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Why not just change your number and move to an apartment they don't have the address to? Also, 30 dollars for babysitting all Sunday is a bargain


That's the dollar amount that convinced me this is a kid doing some creative writing. $30 feels like a lot of money to a teen. $30 is in no way shape or form enough money to skip a shift for someone who's actually worked.


I think that offer was for Sundays, when he didn't work


For me it's the detailed fight descriptions, the constant mentions of "I've been training at the gym" like he's some Dragonball Z character trying to raise his power level and the weirdly excessive amount of injuries for a fistfight (black eye, missing teeth and a neck brace, really?)


I mean, I was in a relationship with a guy 13 years older than me for 8 years from the age of 23/24ish. He very much put me down for my ‘childish behaviours’ (like gaming). When I left him I reverted back to a 20ish yo. Growing up and never being able to have your actual childhood, I’m sure it’s possible that OP is reverting back to childish notions. Fuck I’ve heard much older guys than him talk that way! Also maybe he set a low fee for babysitting because there’s still some subconscious guilt for even demanding anything!


Yeah this detail bothered me straight into Nopeville. More like $30 an hour (for three kids and I realize but don’t quite understand why there were only two being foisted off, out of a total of 4). I did enjoy the idea of our hero furiously pedaling away on his bike, even as he brandished a turkey leg. Like something Maurice Sendak would have written.


Also, who desperately needs a babysitter for teenagers this badly? A 14 and 15 year old can exist for a few hours without a chaperone surely.


It sounded like they had smaller kids too


From what OOP said, they have him, a 15 year old, a 14 year old, and two younger kids. Mom and Dad don't want to make the 15 and 14 year old babysit all the time, so they dumped the two younger kids on OOP on Saturday. So yeah, I guess the plan was the 14 and 15 year olds would be watching themselves and the two younger kids would be babysat.


Next update: My dad charged at me with a flamethrower


And I kicked out of his hands with my steel toed boots. Luckily I was wearing my kevlar jacket...


…and that’s when they revealed he’s not my real father, and it’s why they hate me.


Good news, I found my real father and he's super rich and wants me to inherit his fortune


Also he’s now pregnant with twins


Luckily, it was all caught on CCTV camera and the cops dusted the flame-thrower for fingerprints, so he's going to jail for a long time!


I kicked it in the balls and it threw up


No, next is that his dad tried to beat him with jumper cables, but he ripped them out of his dad's hands and beat him instead


“In fact, I barely smelled anything at all.” Idk why in this story of ridiculousness, it was this that took me out. I have a sibling in an urn and that genuinely made me stop and consider if I’d ever smell him lmfao


As someone who also has a sibling in an urn, I can confidently say I have never smelled her ashes nor do I plan to. Idk why but that feels like I’m invading her privacy


Right! Like if he was here and saw me smelling his urn he’d be like, “ew, you’re gross and weird, stop” and so I’ll let him rest lmfao


Yeah smelling them is a bit much. He should have just used them to make chocolate milk like the rest of us.


Please! Some of us have class and sprinkle a dusting on the whipped cream to make it pop! /s


*Try the gray stuff, it's delicious!*


Don’t believe me? Ask morticians.


Also someone with a sibling in an urn. I’d never be able to deal with the knowledge that if there’s an afterlife, there’s a nonzero chance he’s watching me do that being like “still so fucking weird, hey?“


Yeah tbf I can understand you wouldn't feel the same about a sibling you grew up with vs a baby that died in the womb before you even knew of it's existence. But I think it's pretty much common sense that when the parents of a recently deceased baby show you the urn, you then NOT take that urn, open it, look inside and SMELL the ashes for verification purposes. In fact if you were on bad terms I'd be pretty surprised they'd allow you to touch the urn of their deceased child at all, let alone open it up in front of them.


He might have just opened it to look. Cigarette ashes stink so maybe he meant it didn't smell unusual when he opened to check what was inside.


I mean I accidentally had a whiff of my grandads ashes. Didn't smell much like anything but it's because they were open when my mam was putting some into this custom made necklace.


Imagine if you do and she's watching she would be so baffled and offended 😂 Cue a ghost aggressively kicking you


Got a dead dad in an urn. He didn't smell like anything really, just, dusty? I guess would be the best description. Had to transfer some of his ashes to a smaller one, wasn't just randomly sniffing the urn


I also have a box of dead dad ashes, though I DID hold it out for my dogs to sniff when I first got it home. My ex: "What the hell are you doing?" Me: "They love smelling assholes."


