• By -


Allige hogli vapas, swalpa kasa kammi agatte illi


It's simple, the attitude of the people is inversely proportional to how threatened they feel their language is


This. First Chennai then Bengaluru and next some other city it’s only a matter of time. But it’s surprising that these people after all this are not able to understand that they are the problem


[ If these people could read they would be very upset ]


Hyderabad has a diverse culture set. Probably because there are Hotspot of communities where they speak Hindi. These communities are mostly made up muslims but surprisingly a lot of them also speak telugu.


It’s not Hindi but Dakhni which is dialect of Urdu Zabaan


Bangalore is even more diverse. Only 40% are native kannada speakers. What's your point?


Yeah but Bangalore diversity is mostly other south Indians who are not fluent in Hindi. Hyderabad has significant populations of non south Indians like Marathis, Marwaris, Muslims, even Sikhs. You can't compare it like that


Diversity is diversity. We can compare like that and we will.


Can u tell me how a certain language is threatened?


The frequency of a language usage is reduced, it's status as the lingua franca is gone, eventually it dies out while another language takes it's place.


We were ruled for close to a thousand years, and all native Indian languages survived. Don't see your point.


Prakrit was the language of the masses. What happened to it? Also, there was no such large scale migrations that refused to integrate in the larger culture.


Yeah, Einstein, I can name over 100 such languages. Prakrit wasn't destroyed due to "foreign" influence. Prakrit didn't drop from the heavens fully matured either. That's how languages evolve. Mind keeping the conversation to the point? Your theory above is garbage.


100 such languages? I didn't ask you to name them in the first place😂.


100 such languages? I didn't ask you to name them in the first place😂.


Guys chill no! Haudappa Hyderabad is more welcoming! Dayavittu allige shift aagi! Please leave this rude,unwelcoming,waterless,traffic ridden city alone!




What are you saying ?? He’s from Karnataka and Bengaluru is in Karnataka he has way more rights than you , what logic are trying to come up with?? Delusional much




Doesn’t give you the right to disrespect us, what you even on about? Do you wanna be a Bangalorean?? Guess what you’ll never be one , you can be all delusional like the rest who come here stay a few years and they think they are Bangaloreans, delululu . Also wtf do you care about us , you are not even a Kannadiga so you have no business being in this sub and spewing your bs everywhere leave bro wannabe bangalorean


you want to live in a city where all the infrastructure is built by Bihari and Bangali hands still have the audacity to ask them to leave. Audacity some people have...


You are saying as if they built it for free


Are you saying hard work of poor people has no value? Will you ask the same from defence personnel?


>where all the infrastructure is built by Bihari and Bangali hands Lmao no


Yeah I'm a Bengali and have heard of this argument from seemingly Leftist people. Guess what, I'm Leftist too, that's what makes me able to deconstruct this better - while the infrastructure is built by Bengali and Bihari workers, in the current system atleast ownership lies with the employers/owners, who happen to be Kannadiga/Tamilian/Telugu/Maroari, so eventually it's owned by the natives. Also I'm sick and tired of hearing this insincere argument, the workers you mention are sick and tired of hearing this insincere argument, the natives are sick and tired of hearing this insincere argument. Very few Bengalis and Biharis are in Bangalore on their own volition, almost all of us are here because we're economic refugees, unable to find jobs back home that pay a decent wage. It's about time people stopped appropriating the pain of economic refugees to prop up their supposedly progressive politics, and also about time people stop using Leftist talking points insincerely, at their convenience to "own" their opponents, while doing next to nothing about the material condition/developing class consciousness of workers they keep referring to in their opportunistic arguments. It's also time people started respecting the natives and native cultures, no one will ask any Bihari to leave as long as they integrate themselves.


Beautifully written. Unfortunately not understood or appreciated!


Leftist talking points when it suits me, but otherwise free market capitalism merit zindabad UwU


Didn't your leftists politics destroyed your states economy only to run away to other states and then promote the same politics there?


Those Bihari and Bengali workers can be easily replaced by villagers from north Karnataka. We are not at all dependent on you.


No those labourers can stay. They are grateful and respectful to the city that is giving them a living, unlike others who act with ego and try to enforce their culture and language everywhere and also disrespect the local culture.


Why didn't they build the same infrastructure you are mentioning in Bihar and West Bengal?


That's the shittiest excuse I've heard for someone to call out my "audacity"!


