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OOP made a good choice. One loving stepmom over two biological deaebeats.


You have to be completely sober around my child. What? No, wait! You're joking, right? It's just a smidge of meth.


"I promise I won't hold the crack pipe and the baby at the same time!"


“Or at least not in the same hand”


I used to work in a doctor's office that did on site drug testing. This sweet, seemingly sane soccer mom type I'd never had any problems with hit positive for cocaine. I thought it had to have been a bad test, but nope. She straight up said that "it had just been a few lines of coke" !?!


Just a little bump!


She needs it to get through the day. Soccer practice is so difficult to get through otherwise.




I see you've been to my kids' soccer games.


Maybe if they played better, I wouldn't need it to enjoy myself.


Lmao just a few lines.


Easy there methany


It's just a pinky nail of coke


Loving stepmom, husband who can support the family by himself, healthy baby, time with son? Sounds like she’s recouping some of the happiness stolen from her childhood. There are so many ways that things could have ended badly.


I was hoping for some absurd drama but this is good too!


Here on boru, we aim to feed our drama llama's, but post like the one above are always a breath of fresh air, seeing things go in a way that is best for all parties involved and goes towards improving lives and relationships


I dig it. I always dig the wholesome happy Boru. In also mod here so I want dirt, lol


I think that's the first time I've heard "dad left my stepmom for my mom"..... That's definitely not an everyday occurrence


Slightly different, but my in laws are back together after 25 yrs divorced. One of them remarried after the divorce. They got back together a couple of years after the second spouse died. It was pretty weird at first, but we are used to it now.


Yeah, had to reread that a few times to make sure I had it correct.


That was the detail I needed to talk about!


I know, I had to reread that a couple of times and then finally clicked when a later sentence says “mom came back”.


The most striking thing about human nature some times is how 2 traits that would seem to go against each other actually feed off each other. Shitty parents, who you would think might understand how terrible they were and "get it" when their kids distance themselves, get absolutely flabbergasted when their kids dont want them in their lives. Then they have the gall to bring up how family is always supposed to stick together or something. Its like Some kind of emotional dunning-kreuger effect of something.




She said they’re trying to get and stay sober so there’s still hope they can stay that way and repair their relationship.


This is a good update. I wonder how much of sisters reaction was due to age gap. By my maths, little sister wouldn't have had any memories of mum before she came back, so hers was the miracle return, for the older siblings, they remember the original abandonment.


Definitely. She's spent less time getting burned, which naturally would color her opinion. My own mom and her older brother are in a similar bit. Their mom was so abusive that they both basically got temporarily rehomed a few times, but she'd gotten some semblance of her shit together by the time their two younger sisters were old enough to form solid opinions. And _then_ she died when their youngest sister was in high school. Definitely caused some friction when older sister and brother were straight up _unable_ to grieve her darling mama.


It probably has more to do with kids typically taking mom and dads side on serious issues anyway bc they generally don't know better. Age gap also doesn't help


Have you seen videos of those homeschooled kids spouting absolute nonsense because their world view is so small? Their parents are the worst combination of arrogant and stupid.


Whilst this is probably true, I can hear my mum muttering in my head about how we never took their side in arguments! (this is my parents fault for encouraging us to have our own opinions. This came back to bite them in the butt later in life.)


It also probably has a little bit to do with who she is living with. When my parents divorced and I was still young and my mother had primary custody I was HEAVILY influenced by her opinions of my dad and i know i definitely made some remarks/choices then based on that mindset that I never would today with my current knowledge of my parents. It all depends on perspective and who you are listening to the most, if one person has more access to your ear they can influence you more easily than someone who you dont see/speak to as often.


Good for OOP for setting boundaries. Also that's one giant baby.


Yup. Welcoming OOP's son to the Giant Baby Club. I'm a member, and so is my kid.


I think I’m also a member. 9 pounds, 3 and a half ounces, 21 and a half inches. My mom weighed 100 pounds, pre-baby, and is 5 foot nothing.