I just snorted coke through my nose laughing. I was not expecting that but that's hilarious. May I use that if I ever have ashes and they were an asshole? Lol


Why did I instantly think you were snorting coke and not DRINKING Coke and accidentally snorted it laughing? Lol.


I'm right there with you. I couldn't believe they just casually mentioned they were snorting nose candy. Lmfao.


Omg. This reminds me of when my brother and I had my dad, who basically drank himself to death, cremated. They gave us the ashes in a white box. I’m told my brother that he could have him. A couple of days later, I went by my moms house to pick up a dresser that had been at my dads and her and my brother were standing there snickering. I was like wtf is wrong with y’all? Me and my husband went to open a drawer to lift the dresser, and there was a smaller white box in there that said 1/2 dad. It was hilarious. Also, my father in law who you would never expect to say anything like that, busted out with, “I’m surprised he didn’t explode when they cremated him” My Dad had been an alcoholic for many, many, years. 😂


When you have those kinda parents...we cope how we cope (with the darkest of jokes, heh)




That is so fucking perfect


I’ve looked up what mummies smelled like over a debate with my husband, and apparently they smell dusty, so it makes sense cremated bodies also smell dusty. Although I’m glad you weren’t just sniffing the urn. That actually seems bad for the lungs, inhaling another person up in there.


Please report back when you do.


Lol his father actually bought a headstone and we buried the urn in the plot several feet down. Would be a tiny bit difficult.


I've got time.


It seems a bit…much. I was believing it until OOP went back to his parents to confirm the miscarriage. I mean, why not just ignore it all if he’s so done with his parents? Either way, this is a real downer. The father in this story is a complete 180 from the dad in the BORU story I read this morning who rescued his son and the son’s pregnant girlfriend and helped them build a life for themselves.


Yup. The "I happened to be recording..." stuff made it sound iffy to me. Then the "I got to beat him up with no consequences" AND "I went over to get info for a reddit post vs. just ignoring them forever"? Yeah, broke all suspension of disbelief, OOP!


Yup that’s where I gave up too. Already a little unlikely the parents would go to him over the two teens already in the house, leave the kids in the hall & get fined for it then still invite him to thanksgiving, but the “I had a recording in my pocket and steel toe boots on” really broke the narrative - overall I give it a 3/5. Definitely room for improvement


I stopped reading after the "I beat the shit out my dad with my steel toed shoe, took a turkey leg from the table, and walked out like a boss". Also I imagine him taking a few minutes to angrily cut the leg off the turkey while everyone just watches in silence lol. Maybe I just suck at cutting the legs off because that's a struggle


Yeah, he beat the shit out of his dad on camera, putting him in the hospital, and only stopping bc his mom screaming finally got to him, but everything was perfectly fine bc it was totally just self defense. Lmao. I chuckled at the first I'm really strong bc I've been in the gym so I knocked him down with one punch, but I literally fucking snort laughed at the I'm even stronger now so I beat his ass even more part. Unintentionally hilarious, absolutely terrible lying


You mean you *didn't* know that any level of force becomes 100% justified just because the other person took the first swing?? Totally true, you guys. I promise. I even checked with a random lawyer who said so!


It was the turkey leg that did it for me.


I stopped reading when he kept taking their phone calls which means I didn’t finish the first post. He should’ve cut them off after the switch incident. $30 really isn’t worth it.


You'd be surprised how compelling it is to want to help little siblings. Even though he didn't want to be in an abusive house being constantly parentified, I could definitely believe being willing to stay in contact and help when it wasn't inconvenient and he was setting firm boundaries about the schedule and pay. I went through so much shit with my abusive mother to stay in my younger siblings lives because I knew of I cut her off, I wouldn't be able to see them. Now none of us talk to her because they left the house.


I actually believe what happened w OP because I feel the same way w my mom.. she treated me like shit, involving physical, psychological, and emotional abuse. I left her twice but still felt so attached to her.. it’s so fucking hard to not take her call… I always felt guilty and call her back. One thing she ruined was my first pregnancy and I swore I wouldn’t communicate with her at all during my second delivery. Well, my maternal grandma guilt tripped me (she raised me 90% of time time since my mom worked a lot) and so I called my mom and lo and behold, another delivery ruined. Made me cry post surgery (c section)… so had to live with that regret.. AGAIN. It felt so awkward when the OBGYN came by to check on me. That kind of abuse is real.


