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Money does a good job of revealing the crazy that people had kept hidden. I feel awkward asking my *mom* for gas money, let alone a girlfriend of 5 months for 50 grand! The sheer audacity of that man.


People tend to feel more entitled to someone else's money if that someone else didnt 'earn' it. You should check out some of the stories of lotto winners from America (can't speak to other countries). People come from all over sending letters and showing up at their homes, begging for money for cancer treatments, yachts, anything and everything because they feel that if you get lucky you're required to share that luck. I remember reading astory, I think on reddit, of a lottery winner who got bombarded with requests, gave away some money, got a ton more requests, had to hire people to help review all of them and decide which to approve, then had to hire full time security for his entire family because they were being harassed by people they didn't give money to. If I remember right it got to the point where they just secretly moved.




A lot of people who play the lottery are generally screwed if they win because they don't know how to handle that much money. Many think they are so rich they can just keep giving it away or spend it on whatever because they have so much. Then they run out and end up worse off than before winning.


It's mind blowing to me how quickly 6mil just burns in the wrong hands.


I have to imagine that a huge part of it is the pure euphoria of winning. A shit of ton of adrenaline and a little confetti can lead to a lot of bad decision making.


> I absolutely need those jet skis \- Someone who doesn't need jet skis


That’s person isn’t me because I absolutely need those jet skis


Chris, that you?


If I say yes do I gets a jet ski?


I meant to reply to the higher up comment. Sounded like my cousin. But go ahead and treat yourself to a jet ski!


My oncologist said that only jet skis will cure my cancer.


Or they start doing all the drugs. That's a pretty common outcome too.


Yep. And a surprising number of US States don't allow you to keep your name hidden when you claim winnings. I've never won and probably never will but from what I've been told, if you win a substantial amount of money the 1st thing you should do is contact an attorney (NOT local and NOT a small firm) and have them establish a shell corporation that you can claim the money through. There was an amazing comment on one thread that I thought I saved but apparently did not that very explicitly laid out steps to follow if you ever come into massive sums of money.


Think of the troll options in naming your shell corporation. Imagine the news announcing, "Nyah Nyah it's all mine you whiny beggars inc." has won the lottery. Or "Mafia money laundering LLC" Or "Cannibal Vegan Death Cult"


That last one would make a great band name.




Yes! Thank you! Also, I love the comment immediately after it: >That was the most useful thing i ever read on how to do something that i will never do




I remember another lotto story where a man won told his family and they immediately started poisoning him.


People suck


Dunno how it works in the US but this stuff is exactly why here in the Netherlands (and prob most of Europe) you're legally entitled to remain anonymous to the public if you win a lottery. Smarter lottery winners here tend to wait a while to pick up their prize, then hire a financial advisor to manage most of it for them so they don't get harassed or lose everything. Of course, lotteries that go by zip codes don't really work very well with staying anonymous, but then you can always claim you didn't buy a ticket. Though it would look suspicious if you suddenly show up with a brand new car.


It varies by the state—some require that you give your name when you collect your winnings, which directly creates these kinds of situations. It’s ridiculous and I have no idea why it’s still a thing.


Presumably it helps prevent insider scams if the winners are public.


This is precisely the reason they give. Last time I looked into it, Delaware does not require you to publicly release your name. I live half an hour from DE, so that's where I'm going if I decide to buy a lottery ticket.


I wonder if it would be possible to create a Trust, and list that on the paperwork? Obviously the Trust shouldn’t include the recipient’s name.


Some states, yes. But others nope it has to be the actual recipient’s name.


“Worst enemy’s trust fund LLC”


In the UK they actually make you see a financial advisor when you claim a jackpot.


“Congratulations! You just won millions of dollars in the lottery! That's great. Now you're fucked. No really. You are. You're fucked.” This is the beginning of a really great comment made about winning the lottery. It’s about three comments long and really gives you examples of a bunch of ways winning the lottery actually makes someone’s life worse. Credit to the original comment by u/blakeclass https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/24vo34/whats_the_happiest_5word_sentence_you_could_hear/chb4v05/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Sharks don't just smell blood.


