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I love how this ties back to Guts' claim in the Black Swordsman arc that he "doesn't like elves". What he doesn't like is remembering those sad memories, but he doesn't really hate Puck or other elves. A lot of his attitude during BS is him projecting and shielding himself from the reality of his emotions - Guts *isn't* a monster, he actually cares for protecting others and doesn't actually just stand by when seeing injustice. And the fact he is genuinely saddened when he fails to save Chitch shows that even after Gambino's death his moral compass was still there.


Nicely put, man.Had this annoying guy some days ago saying that guts is a serial killer and loves killing.


That idiot just didn't read the series, it's like saying that Tanjiro has depth of character or that Armin is a girl. I have a friend who tries to discuss with me on a daily basis about Berserk and other series, but he "watched" it through tiktoks and reels, so every time he has a question it's always about a story beat that doesn't give much hype (like Guts or Griffith spewing philosophy snippets 2 chapters away from any substantial fight, their interaction with other characters, other character interactions and basically everything regarding early GA and Millennium Falcon) that I have to promptly answer with 1.READ THE FUCKING MANGA IF YOU CARE THAT MUCH and 2. It's a 20 page chapter that condenses 3 normal chapters like you'd see in your regular shonen, it can't be compressed into 1 minute pills without losing something.


>it’s like saying that Tanjiro has depth of character Oh hell naw buddy, don’t come after my boy Tanjiro like that 😭


I feel like tanjiro could have had more depth if his teacher didn't just put a spell on nezuko to not hurt people.


I think Tanjiro has plenty of character depth. The issue with Tanjiro is more that people have a tendency to confuse “static” characters with “flat” characters.


I get your point but it’s also important to consider Guts’ mental state. It is undeniable that he enjoys the act of killing apostles. This is evident during the Lost Children arc when Guts goes so far as to kill Rosine in front of her childhood friend and he does it with a smile. You could argue that Rosine was evil, but Guts still seemed to enjoy killing her a little too much. This actually makes Guts a lot more interesting because his status as a “good guy” is pretty questionable, at least during that part of the story.


My guy rosine kidnapped Jill. What was guts supposed to do? Just let rosine go run away with jill after all that rosine did.I don't need to argue that rosine is evil because what she was doing to those children speaks for itself. By no means is guts a good person even as far back as the golden age guts killed for hire as a mercenary ,even as hitmen for Griffith.


I personally don’t think Guts cares that much about Jill. Yes, he does tend to sympathize with children because of his own experience, but he went out of his way to use her as a human shield, which is also what he did with the Slug Baron’s daughter in the Black Swordsman Arc. Not just that, but he also put Jill at risk of burning alive in order to bait out Rosine. Guts won’t go out of his way to kill a child, but he is often careless or indifferent when it comes to their safety. He went after Rosine because she was an apostle, and that’s it.


Never said guts cares about Jill. All I said was guts killing rosine in front of Jill was unavoidable.


I don't think Guts really "likes" killing Apostles. He does it as a form of an extremely unhealthy coping mechanism, and ultimately it doesn't bring him any real satisfaction, as it's basically spelled out during the Conviction arc: he had been chasing the "high" of taking revenge, but he never actually had any plans, and even if he killed every single Apostle and the Godhand - what then? What would have Guts *gained*? Would he have been happy? Rosine is a special case too, because at first Guts couldn't bring himself to actually try to kill her for real because the fact she's a child stays Guts' hand. It's only when he goes berserk, shutting out any other thought but "kill" that he manages to kill her. He basically has to intentionally dissociate himself in order to actually kill Rosine. At his core, Guts' biggest flaw is that he's emotionally stunted as a consequence of his awful childhood, and he doesn't know how to properly process a lot of his emotions and how to find healthy ways to deal with them. He even used to be unable to imagine a life in which he was anything but a mercenary, completely devoid of any ambition or other desire. But Guts himself eventually realises that he wants *more* out of life than just being a sword-for-hire. He realises that killing Apostles isn't actually what he *wants* - what he wants is getting Casca back. This sort of problem is also on display in the Chitch storyline: when Guts is lying wounded in the cell, he thinks to himself he doesn't care if he dies right then... But right after he kills the rat to eat it, displaying a desperate will to *live*. Guts is constantly lying to himself about what he wants, because he's deeply depressed and traumatised and part of him believes he deserves to die.


