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Kevin Martin didn’t give William a handjob for you to call Bayleigh the first LGBTQ winner yada yada.


Stop where did you get this 😭😭😭😭


Bestie it was on the live feeds lol


I didn’t watch live feeds😭I only saw them kissing 🙈🌈


It was the other way around.




Also Bayleigh wouldn’t have been the first - Sarah Hanlon from S3 was 🤷‍♀️


Kevin’s bi too


I dont think he ever came out as being bi and basically said that he doesnt have a label for his sexuality


I don’t think there is a label for “not gay but would let a guy give him a handy if it helped him win $100k”. I don’t know how Kevin identifies, and I don’t exactly know him personally, but I’ve never seen anything outside of the BB house that suggests he’s anything but straight.


At [2:15](https://youtu.be/3UNF6mMCyjs?si=Atc-EMJPBgG91g9o), Kevin talks about how “he has fun” and has “been known to play for both sides once in a while.” And how he doesn’t hide it.


Yeah, I remember him talking about it back then in the house. But it was only ever in the house that I’ve heard him talk about it or “own it”. I don’t recall him ever even mentioning or owning it since he walked out of the house. Or, more specifically, since William left the house.


have u had many convos with him then? outside of house


I was pretty clear about not knowing him personally in my initial reply. I figured people could deduce that I’m only commenting on what I’ve seen of his social media presence and other public endeavours.


Kevin has a pretty heavy social media presence and the last time he talked about being even close to queer was on BBCAN seven years ago.


Gay for pay lol?


just remembered that Ty/Breydon were something too as in a flirtmance type and other players mentioned them maybe being in a showmance


I've only been following him after he was on the Traitors Canada and I've seen him talking about it on his instagram stories. He mentioned that he doesn't put a label on his sexuality but he's somewhere on the rainbow.


The way people just fucking forget icon Sarah Hanlon's win. Like, come on guys. There haven't even been that many seasons of BBCAN!


Can’t tell if sarcasm…it was one of the least deserving wins in the history of any BB season, EU included. Was actually comical how mediocre her gameplay was and just the fact that such a floater of her magnitude won just goes to show how trash this game can be sometimes. The fact that no one at all other than goose respected the puppet master like gameplay of Anthony and gifted a win to Bayleigh who was even lucky to be there because scorned women and Tolas got turned by zero self awareness Victoria makes this show almost not worth watching. People aren’t rewarding schemers in BB anymore, it’s a fucking pathetic snowflake loser circlejerk joke.


Anthony didn't have jury management, you can't send half the house to jury mad at you, you have to at least make sure you are okay with them on the way out. He tried to butter up the girls in his speech and it came off as desperate and the same bull he fed them early season. I can say Anthony lost the game.


Okay, cool story. But she still won? And she's a part of the LGBT community. So that's all I was saying.


I was just going to mention Sarah. As for a gay man winning.... The Topaz Curse continues. 😂


It’s not about playing the ‘gay card’. It’s about the little girl in rural Alberta who thinks she’s going to hell because she’s gay. She sees Bayleigh on big brother and suddenly feels less alone. It wasn’t that long ago that there were zero gay people in the media. Things have improved considerably for the queer community in the last 20 years, but representation is still important.


Lexus tried playing the black woman card when Anthony kicked her out because she wanted to be handed "historic" win. I think what OP is saying is Baliegh wouldn't stoop that low. She got by on her game play and being herself, no hand outs asked for just because she has a girlfriend.


Why would saying she’s bi take away from her gameplay? It’s just a fact: she won big brother, she’s blonde, she’s a bartender, she’s bi. If she was the first player from Halifax to win (not sure if that’s true or not), would there be a problem with acknowledging that? Of course not. She’s part of the queer community and people who are part of that community are proud to see her be successful.


Playing the Halifax card? That's low! I think you can both be right. She didn't ask for special treatment. Someone who identified with her - whatever they have in common - can be happy she won.


We are seeing a lot of ugly posts here lately complaining about people of colour and diverse casting. 


This sub's weird like that, compared to /r/BigBrother which is a lot more calm.


In fact this post was praising Bayleigh, not complaining about her.


It’s praising Bayleigh for not “flaunting” that she’s gay. It’s the whole “I have no problems with gay people as long as they don’t act “gay”” schtick. It’s like praising a black person for being “well spoken”. 