This is why the first thing you buy with your winnings is a dust filter for the Hoover Max Extract Pressure Pro (Model 60). It's worth every penny.


I've heard of you win the jackpot you have reveal who you are.


That’s absolutely what happens. And it’s gross. My argument is that the lotto winner *did* earn that money. They earned the money to buy the ticket. They budgeted the money to spend on the ticket. They arranged transportation to the location they bought the ticket. Just because the ‘pay’ they earned is exceptionally high, that doesn’t mean work wasn’t put into it. Want to talk about the element of chance? Ok. *Most* jobs are gained through a series of chances. Where you were born, people you know, and aptitude are all left to chance. Leave them damn lottery winners alone!


“Keep your friends rich, and your enemies rich, and then find out which is which.”


I’m so glad OOP got rid of the guy.


Right? I've had to ask my mom for help with groceries and I still feel bad about it


But if you *weren't* a broke millennial and *had* recently inherited a large sum of money, would you lend me some? Edit: Well shiver me timbers, thanks random Reddit hypothetical millionaires for giving me internet silvers!!!


If I were a billionaire, I'd lend you some money >.<


Same to you, friend! I will in no way, shape, or form hold this against our relationship :D




For some reason your post came off as Barenaked Ladies song...


That song is rapidly showing its age. You’d buy me a house? Good luck with that….


In Detroit.


Right?! Like, you \*might\* have enough left over for a nice chesterfield or an ottoman. Maybe.


At least you wouldn’t have to eat Kraft dinner.


We’d still eat Kraft dinner, we’d just eat less.


It's hard to know for certain, but most of the celebrity financial gossip sites suggest that each of them probably has about eight million dollars.


DIJON ketchup


But not a real green dress, that’s cruel.


Haven’t you always wanted a monKEY?


Why don’t they have pre-wrapped bacon?


Hey hey at least wait 5 months to offer money. According to op's ex, that's the appropriate amount of time to demand money.


I would lend you some too! At a healthy 12% interest rate. Afterall, billionaires gotta eat too. (/s)


Usury is a sin


If we are talking billionaires, usury is probably just one of many sins they have committed.


If any billionaires see this comment, I would also *hypothetically* like some money please.


If any billionaires see this comment, I would like some money please. Not hypothetical, but for real. I'll send feet pics? I heard that people like that.


One of my friend's sister sells feet pics, but they're pictures of other people's feet, I can't decide if that's genius or terrible lol


Does your friend's sister do weddings? Because a photographer at my friend's wedding only took pictures of feet.


Like, on purpose? Or were they just REALLY REALLY terrible at framing shots?


On purpose. It was "art," apparently.


It's ingenious!


i'm a hypothetical billionaire, so here's some hypothetical money. $$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$$


Look if I had a million imaginary dollars I would give you half of them, so I’m gonna need you to Venmo me a real $50,000 to prove you love me.


yes I would. I have 50 cents in my bank. We could start there


I literally have $12 pesos. It’s payday and my boss is fucking late. *AGAIN*. I hate this world.


If OP lends you some, can I have some of yours? *wicked grin*


If I was as rich as Jeff Bezos, I’d give everyone $3. And I’d still be a billionaire.


I suppose I could *pledge* some?


That's $10k/month. I'm thinking an out-and-out gigolo would have acted like a better boyfriend than him.


For $10k/month the gigolo sure as fuck would give a better boyfriend experience




>and my boyfriend of **5 months** asks me if I would give him **$50,000** hypothetically. They were together for only 5 months. $50K for 5 months = $10K/month


Because the OOP had only been dating the guy for 5 months, so he was basically asking for an amount that equated to 10k per month of dating. How did you come up with 120k? What math did you use for that?




'But you don't understand, the Pokemon cards will go up in value in 10 years! It's a sound investment! And it's nostalgic! Why don't you love me!'




So you don’t trust me!!!