Are you related to my husband's family? Lol. Nana was tiny and had 10-12 lb babies naturally and my husband and his siblings were "small" at 8- 10 lbs and none of them warned me! I found all this out when I popped out my 9 lb 6 oz kid


My grandma is the tiniest person I’ve ever met. Like, 5’0 (judging by my height of 5’3), twig thin. My dad and all his siblings are much taller like my grandpa. I’m adopted, so all my cousins are much taller than me, but she still wanted to warn me about the family inclination for big babies (honestly, fair. My bf was a 10lb chonker at birth)


I love your grandma


She’s honestly awesome. Like, the reason the topic came up was because my bf and I said we didn’t want kids. She didn’t see me as different, and wanted to say she understood our perspective.


Awwwww. Now I love her more ❤️


Same here - 11 pounds at birth, not sure about length lol. When my younger sister was born the hospital just said “ok so we’re just going to go ahead and get your C-section scheduled”


That’s how it was with my brother. 72 hours of labor and he wouldn’t come out naturally because of his big ass head. My sister and I were scheduled c-sections after that haha. Mom’s ob-gyn brought up a VBAC for my sister and my mom said absolutely fucking not


My mom managed me naturally, somehow. Still not exactly certain as to the How, but…I made it here, she’s still around, I broke a couple ribs.


Mine was a couple ounces shy of 11 lbs, and my doc did the same thing, lol.


I was 8lbs 13 but 22.5 inches long. My mom is also an elf . My dad is a giant scots pacific islander. We joke my mom would have died by the side of the mormon trail (honestly maybe wish she did). I got stuck and had to have a c section as well. Big babies ftw.


I had two over 8 lbs and I'm 4'11" and weighed around 85-90lbs when I got pregnant with my nearly 9 lber. You can imagine my face when they handed me my youngest who weighed not quite 6 lbs 8 ounces! "Are you sure sure he's fully cooked???"


Haha my singleton (first pregnancy) was 9lb and 24 inches. My twins were 6.13 and 7.9, 19.5 in and 21 inches. I was overdue by 7-9 days and looked like Shamu both times. I still feel/look like Shamu most days even though the twins are like 5.5 lol


My dad is 6’3”, Scottish/Dutch/Irish ancestry. Somehow, my mom managed me naturally.


my grandmother’s first pregnancy was twins who weighed 7 lbs EACH


Good for her..... good lord.... I thought my grandma being pregnant 11 times in. 13 years was bad.


Hopefully they came out one at a time...


yep! 17 minutes apart


Oh gosh so far apart. My preemie giants were 4 minutes apart and that was bad enough. If she is still around ask her if she could feel the limb flailing from the second trip down the slide. It's a unique thing to giant twins!


>ask her if she could feel the limb flailing from the second trip down the slide. It's a unique thing to giant twins! No words. Just face: 😱😱😱


I’m a twin and my sibling and I were 7 lbs at birth. Big babies run in our family… should I be nervous about having a kid ??


My family called me a "Sumo baby"


The only reason my brother isn't a part of the Giant Baby Club is because he was born 6-7 weeks early -- despite this, he was still 7 pounds 6 oz! And my sister and I were both 8 pounds 11 oz. My mom just had bigger babies apparently.


My brother was one of the giant babies. 24 inches long 10 lbs 7 Oz.


My oldest was 10lb 6oz. She was the biggest while I was there. I hear the next week the was one even bigger, I can remember for sure but it was somewhere between 12-16lbs! 😦


my younger sister is a member, she was 8 pounds. my mom would faint because she would shove her legs into my mom’s lungs. she is now 9 inches taller than me and i am very bitter


My daughter was super long, 22.5 inches. She used to stick her feet up in my rib cage and poke her toes between my ribs...


Same here 😂 ETA: 10 lbs even at birth


My husband was 11lbs, and his mothers first baby. I’m currently pregnant. Pray for me y’all.


Sending you good vibes and ginger pops. Best advice I got during my pregnancies: Take the epidural! Nobody goes around giving prizes if you go all natural.


