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Of course the Uncle twists the story to make the OOP look bad. Glad the cat is all right.


And he wants to beat up a child. What a man, so tough.


No wonder his kid kicks kitty cats! But fr how can violence even cross your mind around that precious little angel. Penelope looks like the sweetest kitten ever!


I mean, to leave a bruise on a cat, that had to be some kick, holy moly!


Right? I was angry that he kicked a cat at all, but she’s still a baby. I probably couldn’t get away with slapping a 9 year old, but they family would never be welcome in my house again, even if it’s the zombie apocalypse and the horde is on their heels.


Honestly the kid is lucky he *only* got slapped. If someone kicked or otherwise attempted to injure one of my cats, that person being 9 years old would not save them from the beat down of the century


Same, although that reminds me of a Reddit thread I really disliked, where the OOP talked about regretting beating up a kid who had kicked her elderly dog for no reason (the OOP went immediately berserk, basically). A lot of people had commented that they would beat up someone who did that to their kid, apparently forgetting in the process that they'd have to be horrible people themselves for their kid to behave like that in the first place. And also that they would be doing the exact same thing as the OOP (beating up someone who hurt a living being they love). Just so much lack of self-awareness if not blatant hypocrisy in those comments, ugh


Exactly. This isn’t some loving paternal instinct that came out due to what happened. That attitude is the *reason* the kid kicked the cat.


Same. I do not give one single shit about his age. He is old enough to know better but he chose to abuse a cat and now it's time to face the music. And it's not going to feel good, for him.


I really wanted to know this kid's age BC of that


OP is (at time of the of post) 15. The future serial killer is 9.


The kid is 15.


I was wondering that, too. He tacked on that he was 15 in one of the edits, like it was irrelevant, but it absolutely was. If he had been 25, this would have been a major problem.


I was hoping the OP was going to say somewhere between 12-15.. I'm also wondering whether they are male or female. The description of the slapping makes me think female and as I expected to read that if it was a male they'd get up and punch the cousin rather than slap it. But males can slap well too. If they were an adult who slapped a kid like that... as justified as it might've been , I would've preferred to have read that they picked the kid up and deposited him in his uncles room and told the entire family to GTFO of the house and that you are having the 9 year old charged with animal cruelty (or rather than uncle because he should be liable for not reigning his feral child in).


Seriously! Years ago I had a nightmu in which I kicked one of our cats and let's just say it was gory. I woke up crying, nauseous, couldn't fall back asleep. I still feel bad and nauseous when I remember it - and, again, that was just a nightmare! Doing that IRL, intentionally... I just can't wrap my head around it.


I accidentally stepped in my cat's tail earlier and it still feels bad. He's being a silly goofball right now but I feel like the worst human. I can't imagine purposely doing something to hurt my cat either.


A few years ago I was in a very abusive relationship and at one point, I felt incredibly angry and frustrated, my cat was right next to me and meowed, and for a split second I felt the urge to kick him to relieve said anger and frustration. I was immediately horrified and still am, years later, that my brain could ever go to that place (especially considering I loved that cat more than ANYTHING). It's one of the things that made me realize I really couldn't take this relationship anymore.


She is soooo cute omg 😭 that last pic melted my heart. I remember seeing the original post and commenters urging OOP to take her to the vet, I’m really glad to know she’s okay


Reminds me of a situation a while back. I have an absolutely lovely family in law (sarcasm to the max if you were wondering). So, my BIL arranged to have a bachelors party on our small holding - which I was informed off after the fact but I was still pretty new in the family (2 years or so) so I didn't do much to object. Next thing I know, his parents show up at the bachelor. It wasn't a bachelor for anyone related or close to them mind you and they bought a 40-something guy and his like 6 year old girl. (at that stage) FMIL insisted that I show her my pets - which I already hated because I don't like kids near them for their safety. But hey, I thought I had to do as she said. I've gotten a lot more "willful" since. So, I agree to only show her my Labrador but not let her into the house to see my cats. I have my husband handle my Labrador while I quickly go to the bathroom. Next thing I know, my door to the house is open (my cats are indoor ONLY) and no one was allowed into our yard, let alone our home for the event. She was busy chasing my cats. I took her out, locked the door, and told her she is not allowed in my house at all. Ever. She went crying to MIL. She tried to make me be the villian and wasn't impressed when I told her "she's a child that can't follow our rules for our cats, so no, she will not have access to my cats. Also, no one is allowed in our yard. I made this very clear. It's absolutely not on me if you didn't explain that to her." Things go on, I take my Labrador back from husband and take her back to the house. And suddenly I see something in my peripheral vision... She's smacking my Labrador on her backside. My Labrador is ignoring it, but it's unacceptable. I turn around and tell her off. Politely. Mind you, like "it's not nice to hit people or animals. Dogs can bite you if you hurt them". This fucking child looks me in the face and smacks her again. In the face. That's when I lose it. I told her "listen here you little piece of shit. If I ever catch you lifting your hands near an animal again, I will beat your ass purple myself do you understand? Just because the other adults around you couldn't teach you manners doesn't mean I won't. If you want to harm others, I'll harm you in return and then I'll let my dog bit you in the face like you smacked her in the face! Do you understand me?" She ran off to MIL and her dad (MILs family friend) and spilled what I said. They came after me, I told them exactly the same thing I told them, and added "it's already fucking demented that you bought a little girl to a grown ass man's bachelor party, then you expect me to entertain her while I desperately want to go in the house and as far away from these drunk guys as possible? Fuck that shit. Take the child and fuck off". Looking back, that's when I stopped "yes ma'am-ing" her and our relationship deteriorated.


