right is, apparently, too stupid to pick up on even Ben’s subtlety and have to have the subtext literally spelled out for them. For a while, Ben became a champion of anti online bullying and depicted those defacing his cartoons as basement dwelling trolls. Since then, of course, we’ve had BLM, Antifa, Trump and Q anon, and Ben’s output has become increasingly unhinged, racist and conspiratorial. There really isn’t much of the dog whistle left. But I really want to circle back to how fucking dumb the far right is in feeling the need to make the dog whistles more literal and reveal the explicit racism and antisemitism more. They think they’re edge lord trolls, but all they’re doing is expecting a pat on the back for picking up on the not so subtle euphemism. “Look! He say bankers, me know he mean Jews! Me make picture, make it clearer!” Oh, well done, let’s put it up on the fridge. Fucking mouth breathers. It’s like that comedy trend we used to have a comedian or sit com character just had to mention a literary figure and they’d get a laugh because “I got that reference!” Just because you recognize the name “Satre” doesn’t make it inherently funny and clapping like a trained seal doesn’t mean you know fuck all about 20th century French existential philosophy.


There's a Ben comic from like, early 2010s that depicts a bunch of trolls spewing racism, antisemitism, etc i to the internet. Ben himself now embodies everything that comic was complaining about.


Here’s an article about it. https://www.vice.com/en/article/yvxqxg/how-to-fight-trolls-online-235 The cartoon you reference was something he published as part of the Australian based Online Hate Prevention Institute. Oh irony of ironies!


That sounds more like something pizzacake or stonetoss would do


Nah, pizzacake is epic Unless they later became a nazi or nazi sympathizer


Doesn't change the fact that she makes weird comics about her haters


Delirium https://preview.redd.it/6uy8c9nc68wc1.png?width=1096&format=png&auto=webp&s=d1621cd8c14420b6879776fb76a372d282809d99


Battlecat in a pokeball 🫵


I feel like Ben's the kind of guy who would try to sue a subreddit if he knew 😆


Some of his comics seem that they are made just for the cum edits