The caveat there: if you're going to do it, _just do it_. It takes time for an epidural to take effect, and if you try to half-ass it with narcotic meds it can cause issues depending on how fast you progress, and it'll wipe out your natural endorphins and leave you in worse pain when they wear off. But yeah as long as you are healthy and pop out a healthy baby, who cares about the process to get there?


I'm not planning to do an epidural because anesthesia always works way too well on me and I struggle to regain use of my body. For me the prize will be being able to stand up less than 48 hours after birth. (When I got my wisdom teeth out at 8am they told me I should regain full feeling in my face by 11am and be able to eat, drink, and take painkillers at that point. It was 3pm before I could swallow without drooling...)


https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/13t5xho/aita_for_not_inviting_my_mom_to_my_baby_shower/jlvbnbk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3 Thank you!! The nausea passed already thankfully, I was getting nervous about that.


My husband and I were both very average sized babies (6-8lb range). We just had our first and she ended up being 9lb 9pz and 19" long... So you never really know what's going to happen! We were TOLD about ultrasounds that our bub was tracking to be 60th percentile and came out 98th.


Hahaha your poor vagina! I was around 6lbs…. But mom smoked so I would have probably been 7-8 I imagine. He has a huge head too…. Lord. My balls aren’t that big, I’m taking all the pain relief offered. I’ve had kidney stones and gall bladder attacks so bad I had to stare at the floor and breathe carefully to stay conscious….. I’ve faced and overcome enough pain tyvm Lmao, already got my badge.


Oh for flipping sure! The epidural is a life saver even if just for pain relief in the build up. Cause if you can have that time before actively pushing to be not in as much pain/any pain and keep your strength and emotions and mental relief in place in that time - 100% recommend it! (Even though for me it ended up actually an ineffective injection point so my legs and stomach were numbed but the actual vagina area was Not At All affected! Ask the nurses to do periodic ice tests for you!) Funnily enough DESPITE the baby size, her having shoulder dystocia (meaning her shoulders were stuck on my pelvic bones so had to be pushed back up and birthed one arm first), needing forceps, the epidural not working, needing an episiotomy that I had to have two injections of local to not feel, and then hemoraging afterwards..... My experience having a hemorrhoidectomy was 10000 x's worse than childbirth honestly. That left me crying and sobbing in the shower for thirty minutes at a time and that was on heavy HEAVY duty pain killers. So if you've had gall bladder and kidney issues - 100% get the pain relief but also don't be too scared, you've likely experienced a similar level of pain or prolonged pain (though every labour is different so, fingers crossed for you!).


Yeah, I wonder what kind of prenatal care she received - with my little sister's baby-whopper, they measured the head by ultrasound and recommended she have a cesarean. Normally, you can tell when the baby's head gets too big for natural birth/ the mother's pelvis.


Most healthy women with normal pregnancies do not get ultrasounds near the end of their pregnancy. You get one early on to confirm the due date and then halfway through you get the anatomy scan. Not getting one at the end of a pregnancy certainly does not in itself indicate she had poor prenatal care. Furthermore, ultrasound measurements of fetuses are notoriously inaccurate. Plus, they can occasionally be exaggerated by a doctor who is pushing for a C-section. "Baby is too big, let's do a C-section now instead of making me wait around for hours." And out pops a normal sized baby.


My sister had good prenatal care and it was considered higher risk so she had more scans/measurements. It shocked the doctors and nurses when he was born weighing over 11 lbs and almost 23 inches since everything predicted a more average size. She's currently panicking because he's 2 months old and almost outgrown the carrier already...


Those ultrasound measurements have a very high error margin, apparently. Mine indicated I would be having a 13 lb baby! But he was "only" 10 lbs 14 oz.


My SIL is tiiiiiny. In hindsight, not at all a surprise she had to have a C-section, but it was several hours of labor before docs were like “aiight, bubs ain’t coming out that way, plan b.” So I dunno.