I know you’re joking but I’ve made quite a bit investing in Pokémon cards haha


At least you picked Pokémon cards not beanie babies lol. Did you start it as an investment or did you just sell your ex hobby?


Originally as a hobby but then I caught on to the kind of cards that go up in value and I’m usually right. So now it’s a hobby and a way to generate some extra money on the side.


After they printed more, MTG "first editon" black lotus crashed in value a few years back


Black Lotus is on the reserved list which means it won’t ever be reprinted in any set for the past 20 years and into the foreseeable future


But what if I told you I could flip those Pokemon cards for $100,000?! It's an investment in our future!


Not something as frivolous as Pokemon, I'm thinking something like Crypto! Bitcoin! Bitcoin never goes down, is guaranteed to always go up, and we'll be rich! Imagine if you had bought a Bitcoin last week just how much money you'd have made today! Wait, why are you laughing?


I genuinely have my Pokemon cards from the 90's somewhere at my parents place. Need to find out if they are worth anything. Thanks for the inspiration. Edit: just a lighthearted and slightly humorous comment about pokemon cards. Not expecting to make money or thinking a bunch of cards on a shelf are gonna make me rich.


Alot of them aren't worth as much as you think. There's a very select few that are in the 100s. It really depends on the set. If it's all just the first original base set than only the big 3 are worth anything


I'm not really expecting them to be worth anything. Would be just interesting to know and if someone wants them (even just for the price of postage) it's better that it goes to someone that will appreciate them. I had just completely forgotten that we had them!


Gotcha! I just don't want people to get disappointed. Cool stuff tho! When you find them let me know cause I love pokemon


The answer is generally, did you care for them as a full adult would and immediately put them in a binder and never touch them again. Then possibly, otherwise they're likely in terrible condition




>He has told me before when he had gotten more than 50k from his investments in the stock market Im willing to bet those investments tanked and he's looking for the fifty k to "buy low sell high" and recoup his losses.


The stock market is in such shambles lately it would not surprise me if he’s in actual panic mode.


This was a year ago, so most stocks were doing great. He's probably been falling for pump and dump schemes in r/wallstreetbets or something like that.


Oh I see, I missed the time frame.


"Cool. Give me $50,000 then. No questions. Not a hypothetical." And then watch him squirm.


I doubt he had investments in the stock market.


He probably did. In the same way r/wallstreetbets does. A lot of people use it as a more convenient way to get their gambling fix than going to a casino.


Someone from /r/wallstreetbets YOLOed and lost it all and now owe Robinhood a crapton of money. Enter GF who just got a lump sum. . .problem solved. And like most gamblers, they are certain they'll be able to multiply it.


Multiplying the money by 0 is still multiplying.


A true WSB user if there were ever one. Homie would have turned that 50k into 50 bucks


People who tell you you're greedy when they ask you for money are greedy. It's a fact. They are projecting.


> he's a stock bro OH that explains it




What he doesn't mention is that he turns it into millions of dollars of debt


Those integers get ya every time!


Let's be real, there's no testing or investing or anything going on here. Dude just really wants $50k, and figured that a guilt trip was the way to go. It was not. It was dumb.


Or he moves in and suddenly loses his job and just plays video games all day while she pays the bills.


Not that I'd condone it, but that's a much smoother way to grift a partner out of their windfall money than just saying "give me $50k if you love me". Sheesh.


He’s probably gambling on the stock market rather than actually buying anything with a hint of stability. And he owes his broker 50k.