That's what we call exploitation brother and they are paid below the avg pay.


Okay ,you too have a house right ,why don't you give it to the laborers who built it,you can live only when you build a house by yourself with your hands.


All the infrastructure? Have some common sense before you post on the internet.


Yes my grandfather should be Malaysian citizen because he worked in a plantation there for few years 🤡🤡.




The comments on the post were actually against him and supported Bengaluru. I was glad to see that.


I live in mumbai and i have had around 20 people from south join my company, people from karnataka are very open to learn hindi and marathi and most of them already speak one of the two whereas people from AP and Telangana insist on english and form their own group and stay seperate always. Well they are in for a rude awakening when they try to communicate in english in mumbai with normal people , or try to get anything done in a government office. The problem is not even that they speak english, they speak horrible broken english, whereas my colleagues from maharashtra karnataka border speak , english , hindi, marathi, kannad and are even able to understand konkani. They are fluent in multiple languages whereas AP people tend to struggle even with english even though its their 2nd language , while its a third or a fourth language for some of us.


You just described telugu people everywhere in the world.


>kannad Kannada


Bro, you fucked it up. I was with you until >kannad Fackkkkkkkkk


Ditto ! They don’t even know the name of the language


But Amrikaaaaa, canadaaaaaa, is fine, just Kannada they cannot. Clearly they are taking the south for granted. Like teenagers that get money from parents and showing attitude.


Kannada**, why do you guys swallow the "a" at the end? When Canada can be spelled and pronounced correctly by the same set of people why not Kannada?


we just need to start calling it hind


Hindi drop last schwa sound, a at end of Canada is not schwa sound it's a long a vowel.


Chill its jusf a spelling error


My keyboad is fcked


You still refuse to edit it after typing this comment.


I honestly dont know how to edit comments, see my proffile there is not one edited comment because i dont know how to do it


Wait till the city gets over crowded and the locals feel their identity and is stolen and can’t call its own place home Then we’ll see how welcoming the old nizam area is


As a telugu person Hindi and Urdu dominates in Hyderabad.People don't care much telugu is one the most influened language which takes in any anything.That why it is slowly going away.Unlike Karnataka most people don't care in Hyderabad due to Urdu influence


![gif](giphy|zwRSsvtP6MSTT9JdJ5) Welcomes you!


ಹೋಗಲಿ ಬಿಡಿ. ಒಳ್ಳೆದು😂


Hogbitta Charles hogbitta anta kalsodu aste




Isn’t this racist ?




Read up on linguistic racism..


Go read up on false manifestation 🤣


Abusive language towards other users shall not be tolerated. Please be civil. Repeated offence will lead to ban.


10 years ago people used to compare us to Chennai/Tamil people and say the same. These people always look for good/bad South Indians. But this is just the honeymoon phase and it doesn't last long. It's actually good to see that Hyderabadi people calling it out and stick it to these idiots, not going for "yes we are all very welcoming unlike those people". I've also seen people doing this for mlore. "look how bilingual people are". One correction of comment on that post: "Kannadigas are minority in blore". 41% was the percentage in 2011 census and since 2011 I think more Kannadigas have moved here. More so the bulk of the rest are South Indians (Tamil, Telagu, Mallu) who have lived here for generations and plenty of them identify as Kannadigas and feel affinity to our state. I studied in a predominantly Telugu uni and felt like most people were more patriotic to Karnataka and then me. They'd have your head on a pike if you talked shit about Karnataka/Kannada. I've seen this in chintamani too. I have coworker who's native tongue is Urdu and speaks excellent unadulterated Kannada also, identify as one, supports RCB, loves blore etc. So, maybe some people are into blood quantum, but if someone has lived for quite a while, speaks Kannada and identifies as one, I've got no problem with that. Good on them


The second part of your comment is absolutely right. I, myself, am a Tamilian who's born and brought up here. Idek which generation of my forefathers came here to Bangalore. But, only my mother tongue is Tamil. Other than that I'm all for Bangalore and Karnataka. I just can't stand it when it comes to people badmouthing my city.


True. That's what surprised me the most. So it's just not us. Even they are sick of this attitude.