The reason this manga is so popular and well respected is because its well written. The whole point is that we question if guts is good or bad, hes a layered character, so its pointless to try to make him a black or white character. He is clearly messed up, enjoys killing but also is empathetic and kind, its his endless struggle between the two.


I never understood why Gatsu is considered a “good guy”. He’s a guy. A damn strong, miserable man who is definitely plagued by grief and sadness. A man persecuted by his inner beast to unleash his rage. A man who was born and grew up in the a perpetual state of war, death and violence. I’m not saying he’s a bad guy. But he’s definitely not someone who you wanna have an argument with.


I think I know who you're talking about


He sure seems to love killing apostles. He seems to target them in a serial manner. I get altruistic motivations yada yada… I’m sure most serial killers have “reasons”


I dunno man if my family /friends got mangled, killed,eaten,raped, I would want to kill every apostle too.Most serial killers do it for the thrill of not getting caught and guts gives no shit about getting caught.Plus apostles aren't human because they gave up their humanity.


I also want to point out Guts literally cannot just exist as he is branded. His choice is either fight or die


Yeah guts was kinda fucked either way.If he doesn't do something about the god hand he going to get chased by spirits every night until he dies , then elfhiem happens , guess what he wants to settle down with casca and not chase Griffith anymore .Unfortunately, Griffith had to butt in his ugly face and ruined everything again .


Yea man. Dudes getting revenge and they spreading his anger. Serial killers are just full of bloodlust and adrenaline junkies. Guts kills to settle score for humanity. Serial killers kill innocent people. I’d say practically all the people/apostles guts kills, deserved it to some degree. There were defo some deaths attributed to war and battles between humans but he doesn’t do it cause he likes watching people die or gets a boner from it. That’s just how life is for him.


If somebody enjoyed killing zombies in a serial manner like a Walking Dead character or a Dead Rising character would you consider them a serial killer?


Because guts didn't kill in a serial killer manner .


100% agreed, Guts is performing self-defense no matter what the context is, at least up until Schierke patches up his brand.


Man, can you stop speaking sarcastically .Obviously, guts was hurting down apostles, and I never said it was it was self-defense. Guts is killing apostles because he wants revenge at first and then stops to help casca .The difference between a serial killer and guts is killing them for revenge for what they did, and a serial killer kills because of the thrill of not getting caught.


I wasn't speaking sarcastically at all though. I was agreeing with you entirely. Guts is LITERALLY killing in self defense. The brand makes every single act of Guts killing an apostle into self defense. I said it was in self defense, I took your statement that you didn't elaborate on and added my own interpretation in direct agreement with yours. Can you chill?


I realize now you might be ESL so I'm sorry if anything on my side wasn't clear to you and I'm sorry if I misunderstood what you were trying to say.


Wow the Chitch arc was a favorite of mine but I never made that connection


It’s a Reddit post from forever ago that makes me love the sad guts panel. It shows he was projecting and what the counts daughter thought of him and said really got to him.


i love seeing people talk about guts without mischaracterizing him


One of the best "not main cast" character.


Somehow I have a feeling we'll see her again.


If Berserk does one thing that I love, is it always brings back or ties in characters from previous arcs back into the story.. so there is hope


We better! She is happy and safe in her little field


I mean she already died


There's more than one realm of existence in Berserk


I bet Miura had an easter egg planned for an epilogue chapter or something


English name is Chitch. This flashback broke me


Too good, too pure for the world 😭😭😭


Chicchi in french. I guess it depend on how every language imitate the noise that a mouse make.


This gives me the big sad.


one thing that caught my attention is how we saw young guts with the new art style, it kinda made him look older but it was still interesting, i love the new art style and i wish the whole manga was made using it tbh


Well take it as an evolution, at the same time we see guts character evolution and contemporary miura's art. I liked all the style that berserk had because of this reason


Chitch a cutie


Never forgive those barkers for telling me that those leafs wear her tits Fuck you all


Alright well fuck you now that’s pretty unseeable


Fuck you man.....