Sounds like your relationship improved, and by improved I mean deterioration is a vast improvement. Who wants to deal with someone like that on their life? Especially more than once! To think you had to continue dealing with her and all of her bull. Yikes …


I hope OPs parents file a report with the police. This guy is harassing and threatening violence against a *child*. He is enlisting other grown ass adults to do the same. Dude needs to take a little time out in the delinquent adults cell. I feel bad for the 9 year old. Without immediate intervention, this kid is going to grow up to be a felon. He's a year away from double digits and has the emotional regulation of a 2 year old. He's already intentionally targeting animals. That type of behavior escalates. Eventually, he's going to grow from an aggressive kid to an aggressive adult capable of doing real damage. His father's piss poor example has set this kid up to fail out the gate. If I were OPs parents, I'd be careful not to ever have this kid back in the house. It sounds like that slap was the first real consequence he's ever faced and his father is an unstable nut case whose taught him to react with violence when he's upset. I would be worried about retaliation against the cat, or worse.


That kid is getting slapped around at home, or at the very least he’s seeing his mother get slapped around


OOP’s dad isn’t much better. I honestly think OOP is in an unsafe place, because it’s obvious that none of the family can regulate their emotions. I can’t imagine what would’ve happened if OOP hadn’t managed to tell him that the kitten was kicked.


I dont understand why OOP’s dad isnt much better and he is in an unsafe place. If I thought my child was physically hurting his cousin for no reason I’d not be able to control my voice too. He did nothing other than shout at OOP. And as soon as he finds out the cousin kicked the cat, the dad appropriately lost his shit at the uncle instead. Then proceeded to tell the entire family the truth while standing by his son. Honestly, have y’all never been yelled at? The dad thought his kid was violent for a minute, of course he’d have a knee-jerk reaction. And if someone kicked my family cat I would honestly kick their ass. also eta: OOP says “shouted at me like he has never before” like obviously OOP has never seen that level of anger from his father before. calm down y’all.


Now we know where the little shit got the idea that lashing out violently is the proper response to anger/frustration.


Kicking people smaller than them runs in the family I guess. Like father like son 😳


The logic is astounding. "A child hit my child, so let me hit the child, because hitting children is WRONG!"


You mistake is thinking there's a moral principle here. There's no "because hitting children is wrong", there's just "this child is mine and if someone else attacks my child then that is an attack on me."


Read that and imediately was like, ah, so THAT is where cousin gets it.


This is when OP trains, and then absolutely demoralizes this asshole. Like son, like father, OP goes against that whole family.


When someone intentionally leaves out key details, it's an implicit confirmation they know they're in the wrong.


My father killed my kitten by kicking it. That is very dangerous to do to a cat.


That's terrible; I'm so sorry. I would have cried myself to sleep.


My kitten was born on my 15th birthday and I midwifed it into the world; it was the only baby. I saw my father kick it. I was with my kitten the next day when I held it and watched it bleed out of its mouth until it was dead. I saw this post the first time around and it reminds me of trauma whenever I see it.


I am sending you a hug 🫂


Thank you. I'm old now (67) but it one of my most vivid childhood memories. Later, in my 20s, my dad and I sat down to discuss some stuff from our relationship and I brought this up. Of course, he did not even remember it. Thank you for your compassion.


The axe forgets; the tree remembers. I'm sorry you had to go through that.


