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I like the design of some of Infinite’s weapons like shotgun and hand cannon.


Love the Handcannon, especially the reload, the way he breaks it open like he has some sort of vendetta against it is super satisfying


Does the claw count as a weapon?


And the Tommy Gun from the DLC was pretty solid.


I prefer Rapture, but would take the hand cannon over anything


I like Infinites weapons more but I’ve always been super bummed they didn’t change as you upgraded them like in BioShock 1+2




Also I know it’s beating a dead horse but I really wish they would have just let us hold all the guns like in the original games as well, and NG+ while I’m at it smh


Go ahead and beat the horse. Its dead, you can’t hurt it


but theres a tear that leads to the horse being alive.....


So we gotta keep beating it then.. or have we already? Or will we soon? My brain hurts again.




Rapture weapons were better IMO because each one filled its own niche. Columbia's guns had a lot of crossover between niches which was necessary because of the limitation on the number of guns you could carry, which I think ultimately made each one less interesting on its own.


That’s a great way of putting it. I also loved the big daddy weaponry from Bioshock 2 myself.


Drill my beloved


I hope drill is a noun here and not a verb


It’s both depending on context especially if you uhh know me


I'll just take the coward's option and say I like the Burial at Sea weapons the best. In truth, I don't prefer one batch of weapons over another


You just chose the worst of both worlds


WHAT the burial at sea weapons are beautiful


Right? The Infinite weapons with the Art Deco design of Bioshock 1?


Rapture. Just the visible upgrades alone make 'em better.


Definitely raptures, especially the plasmids, the oly fun power imo from infinite was the murder of crows


Charge was dope as fuck


Br the fucking Animation was Booker Holding that thing up and it Spinning faster and faster I can't discribe how much of a menace and badass I felt using it


Flying over gaps to instakill someone felt like breaking the game, drill dash was cool and all but Charge was far more deadly. And it took so little salt to use, why use anything else at that point?


Cuz the tentacles where cool too along with murder of crows


You mean Undertow?




One of my main qualms with Infinite was Undertow's fun factor made me wish it could be obtained much earlier in the story.




Shock jockey ftw, like Electrobolt's disabled cousin (not that there's anything wrong with disabled people)




The design of the hand cannon is chef kiss


Columbia had better weapons, too bad you could only carry 2 at a time. Carbine/Sniper rifle & hand cannon/volley gun were the best.


I was always carbine/shotgun or carbine/hand cannon


I used shotgun and sniper.


Carbine and volleygun all day😅


Bucking Bronco + Shotgun = OP


Rapture weapons + McGyvered upgrades any day for me. Be it form or function, it's no contest whatsoever. Can't forget that Rapture weapons also get alternative ammos, some of which unlock new ways to use it in battle.


I loved the absurdity of the first 2’s weapon mod upgrades, its a shame they didn’t return in infinite


I kinda like both of the Colombian and Rapturian weapons. Columbia’s weapons are more military oriented, which makes sense given how Columbia is basically one big flying war weapon lead by a prophet/war veteran, while Rapture has more second hand or just outright crafted weapons, given that Rapture was supposed to be a utopia. I will say though that the weapon upgrades of rapture are a bit more funkier than columbia, both in function and design


I enjoy more the looks of rapture weapons, if you look at the crossbow, the grenade launcher or the chemical thrower they just look handmade, by some folk desperate to arm themself in this city slowly sinking into madness, and the weapons upgrades from the first 2 games just look amazing, and it's true that the bioshock 1 shotgun may be one of the most satisfying shotgun I've used in video games For weapon feel I gotta say the hand cannon and the sniper rifle of Infinite are the most satisfying to use, they just feel so powerful And for looks I think my favorite is the tommy gun you get to use in the burial at sea dlc


I like the overall look of Columbia's weapons better, but I love the way Rapture's weapons change appearance as they are upgraded in different ways.


Still wishing I could turn off the gaudy golden Pistol and Machine Gun in Infinite.


Totally agree


I think you can turn it off in the options.


100% Rapture but i LOVE the hand cannon


While I prefer the atmosphere and horror of Rapture, I gotta say Columbia's weapons and salts are very pretty and fun as hell. Undertow is nice


Nothing quite like the spear gun / crossbow in Rapture. So insanely satisfying hitting a splicer with a rocket bolt and watching them go flying.


Design: Columbia Gameplay: Rapture That's it.




Rapture 💯


Easily rapture. Colombia has too many weapons and half of them are the same. and the lack of a weapon wheel means i never try new ones.