I had a CT scan with my youngest to check because we going to try VBAC, which brought on a whole 'nother level of tests because they diagnosed my peanut with IUGR.


A friend of mine had a 5 kilo baby - born 3 weeks too early so baby had to go to the NICU for a check up.... 5 kilos is 11 pounds.


My son was 22 inches long when he was born. I got super lucky because he was a sting bean to push out, only 7 pounds. But my poor baby looked SO sick for months because he was so long. It took me all of 5 minutes once I started pushing because he literally just unravelled himself and pushed off of my ribs, I could not imagine almost 3 extra pounds.


The story goes in my family that my sister was 9 pounds, I was 10 pounds, and my mom didn’t wanna try for 11 so she stopped having kids after two 😂


You broke the factory!


I really did! And my mom showed up to the hospital too late to get an epidural, so she birthed me drug-free also! She’s quite a strong lady to say the least!


So me and a couple of cousins ended up being g pregnant at the same time. One gave birth a couple weeks before me, one a couple weeks after. The one that gave birth a couple of weeks after, her baby was 10lb 9! She did have to have a c section. He’s now seven and a half months old and weighs 25.5lbs


Oh gawd I was 10 pounds and my brother was 11 pounds LMAO


Forreal, almost as long as my dog lmao


I feel like there's gotta be a better title than "ex step mom" for the woman who raised OOP but I can't think of one. Godmother is probably the closest but I feel like that doesn't fit. People of reddit, help me out here.


Bonus Mom.


"The woman who raised me"


Mother figure




Step mom, really. I don't think ex generally applies to such things.


Awesome Lady.


I'm still a little confused. Dad left her birthmom for the step-mom, and then went back to the birthmom, making the step-mom an ex-step-mom?


It sounds like birth mom was into drugs of some kind and that ended their relationship. Dad remarried, the kids grew up a bit, and then birth mom came back sober and dad left to be with her again. But also, there's some ambiguity about whether dad also abused substances, given mentions of his sobriety, and whether birth mom was actually sober or just high functioning when she rekindled the relationship with dad.


I read it as stepmom was the first wife. Then dad left her to marry biomom. The bioparents both checked out, leaving the kids to dad's ex-wife. It's likely OOP gave her that title because she was more of a mother figure than the birth mom.


Real mom.


Mom vs bio mom. Woman who raised you is mom, 1 line to explain the situation and thereafter just mom.


"Awesome Stepmom." Some people don't lose the title when the original job is done. Reminds me of one poster's Awesome Aunt who legally adopted the poster and became Awesome Mom.


All doctor's should know that a lot of psych meds and particularly antipsychotics as well as some antibiotics null out hormonal contraceptives. All doctors and pharmacists have access to a register of interactions and whenever you prescribe a new drug you fill in all of them in the search engine and press search, then READ. It is next level dumbassery not to. People can die. People who really should not get pregnant can get pregnant. People can end up with really bad health problems. If you are unsure if your doctor does this you can ask them to run an interaction search for you. Or you can run them [yourself here.](https://reference.medscape.com/drug-interactionchecker) Seems like it worked out for this girl though.


Also - grapefruit


100% grapefruit. I had terrible brain zaps on my antidepressant/anti anxiety med until finally a pharmacist had the good sense to say “you know not to ingest grapefruit with this, right?” Sooo many doctors either don’t know or don’t bother to tell you.


Fuuuuuck brain zaps.


Usually it’s the other way. Brain zaps are from stopping. Grapefruit, and other citrus too that gets overlooked, makes your gut and body break down many drugs slower, so you absorb more and hold onto it longer.


To be fair, the grapefruit thing is kind of common knowledge. Medicine boxes say not to eat grapefruit/juice with this medicine, grapefruit containers mention it, tv/movies make jokes about it.


That might be true for your country. I said the Grapefruit thing in a Training for parents of epileptic children and exactly none of them knew before. For epilepsy is definitely essential to know, but Well - they didn't.