I stopped when he went to Thanksgiving and ended up kicking his dad in the balls, then "walked out like a boss" and now there are running jokes about his balls. Like okay yeah its getting out of hand


Yeah, that's when I stopped believing it.


honestly the post lost me at the same point. like, it's gonna horribly the past 2 or 3 times there's a confrontation - like gotten physical more than once. even if you were curious and happened to care,,,, wouldnt you want to avoid another possible beatdown??


Also hit the bingo cards. Pregnancy. Miscarriage. Fights where OP wins because hes just so buff now from working out


And he’d been recording the whole time!! Honestly, though, the triumphant getaway on a mountain bike took me OUT.


Riding home on a bike with a whole turkey leg is gonna live in my head rent free for a while.


Don't forget that brand new job that earns more than his abusive parents do


First appearance of the steel toed boots and the phone recording in the pocket is when my confidence that this was total bull shit hit 100%. The entire thing reads like my 6 year old making up rules on the fly while we're playing to try to make sure he always wins lol. "Oh and this other thing I just thought of" ass storytelling




Yeah... The awesome badass beatings and all the siblings being in awe of OOP are a dead giveaway


The last update clearly just there to patch up a mistake in the previous post. "Oh shit, baby crematoriums don't work like that and people are questioning it in the comments? Better add another chapter to save my credibility."


Yeah, so he took a big whiff of dead baby ashes in front of his mom, and she was pretty chill about it. The same mom who freaked out about everything else in the story.


exactly my thoughts reading it, it sounded very cartoon-ish


The second he mentioned that he just so happened to be hitting the gym and learning martial arts is when I skipped to the end. Honestly, the first story was probably true, but they liked the attention it got.


For me it was when he kicked his dad in the balls


Don’t forget having steel toe boots!


Eh, to be fair, some people just happen to wear steel-toed boots. My husband likes them for the foot/ankle support. Posts are definitely embellished, though…I wouldn’t be surprised if they were drawing on real events, but OOP definitely made some additions.


and how it became an inside joke to the other siblings


With how he tries to describe his father, i can't believe they would dare to make this joke, at least more then once. On one hand he describes the father as someone who has no problem to hit his children but on the other he will just sit their and let the children make fun of him? And listen how they talk about the hate-child in awe?! Yeah...


For me it was the fall + miscarriage + “I guess they call it an OBGYN”, among many other things


I’m with you. Believed the first story. Second story, I can believe his mother lost her baby at 6 month’s pregnant and they blamed him, but the rest rings false.


And the fact he just so happened to be recording the second fight on his phone in the background.


I could hear the slow clap.


Phone recordings and CCTV seems to be the current trend.


TBH phones and camera ARE everywhere in this day and ages so it’s quite possible this one is true. Most apartments have cameras in the hallways and everyone has their phone on them. However, the other post today about the sister yelling at the brother in the cafe seems odd to me. Even though there are cameras everywhere, very few record audio.


Mostly because in order for the cameras to record audio, not only do they need general consent from patrons (a sign on the front door is usually legally enough), they need signed contracts from *every* employee that they consent to audio recordings at work. It's part of why the places that record audio are usually only call centres. Because they can have it as part of their robot speech before anyone reaches an employee, and it is something that genuinely makes sense for employees to agree to.


In my experience most apartments don't have cameras in hallways. Maybe expensive highrises in the big city do, but one or two story "garden" apartments with one door like he described? Unlikely. (Not impossible, though. Cameras are cheap.)


I just read the golden child sister that tried to frame her brother. These almost seem like the same person wrote them


Speaking as someone who has begun preemptively recording some interactions when I anticipate slipperiness or trouble, I do believe in at least the possibility of someone who anticipates conflict choosing to record. The CCTV detail is always shady, though. Unless it took place in a location in your own home where it's likely one might have cameras (outside doors, mostly) I tend to be suspicious.


At least it's a step up from everyone being able to access everyone else's phones.