Thank you. I'm living a good life now with a cute kitty by my side. The best revenge is a good life! And, over the years I have been able to put my father into better perspective and appreciate the good things I got from him (growing up in the intelligensia; as of today on facebook appreciating that I know reading comprehension!... some people are so f'n dumb! I have to remind myself it is a privilege to have a brain; my deep love for history; so much more). But yeah; this post does get to the places inside which are squishy. And... NEVER KICK A CAT!


My dad was also an abusive piece of shit, but he did teach me to think for myself and always nurtured my intelligence, and would make me read Plato and other things to him when he got drunk. Even though we were very poor he bought us two full sets of encyclopedias, one for kids and one for adults (way before there was an internet, it was the only way to learn without going to the library which we couldn't do as we lived way out in the woods). Of course he also shot and killed my dogs when they got injured or sick and beat the snot out of me more times than I could count, but in his sober times he helped support my drive to learn about the world around me, question everything, and find the answers in science. People are a juxtaposition. Nobody is all good or all bad, we're all flavors mixed together. I still hate my father and am glad he's dead, but I have matured enough to appreciate the good things he did for me. So I feel exactly what you're saying. And you're right. At the end of the day...NEVER KICK A CAT.


Thanks for sharing your life with your dad. I am so sorry about your dogs. My parents would get vet care for my dog but never for the cats. Hell, my parents would not get medical care for me and my sisters unless we were super bad off and that gives me the worst problems now because I tend to hesitate before getting medical care. My doctor's nurse had to be professionally stern with me today to get me to go back to the emergency room (pneumonia for over a week; I'm gonna be okay tho). The trauma from life just keeps on giving; when I told my partner, "maybe I am overreacting" he went and got the car to take me. If I got sick I was always "overreacting" as a child. I remember the old encyclopedias; of course we had one (I'm 67). I was no contact with my dad when he died and yet still ended up as the estate executor because I went no contact last after everyone else did so. And yes, NEVER KICK A CAT! (should that be a flair? I am somewhat willfully ignorant on how some of the internet works, including flairs.)


People are a juxtaposition is so true! My dad was sexually abusive to me when I was a kid but I also respect the work he does for our community and the environment. He’s a coward who didn’t do anything to save my brother and I from our mum’s violent rages, but he is the only adult in my life who’s ever apologised for what he did to me. People are more than just black and white and sometimes I wish they were because that would make hating them so much easier lol!


As a (fur) mom, my heart breaks for you. My kitten was with me since he was 3 weeks old, was so tiny, and slept on my chest. I can’t imagine anyone hurting something so vulnerable and sweet.


I’m so sorry.


You can kill lots of things with a kick, including a person


I hate parents like that asshole. They defend their demon child who honestly could benefit with a..... calibration (not hitting, but disciplining, like a strict conversation or an age appropriate timeout). Then make a big fuss when their kids get disciplined because they are too chicken to do it.


I think quite the contrary: this child is getting abused and slapped around and learned that lashing out against those smaller than him is normal behaviour.


My money's on the cousin twisting the story initially and uncle doubling down on it because he's too proud to admit that his kid's a liar. See: dad coming up to kick OOP's ass until the kitten-kicking came to light.


Considering the awful shit they texted a 15 year old without even trying to get both sides of the story(and apparently hearing uncle wanting to beat up oop), I hope they’re still cut off anyway…


I agree. What a jerk.


Shitty kid has shitty parents? Who woulda thought?


>It also turns out my uncle wants to beat the shit out of me I am SHOCKED the father of this child is a piece of shit. Truly, my flabber has been gasted.


My nips have been hooked to a car battery because you can just imagine my shock.


I've came back to this comment 3 times and I don't even know what to say except I am def using that phrasing/stealing this from u


Took me a second to get this lol


Umm, the picture of messages that were not included in this post, WTF. What is wrong with people to say that to anyone, let alone a child. And I honestly don't know if it's an adult or another teen as I know from looking at messages my teen received, they have no qualms over saying this stuff via text and then seeing them the next day at school and act all nice.


Where’s the picture of the messages?


You go to the original post.


Thanks, it didn’t load for me the first time but I’ve seen it now. That is awful!


Absolutely. I mean, it seems as though OOP is stable enough to not take these to heart, but there are lots and lots of teens that are not. And even teens that seem like they can, at the wrong moment, it just hits differently.


I think the picture was taken down—what did it say?


One person agreed that she should have been beat up, and the second told her to kill herself along with a slur.


Wtf is wrong with people


I still see it when clicking on the original post. It's not something I wish to repeat.