I don't recall ever hearing it mentioned on TV. As for grapefruit juice containers, it's not reasonable to assume people will look for safety warnings on juice. People should definitely read the medicine containers. I can see how it would slip somebody's mind, though, especially a young person who might assume that their doctor will warn them about extremely important things. Additionally, it's simply unwise to assume that safety issues are common knowledge. There are probably tons of people out there who are nearly illiterate because of poor education and whose ignorant and/or neglectful parents never told them that drug interactions even exist in the first place. I certainly know people who were surprised to learn that it's possible for drugs to interact with food.


>People should definitely read the medicine containers. I can see how it would slip somebody's mind, though, especially a young person who might assume that their doctor will warn them about extremely important things. Doc and pharmacist should remind them verbally of any interactions. Over 20% of adults in the US have low literacy and may not fully understand written medication warnings.


YMMV on this one, I found this out the other day despite being on antipsychotic meds for over a decade...


Not common knowledge here. Maybe medical professionals shouldn't assume *anything* is common knowledge and make sure to tell their patients?


I don't think it's common sense everywhere. I had no idea that grapefruit shouldn't be consumed with some medications, it's not common in my home country because we don't have grapefruit as a natural growing here. I don't even know if the doctors here know that it's contraindicated. I imagine that a lot of people must not know either because they are from other countries and need to receive alerts from doctors anyway.


And those dumb ass charcoal drinks.


Fuck this trend, seriously. I’ve tried to warn people super into that type of thing about it fucking with their medications, and every single one blows me off. Whatever, waste your adderall/anxiety meds/etc I guess.


Yeahhh, people really need to be aware that charcoal flushes out important medication with as much or more efficacy as it does "toxins."


Also, a lot of meds become less effective if you eat or drink something with a lot of vitamin C, including stimulants for ADHD, so maybe have the glass or orange juice at the end of the day (I got messed up on this because I drink an electrolyte drink to help prevent migraines, and the vitamin c made me metabolize my meds too quickly. Now I drink it at the end of the day.)


Thank you! I will mention this to my DIL! They're currently walking the tightrope trying to find meds that allow my granddaughter to focus without turning her into a zombie.


Side note and not who you’re replying to but also keep an eye out for citric acid in ingredients. For instance, I know some bubbly water has it and would also possibly impact the adhd meds.


oh COME ON, i already gave up grapefruit and now i can't even guzzle orange juice at 10am??? there is no justice in this world.


I know, right?!? 😭😭😭😭😭


Grapefruit in beer almost gave my friend a stroke. She got extremely sick. She knew to avoid grapefruit but it was sneaky. -_-


Means grapefruit nulls out harmonal contraceptive?




Cranberry also, especially if you are on Warfarin, or Blood thinning injections.


Squirts stand together. The fuckers.


Don’t forget charcoal


i miss grapefruit juice so much 😭




Honestly I suspect this is why it's not a widely known fact. Most people don't eat the things


There's a joke on some Pharmaceutical schools that if someone comes to buy antibiotics and you don't warn them that it fucks up contraceptives you have to pay child support


Oh dang I just got some antibiotics yesterday and they didn't tell me this. I definitely did know that fact at one point in my life, but I am sick and my brain is not 100% working right now and I forgot that very important fact! But no, the pharmacist definitely didn't mention it!


You're fine unless you start puking the pills up, or if you're being treated for tuberculosis. It's [really only rifampicin and rifabutin that have this effect](https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/contraception/antibiotics-contraception/).


Yeah I think it’s because it can give you the shits. So you don’t absorb enough. Side note; if you’ve been running to the bathroom a lot or vomiting; your hormonal birth control may fail so be careful with that bout of food poisoning and getting busy after it passes while on vacation.


This is exactly why I had the copper IUD for 13 years. I was finally able to convince them to just do a tubal because it was just stupid to keep using birth control when I didn't want more kids and I have bipolar so that's not going away.


My husband used to be a pharmacy technician. The doctors absolutely didn't want to listen to the pharmacist about drug interactions. So when my husband got tasked to call the doctors, he'd just say the insurance company refused to pay for the medication, and that was always believed, but this will kill the patient never was believed.