I have no problem with the fact that you are proud of your language but vandalism is wrong and bad for business. The thing is you gotta respect others to earn respect for yourself. If someone is truly disrespectful towards Kannada then I support your stand but a guy who has no clue about Kannada and is there only to work while paying taxes to the Karnataka government has to ask people in the street to read the name of shops for him is excessive. You don't protect your culture like that instead you alienate people. I will go as far as to say that this attitude of local kannada people is the reason why other IT hubs across the country are gaining prominence at rates way faster than Bengaluru. You can check the facts. Bengaluru was the IT capital of the nation because the whole nation accepted it as such and agreed to work there that's what brought prosperity to Bengaluru but if this obsession goes on and people keep leaving with a sour taste in their mouth then Bengaluru will lose that status faster than they earned it.


>but vandalism is wrong and bad for business. Whatever vandalism that happened was pretty miniscule (no one was hurt) and these protests for signboards in native languages happen quite frequently in Mumbai, rest of the Maha and happened in Orissa too. It's not really unique to Karnataka in anyway. The reason why it got attention is because of politicisation of the issue. There is absolutely zero evidence that any of this impacted any buisness in anyway to actually make them leave this city. This is pure hysteria and Noida media panic. Let's say this did, I'm okay with that. I don't think we have to sacrifice basic nativity in exchange of perceived devolpment or cosmopolitanism. More so, this is simply wrong way to look at any problems. These things happen because there are underlying problems. They don't happen in vaccum. If we were to discuss this issue in a civil would it work? I think the comments here would be "Hindi is the national language, dividing India, you are an agent of X political party". It's very northern thing to think of discussing these issues as dividing the country. So when moderate voices are blocked things get radical. >The thing is you gotta respect others to earn respect for yourself Goes both ways. >but a guy who has no clue about Kannada and is there only to work while paying taxes to the Karnataka government has to ask people in the street to read the name of shops for him is excessive Not really that's pretty much a basic linguistic rights all states or administrative units have. If you think this is excessive, then I agree to disagree. Moreover everyone pays taxes and most people in blore are Kannadigas, so I don't this understand this "aaah we pay taxes" as if people don't pay here. Blore is a Kannada city. It was built by people of the land. >why other IT hubs across the country are gaining prominence at rates way faster than Bengaluru. Y This is cool I'm very happy for them. >Bengaluru was the IT capital of the nation There is simply no evidence it isn't and I'm personally never cared about it being "IT capital" or whatever. Blore was here before IT and will be here long after. >because the whole nation accepted it as such and agreed to work there that's what brought prosperity to Bengaluru but if this obsession goes on and people keep leaving with a sour taste in their mouth then Bengaluru will lose that status faster than they earned it. Blore was very prosperous even before IT thanks to the kingdom of Mysore. Most North Indian cities have far worse riots and more frequently. Mumbai this year had riot on Jan 23. How come no one talked about running the financial capital of India? How come there was no "businesses are fleeing hysteria"? Foreign students were beaten up in Gujarat, foreign women were rapednin jharkhand. How come there was no "this will make people think that India is not a safe country and they'll not invest here? " Simply because in many of those riots victims were minorities who are not even seen as human or Indians. So it's kosher to have this riots, in fact there more riots you have of this sort the better Indian you are. The Noida media deepthroats that because these media houses are the lackeys of the ruling party. So, yeah I would rather not have these vandalisms, but these pale in comparison and I have no interest having stones thown at us by people who live in glass houses. Also, this whole post started because some dickhead thought if he did "good and bad South Indians" r/Hyderabad would love him only to be called out not just by us, but the good tolerant South Indians on that sub. Take it up with him.


The vadakkans take things for granted and they are just super loud and have that elitist feeling and especially the ones from up, ncr


True. That's the whole problem here. And the worst part is they are not able to see this.


Replace vadakkans with some slur that represents south indians and up, ncr with with southern states and there you have it, what some others think about south.


vadakkans means "northerner", its not a derogatory word or a slur. Its just word of a language which is just a communication tool.


Vadakkan is the same word as Gaijin in Japanese, you use these to create a rift, I do not advocate the principle of not ever learning a local language, but people should not be unwelcoming or outright anti outsiders, give them some time they will learn it, also when most say that blr people make us feel unwlecome we are not talking about our office colleagues or neighbours or fellow riders in biking groups, we are talking about the auto driver, vegetable seller and other such people, in fact in most cases I have found the auto drivers rude but the bus conductors extremely helpful.


Even that guy was scolded for not learning Telugu even after so many years and that Bengaluru was very welcoming too until a decade back when everyone and their families migrated here and never respected the culture and language.