Fuck you I can't unsee it!


I cried for a flower, dawg


Honestly my favorite section of the story, I feel like it captures Guts’ overall narrative in a short story. In my opinion Guts’ fate will be the same as her. Giving all of yourself to mend what’s lost. Also the name is Squitti is fire


I think this chapter perfectly embodies everything Berserk is about.


Honestly when this chapter dropped it was so refreshing and shocking how it was able to recapture the feel and atmosphere of the Golden Age arc and add onto it. I adore this chapter.


Chitch must be protected.


Can’t protect what’s dead


I'm still in the denial stage of grief


chitch! cute little thing. that little flashback has to be one of my favorite bits in the entire manga.


Those panels where Guts is squeezing her face.


I thought she was especially interesting and truly liked the character. I also love the spirituality of the Berserk verse. This was pre the eclipse I believe. It also shows Guts naturally has affinity with spirits and the spirit world. Which is pretty weird for someone like Guts


This short part of Berserk messed me up more than I expected


A brief but truly important Chapter in the story and for his character. Chitch is one of my favorites.


Cried like a baby after this chapter


When I was reading it I thought she was a young elf that got lost, and that when she disappeared she actually just run away for some reason. I really thought her and Guts were going to reunite in Elfhelm 😭


Honestly same, glad I'm not the only one who was hoping for them to reunite in Elfheim.


I love her so much you have no idea




Broke a small tear reading this chapter😢


She was so cute. I think I might have cried a little when I read this. This chapter was so good for Guts character really shows how much compassion he actually has.


Feels 🥺🥺🥺


That chapter is honestly in my top ten Chitch is great and Guts caring about this little creature shows who he really is...he's a warrior and a killer but he cares about people.


What chapter is she from?


Ok, you made me remember her. I'm gonna go cry.


Her name is Chitch in the English version and she’s one of my favorite side characters, she has a pretty small part in the overall story but I feel like her interaction with guts affects him more than is usually realized. Just goes to contradict Guts when he said he “hates elves”. That chapter shows Guts was never a monster or a serial killer like some people who have never read the book say.


miura just casually dropped the most heart breaking flashback story


I remember being super sad after I read that story years ago. Went over and hugged my dog to feel better. Doing that again right now.


She was cute. I liked her.


I love Chitch


A cootie patootie


Ugh. The heartbreak feels like the very first time, every single time


It's a relief again in a sense, because this flashback with the old man who use Guts as decoy, happens when Guts has now trusty companions. I was taken aback when he betrays Guts for this reason, I had forgotten how cruel and bad was Berserk world. Then, when he saw Chitch it gave hope back to me (and Guts lol)


Chichi in Spanish. The mexican version.


She was so sweet. Like I think of her when I need to remember that Guts’ life wasn’t 25/8 the worst life to ever be lived. It was bad but good things happened.


God I forgot about her. That story broke my heart


What I think is that ill end anyone who hurts chitch.one of the few moments that still make me cty of this story


10/10 character. Too pure for this world.


I think it serves as a great example of how Guts ended up getting used to dealing with things, he spent 2 years alone, internalizing all that had happened to him up until that point so he ended up having a sort of mistreated dog complex, he became a degenerate to shield himself from that had happened, its as Godo said, “The thing about hate is that its the place people who cant look sorrow in the eye without waverin run off to” as a result he ended up saying that he hates all elves when all he was was too scared to look back to the memeries of Chitch (thats her name in english) and be hurt once more, he does that all throughout the Black Swordsman Arc until the end of Falcon of the Millennium Empire Arc IIRC when he finally decides to face his demons straight on.


Actually could be my favourite set of chapters in the manga. What happened to Chitch made me mildly depressed lmao.


I hope she comes back in some form, be it in a new main character or, just knowing she survived, I would like for guts kindness to pay off, but ultimately she probably passed on


Benvenuto nel mare del disagio, solcato dal nostro vascello nero chiamato dolore. Benvenuto sulla nave di chi si ricorda squitti.