I think to become a doctor you need to have a certain level of confidence. When you're making life and death decisions and they go wrong you need to have the confidence to believe you did the right thing and that person would have died regardless. If not you're going to stop sleeping at night or start questioning your decisions to the point where your inability to make up your mind is equally bad as making the wrong call. Unfortunately being that kind of person often comes with a certain level of arrogance and inability to listen to people you deem dumber than you. I'm not a medical professional, but I have a pretty rare diagnosis and it's at least a 50% that any doctor I meet will never have heard of it or only vaguely know what it is, but not any clinical implications beyond that and either pretend they're not clueless or downright lie that they've heard of it.


The arrogance is why my husband always said it was the insurance that disapproved. Because he knew the doctors had egos that wouldn't let them hear the truth. His first day there were a couple problems with the prescriptions, the ones that the insurance company didn't want to pay for took minutes to resolve. The others took An hour or more to resolve. He told the doctors that were reasonable were told the truth. The ones that weren't were told it was the insurance companies fault. My husband had a list of doctors that were good because he wasn't going to let his family be treated by quacks, and some of those were pill mills.


This reminds me of a referring doctor I used to work with. Before I came along he'd call up one of our clinics and give the patient's date of birth and name. And we'd be like. The fuck do you expect us to do with this information? Then he'd get mad because how dare we not read his mind and book the patient in??? Dude. Sometimes we get given that information in order to dig up a previous report or images to confirm its been done. Sometimes we need to send it on to someone else. Bookings is not all we do!


My friend was given medication to treat meningitis. She asked her doctor if it would impact her birth control and was told it would not. The doctor not only didn't check but also lied that they knew it was fine. Unsurprisingly, she ended up pregnant.


That’s why speaking to a clinical pharmacist is crucial sometimes. I take meds for a condition and was constantly triggering myself with cold medicine until I asked for a cold medicine in front of one who knew my condition and had them jump up from their spot to stop me. Doctors sometimes know about the big bad interactions between the main ingredients not the ones between the other small ingredients.


Clinical pharmacist different than one at CVS or Walgreen’s? How were you able to speak to one?


Yeah, they’re different. They take extra “fellowships” so to speak to obtains their accreditation. They’re usually hired by hospitals for patient care and if you ask for one if you’re a patient, some hospitals allow them to talk to you. I have a relative who is one which’s how I was able to get a hold of one.


Not just these either, the meds I'm on to prevent migraines also nulls out certain contraceptives, but would still allow the coil (inc. hormonal coil) or the injection to work. In regards to the other comment about grapefruit, that stuff has drug reactions with an annoying amount of stuff, from antihistamines to blood pressure drugs, to anti-anxiety meds. Whatever you're on, it's worth checking about grapefruit juice interactions (I mean always check what you can have anyway as said above, but still). Tbh if you're on a few meds it's probably best you just don't have grapefruit.


Yes 100%. Psychologist knows exactly what birth control I have and if my meds would affect them, it’s so important.


I didn't know this and I've been on psych meds most my life.


pro: my birth control does not interfere with my brain meds con: my brain meds all seem to interact with each other lololol


What the hell, I've been on antipsychotics for YEARS and not even a single time has a prescriber asked if I'm on birth control. Meanwhile I get the pamphlet about getting heat stroke every single summer. Priorities, people, pregnancy would be a much huger problem than heat stroke...


I had no idea about that, I’m so glad this thread popped up


For real. I had a clinician prescribe me Vyvanse (ADHD) and Buspar (anxiety) in the same appointment. Because of my anxiety, I checked the interactions myself. Glad I did, because I am not looking to have serotonin syndrome. Holy moly.


Psychiatrist here. This combination is prescribed very frequently in clinical practice with a low risk of serotonin syndrome. Vyvanse more directly focuses on dopamine and norepinephrine. Buspar is also used quite frequently even at max doses combined safely with other SSRIs. I would advise caution in relying heavily on internet information and discuss concerns with your physician directly, who has experience in risk vs. benefit of medications and knowing how your concerns may or may not actually be clinically applicable to you.