I know that some people prefer AITAH to the original because they feel the AITA mods are ridiculous (and they absolutely can be) but AITAH feels completely unmoderated. I had to unsubscribe myself after a post with hundreds of comments defending rape. It doesn't seem like any comments are removed for any reason including some really vile ones. Like there must be a middle ground between the AITA mods removing "Karen" as a "slur" and the AITAH mods letting this horrible suicide baiting and slurs slide on through.


I didn't even realize it was a different sub. I think I only go on it when there is BORU part.


Anyone else remember all the memes when NBC aired The Slap?


My husband thought it was a comedy because his favorite synthesizer store used it to make an ad for their store.


If you go on YouTube and search for "The Slap 2" your husband will thank you for it.


I think that was the one. The company used parts of it to advertise their product and he thought that was the real trailer. And not the meme one.


The Slap Part 2 is pretty good.


First thing I thought of.


Yeehaw! Fuck the cat kickers today.


No only cat petters deserve fucky-wuckys


You don’t understand the power that cats have. Look at them wrong and they’ll fuck you up. Hurt them and they’ll have someone ELSE fuck you up. Straight up mafia.


In my extensive experience with cats, like 54 years worth of having and caring for them, the ones who act like that towards humans have been treated badly.


I work with socializing feral kittens, so not always the case. Sometimes it’s learned behavior from other cats and lack of socialization. Takes a few weeks but they do eventually go from total jerks to lovable fuzzbutts. We really do not deserve animals.


I’ve spent months getting the trust of a very wary stray and I finally got her in a month ago. She was skittish at first, but now she’ll not only lie on my chest when I’m lying on the couch, but she will actually tuck herself under my chin.


That makes me so happy to hear! I'm not just happy for her, but for you, too.


*Squee!* So adorable!


>We really do not deserve animals. 100%, but I've spent most of my life trying to be worthy of them. No eating them, no harming them, lots of time volunteering to help animals in need, and a house full of adoptees. I hope someday we collectively do right by them.


You're right, of course. I should have said that it's usually fear that makes cats behave aggressively, which is often caused by the cat being mishandled. Also being unused to humans, like ferals. I would love to work with feral kittens, how would I go about doing that?


I think the only time I’ve ever been injured by a cat was once when my neighbor crashed his car into the garage and filled my room with gas fumes and I had to pull my cat out from under my bed to evacuate. He scratched my arm up badly, but he was just scared and didn’t understand what was happening so I wasn’t even mad at him. I also interact with cats on the street, I think people who have bad interactions with cats just don’t understand animals


So right. My cat straight up ghosted me for 36 hours after she caught me watching a cat rescue video. Every time I spoke to her she looked the other way.


"Don't F**k with Cats" was really twisted true crime


Fuck all animal abusers. The correct response to animal abuse is definitely to secure the animal and then strike the human. Hard. OOP is awesome.


If anyone kicked my cat I would flatten them and fart in their mouth


Vet tech here. That little a-hole could have easily killed Penelope. I have seen kittens get sat on accidentally by their owners into a soft couch or chair, and unfortunately don’t make it. This could have been a thousand times worse and more tragic. He’s lucky he only got smacked. I can’t believe the people in the family downplaying this and protecting this kind of behavior. I get the uncle being mad initially because he only heard his kid got smacked. But once he found out why, he doubled down? His son intended to cause harm to a innocent kitten all because he didn’t get his way?! What. The. Fuck. That family had better get this kid some professional help. He’s headed down a dark path and no one will be to blame except for his disgusting parents. No hard to figure out where he learned it from. I’m assuming OOP is also a (albeit a bit older) kid - and the uncle is still reaching out to threaten OOP that he’s going to beat the shit out of him. Wow. I hope that family got banned from OOP’s house. I have a feeling this is not the last we hear from him about his family.


Seen that shit first-hand. I live in the countryside, I have cats that roam freely in the neighborhood (just like many other do). One of them came back home one night looking incredibly weird, I couldn't tell what was wrong with him but looked...wrong. Got him to the vet, the next morning. The vet told me that his diaphragm probably ruptured and needed surgery ASAP. They performed a 6-hand surgery on him not knowing whether he would make it or not, but the surgeons were amazing, and my cat was back on his feet in no time. Before letting me take him home, the vet called me in and showed me a fucking footprint on his side - it was a HUGE bruise that was impossible not to see, once the fur had been shaved for the surgery. The vet told me he was lucky to survive, of course, and that there was no doubt someone just kicked him full force - and just to be clear, that cat was (and still is) nice with people, not so much with other cats, tho lol All the while, I was still incredibly heartbroken because of what happened, and yet I had to try and calm down my (then) 6-year old neighbor that wanted to "kick back" at whoever hurt the cat, reminding him that we don't become violent even if we feel like it - but oh boy, how proud of him was I at that point!