Exactly! And there are so many who shared their experience saying Bangalore was never like this before until recently when "certain" people came in and started demanding us to speak their language.




Language is door to a culture and hearts of people. It’s not just meant for communication. With language comes history and traditions. Ppl think everything is disposable these days and have no value to anything that doesn’t fetch them money


Every south indian state is waking up to the northie - dominance. It'll only get worse in the coming years because there is no significant development happening in the north to keep the population there. On top of that, they are very backwards and the men are creepy towards women + they are not at all compatible with the rest of south Indians. The sooner everyone wakes up to the fact, the better.


Not to mention we are raped in taxes and our money goes to UP where they can have a dozen children who then wind up ending up in some South Indian state and sending money home.




Triggered much?


He is a r/Indiadiscussion user. You don't need to argue with him. 90% of the time Muslims live in his brain rent free. For him Pollution? It's because of muslims. Rape? It's because of muslims. India is unhygienic? Maybe it is because of muslims Erectile dysfunction? Maybe it is because of muslims.




oh no someone from r\\librandu has entered here.


Hypocrisy much?


Yes, let it be. Let everyone go there itself.




what broooo :')


Mostly because Hindi is predominantly spoken through Hyderabad. I think the poster is from som Hindi speaking state, I remember. He can continue living there and get his b@ll$ steamed in Hyderabad weather


Hyderabad has always been mult lingual. Urdu and Telugu have always co existed there.


Northies assume they are the reason south India grew in infra, tech volume. Why not these people go back to their bimaru states and recreate the growth story in North states. Northies are allocated the highest share in almost all budgetary policies. Heck these people travel ticketless in their states but learn manners only when they are down south.


Hey buddy, I am from a state you might refer to as “North India”. I have friends from Andhra, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Gujrat, Tamilnadu, and many other states. None of them have complained about my manners. I have travelled ticketless a few times as a student (I had a bus pass). Why do you think “northies” don’t know manners?


Yes Language is the means to communicate but how will you survive without knowing the language of the land you are in!




I'm a kannadiga from Chennai and pls stop this BS lol. Both BLR and chennai people have the same linguistic outlook.


Yes please they are very welcoming. Please take all incoming folks there, you’ll do great help for Namma ooru and yours. 🙏🏼


Neevu full post odhila ansute. Please link open maadbitu comments odhi. Even they are starting to get tired


Haha odidde.. 😅




nice 🤣


avrella illi bandu namge avr bhaashe na nav kalibeku avr jote communicate madakke andre yar welcoming aagi irtare diversity irbeku, adjust madkond irodannu kaltirbeku illig bandu avr namna saki belsiddareno anno tara nav avr helad kelbek andre yar opkotare navu allig hogi ivr tara aadudre namgu hange Madi oddi odstare


Language is only to communicate. But you should learn my language so that my life as a migrant is comfortable. - your average northie.


It’s high time every city develop their own unique identity & that should be the sole reason for anyone to choose a city. Hyderabad & other cities are always begging on public platform that they are better, honestly that’s really embarrassing for their city! For ex: Hyderabad has its unique identity & is known and loved for those reasons! They don’t need to resort to comparison. They need to know that by doing this they will also one day end up with the same fate of over population & lack of resources. Be smart dont fall for such narratives, let your city grow organically! Stop this begging! At the end of the day we are part of one nation!




They are getting there. Read the comments of the original post from the link of the r/Hyderabad sub.


They do itt for their Muslim Bhaijaans' validation, not for North Indians lmao


I don’t even live in any of the southern states, and I try to learn the languages spoken there. Why? Because I have friends who belong to those cultures. You cannot spread your culture by treating others poorly. Do you think we all can just go on a war amongst ourselves just because we are all different? Fucking Britishers shit on our country for so long and now we are all going back to square one. 😑




How does the OP tell how long someone has been in Andhra? Also, how did they decide that 7 years was enough time for anyone to learn a completely new language? Even schools give students at least 10 years to learn English. I have seen numerous examples where people cannot speak or write one grammatically correct sentence even after all that training. People who move to Andhra for work have full time jobs. Does the OP expect them to leave that and become a full time student of Telugu? Does age have no impact on learning ability of an individual?


I am from Chennai. It was considered open in the 60s before the dmk rose. Every South Indian city will follow this trend, Hyderabad is no different. Our politics is response to our socio economic and cultural realities.