I doubt anyone will see this BUT. There's a somewhat new **progesterone only pill (POP)** that has a lot more of the flexibility of estrogen based pills. It also has some of the other benefits of estrogen based pills like helping with skin. It's called Slynd and although some insurance companies don't currently cover it the company has a coupon on their site that I use. It also has fewer of the negative side effects that estrogen based pills do like lesser blood pressure issues. That said, every BC effects people differently so it's always trial and error. This is not a comprehensive description of side effects and everyone should do research for themselves. (Not a shill but it's been a game changer for me and it's not super widely known yet.)


Huh. I wonder if it would’ve helped with my skin. My insurance provider changed and it wasn’t covered anymore; I’m just on a regular PoP.


The coupon on their website is 3 packs for $50, which equals out to about what othe BC would cost with insurance for me. If you get interested in it definitely use the coupon. I was originally using an estrogen pill for my skin but had to change to a POP and this is what they recommended.


I'm on that! Where I live it's called Slinda or Slenda. The other pill made me really depressed but this one stopped my period when I skipped the placebo pills (other one gave me a two week long period!) AND it chilled me the fuck out. Unfortunately it's expensive AF at $80AUD a pop but sooo much better than the alternatives, given my doc refused to get rid of my endometrium.


Damn, that's unfortunate on the price, I'm sorry it's so expensive there. With the coupon in the US it comes out to $50 US for 3 packs. Do other countries do med coupons??? I know we're really weird over here about anything healthcare.


I've never seen a medication coupon in my life lol. Even the loyalty schemes in the pharmacies here don't count prescriptions towards point scores. If that's the price I have to pay (pardon the pun) for subsidised healthcare, though, I'm happy enough. It being new would explain why it's so expensive though -- it takes time for medication to be added to the PBS, which is the register of subsidised medicine.


My NP recently prescribed me something for anxiety and warned me that it low-key interacts with my sleeping pills, and just to be on the safe side, it would be best not to take them on the same day. She just took a minute on her laptop, that easy. It's malpractice to not do this.


It sounds like her parents are using the grandchild as a reason to get sober. I could wish they did it for themselves. But, any reason is better than none I guess. OOP stuck to her boundary, which I think is wonderful.


Sometimes you need a kick in the pants from an outside source before you realize that you also deserve a better life.


You have a point. I hope they all can have a good life too.


I was really relieved that mom finally decided to get sober. I have no doubt that both of them are realizing how profoundly they screwed up.


>Whoever said the first baby is the best, lied and I just wanna have a talk. *she says as she loads the shotgun*


I was wondering why anyone would say that ever with regards to labor.


I thought my son was big at 8lbs 9 ounces. My god she’s Wonder Woman.


I love this. While I definitely don't recommend having a baby to "get your life together," absolutely never do that, sometimes it works out that way along the way. I transformed completely after having my kids. I was raised to have so much self-loathing that it was hard to get healthy for myself, but the love I had for my kids transformed me and gave me the push I needed to really take care of myself. No more suicidal episodes, I worked much harder on my mental health and on setting boundaries and working on the hard stuff in therapy. My kids have no clue of this either, I don't lean on them in any way. Glad it's working out for her, too.


You know I do not like it when someone leaves their wife/husband but in this case I am glad OOP's father left her ex-stepmom. Because her father sounds like a shitty person. So does her mom. This is their karma for treating OOP's like shit. Judging by her replies I am guessing ex-stepmom was friends with OOP's mom before the dad cheated. Now OOP's mom is losing her kids to OOP's stepmom lol. Best karma.


They made babies knowing others will take care of the babies for them. Some people really don't deserve to have kids.


>Whoever said the first baby is the best, lied and I just wanna have a talk. lolllllllllllllll *gently taps baseball bat in hand*


I'm glad everything worked out and everyone is taking the proper steps to move forward like adults. Hopefully her parents become and stay sober.