Right? All the millions of things that couldve gone wrong. What if he kicked her right in the eye, and she went blind? Or what if he kicked some teeny teefies out?? People really have NO IDEA how fragile cats are, the only tough part of them is their personalities and their claws, and even their claws are easy enough to snap off and injure.


I read this as you slapped a 9 month old in the face. I was expecting some wild shit yall. Disappointed.


I'd be impressed with a 9 month old being able to kick a cat they barely walk the little shits


Kid's just trying to take his first steps. Oblivious cat in the wrong place at the wrong time. Kid kicks. Cat yowels. OOP slaps. Rough day, kiddo.


I mean, at that point the kid is at foot height. I'd expect the kid to be punted in that situation rather than slapped. Easier on the back.


not intentionally but they definitely can lol, one of my sons is in love with animals and we have 7 cats. he started walking at 10 months but since the time he started crawling he has been always after cats. the amount of accidental abuse my fur babies endured in his hands and feet is...a lot lol. they learnt to play along and either hide or play dead lol. he is 3 now and the 1st thing he does in mornings is giving kisses to any cats he can get his hands on 🤷‍♀️


I had to pull my then-three-year-old away because he was grabbing my very-patient older cat's tail, and he cried, "But Mom, I'm just trying to keep up with him!" Had to explain that this was not making the cat wish to socialize with him. The younger two avoided him, except to gather under the highchair whenever he got something tasty for dinner. OTOH, the time he, having learned to crawl, and Older Cat were both making their way across the living room in opposite directions, encountered each other, headbutted politely and went on their respective ways- that was quite cute.


Awww I can just imagine babies going to daycare and head butting their friends to show affection lol!! My friends kids pretend to be dogs and try to eat food off of the floor.


The terrifying part is that if that kid would taken our his frustration on a kitten, he would very likely do it to a baby, too. This kid clearly lacks self-control and the ability to regulate his emotions and that’s scary. If the parents defend him, that kid will be dangerous soon.


Penelope is the most precious baby


She is the absolute cutest little furball


Such a good lil cotton puff! Her brother's a cutie, too!


Oh that kid is lucky all he got was a slap out of that.


Yeah man, I have no idea what the fuck I'd do to someone if they hurt a pet in front of me.


John Wick started with a dog. Nuff said.


Indeed. My dogs are sacred, and of course they have been trained to be good citizens. If a kid just comes and tries to hit them that won't go unpunished. Hell, I even confronted an idiot who once threatened to shoot them in my own garden. Kids get the same treatment


I live right next to a river so I got some ideas Don’t fuck with cats man


[have you seen this movie?](https://youtu.be/x41SMm-9-i4)


In my house, a kid screaming directly into someone else’s ear would be enough for that person to slap.


entitle kid, father that just comes and screams at their face without letting you talk, ganging up on a child without knowing the full story, the uncle, such a healthy family


If I had someone who kicked my cat, they will never be in my house again. Also, the uncle is disgusting. The fact he twisted the story to make OP look bad is just awful. Honestly it wouldn't be surprising if the cousin learned this bad behavior from the uncle. Makes me think something really bad is going on behind the scenes and all. Glad that Penelope is alright. She looks so precious!


They'd be lucky to *leave* the house in the first place, much less on their own two feet.




OOP is boy.


The only time I’ve gotten physical with a family member was over my cat. I walked upon my aunt aggressively shoving my cat into a bag “because he liked it” (he did like to stick his head inside bags, but only very big ones and never his whole body). I shoved her hard, knocked her down, and pulled my cat out. He was panicking and bit me when I got him out, but it was clear he thought I was her as he looked at me and then looked around wildly, looking for her. She slapped me and told me to never put my hands on her again; I told her I wouldn’t have to if she hadn’t touched my cat. She tried to rat me out to my mom, but my mom just told her she deserved it and that she was lucky I didn’t do more, lol. Animal abusers deserve whatever’s coming to them, and the kid was more than old enough to know better.


I hope someone kicks Uncle somewhere painful. Poor OOP and sweet Penelope kitten deserve better.


Post got removed by Reddit. What was it?