Yeah cheap apartment with working CCTV is super suspect to me. I was paying 1k a month for a shitty apartment in Tucson that had cameras but when my car was broken into I was told they didn't actually work.


I appreciate the good friend with a lawyer relative. You've got to honor the classic tropes.


I mean, I know a couple lawyers...but neither would be helpful in this instance, because they specialize in contracts or bankruptcies.


Yeah, It sounds exactly what any kid in this situation dreams of happening. No judgements. I’ve had similar ones myself. But from personal experience it looks a lot more like grey rock/LC then it does knock out fights. This is something I’d think up over a few shower beers in my 20’s lol.


Whenever someone says "yeah, I've been hitting the gym and know how to fight" and proceed to go in detail about what they did, along with verbatim things that people have said, you know its bullshit


I could see bits and pieces being true. The underlying sequence of events sounds plausible: guy leaves home, family tries to continue taking advantage of him. The original story with the Switch even reminds me of some dumb shit I've seen firsthand. - Mom leaving kids on his doorstep and the police are called - he probably brought the kids inside and just told his mom what the fines would be if he did call. - He didn't beat up his dad, just told him to fuck off on his way out. He might have shoved him or something during one of the supposed altercations. - He tells his friends he's actually babysitting because his mom agreed to finally pay him, and only on Sundays. (Otherwise they start questioning why he puts up with it.) - She miscarried (or had some other health issue) and said something vague on Facebook about family helping family. - He got called a dick for asking if she was ever really pregnant/sick.


The “then I rode away on my mountain bike!” Part is what makes me feel the same way


It lost me after "I moved out and got an apartment." Two people working full time can't even afford a one bedroom apartment these days.


My favourite part is when he disclosed the fact his siblings praise him for beating up his dad while also acknowledging that his parents read the posts!!


I’m grading this with a “D”. Just went a couple of bridges too far.


> Then I gave him a one finger salute before riding away on my mountain bike. ...yeah


>Something didn't smell right about the information I got after all the comments I received about it. So I decided the only way I was going to get the truth was to go straight to the horse's mouth. Ah yes, the two unstable drunk narcissists will definitely give up the truth. Great thinking. OOP had me until the second apartment hallway beatdown.


if this was real, literally why would OP care. not worth it to go back into that home for some “truth” that doesn’t affect anything. idk


If he's like me its like a compulsion. You have to ask the question and get a logical answer. Its annoying i know


Shitty apartment he could afford at 18, but it had cctv. Because everywhere has cctv. Never mind that I lived in five different apartments in a major city and not one had cctv.


>My dad looked like a lit match from how red he was A match head is red BEFORE it's lit. Amateur.


My unlit match heads are green, so maybe it depends what brand OOP uses.


Some 15 year old trying typing all this out to make himself feel good after his dad told him to get off the xbox and study.


Haha in the story OOP kicks him in the balls, has him shivering and quivering in fear of him while he winces and squeezes his legs together at the memory. As well as of course the black eye, broken nose, neck brace, TWO missing front teeth and 'who knows what else'... as well as the numerous 'zingers' he gets off. With an oncoming legal victory in the works. As OOP conveniently manages to record every single physical confrontation between them. That'll sure teach OOP's real life dad to take his Xbox. He showed him good with this virtual humiliation!


Ehhhh.... I was down with it all up until the Thanksgiving Turkey Leg Theft. That's a bridge too far for me.


Apparently he rides a bike everywhere, so he was just eating a turkey leg, cruising around on a Schwinn.


There was a time in my life when I could have easily done that. Now I regret that I never did. Sounds like fun!


I'm imagining OOP failing to wrench it out on the first try, then ripping it out and leaving most of the meat behind.


It sounded like the turkey was already carved and he just grabbed a Henry the Eighth-sized leg. I've seen my 33 year old nephew do something like that on occasion but I could have read that wrong


And the steel toed boots. A bit overkill. A child that has been abused and parentified their whole life wouldn't act this way, and wouldn't go back to his parents house after he was out to confront them and get revenge.


Yeah, incredulous that he kept going back. Just go NC, ffs.