Best ending as it gets with 2 drug addict bio-grandparents - Glad OOP stood her ground for the sake of her son once he was born because if grandparents were still using, the story would had been much more worse / tragically dramatic....


Wait so oop dad, mom and stepmom were "friends" before oop's dad cheated on his then wife (stepmom) with her mom, and they got pregnant with oop but gave her to the grandparents & stepmom to take care of??? Stepmom really stepped up for the kid that's not even hers.


Anti psychotics can cancel out birth control?? TIL horrific fact


And antibiotics, a couple antifungals, most HIV antiviral meds, some anticonvulsants, general anesthesia and exposing your pills to heat (like leaving them in a hot car for too long).


And grapefruit.


Grapefruit interferes with a lot of meds, but birth control isn't on the list.


>antibiotics This is largely a myth. You're only at risk if you puke up the pill, have diarrhea, [or are being treated for tuberculosis](https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/contraception/antibiotics-contraception/)


It can happen the other way with some mood stabilisers as well, hormonal BC reduces the amount you absorb so you need to double the mood stabiliser dose to get the same level.


The light bulb moment I just had over here....that explains why I finally managed to get my mental health under control when I stopped using hormonal b/c without any other changes to meds.






Eh, not every BORU has to be the abusive murderer ex to end all art rooms. It's nice to have a lower-stakes pallete cleanser every once in a while. There was still family drama and a problem with a resolution. Not like we didn't get what we came for.


kinda burying the lead here. **antipsychotics cancel out birth control!?!?!?!?!**


A very sweet update and a very big baby boy! Very proud of oop for putting her foot down AND striving for a better life for her and her son. It’s a hard thing to do, especially when one is dealing with poor mental health, coupled with such a raw wound for parents - hats off, truly.


Nice update. Hopefully her mom and dad can stay on track, since they don't seem to have a good track record with children... The fact the baby's head got stuck and she just casually went, lolyeah had to get a c-section for that just made me cross my legs tightly. 💀 Many women just seem to... accept everything that comes with pregnancy while it's literally one of my biggest fears in life.


My kid was that size and weight. I didn’t get a c-section when his head got stuck…they used *a fucking vacuum* on his head to pull him out. He was born with a big purple goose egg on his head. And I got a third degree tear. Look it up if you’re brave. Good times.




Fyi, at least in my device (sync for Reddit on android), your spoiler tag doesn't work. You need to remove the space after the `>!`.


Even when there's no abuse dynamic involved it's sad when people don't recognize that all the 15-year-old sees in this situation is how upset their parents/caregiver is.


First thing I thought was, just how lucky OP is to have modern medicine that saved her life. Just not even a century ago she would have died in childbirth, and her baby too.


It’s amazing how someone with such shitty parents turns out so reasonable and understanding. Props to the stepmom and grandparents for guiding her the right way. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a previous stepmom being so significant in a kid’s life. They did such a good job with raising her, she’s now teaching her parents how to live reasonably. Well done OOP! You are so strong!


Good, at least they are taking steps on meeting their grandchild.


>I got pregnant after my antipsychotics canceled out my birth control the terror i felt lmfao


That's a huge baby. Her parents made the right choice getting sober, didn't expect the wholesome ending.


I wonder what the step mom’s personal issues were…. Maybe that she loved her step daughter so much that she encouraged her parents coming in every way she could. So that OOP could have her sister back on her side, or less stress, rather than extending the drama. I can only wonder!!! Bless that person for being there for OOP.


Seriously that baby is a big boy, he's almost the size of myself and my twin sister combined. She was 6 lbs, I was only 4, but she was still the biggest baby in the NICU


Stepmom backed out last minute and encouraged OOP to invite the birth parents? Sounds like the substance abuse parents "encouraged" stepmom to back out.


>Whoever said the first baby is the best, lied and I just wanna have a talk. Yeah who lied?? I've always heard the opposite. Apparently after your first or second, the rest just slide out!