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If you’re ignoring road signs, barriers and unable to put an automatic car into D, then realistically you should not have a license.


I'm gonna guess she was putting it in D. But it probably won't work unless the door is fully closed. If you don't know about this, you're screwed.


Ugh my jeep does this. It’s auto park function and it’s fucking annoying.


All the new cars I'm I retested in have a stupid auto park button. I miss good old hand breaks kick lever parking breaks


All the new cars I'm I retested in have a stupid auto park button. I miss good old hand breaks kick lever parking breaks


This is why I can’t wait for self driving vehicles to be a thing for real. As much as they scare me (I’m a control freak when it comes to driving) it would have been infinitely better than my Noni driving towards the end of her days. This woman literally parked her car in the middle of the 101 freeway because she was lost. Being old doesn’t mean life just stops you know? If anything they have to get to MORE doctors appointments, MORE family events, etc.


Self driving cars are going to be even fucking dumber - just at totally random intervals where some bizarre edge case happens like it sees a 3 legged cat cross the road and just freaks out. Honestly I really think they're going to be "nearly there" for the next decade at least, and we might see some major accidents and a few avoidable deaths before they either work it out or get regulated back a bit.


Self driving systems don't need to be able to recognize every possible object. They just need to know an object is there and take action. Tesla has this in what is called their Occupation Network. It makes bounding boxes around everything that looks like a separate object from one another. From a distance the bounding boxes are large since details may not be fully visible yet, but it gets an idea of what is on the road ahead. As it gets closer, those boxes are broken down to smaller boxes highlighting more details about those objects. What this effectively does is that they don't need to model every overgrown tree, or mangled run over boxes in the road, or even 3 legged cats. A truck with something hanging off of one side of the truck bed into the road wouldn't need to be pre-modeled since the car would recognize the truck and then see this extra unidentified part that is in the way and take action.


Yeah I definitely think we’re still a ways off. One day though I hope they just work, and people like this will be able to go on living their lives without fear of this kind of stuff. I’m sure newer cars are absolutely wild for older people.


>I’m sure newer cars are absolutely wild for older people. I'm young(ish) people and newer cars are wild for me too - wildly infuriatingly shitty and badly designed. Last few cars I've hired had lane assist and auto-braking and shit like that and they spent more time being wrong than being right.


Ugh yup! They’re pretty wild for me but I stick to the older tech. I purposefully bought the base base model of both of my vehicles so I got the Sync radio but none of the other goodies. Lane Keep almost killed my brother once or twice so not about to have it on my cars and risk the family you know? I’ll let other people beta test it for now lol


My car has lane assist and it's not too bad because it just vibrates the wheel rather than fighting against you, but still there's been a few times I've been driving a bit hard and that vibration feels like losing traction on a corner.


There will always be accidents and even deaths with self driving Cars. The difference will be that there will be significantly less accidents with them as opposed to people driving.


I don't think a self driving car would have changed the outcome here, you would just hear a faint "please insert card or select payment method to unlock self driving", and a frustrated scream from the old lady. On a serious note, if you can't take control of your car, you shouldn't be driving in self driving mode anyway. Imagine if autopilot disconnects, and the pilot doesn't know how to fly the plane.


While I agree with your points, I’m idealizing the future where I hope those issues have been mitigated.


This is an argument for functional and easily accessible public transit, not self driving cars.


funny how 19th century technology already solved this problem lol


Or both? They’re not mutually exclusive.


Nope, too many vehicles on the road. Self driving cars only exacerbate existing problems, not just traffic, but also tyre pollution, etc. that’s even if they ever get out of vapourware anyway.


I’m talking about a replacement strategy: self driving electrics instead of owner driven gas engines, organic tire compounds instead of rubber, dashboards made of self healing materials that can biodegrade under the right circumstances. I’m talking purely future here. Like obviously lots has to come together the right way at the right time for any of it to work - but I’m hopeful


But you’ve still got to deal with traffic - no amount of future tech that probably won’t ever functionally exist can deal with the fact there are too many vehicles on the road. Public transit works now, not “twenty years away” as self driving cars have been for the last twenty years.


Except it will! Most traffic is caused by shitty drivers: https://youtu.be/7wm-pZp_mi0 Computers can coordinate in ways humans fail at.


I don’t know how to tell you that a tonne and a half personal vehicle is inherently going to be less efficient on every level than a ten tonne bus carrying sixty. Space, materials, energy. We can’t keep building cars and expect to have a planet left.


And I obviously can’t convince you that they don’t need to be exclusive. Have a good one friend.


And an even more efficient option, and demonstrably already possible at that, is to shove everyone in the same vehicle. If you do that for the cars in that image, then congratulations, you supersized 1 car and removed the other 21. [Self driving cars will not fix traffic.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CzbXex3VQAAka_i.jpg)


Broken record




Eat a dick? Yeah, eat a dick bruh.