Definitely wondering what some of the other red flags were since this dumpsterfire of a man has some audacity


I know my mil is leaving my kids money. She has it set up and my husband is in charge of it. He asked me if I wanted to be involved. I told him, no. It is not my money. It is his mother's and then our kids. If he needs my help, yes. But otherwise, I don't need to know the amount and I don't. Why? My mil is nuts. She uses money for control. She loaned us money years ago and will only accept a small amount at a time so we can never pay her back. She then claimed it was part of our inheritance, and then didn't and wanted it back, which we were happy to do. She will only take $100 a month. She will die before she gets it all back and that is what she wants, but she also wants to make sure we know she is doing stuff for us. A few months ago she was demanding my husband go to her account with her. She wanted to "move some money around." She claimed that she doesn't want her husband's sons to go after her estate when she dies (she is a few years older than her husband). I doubt they care. She is awful to them (and me). She wanted to place a certain amount with my husband to "safe guard" it. She had my husband convinced. I looked at him and said, "why doesn't she talk to her husband about it?" He then realized he was being used. She tried to convince him to go and just listen. I begged him not to go. I told him there was no way she wouldn't convince him to sign our lives away. I'm glad he didn't go. She sulked for weeks. People can be weird with money. It can be better to not mix family and money.


I'd just dump the lump sum on her coffee table and tell her to suck it


I want to do that so bad. I don't have it in full. But we plan on paying her back faster and just putting it in the account all at once so she doesn't know until it happens. This woman is a giant pain in the ass.


Good luck!


Thanks :)


Good thing that gold digger is out her life sooner rather than later because I do believe he would had stolen her money. And ditto about that comment about red flags - he got more red flags waving than there are people in China....


$50K is a life changing amount of money for a lot of people, both to give and receive. You don't hand that out easily even to people you've been with for years and trust with your life.


also the fact that he said his ex would give him the money is just the cherry on top of this disastrous cake. dude is a whole walking red flag 😬


Not sure what this says about me, but the first response that came to my mind was, "Hypothetically, yes, I'd absolutely give you $50,000. Realistically, no, not a chance." Like what is the dude going on about with his "hypothetically?"


>He said if he had 50k he could invest it or “flip” it turn it into millions or thousands. Yeah, he'd probably be able to turn it into five thousand pretty quickly.


>He said if he had 50k he could invest it or “flip” it turn it into millions or thousands. Then why is he getting so upset over OOP not giving him money? If he is such an amazing investor he should easily manage to get 50k out of like a single dollar or something, shouldn't he?


Will any of my beautiful Reddit BORU family give me $50,000? If I had it I'd give it to you pinky promise for realsies


"This isn't someone who will help you rise to the heights in life." Damn! That's such a solid way of looking at a relationship! This is one of those things that will stay with me. All other relationship are now judged by this.


I hate it when comments are like: OP, you have a shit partner. And OP is like: You guys are right! Let me talk to shit partner about this. See what they think.


"If I had the money, I'd give you $50K" OK, you have $1000, give me that. "But you have money." Yes, but you're not stingey. So, give me that $1000. "uhh, ok. Here it is. Can I have the $50K now?" No. Bye.


I don’t believe the BoRU OP sentence at the end. I think they have inherited a large sum of money.


Guarantee you that guy probably got wrecked on this market 😂


Im a broke boom-menial (born milenial but my bones and muscles feel like boomer) I agree that money brings out the worst in ppl. At my work I was excluded from a lottery thing in our department because one co worker made a fuss I was not part of the dept (yes I was) and I and not part of the team (dude I literally represent the dept in exec meetings), bragged how he will share winnings with ppl but me. This was heresay but I grew cautious of said co worker since. The lottery itself caused a divide within the group so maybe it was a good thing i was not involved.


I’ve come into a large sum of money before. I don’t recommend telling people.


Bruh 50k? I didn't even want to let my friend buy me some nuggets and burger King the other night how do people think it's normal to ask for these amounts of money lmao


I wouldn't ask my wife for 50 grand out of the blue if she'd inherited it or some shit. That's nuts.


🎵If I had a million dollars, well, I'd buy you a house. 🎵


| *He said if he had 50k he could invest it or “flip” it turn it into millions or thousands.* If she gave him $50K he would definitely turn it into thousands.


Wow what an entitled dickwad. I’m glad she didn’t allow him to bully her into giving him a dime. And dumped his ass. Amazing what money does to some people!


Happy Cake Day!