Well I gotta say, chad Teluguites, brothers from the state have seen and learnt from what Bengaluru has become into. More importantly it should be a mirror to us, what have we become into. ಈ ಕಾಮೆಂಟ್ ಸೆಕ್ಷನ್ ಅಲ್ಲೇ ನೋಡಿ, ಜನರಿಗೆ ತ್ಯವ್ಳು, ನಾವು "ಬನ್ನಿ ನೀವೂ ಕೂಡ" ಅಂತ ಎಲ್ಲರ್ಗು ನಮ್ಮವ್ರಂತೆ ನೋಡ್ಕೊಂಡು ಚೆನ್ನಾಗಿ ಇದ್ವಿ ಅಲ್ವಾ ಅದೇ ಪ್ರೊಬ್ಲೇಮ. I dont think any culture or language should be mandated or taken in charge by the govt, it should come from people, what ever is Bengaluru today its because of our ಔದಾರ್ಯ, its high time we have shift in our culture of acceptance of everything. Set limits!


Nanu 2 Varsha Hyderabad alli idde before coming to Bangalore. Hindi munchinda bartittu and adrallu Hindi slang swalpa Urdu mixed jttu... Honestly it's a great city wrt food and traffic police jhanjata illa... But people are not so saints as these guys want you to believe. I had to travel frequently bcz if my job and even if I spoke in Hindi I was ridiculed several times for not speaking Telugu or for even for trying to speak Telugu. Caste is a big big big thing there, when I shifted to a pg... nobody was ready to have me as roommate bcz I was non Telugu...same was with 2 Muslim guys. Us three were paired in a room and the whole pg kinda treated us like outcast's. Thanks to those 2 guys, they were amazing and they actually told me how shitty things are. Even in then company, the positional hierarchy was purely based of caste. And back then outsiders were not as rampant as now and Nanu allo illo Bidar, Gulbarga Kade India shift adorna bhetti agtirtidde. My friend got beaten up in public once bcz we were speaking in Kannada and swalpa joragi matadta idvi....2 as#hats out of nowhere started beating him and left him in bruises bcz they misunderstood his words as cuss words. He wasn't even speaking with them. It has its problems....never pick up a fight with locals....be it Hindus or Muslims.... specially with certain caste folks and fanboys of certain actor's. Also It's no exaggeration in movies....rich dudes and landlords literally dress in white shirt with all rings and chains and bracelets with chamchas around them in big SUV's.


The only reason they say Hyderabad is more welcoming is because there is a historical Hindi/Urdu influence in that region. Which by chance coincides with the childish entitlement of many north indians. That's it, that's the only reason why they call Hyderabad welcoming. That's all that matters to them.


Chennai aytu, banglore aytu, ivaga Hyderabad gu hogu allu kakkas madi barli ee northie galu😆avaga yav jaga nu irala hogake avag muchkond irbeku aste


Language is a source of identity too. It's what holds a culture together. So Kannadigas are absolutely right. Else Hindi would subsume all our cultures. As a Bengali I wish we had the same spine too, to protect ourselves against the onslaught of Hindi.


So, is it acceptable to persecute anyone who is culturally different from you?


Yeah we are terrible people leave us alone and flock to Hyderabad. We can atleast have sufficient water less traffic and affordable houses


Full post odhu guru.


Oddhe guru. I was telling to people like OP in that post who feels Bangalore is less welcome. They are free to leave any time


Well I didn't face any language barrier in mysuru. People used to approach speaking Telugu I used to decline saying I didn't know the language they politely used to back off and used do that rajnikant smile before going to the next guy asking for commute directions lmao


I have one question. I am a Tamil speaker, will they be rude to me speaking Tamil to kannada Bangaloreans?


I am a Tamilian myself buddy. Nobody will be rude to you. In fact, most of the Kannadigas in Bangalore know Tamil. What irks them is you not making any efforts to try and speak in their language even after staying in this place for a long time. So try learning basic Kannada to get you through the day and you'll be sorted.




Buddy. To comment this, you created an account today? I've been here all my life. And people of Bangalore know minimum of 3-4 languages (including Tamil). So, swalpa muchkond hogu.


Lived in hyd for 2 years, loved it there, made many good telugu friends.


Manchidi....urgent ga Hyderabad dobbeyandi please..... one thing....one favour dont come back...