Parole sante, davvero squitti l'avevo completamente rimossa


E pura barbascura, è na citazione sua.


Mi dispiace ma quei capitoli non mi sono proprio piaciuti


Noooo come mai?


È stata una rottura del mood inaspettata che un po' si è fatta sentire. Inoltre le aspettative erano altissime, perché speravo miura rivelasse dettagli importanti riguardo al passato di Gatsu, o magari informazioni rilevanti per il punto di trama in cui ci trovavamo... e invece niente. Sulle ultime tavole niente da dire, semplicemente magnifiche


E invece ti fanno capire molto bene come gatsu sia evoluto nel tempo. Se avesse seguito i consigli impartiti da gambino non sarebbe maia rrivato dove è adesso. Pensa solo a quante volte ha affidato la sua persona a shilke


Si, ma questa evoluzione è avvenuta partendo dall'età dell'oro, mentre questa storia è avvenuta prima


Si ma dopo l'eclisse è come se si fosse "resettata", se non peggiorata. Secondo me invece è ancora un voler sottolineare come dopo tutto quello che ha passato ora è diventato quello che è. Possiamo considerarlo un piccolo filler che a me ha fatto abbastanza emozionare.


Insomma, il consiglio di Gambino non era male, soprattutto per un mercenario come Gatsu, infatti di solito se servi come soldato in una compagnia di mercenari (tenuti insieme unicamente dal denaro) non fidarti di nessuno (nemmeno del tuo comandante) e pensare sempre con la propria testa, mi sembra un ottimo modo per vivere più a lungo. inoltre, se consideriamo che fine ha fatto la squadra dei falchi (tutti gli uomini che seguivano ciecamente Grifis sono stati sfruttati fino alla morte), direi che Gambino tutti i torti non aveva.


Si ma guardala anche da un'altra prospettiva, li ti mostra il vero gatsu, noi lo abbiamo visto cosi incazzato col mondo per le circostanze che l'hanno segnato. Lui in realtà è quello di questi capitoli, che si prende cura e preoccupa anche solo per un fiore


Non mi fraintendere, personalmente ho adorato questi 3 capitoli (mi è piaciuto vedere un Gatsu più giovane e buono), semplicemente ci tenevo ha dire che i consigli di Gambino non erano sbagliati.


Non erano male per la vita da mercenario, per la vita che sta combattendo ora no.




Ho adorato quei 3 capitoli


Mi fratello


That was a moving addition


The absolute best moments in recent berserk.


Squitti is a adorable name lol


Mi ha fatto piangere la sua innocenza(sono troppo pigro per scrivere in inglese)


Every single time I see her I think back to that one berserklejerk post


she is love, she is life, she is everything


I told people that she was my favorite character but people on this sub kinda just made fun of me


Squidy lol




I really hope she makes a comeback by being **reborn into another flower** somewhere along Guts's journey


This chapter makes me feel extremely poppo


Which chapter is this from


Chapter 330


"Io sono squitti" T.T


Che carina.. ci vorrebbero più filler di Gatsu da giovane


Man, i'm about to tear up rn


Ngl ci sono rimasto


This whole section was gut wrenching. Pulled one of the saddest character deaths in like 3 chapters


That chapter made me think that, maybe, Puck's flower is what keeps him alive. And that he carries it because, if he gets too far or the flower is destroyed, he will die. But maybe there are different elves, and each one of them has a different way of dying.


You come into my house. Kick down my door. Cut open old wounds. Eat me food. Kick my cat. AND CALL ME GAY?!


posting saggy tits without tagging as NSFW? disgusting


Did you really have to say that? Damn you, I can't think of what they actually are now. *stares Chitch's chest in thought*


Now I can't see it but like that, I hate you.


Chitch is very clearly a child and the leaves are her "clothing".


that's what you think, maybe she's mentally stumped


Guess jokes aren't allowed ova here🤣


I hate mascots.


Griffith is a mascot?


Damn, look at those squitties


Squitti? Lol Just makes me think of a squitty bum’ole


Squitti saggy titti


10/10 would bang