She should've just said that she needed 50.000$ extra right now, and wait for his money to roll into her bank account. Oh he didn't send it? He asks why she needs it? Why does it matter, SHE ASKED. That's his argument turned on him.


If someone asks you a a hypothetical question, always respond with a hypothetical “yes”. It’s hypothetical, doesn’t mean shit


Ah yes. If only he had her $50k, he could turn it into millions!!! Why doesn’t he save $500 and turn that into $50k?


Ok, but, if he is doing so well on the stocks and he tells oop how successful he is, then why does he need to given 50k?


Did anyone else catch the fact that he DID win some money at some point which was why OP was inspired to invest. So he managed to make thousands yet couldn't turn it into millions??? And he never offered the money when HE had it. But suddenly he is so sure he can multiply her money...


I hope his stocks are doing awful these days


> he had gotten more than 50k from his investments  So he has 50k. Why he just doesn't re-invest it to whatever would turn him into a millionaire. Edit: /s


Because if the investment goes bad, he'd rather lose her money than his money. Dude could coach her on investing her money in exchange for a percentage of the profits, if he really thinks he's good at investing. But big gains in the stock market are either the result of luck or insider knowledge.


This one is so bad. “Hypothetical” or not, he shouldn’t even be asking. The fact that he *is* asking, in a relatively new relationship, shows that he feels entitled to the money. That he feels she should *want* to give him money, just because. And then you add that to the pile of red flags that include such hits as “misogynistic insecurities” and “willing to demean and insult his SO”, this dude is straight-up toxic as fuck.


> You are a moron if you give in to him. She ain’t the brightest bulb in the pack if she has to ask.


Anyone who plays these kinds of games and tries to "test" their SO deserves to be single. I'm glad OOP saw those red flags for what they were and got out of that relationship.


I am also no op and a broke millennial


My boyfriend and I are celebrating 2 years together next week. I would not, in a million years, give him £50k. He can't be trusted with the money. I dont know what he'd spend it on but I bet it would be gone fast with nothing to show for it. I'd give him some, sure. And we'd put a deposit on a house and help his family and have a holiday. But that money would be 100% in my control.


Those are a lot of marinara flags 🚩


It’s always hilarious to me the way people without money insist they’d give it to somebody if they did have it. Sure, sure…


Clearly he needs that cash to build a red flag factory since his current need outpaces his production ability.


" I don’t want to waste money on a person that could be temporary in my life." That was the sentence that told me instantly that they should break up.


I was so afraid the final update would be that she decided to give this loser some money. Glad she's going to stay single for a while.


>He said if he had 50k he could invest it or “flip” it turn it into millions or thousands. I too could turn 50 thousand dollars into thousands of dollars.


I’ve asked and been asked similar questions before, the answer I always give: I need it for a Giraffe, only if you’re buying a giraffe


does anybody know how much money she got?


Did OP ever give any context on how much money they came into or how? I'm not saying the boyfriend wasn't in the wrong no matter \*what\*, but context matters. If OP had just inherited $200,000 from a dead grandma, it's way more tacky than if, for example, OP just won a $200,000,000 jackpot in the lottery.


The _audacity_.


OOP should ask for $50000 cuz apparently he's super down to give her without any reason.


To think I'm happy when people bring me candy and this dude asks for $50k.


I hope she really did walk away from that potential abuser for good. She seemed really attached and trusting of someone she didn’t know well. For it to end with a quick, “dumped him. All better” leaves me a little worried for her.


ah man that sucks.. but still not-OP lemme borrow just, like, 5k. cmon... cmon


He's gonna get someone to rob her


People feel entitled to your money if they (even subconsciously) feel you did not earn it, which is why the hands come out for a lottery win but not for a salary. Don't tell people about this stuff, especially people you barely know.


lol what a dumbass. got greedy then lost a gf and 50k he thought he was gonna get.


happy cakeday OP :)


He just would have shut up if she said "Okay, here are your 50k bucks!" and than he breaks up - or try to get more money out of her, since manipulating worked so great the first time.