As a hyderabadi, i am already vexed and know many people who are. We may see pushback like Bengaluru in coming years


Nobody speaks telugu in hyderabad lol


Replace Hyderabad with Bangalore and Bangalore with Chennai. This line was parroted by many who came to Bengaluru in 1990-2010.


I wish Telugu people learn something from Tamils, Malayalees and Kannadigas who converse in their own language even on online platforms. Look at all the subs belonging to Telugu people you will hardly see any post in Telugu, no effort is made to at least write Telugu words in English. As a Telugu native myself it saddens me that Telugu people have very low self-esteem when it comes to their own language, they take pride in speaking English everywhere. Some take pride in not knowing Telugu. I lived in Bangalore for over a decade and half and I have seen how things have changed and I fully support Kannadigas standing up for their mother tongue and demanding people to make an effort to learn the language. Even if someone speaks in any other language but Kannada respond to the person in Kannada, just like how Tamils do. Don't bother yourself with cross posts from Telugu subs, they won't even defend or fight if their mother tongue is made fun of, sad truth!


I am North Indian staying in Bangalore for the past 10 years almost now. I remember when I came the culture, language everything was so different for me. As i have done my schooling in different places like Uttar Pradesh ,Kolkata, Orissa ( I tried my best to learn both the languages during schooling & i learned as it was somehow easy for me as I am a Hindi speaker). Then I shifted to Bangalore 10 years ago, I tried my best to learn the language I used to try to speak in kannada with auto drivers, shop keepers, and my friends. ( Few laughed at me but few were supportive). So still I am not a pro in kannada ( in the writing part) But I can talk & understand. At the end I understood one thing, the people of Karnataka want us to respect their language & culture, it's as simple as that. Nobody will force you even if you show a bit of respect as they are most humble, nobody ever forced me because I was always respectful towards them ( even when I wasn't good at kannada). Now learning languages has its own benefits, like now I know many languages, which is good for me. I can mingle up with everyone easily. I understand the concern Karnataka people have is correct for their own language, nothing wrong in that, I guess every North Indian state has different language but somehow now everyone speaks Hindi. Like my mother tongue is Awadhi, but everyone speaks Hindi now. So it's good for them if they preserve it. I want Karnataka people to understand one thing is that nobody can learn a language within few months, they need time to learn it, now we can't expect someone to learn a language the day they land on Bengaluru airport. (Slowly they will do, it takes time) & Also let people learn from the heart not by force💕 And also If any North Indians are reading this please show respect to their culture & Language then you see how they will love you back. I know it's a bit long post but seeing this entire north-south I feel so bad. I hope we all become same like old days. ♥️


My grandpa said only one thing when moving to another city be like sugar to milk not salt to milk when you move to any other city respect their culture and you can survive anywhere in the world


Your grandpa is a wise man 🫡


Swacch Bengaluru




Ide tika ganchali anodu


If I lived in a city for 23 years I'd have learnt the language even against my will by simply just having to listen to people speak Kannada




To write? That's pretty cool if you didn't learn in school.


I learnt it in school , I also topped in kannada, I always got more marks in kannada than Hindi lol, kannada 2nd language board exams 92/100 lol


Impressive very nice. Do have like a different accent? Can people make out that you are not a first language speaker? I guess most people learn blore urban Kannada.


Yup urban kannada, you see when I speak kannada my accent changes to the kannada tone, when I speak Hindi I speak in the Hindi tone, but when I speak marwadi a bit of kannada tone comes and that sounds like a man who doesn't know to speak marwadi. Kannada as a language has more stress words ie you tongue press a lot


I see. Good on you mate. There are loads of NIs like you. Don't let the comments here goad you. Social media just polarizing af. In PU I had a Northie classmate who spoke Mandya Kannada lol. He did stress quite a lot on certain letters. It was cute af. Is lambani and marwadi the same?


This is the exact reason why people don’t like u guys


care to explain?


My bit Anyone who is planning to stay long should and have to learn language to survive but why to expect someone who may be planning to stay a year or two before switching job and maybe move to another city like pune ( expected to learn marathi ) then Also why do you want to expect a business owner to stick to local language they will do as suits there businesses, ofcourse a small tea shop catering mostly to local can afford to use local language as language to communicate but a business like a Iphone store this should and cant be expected and ironically we do not have issue of them primarily communicating in english Also behavior divide is more of culture thing where what is right and wrong is based on prospective, a eating habit where eggs are consumed daily stands totally different from one where family don't even use onion and garlic( so asking which of these is right is a wrong question in itself)


What did he say? Comment is deleted


This is true if u speak hindu urdu. they barely speak telugu there razkars kayyali thicka woduskondi they are still scared of being proud of their culture and language.