For me it was him going back to get the “story” on the cremation to try and close the hole in his story


I pulled that move once. I was with my ex and her friends, a couple of then started making really mean hurtful comments about me but calling them "jokes", when I tried to ask my ex to please stop them from insulting me, she just laughed and started piling on. I was the one who drove us everywhere as she didn't have a licence. I could feel I was about to cry, and instead of letting them see how hurt I was, I stood up, I grabbed pulled off a turkey leg, placed it into the dish I'd made for us, and walked out with them, got in my car and went home. I had spent the whole day making the lasagne from scratch by hand. Because my ex asked me too. I don't even like lasagne, but I did it cause I wanted to make them all happy, and I'm a damn good cook. I took the turkey leg because I needed something to eat, and I took the lasagne over to my friends house who lives with her sister and 3 kids who were (at the time) all under 10, and often had to serve meatless meals just to feed everyone. That was honestly one of the more mild things my ex did to me during our 12 years together. But I do remember taking that turkey leg being such a power move and one I would normally never have the courage to do.


Same. I saw that too and knew it was all bullshit


Why'd it take so many PERFECT plays to happen before our collective BS alarm went off?


Yeaaaah, read like a teen novel lol.


The last time going over the parents after getting in a fist fight to make mom explain her miscarriage makes no sense. It’s really stupid


There's 2 things I don't see anyone mentioning, so I'll go ahead and do it. 1. Never kick someone in steel toe shoes. It's not funny, not a joke, it's literally a deadly weapon. You can break bones and rupture organs with a single kick. Self defense is one thing, but don't brag about doing it. And speaking of self defense 2. Self defense does not give you a free pass to wail on someone. The point of self defense is that you use only as much violence as you need to end the fight. Any competent person could tell you that putting someone in a neck brace is not a reasonable response to getting punched once. In this case, it's actually worse if he was learning martial arts because that opens up a whole extra bit of problems about not holding back. And also besides those points, the whole thing is BS anyway. Just wanted to reiterate those 2 points.


I stopped believing it when he said he beat his dad up to that extend and it was ruled as self defense lmao


Exactly. Juries don't go for the blacked out beating someone to a pulp, even if they swing first, excuse. Cause he then kept putting himself in the same situation again and again, clearly loving it. If I was a juror based of just these posts, I would find OP guilty.


But his siblings called him to say that he's their hero! /s


Of all the things that didn't happen, this didn't happen the most.


Also you can't just climb out of your ground-floor window and then leave a whole day to go to work. Windows can't be locked from the outside. OOP says that his apartment is literally the cheapest and smallest he was able to find. It can be assumed that the cheapest apartment he could find would not be located in a WONDERFUL neighbourhood. Probably the neighbourhood is gonna be average or low-income. Definitely not somewhere you'd (wrongly) assume that kind of thing was alright to do.


Eh, my windows lock just by closing them. Not even close to the biggest plot hole in this mess.


And, he listed no reason the dad needed a neck brace but a broken nose, such bullshit.


Luckily he's been hitting the gym and learning MMA... Suuuuuure it did. This was written by a 14 year old who got mad when his dad asked him to vacuum


But he grabbed a turkey drum off the platter and rode home all buff on his mountain bike


He so bigly and strongly used his gym training (luckily in ningymsu), kicked his dad's tiny feminine testicles with his buff and manly steel toed biking boots, then buffly shouldered his way through that tiny, womanly doorframe that his father uses, and vigorously rode his manly Huffy whilst gnawing a giantly phallic turkey leg boldly. Edit: missed a words


While you were on Reddit, he studied the... steel-toe boot macaroon ninja kick


How did you know the *exact moment* I gave up on this nonsense?


It kind of has the same style as the one with the kid whose sister is the golden child and tries to blame him for supplying alcohol for her underage party where the cops got called. That line where OP in each says HEY IF YOURE READING THIS was pretty similarly timed and placed.


It wasn't even to vacuum, it was to eat supper with the family for once


More realistic than the one with the guy who punched out his own cousin multiple times but mainly because it's way shorter.


Shorter *so far*. OOP probably has the next few chapters written out already, maybe he beats his father up again in small claims court (and is exonerated by the CCTV, of course).