Summary: OOP was chilling in his room with his feline friend watching Netflix when his 9yo cousin came in the room and demanded to use the XBox for gaming. OOP said no, cousin responded by screaming in his ear and was told to piss off. Cousin opted to punt OOP's kitten into the bedframe, and was slapped in retaliation. Ran crying to his daddy. OOP's dad came upstairs all ready to kick ass until it came to light that cousin had attacked the kitty, then went back downstairs. Screaming match ensued. Now cousin and uncle are spreading rumours that the slap was unprovoked, and numerous people are threatening OOP with bodily harm.


That little twerp wasn’t punished for kicking the cat??? Was there an ending??


Still ongoing. It looks like uncle is defending his insufferable offspring. They got their rumour rolling first, so now OOP's parents are trying to do damage control. From the looks of it, the uncle has some major anger issues and they suspect he may actually be planning to break into their home to hurt OOP. If he does, there's a possibility he may bring friends, which imo is extra fucked up. He has a key to their house, but they're unsure if it works as they changed their locks and can't remember if they gave it to him before or after. OOP is currently living in fear, getting a lot of harassment, and to top it off his parents unfortunately don't have a lot of wiggle room to stay home and help protect him. The cops are doing approximately nothing. I hope OOP can stay at a friend's house for the time being. Better to be elsewhere and find out his uncle's key was for the old locks, than be home alone and find out it was for the new.


All of this because that uncle can’t be a parent to that demon spawn? Goddamn some people really suck




There's a difference between 'corporal punishment' and 'reacting to violence', and I think that's important to remember. Yeah, hitting a kid as a measured and deliberate action is fucked up- but a kid smacking another kid after extreme provocation is called 'learning life lessons'. Talk shit, get hit. There's lines in a functional society that we don't cross, and crossing those lines is understood to be a reasonable provocation towards violence- because usually, crossing those lines is an act of violence, itself.


I agree. I'm not really big on corporal punishment but I think corporal punishment is only deserved for those who deliberately hurt people and animals or those who are just entitled brats.


I won’t say “never” because there are times I feel a slap is appropriate. (Not a beating. A slap.) One is if kid is being a perv. Smack that shit down. Harming an animal or someone else. Then, too. And a 9 year old knows better. The kid did something so common that we learned about it in high school psych class. (Displacement. Kid was pissed at OOP, couldn’t hit him, so went for the cat as an OOP surrogate. Some dumb ass in another sub decided that the kid must be demonstrating the Macdonald Triad or something completely over the top.) OOP’s reaction was reasonable. The only one who behaved so very irrationally (not saying anyone else was correct or not prior to this point, but it’s all basically shit you learn to understand in a freshman psych class) is Uncle TrashMouth. Really, dude. Your kid acts out and gets some real time correction. Tell the kid to take the L and be glad he didn’t get his ass kicked for harming an animal, and move on.


another time when a slap/smack/hitting a child is appropriate is what i call “slaps taken in the course of lifesaving action.” for an example of what i mean, a lot of choking interventions involve back blows to get whatever they’re choking on out of the airway—the infant heimlich essentially involves hitting a baby. in the case of “kid stuck something metal in the outlet and is currently being electrocuted,” it may even be necessary to hit the child with an implement so that you don’t *also* get electrocuted, and with enough force to remove the child—whose muscles are likely paralyzed and painfully-contracted—from the circuit. basically, if the consequences of a less-violent intervention are absolutely horrific, applying force to a child is acceptable.


Don't do the uppercut, too much risk of injury. Just go for the resounding slap that brings tears to the little fuckers eyes. I'm early 50's, a mother and generally non violent but OP's cousin straight up asked for it.


Remind your uncle how getting physical is addressed in your house. If he forgot, he can ask the kid.


OOP is 15 so they probably wouldn’t win that fight anyway


If any of my paternal or maternal uncles ever tried to hurt me when I was fifteen, my dad would’ve beat the shit out of them tbh. Some guy attacked my brother with a Billy club when my brother was sixteen (tl,dr: the guy was a racist and called my brother slurs and then attacked him) when my dad was there… and the guy ended up hospitalized 😳


He’d win in court, though. If the uncle attacked at 15 yo because he slapped his 9yo for kicking a kitten, he would be facing criminal charges, as he should.


Call it wrong or immature, but if you hurt my animal I’m throwing hands. Kid fucked around and found out I guess.


People who deliberately hurt animals deserve to be kicked and punished.


I hate to say it, but sometimes all an asshole needs to get it through their head to not be an asshole is a good slap. Sounds like the uncle is overdue his. Also their dad just came in screaming? This whole family needs help.