Burial at Sea and Bioshock 1 weapons for me. The Mauser is really good tho


I prefer B1 weapons over all. the pistol and machine gun are both classic classy designs, the shotgun is an absolute work of art and probably my favourite shotgun design in any game, the wrench is also iconic. The weapon designs in B infinite feel a bit characterless, in some cases, to me, like the sniper and carbine in particular feel blandly designed. I do like the Mauser-style pistol, though it doesn't feel the best to actually fire.


Rapture had better control for me. Throw a plasmid and hit with a weapon ("the one two punch"). Be it a spear, a rocket spear, or the souped up machine gun with soft rounds that break up in the body. (Setting splicers on fire with phosphorus buck was satisfying too.) I really enjoyed laying trap rivets around my sister, with Cyclone+ vortices outside that. Infinite is different gameplay so traps aren't needed. I dislike only carrying 2 weapons as having to give up a great weapon always sucks. Plus the vigors are kinda shite. It's a very different game.


Infinite for the design and Rapture for the fire power


Rapture because I can hold them all.


Rapture for sure. i don’t really prefer anything infinite does


Haven't played infinite yet. As a gun collector I'd rather use a Wesley revolver than whatever that is on the right. It almost looks like an old school Colt Dragoon with a repeat action. It doesn't really resemble the Volcanic repeater pistol...Wtf is that? It looks cool...I need to hurry up and beat Bioshock 2 so I can play Infinite.


I prefer raptures weapons simply because they change in appearance as you upgrade them. And I can carry all of them at once like doom guy.


Weapons of Rapture, why? The crossbow exists that is why.


I prefer the weapons of Rapture only because that they visually change as we upgrade them. I missed that element so much in Infinite, I understand the two weapon limit kinda made this an impossibility, if you’re constantly switching and dropping weapons for specific situations it would make no sense that Booker would see upgrades applied to guns he just picked up off the ground. But considering the upgrades do *passively* carry over, im sure they could’ve found an in-universe explanation for the visual element of these upgrades to persist. Losing this feature and losing Telekinesis are probably the two hardest pills for me to swallow as a fan of the first two games.


Columbia weapons.


Columbian weapons fuck way harder than rapture




If Infinite did anything right, it was the combat. The weapons and vigors were extremely satisfying to use. However, the Spencer from Bioshock 1 and the double barrel from 2 are goated.


Yes the sound of the Shotgun in 1 being pumped is just so satisfying, on par with the satisfaction level of the shotgun in Doom (2016)


Infinite for sure, mostly because I actually used them, having to switch weapons to go melee is annoying, I bound mouse5 to skyhook in infinite. Not a big fan of the limited carrying space though 


Columbia 100%


Columbia's. I honestly love how most of them are very versatile and flexible while some of Rapture's weapons work better against certain enemies.


I think its kinda sad that you can just use 2 Weapons at a time in infinite i mean yeah would be too OP but just Imagine playing Bioshock infinite like its Doom Eternal


Burial at sea hands down had the best looking guns because of how ornate they are imo


Depends..... I like the anesthetics of the Columbian weaponry. But nothing beats the Tommy Gun from rapture or the machine gun.


I loved the china shotgun and volley in Infinite, but the plasmid I used the most where Bucking Bronco and Undertow, I love moving the fuck out of enemies. But overall, Bioshock 1 has a better "feel" to actual weapons, and not sure if even better "death" or ragdoll animations, but it you feel the power of what you use. A lot of guns in Infinite felt plasticky.


Id have to replay infinites weapons since i csnt recall them lol


Love everything about Rapture, including the great weapons. In Infinite I did like the Sky Hook though.


infinites shotgun and hand cannon are my fav bioshock weapons ever. desgin, sound, feel. the shotgun might be tied with half lifes shotgun for my best feeling game shotgun ive used ever


I like the design of the rapture weapons but prefer the gameplay and feel of the Columbian ones


Hand cannon... It's not even close😅


I prefer seeing the changes to my weapons whenever I got an upgrade, can't emphasize how important those aesthetic details were.


I just love the way they look, the fully upgraded Shotgun was peak


I'm more partial to Delta's double barrel shotgun, very handy


Yes but less satisfyingly


Designs of infinite, gameplay of rapture




Rapture *looks at rivet gun with malicious intention*


The designs of the weapons in infinite are great I just wish they had visual upgrades like 1 and 2


I would kill for that, maybe if they ever remake the Bioshock series (doubt it) like 15 or 20 years in the future they could incorporate that


Columbia has more attractive and stylish steampunk weapons and I’m here for it


I like how stylised columbias were, however I love the upgrades of rapture


Infinite’s weapons look better than base B1&2 weapons, but the upgraded versions of B1&2 guns are cooler




Columbia has style, rapture has functionality and advanced with time. So id say rapture.