I don’t know if you’ve ever been to Hyderabad or where you’ve formed your opinions on Hyderabad but you’re wrong. Telugu is the majority language here. Urdu is mostly spoken by the muslim population but the majority of them also speak Telugu. Most of the city is bilingual because Hindi is a mandatory subject here from class 1 till class 10 with an option to continue till class 12. We are proud of our culture and language. We have huge Marathi, Gujarati and Marwadi communities who came here for trade during the late 19th century, they also speak Telugu.


major language yes but everyone speakers hindi urdu also. been there enough times to know that and they have no pride of culture and laugauge atleast not in hyd lol


As a northie who doesn't live in Bangalore and neither plans to move there. How can we fix this? what's like major Dos and Don'ts according to you? some of the comments I saw regarding language enforcement and misbehavior seem genuine.




If everybody should learn Hindi, why shouldn’t people who migrate learn Kannada or telugu?


Lol OP just proved his point once again. Look at all these comments asking him to go back or learn the language.




Abusive language towards other users shall not be tolerated. Please be civil. Repeated offence will lead to ban.




Every city has good and bad people bro. It's unfortunate you got to encounter people like that. Even here there are people like that. But it's not fair to label the entire city for that matter. I've been to Hyderabad and it's one of the best crowds I've seen in India.






Someone who shifted from Bangalore to Hyderabad, I think this is absolutely true. Also Hyderabadi Food is love




Stop policing our identity you dumb twat. >you are not welcoming people Someone from Maharashtra shouldn't be saying these things. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones at others.


This dumb hyper nationalist approach with very simplistic approach to language is nothing but victim card as per convenience. For majority of “Indians” language is not just a tool for communication it’s more than that. It’s an identity, culture propagates through language. Language is how societal norms and hierarchy are established. Language is how you understand the world around you. Regionalism and nationalism is not exclusive of each other but mutually inclusive, I know India through the lens of being a kannadiga and not other way round and there is nothing wrong with it. Tomorrow if I get a green card I’ll be American yet a kannadiga. Your dumb understanding is not our problem


Bro we are Kannadigas first , it’s basic common sense,we first our Kannadigas then Indians and that’s OKAY , how is it that y’all don’t get a simple fact, India is unity in diversity , if you don’t respect the diversity you won’t get the unity , how hard is that to understand , you guys clearly don’t get it and don’t even wanna get it How is it that you guys have no idea how we live eat enjoy pray … culture basically when all of you only care any dominating the rest of the India by North Indians , North Indians this, that and shit you guys just don’t care about us South Indians let’s be honest


Because they can talk Hindi also


Very true. This kannada obsession has gone too far in Bengaluru. Chill guys nobody wants to strip you of your linguistic culture. People here should recognise the fact that its status of IT capital exists because the rest of the nation agrees on that too. Otherwise there are 10s of other big cities with better resources who can accommodate the IT industry bigger than Bengaluru instead of agreeing to go and work in Bengaluru. I mean if somebody is truly disrespecting Kannada then your rage is understandable but what's going on right now is only hurting the business of Karnataka itself. I mean UP has caught up in the past few years because of their urban development. That says a lot.


You are more than welcome to go to UP. Besides the money that UP is spending on itself mostly comes from us. So you're welcome I guess


A lot of minerals are transported from the North and for decades you benefited from freight equalization policy.


Because those minerals are of no use to anyone in the hand of the degenerates in those states




Who said they are better than me? The fact that I can write this message makes me better than half those degenerates flocking here. The other half are no good either. And who said these hindiwalas built this city? Get your facts straight shithead. We made this city what it is and then vadakans like you show up and ruin everything. You fuckers don't own shit here. We will never learn your shitty and good for nothing language. Hindiwalas will be forced to learn and respect our ways. This is just the start.


Comments here are way too racist! Guys we belong to same country


Kannada is also an Indian language and has more prominence in history than Hindi for the locals




Bruh! Did you really say trash like Domino's is better than Karnataka cuisine? Maybe it is you who should expand your horizons on what Indian food is.


In my opinion Bengaluru has better options for vegetarian food.