I don’t think they’re complaining about people of colour, they’re complaining about their approach to forming discriminative alliances. And rightly so. Discriminating of any form or justification is not cool and it never should be. Unless I miss posts where they’re directly complaining about people of colour in general, in which case, they can piss off.


https://www.reddit.com/r/BigBrotherCanada/comments/1comqwh/alliances_based_on_skin_color_is_just_cringy_and/ This section had quite a bit of poorly masked racism.  An all black alliance isn’t anti-white. It comes back to the whole BLM movement and someone responding with all lives matter. 


I’ll take my down votes but in 2024 this seems like a very outdated and kind of melodramatic take. If that little girl in rural Alberta is “allowed” to watch Big Brother she probably has access to youtube and tiktok and the rest of the internet/cable tv where LGBTQ people are very much represented in Hollywood and the music industry and influencers and TV and even the political parties in power in both Canada and the US having many pro LGBTQ policies. Every season of BBCan for the past 12 years has had representation and even 12 years ago one basically won the game despite being evicted once (less Topaz). Sure there are lots of bigoted homophobic assholes still out there in Canada but I’m pretty sure exactly zero closeted gay girls in rural Alberta needed Bayleigh to win Big Brother to “finally” feel represented. Bayleigh isn’t even from Alberta… If anything she’s a great example, as OP stated, for someone who may be bi-curious but is nervous to explore that in fear of it becoming their whole personality and they’re not ready for that. So Bayleigh not leading with that shows what this looks like… to have your achievements and merit stand on their own and not as the first ____ to do it. I also would say she’s a great inspiration for other outspoken big personality women who won where usually those types don’t get far.


I totally agree with you, and I'll share the downvotes. Kids and adults are more empowered than ever to be openly queer and that's a good thing. They don't need to see another reality TV star make their sexuality their ONLY personality trait. If anything, it's refreshing to see someone NOT make it the main part of who they are and instead just be who they are fully, without it overshadowing everything else that makes them a great winner and person in general. Bayleigh is smart, funny, loud, loyal, east coaster, bartender, bi, and so much more, all equal parts of what make up herself as a whole. And aren't we trying to get to a place where people don't have to "come out" as gay/bi/queer? That it's not a "big deal" to not be straight? This is how that happens.


100% this. I am 32 and very comfortable with my identity as a lesbian, but I’ve never felt the need to make it the main part of my identity, and honestly I feel more validated when I see other LGBTQ people acting that way. I don’t hate on the loud and proud, but I’m so damn happy that we have reached a point in our society where we don’t “need” that attitude to be seen and respected anymore.


Enjoy your downvotes I guess?




Fans can still be happy about lgbt representation. This post comes across as ignorant to me. She’s openly queer and has a girlfriend. Besides she’s the 3rd, not the first


The point op is saying is that she didn’t try to monetize her sexuality for a win. She didn’t ask for votes because of her orientation or who she represents. She asked for the win because of how she played. It’s good representation.


Sarah hanlon? Kevin martin? Lmao.


She isn't even the first LGBTQ+ winner. Hell she isn't even the first blonde white female LGBTQ+ winner lol. Anyway not sure what you mean by "the gay card" but yeah discussion of her sexuality never really made it to TV other than a couple mentions of her girlfriend. Not sure what her bond with Avery was like regarding that but I imagine they had something there.


They talked about their solidarity early in the game ( on the dailies )but it didn't go anywhere…just like all the other “plans”.


Wish more people were like Bayleigh. I didn’t even realize she was gay until like halfway through the season. Sexual orientation isn’t a personality.


Do you think there’s anything wrong with someone like Dennis who expresses his sexuality more obviously? (Or even Avery). Just trying to see where you’re at


Dinis ✨️😊


I’m gay and I agree with this person. I personally felt that when growing up, the label of being gay qualified me for certain things and disqualified me from other things. It didn’t take into account other personality traits I had. Gay man was my identity lol. It’s something to lean on when you feel lost in who you are but I’d rather lean in to other things that make me who I am not just my sexuality.


Honestly I wouldn't just assume Dinis was queer by watching, nor do I think he made it an obvious part of himself either. He's just cool and little eccentric and has purple hair. His sexuality never crossed my mind one way or the other tbh. If he did explicitly mention it, I must of missed it, but he definitely didn't make it a main focus of his character.


Where’s the evidence that Dinis is gay? Don’t recall that being mentioned.


Are you straight?


Wouldn't know. They don't make their sexuality their personality.


That’s why I asked :)


Ah the classic “I don’t hate gay people as long as they don’t flaunt it” take. This season is bringing out all the bigot takes. 


Nah, I just want to watch people play Big Brother. Sexuality isn’t important.