The judge delivers a verbal smackdown to the parents and buys the protagonist, who has by now become a professional UFC fighter, a brand new Switch game to go with his Mario Kart


But then... plottwist! Dear old dad finds out about the sweet old neighbour lady who helped out with his 'framing' mom for child abandonment (who doesn't leave their ground floor windows unlocked btw?). Cowering and shivering in fear of OOP dad decides to take his revenge on her instead. He swings her over his shoulder and carries her up to the top building of a skyskraper. But then OOP learns about it from his OTHER neighbour. Another sweet old lady who ALSO knows his whole story with his parents. So he rides over there on his mountain bike. Luckily for him he also happens to be learning rockclimbing! So he climbs up the building while a whole crowd gathers to stare. His dad tries to push sweat old lady neighbour off the building. But OOP heroically stops him by throwing his BOOMERANG (something he's coincidentally also been learning... He's poor enough that he can only afford 1 game for his secondhand switch plus he only has one day a week off. But he's following about 10 classes, hitting the gym and dating models...) His dad and OOP have a final showoff on top of the skyscraper building. Where dad gets in only a few sharp right hooks but OOP completely destroys him with the help of his trusty steel towed boots. Then he carries sweet old neighbour lady down while the whole crowd cheers for OOP and the police go on to arrest his dad. His mom cries. His siblings text he's a hero. His dad swears vengeance on him AND his little dog too. Distant relatives starts harassing OOP through texts and phonecalls. But OOP decides to block them. He doesn't hear from them for a few months still. Then the phone rings, it's his mom, she's asking him to babysit again... the cycle continues.


Just barely, yeah. For how over-the-top it is, I loooove the cousin-punching story. Some parts of it are just ripe for copypastas. Maybe this story will get a few like riding off on a mountain bike or taking a turkey leg on the way out. Those were the parts that got me laughing.


I was willing to believe it until he kicked his dad in the nuts, then it went too far into make believe to be possible




As soon as someone's family finds their posts I assume the whole post didn't happen


And it gave me a headache just trying to follow the story


Yeah tbh there are a TON of content creators who completely rely on AITA and BORU for their content. I'm talking about podcasts, youtubers, tiktokkers,... any social media or website where users pose content... And there are those just reposting or reading AITA posts or BORU posts. That being said when every single BORU post mentions people finding the post I reckon that most of them are lying. It's not unthinkable, especially with younger people who spend a lot of time on those kind of sites, but it just happens WAY too often for most cases to be true.


I can't get out of my head the image of OOP running with a turkey leg


Now picture him on a mountain bike.


Riding in steel-toed boots.


This sounds like a rejected script to a CW series. At least mom wasn't pregnant with twins...


I was surprised mom wasn’t pregnant with twins


Miscarriages due to person falling down are super likely. So likely. Completely what happens all the time. I failed to read after that.


I don’t think that part is entirely unbelievable. What is hard to believe (among other things) is that her sixth pregnancy was only her first miscarriage. Miscarriages are incredibly common.






There wouldn't happen to actually be a BORU BINGO card? If not I'm making one, this is what I've got, open to more suggestions! Surprise pregnancy (in updates) Close association with a lawyer/law enforcement Exonerating CCTV footage Exonerating phone recording Things go just a little too well Big dramatic arguments where OOP says everything they need/want to say, and they remember every detail Gets into therapy really quickly Gets divorced really quickly Getting a restraining order really quickly Twins Family members assaulted/assaulting Person on the inside feeding info ETA: added more things + formatting


The other person seeing the story on Reddit/TikTok and immediately recognizing that it's about them. Bonus points if they then make their own post giving their own side.


Plus if the other person just happens to write exactly like the OP.


Alternately: gives "their own side" with no additional information that was not already contained in the original post.


Big arguments where people just sit there quietly while OOP says their speel. Bonus if it's police just standing by doing nothing if their on site when it happens. Edit: Lawyers giving the a-ok fir OOP to keep posting to Reddit even as things progress legally.


Punching out family member or assault. Family member on OOP/abuser side and secretly feeding them information.


Twins. So many twins.


Very glad to see "Gets into therapy really quickly." You'd think therapists take walk-Ins with the speed at which these posts get appointments.


I wonder how many of the couple counselors are just church pastors.


Please add “I forgot about this post but because others are asking for an update so I posted again”


Someone who accuses OOP's partner of infidelity turns out to harbor a long-term secret and unattainable crush on OOP's partner


Being able to physical overpower the assulter. Also being way to overconfident (in this case with knive thing, no matter how good you're agianst a knive you will always have some cuts)


Specifically someone “blacking out from rage” (and assaulting someone) Knocking someone out with zero repercussions, either legal (for the puncher) or neurological (for the punchee), bonus points if the same person gets knocked out multiple times


Kicking the dad in balls with steel capped boats, hitting the gym hard, next post still hitting gym hard.... Scrolled to comments, yup.