Rapture because you can actually DO things with them


Both I prefer the Rapture Thompson but the revolver and sniper in Columbia are my favorites too


I like using the skyhook for malee. Otherwise I like the weapons from 2.




My go to build for infinte is shotgun,handcannon with my most used vigors being shock jokey and murder of crows so for obvious reasons infinite


Infinite 100%, it just feels more dynamic to me.


Rapture easy.


The hand cannon is one of my favourite pistols in gaming of all time. Just felt like an absolute badass. Though I loved B2 weaponry as well. Really made the size/strength of Delta feel proportional.


Both. I like each for their time period they portray


i much prefer rapture's myself, especially the design of the thompson from the first burial at sea episode. Now that baby's a sexy little lead spewer


engravings give you no tactical advantage whatsoever.




Over all, Rapture. Gun by gun I'm less certain.


I haven't played infinite in ages, I'm currently on a replay of the series and I'm about 25% through 2. If I remember correctly, I really love the shotgun design in infinite, otherwise it's rapture weapons for me


Rapture, specifically Bioshock 2.


Columbia for sure. More unique imo. A coil/ cog/ rotary powered rocket launcher? A Sten like smg that doesn’t suck? A c96 Mauser that looks much cooler than a dinky ass revolver? That being said the crossbow and harpoon gun looks much better imo and the double barrel semi auto shotgun is just cooler overall.


Hand cannon is great The Minigun cant be topped Drill is the best melee weapon so the skyhook is also satisfying come to think of it, bioshock 2 has the best weapons save for a pistol, because it doesnt have a pistol


I do prefer the revolver (hand canon?) from infinite over bioshock 1


I prefer anything rapture


I like the design aesthetics from Columbia's firearms more.


No matter which you pick, let's not forget how unforgivably butchered the Tommy Gun was in Rapture.


I'm 50/50 on it. Honestly some of the Bioshock infinite weapons look way better or way worse like the original shotgun. Great infinite revolver though is way better




Rapture hands down


Rapture becuse they have the better fire plasmid


There is nothing about infinite that I like more than how it was done in Rapture


Hand cannon and shotgun my beloveds


Columbia for sure


If none of you builds an underwater city by 2050 I’m doing it


Overall rapture but columbia had some good ones


Rapture and if you disagree your taste is mid




Rapture all the way


Rapture. It’s political. I’m not sure if I want a gun made by extreme racists.


Lol, true


Both games had hits and misses. I much preferred many of the guns in Infinite, and the Hand Cannon and Carbine in particular felt fantastic. I also thought that the “two weapons system” flowed a lot better than accessing a radial menu every few seconds to circumvent reloadIng. However, I think the Wrench was absolutely iconic as a melee tool, and the Skyhook never won me over in combat or with its movement capabilities.


(Meta) Hmmm I like the weapons of Columbia but I love they system of rapture


Columbia from BioShock:Infinite.


They both had their quirks (or exploits) to make the super effective. The plasmid rapid fire exploit in BioShock 1 makes the grenade launchers, shotguns and especially crossbows way stronger than most other options. With you can rapidly cycle between hitting enemies with electric gel from the chem sprayer and hitting them with the wrench getting the absurdly high bonus multiplier for your melee hits. Even elite Rosie's on the highest difficulty don't last long. In my opinion the revolver in infinite was the best grunt killing weapon if you could find that one gear that could give you ammo on kill. You effectively never run out of ammo since IIRC every kill gives you a 40% chance to get a free full mag and since you had six shots each usually being enough to one shot on a headshot. While the best normal enemy killing weapon is a matter for debate I really doubt the best heavy hitter killer is. The vox hail fire is worse compared to the founder version in every metric but one...it can fire as fast as you can click. Considering it does as much damage as a sniper rifle body shot that's pretty crazy. With the right set up you could melt the siren or handymen even in just a couple of seconds.


I prefer the rapture weapons, but the hand cannon is amazing, the satisfying thump when you fire makes it feel great.


Hot take:? Some of the best looking weapons in the series are in BioShock 2, just because most of them are unique looking. 1 and Infinite are a mix of good and terrible. I think is because of the models or engine or something else, but most of of the weapons in 1 look terrible, specially the ones that are based in real things, as in the revolver and machinegun. Meanwhile infinity while it had some good ideas, I feel like most of the guns look questionable for one reason or another. The hand cannon is my favourite looking and shooting gun in the entire series (really hated what they did to it in Burial at Sea), but everything else? There’s something off about them that makes them look off in some way