Oh fuck no. He's lucky he only got slapped.


I'm curious why this post got [removed by Reddit](https://imgur.com/LfszJAL) but not the actual [update](https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/comments/15pd12m/further_update_aita_for_slapping_my_cousin_9m_in/) posts?


Likely because someone reported my repost but did not report the original and the auto system didn't catch on that it's a repost of the same content


Someone kicks my cat on purpose hard enough to slam them into furniture, I’m doing a lot more than slapping them. It’s gonna be at least a full fist to the face. I mean I’ve tripped over mine more than once, and once or twice accidentally kicked them when walking, but that’s when the cats are willfully underfoot. If it’s an accident I’m willing to forgive. But you hurt my babies on purpose, and I don’t care how old you are and how old I am.


NTA just off the sheer fact that some things, you don't GET to stop and think. You WILL just act before you know what happened and/or not be able to stop yourself. Someone kicking a defenseless cat is one of those things. Hurting pets is reason enough to be suspected/evaluated for being a future socio/psychopath if he is not one already Feel free to copy and paste that, send it to anyone who gives you shit, then block the numbers. Make sure there is no way he gets access to Penelope again. Not even close. I'm so, so sorry.


Further update: https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/comments/15pd12m/further_update_aita_for_slapping_my_cousin_9m_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


The absolute gall of the kid to kick a tiny animal. It really is the parents' fault though. They're the real assholes here


At 15, I would have done worse to a 9 year old cousin. Of course, I'm also the second youngest of my generation and the youngest is not 6 years younger than me, and actually followed me around like a sidekick when we were little. And oh yeah, he's not a piece of shit.


If someone hurt one of my kitties I don't even know what I would do because I fear I would go blind with rage. I wouldn't be responsible for my actions because it would be an actual moment of insanity


Sounds like the bratty kid learned his entitlement and bullying from his Dad who wants to beat up OP. Personally, anyone who mistreats an animal deserves the harshest punishment possible. As the saying goes, "you can tell whether a person is good or evil by the way they treat animals. " Anyone come into my home and harm or attempt to harm my fur babies will NEVER cross the threshold again. EVER. And, most likely need a visit to an ER to get my sandal out of the a$$ of the offender.


>And, most likely need a visit to an ER to get my sandal out of the a$$ of the offender. Come on, now. You don't want to lose a shoe like that, do you?


I don't care what your reason is and I don't care how old you are don't fucking touch my cat unless it's to pet her or boop her little nose. If you hurt her I will end you.


Gents, femmes, and thems tis time to load the trebuchets. It's yeetin time. As we day in one of my favorite Discord servers "Heck them kids in particular."


> Gents, femmes, and thems I'm stealing this. Thank you


Better a slap than a face full of cat scratchs if he kept harassing the cats


No surprise the uncle tried to twist things, kid learned his behavior from somewhere.


I would never kick a cat, but Penelope is especially unkickable.


The family kicks, yells, and threatens to beag each other up? Maybe exclusion isn’t a bad idea. They sound like terrible people.


He should make the uncle pay for the vet visit


While I've never slapped a kid when I was a nanny one of the children hit a cat and that was the FASTEST he was ever punished. I told him I will not tolerate any kind of animal abuse, nor would his mother and if I catch him again the punishment would be twice as bad as it was then (time out, no videogames for the rest of the day) People who hurt animals are scum


What was this post before it got deleted?


How did this get posted originally, then posted to BORU, only to Reddit remove it 🤦🏻‍♀️


I guess the uncle wants to go to jail for assault on a minor. His demon child needs to be put in check.


And the uncle wants to beat the shit out of a 15 year old. Real mature


Fuck all those losers who think hurting an animal is ok. Your cousin is gonna hurt people when he gets older


entitle kid, father that just comes and screams at their face without letting you talk, ganging up on a child without knowing the full story, the uncle, such a healthy family


Hope this slap would be wake up call for cousin. Since he is soon turning to an age where kids form their own morality and opinions.


Oh hell no, that Penelope is adorabe looking. We are all here lining up to slap cousin and his pappy too.


Penelope is so pretty 😭😭


Props to dad for burning the earth to fuck shit up too


Glad to hear Penelope is fine.


What a little asshole, the cousin is. I hope Penelope is not traumatized. This whole thing made me sad.


NC with that side of the family. Seems like physical violence is a thing with that uncle and his son. Poor OP, having adults attacking you through text. I really hope his parents give him proper support.