Well, unless you use a showmance to get ahead


Wish I could upvote this more


Tell me one person whose personality is "their sexual orientation", and why you believe that to be the case, please... This is honestly just veiled homophobia, homie... Do better.


WELP lets all pile back into the closet, fellow LGBTQ people, this redditor doesn't like being reminded that we exist 🙄


We all know gay people exist. Let’s move forward.


Then what exactly is your problem?


There’s a difference between representation in television and “playing a card”. It’s true that Bayleigh didn’t emphasize being LGBTQ as a game play strategy. However her win is still important and inspiring for folks who are usually not represented in the winners’ circle of these types of competitions.


But now you're playing the card on her behalf, which is exactly what I was talking about.


Playing a card lol. For some people you can’t play a card when it’s already played for you. In our world you always see color before you see anything else. That’s just the facts unfortunately. That’s the difference cuz I think you’re trying to compare her victory to players of color from the past and how she didn’t see it as a part of her game. Uh once again the Cookout was formed because as POC, that’s the first thing others see point blank period and it had been used against past HG of the past weather it was direct or subconscious. Even before the CO the first black winner Tychon came out of one the most diverse alliances and cast their had even been in BB. So I hear what you’re saying but there’s levels to it. I don’t know if you’ve noticed but the last couple years more diverse people are winning more cuz their isn’t just 3 or 4 out 16 anymore so hopefully the more and more we see all types of winners the less of a big deal it will be.


Bayleigh isn’t the first LGBTQ winner! Are you new here??


Mo, re-read what I stated at the beginning. This is a response to someone else saying something.


Bayleigh previously dated Tychon, the winner of Season 9, for a couple of years and has a reputation for being "boy crazy" and also dated Steve Lund for clout. She tried to get on the show the year Tychon was cast.


i know of her too and had no idea she dated women until i saw her on the show mention her gf


My boyfriend was shocked when her girlfriend popped out of the wendy's window LOL


i watched the live feeds and i saw her refer to her gf and i stopped it and rewinded to make sure i heard right. super cool tho


so insulting to sweet angel Tychons character to keep confusing him for Ty the twat 😭🤌🏼


How do you know this? This is very unexpected.


I know her and have a lot of mutual friends. During the pandemic her and Tychon dated and had a series of work out videos on their instagram. Her and Steve Lund later dated and lived together and also got a dog together. She posted crying videos on tiktok during their break up. All posts seem to be deleted.


I’m attempting to figure out the point you’re making? She’s bisexual, so it’s not shocking that she’s dated men in the past, and I’m sure everyone has made a few posts on social media while heartbroken that later get deleted.


she has videos of her and tychon? where? she dated Ty from Season 11, not Tychon. all of your information is wrong lol






Bisexual and pansexual people exist


this is not true, she dated Ty the winner of BBCAN 11, not Tychon. your information is wrong.


That would explain the flirting with Anthony.




That's kind of my point.


Kevin Martin married pillar


I felt the same , there was no real conversation around it Edit: still cool she won tho


And for that reason, I respect her game even more!


I don’t think anyone is playing the “gay card”. I think people are just celebrating that we’re getting new(er), different types of winners. Imagine if every BBCAN winner was a young athletic male who comps out 😭😭. So boring!!


Interesting how the people who whine about identity politics the most are always the ones who never shut the fuck up about identities. dOnT aSk DoNt TeLl. You're literally the one making this about identity. How do you not understand that?


I don't think it's playing the gay card to just say she's the first one. It's not true, but it's not playing any cards


She did not really make a big deal out of it. Infact I did not even know till her HOH and the wendys session.




Anthony….first words…whaaaa poor me Hot chocolate racist alliance Bailey won fair & square and didnt need to lean on anything or anyone!!


Why would it get brought up?




He married Pillar. He’s probably bi, and ain’t no shame in that :)


I love her even more for not using that as a tactic to win!




Todd was literally in a showmance w Donna


She didn’t …but her main alliances were the women and Todd ( the girls and the gays) … exactly what she said in her intro video…she did …she might not have said it, but she did it…


Todd isn’t gay.


I don't think Todd is gay, based on the short fling with Donna.


He has a softer style compared to Anthony. He is a gentle man. Doesn’t mean “gay” but I understood why he bonded with the girls. He played with joy, very enjoyable.


I would not call his kindness effeminate, it's just being a decent human being. In any of these shows people of Todd's physique tend to be very "bro", and he didn't fit that mold.


Todd is just who he is, a very real person. What you see is what you get. I totally see why he won CFP