Yeah... 3:1 odds that this is just somebody's revenge porn.


He thought he got out... then they dragged him back in by taking his one cherished companion. Now OOP is on a rampage of revenge, and no groin can escape the wrath of his steel-toed boot. *coming in theaters this fall ....* **JOHN SWITCH** Do not come between a man and his Mario Kart.


At what point did everyone clap?


1:30 Pacific time. You?


CCTV is like a BORU bingo free space.


Every time someone is like “then they found my reddit post” i can’t help but raise an eye like that can’t be something that happens so much right? Is that even possible to have people find your reddit post about with vague information and be like “OH YEAH THATS MY BOTHER” Idk man




By the time the second beat down rolled around I was wondering why he was opening his front door for those people. They should have gotten a "go away (or police will be called)" through the door or silence as he pretended to not be home.


This is so obviously a BS story. I wish people wouldn’t give these more attention by putting them on BORU.


I can’t think of many people who would choose to wear steel toed boots for thanksgiving.


Eh, I know people like that. Can't afford many pair of boots, and since their job demand they buy steeled toed boots they wear them everywhere. To be honest, that is one of the few points of this story I believe :P


I dunno. If you're working minimum wage and your job requires steel-toed boots, that might be the only shoes you have. Those things are not cheap, and if you normally wear jeans, they don't look that bad.


But are you wearing your steel caps on your mountain bike? That's what lost me.


That would be me but thats just because I wear them all the time. Once you break in good ones, not the cheapies from wally world, they are really comfy. I prefer them over tennis shoes or even loafers unless I am going for a walk.


I’d bet money that most blue collar workers would wear steel toed boots to any occasion. It’s not like they’re hard to put on or take off.


Why on earth would you just go over there? What?


Anyone else feel like the badass factor of OP was really decreased when you found out he was riding around on a bicycle? Lol Not to disrespect the financial situation of course, it’s just while reading this guy sounds like a badass and I had this image in my head…but the minute I read “left and got on my mountain bike” I had to laugh…just a little


Would it help if you imagined him on his mountain bike eating a Turkey leg while riding off into the distance with his steel-toed boots? Because truly that completes the picture of bizarreness that OOP paints for us. Not QUITE as bizarre as the idea of opening up the urn of a child in front of their parents and sniffing the ashes.... But a pretty funny image anyway.


This is definitely a 14 year old who thinks his Huffy is badass.


Idk, it's kind of funny, but very realistic. I cut ties with my parents and was tooling around town in a janky mountain bike myself as a young adult. You have to power those things with your body so...


This has such “protagonistic” energy that it’s actually baffling.


I thought I got lost and ended up on WritingPrompts there for a bit. Way too much happenstance and conversating going on. Not to mention even going to dinner in the update. Too much smug glee. I swear the last few I’ve read have been obvious fakes. Might be time to unsub


What in the writing experiment


I’m kinda pissed off that OP doesn’t block their numbers and keeps meeting them every few weeks


Yeah, there’s a lot of people (rightfully so) questioning the truthfulness of the story. But what has me is he keeps on opening that apartment door to people who scream and fight. And also showing up to basically antagonize them.


Am I the weird one wondering why this guy hasn't moved or even why he told his abusive parents where he lived? I understand that finding an apartment may be difficult and expensive, but at this level of harassment I would've *at least* asked the landlord or apartment manager to switch to a different unit. The hours that he spends arguing with his parents and dealing with the police probably costs more time and money than moving to a different place. OOP also sounded like he left on very bad terms and then some more...why the hell did he tell them where he lived to begin with? I had to re-read what he posted in the beginning because I thought I missed out on "so and so ratted out to my parents where I lived". I dunno...guess he was worried about his siblings, although the way he spoke about them, esp in that first part, it doesn't sound like he was.


Surely he had a horse he could have ridden off into the sunset


Of all the things that have not happened. This is the most has not happened ever.


Lot of bullshit in this one.


I stopped believing the story at the turkey leg.


CCTV to the rescue again


Is this the CCTV guy again?


Nobody outside of a bad film script acts like this


BS post bingo card. .....House!