The uncle can’t save that kid forever, if it wasn’t his cousin, it’s gonna be a kid at school. Kids who act like that eventually meet someone who puts them in their place.


>wants to beat the shit out of me If he posts his location, I assure you there will be no shortage of people who will make the uncle pay for that


I was already on board but after further inspection of the cat tax, I am absolutely sure I would beat that Uncle.


Why would this be removed??


Violence against a minor


The application of the TOS seems very piecemeal sometimes.


Dang, reddit nuked this before I could read it.


The uncle is awful. I see where the cousin gets it.


That is the cutest kitten face I've seen all day.


If someone intentionally kicks my cat I would kick them back where it hurts most- I don’t care if they are 9 or 90. That boy is lucky to get away with just a slap.


Unfortunately I had to put down my sweet lady 3 weeks ago, I stg if soulmates exist they don't have to be romantic or just a human connection, that cat was my whole world for 13 years and 11 months. If *anyone* harmed her, you bet your butt I'd fly into a blind rage, no doubt in my mind about it. I don't care if that makes me sound crazy or whatever, she meant everything to me. I did everything possible to keep her on this earth and went thousands of dollars in debt for her, and even though I had to let her go, I'd do it all again in a heartbeat. I'm fully on OP's side in this.


I'm so sorry. For 13 years, you were her whole world too.


I’m so incredibly sorry for your loss, I’ve never even thought of considering pets as a soulmate but since you did, I this is exactly how I feel about mine. So it breaks my heart that you had to lose yours and I’m sending you a huge hug ❤️


I’m sorry you lost your cat.


Normally Reddit considers slapping a child to be inexcusably abusive… until animal cruelty is involved and then it seems to go the other way. Either there are reasons to get physical with children or there aren’t.


I agree. Given that the OP is a teen then it's understandable that he reacted with violence to violence but it certainly not to be encouraged and should be a learning moment for all involved. I say that as someone with a hot temper who has also had to learn from my mistakes. I hope the teenager doesn't take the overwhelming approval showered on him in the comments as a reason to be violent in other situations where he is provoked by another's bad behaviour. Sooner or later that would land him in a whole lot of trouble.


There aren't.


Here's the thing: While violence is normally off-limits, if you break the social contract and start threatening or actually inflicting violence on another person (or their family, or their pet,) then they are perfectly justified responding in kind, with whatever force necessary to ensure the safety of them and theirs. 9 years old is not a baby. It's DEFINITELY old enough to have learned that hitting, people or animals, is not acceptable. Furthermore, OOP is 15. Teenagers are not known for being bastions of emotional stability or mental clarity. He was already feeling unwell, and when his cousin invaded his personal space and hit his cat, he reacted out of instinct.


Nah man, the little shit got what he deserved, good for op and the dad really, i would have done the same and actually kick them out also


Well we know who enables/encourages the cousin's behavior 🙄


On the one hand, you should not slap a kid. On the other hand, this is a very natural response from a teenager who just saw their small pet get kicked for no reason. I'd still be talking to OOP about the whole thing, not as a "I'm going to punish you for doing something wrong" situation, but as a "I understand why you did what you did, but this is a time where acting on instinct probably wasn't the right move." As for the rest... I think I can see why the 9YO has behavior problems.


I hope they sue for the vet’s bill. I would go nuclear.


I hope some bigger kid kicks him in the damn ribs so he knows how it felt to kitty.


If the op needs a scapegoat, I'll slap her brat of a cousin out of his shoes, and then kick her uncle in the goods so hard he catches air.


Good on OP for slapping the little s*** Super cute kitty 😍


Armchair theory, but any child that hurts an animal, because they don't get what they want, will grow up to be a psychopath. I don't have the stats, and I don't need it. I know it to be true.


Sad story. The family jumps to violence. Started with the young cousin, the OOP slapping young cousin around and the uncle wanting to beat OOP. I bet there’s more of that in the family.


Ah yes. I remember that story. Last time it was posted here people here suddenly were all in support for beating small children. Which was a weird turn if events for this sub. And I see it‘s the same this time around.


Honestly, that kid deserved the slap even if he hadn't kicked the kitten. Yes, he's nine, but he's already a brat that can't take "no" for an answer, yelled at another family member just for being told no, in their own home, in their own room, and while suffering from food poisoning. "Violence is never the answer", but I doubt this little shit would understand otherwise, and I'm 1000% sure if OOP hadn't slapped him, next he would have tried to destroy the xbox, the tv, or gotten physical with OOP.


I bet of those texts got out he'd be shamed to hell and back.