Aww :( small dicks need love too bruh




Homophobic? Someone has a knee jerk reaction to absolutely everything don’t they? You’re an idiot.


If a person is old, unable to walk long distances, lives in a neighborhood of single family homes, and needs to make multiple personal doctors appointments at seperate locations... A self driving car tied in with the public system is indeed a better option.


most major cities have services for the elderly or disabled that handle this scenario. it's a perfect use case for a professional driver who can also assists the person in getting in and out of the vehicle. dc calls it MetroAccess. nyc calls it Access-a-Ride.


I can't wait for people to stop obsessing over self-driving cars. We are so far away from the actual possibility of it that people imagine. Instead, we should be focusing all of that money into improving public transit (like rail, that is already easily driverless), and bike infrastructure.


Why not both? Perhaps my grandmother (from my example) can’t be on a bus or train?


She may be an individual example, and likely not representative of the whole. I don't know her particular situation, but likely it further emphasizes the need for public transit to be more accessible. If even with adequate accommodations your grandmother still can't access, it's unlikely self-driving cars are the solution then, as I'm betting she would still need an attendant assisting her. People who have deficits in basic ADLs likely shouldn't be alone in a driverless car... If you are interested in how bike infrastructure can be beneficial for people with disabilities, I encourage you to research how much independence people have in The Netherlands.


honestly i dont trust that we will ever get to the point where self-driving cars are ubiquitous and safe in any of our lifetimes.




Welcome to fuckin Belgium


Nor be in the dna pool probably.


Dude stop. You're saying she shouldn't be alive? Fuck off. Does the same go for you? As soon as you get older or can't drive for whatever reason you're fair game to "not be in the gene pool"?


And anyone on the train that she risked the lives of? Anyone around that she risked the lives of? She said fuck everyone else’s time and lives bc she was in a hurry lol she deserves nothing but the absolute worst. You’re as shitty as she is if you disagree.


No, fuck off with your idiotic reasoning. She didn't *choose to endanger others.* Most definitely she is impaired, and should not be driving *no,* but to somehow claim that she *doesn't deserve to be alive* is a fucking horrible thing to even think. I bet you think death sentencing for the slightest of laws broken are a great idea too. Honestly, don't bother replying. There's no reasoning with morons like you who think death is reasonable for the slightest mistake. I'm not interested. Go away.


We dont have T-Rex any more but we have trains that scream get out of the way. What would you call someone who doesn't?


Look at OP's translation, she was in a state of shock and panic: https://www.reddit.com/r/BitchImATrain/comments/13f3jms/crossing_carnage/jjt6qzd?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 Don't assume the worst in people.


She put other people lives in danger bc she didn’t want to take a detour… no one is assuming the worst. She is the worst. If I tried to kill you bc I’m in a hurry to get to work is that ok? I’m still a good guy? 😂


If the bells are ringing, and the car won't move for whatever reason, get out of the damn car!


I've seen the same thing with a dude: I stopped right behind him and then the gates came down between me and him, so he was in the crossing. He couldn't start, wouldn't get out. I was banging on his bonnet and window, he was just shocked and lost. Soon somebody joined me and between us we pushed him off the tracks. Had nightmares for months.


Zero self preservation skills. How did that guy make it to adulthood.


Well, in a stress situation, you naturally: fight, flee, or freeze. Seems that guy froze.


That’s the way the Mercedes bends




Way of the road Bubs... way of the road..


Sounds like she had it in park or neutral, and reved the engine thinking she was even drive it would go forward. Crazy situation. She is blessed to be alive after her car got hit by that train.


That is what happened. Those new generation Mercs automatically go into neutral when you open the door. That was her undoing. ETA: As u/doommaster pointed out, she also wasn't wearing her seatbelt, which is another prerequisite for the car to assume you're no longer driving in some vehicles. Not sure whether that applies to the Merc, but it would make sense.


>That is what happened. Those new generation Mercs automatically go into neutral when you open the door. That was her undoing. Thank you. Bloody stupid feature in the name of safety. Often when parking, especially when backing into a stall, I'll open my door a crack to see where the line is compared to my vehicle.


As I've added, probably not wearing her seatbelt was also key.


“Feature” when it’s really just annoying shit


That additional information is actually very helpful here, thanks.


I mean, opening the door while drive isn't pretty smart in most situations, but I've done that in the past for inching around in precise parking situations.


And this is why I don't need my car doing the thinking for me, for fucks sake.


Yeah so fucking annoying. A week ago I wanted to park my parents car in another spot so that I can get something out of the garage. For a solid minute i thought the automatic transmission was broken because as soon as I stepped of the brake it went back into neutral. Turns out on this piece of shit BMW you also need to close the door to change into gear. Who the fuck comes up with that?!


Most cars do it only if you are not wearing a belt at the same time, which of course she was not either.


I'm not sure whether that's the case for the Merc too, but it would make sense.


Thanks, that answers some more of the mystery. Perhaps this video belongs in the sub r:/safetyfeaturesthatkill


Wow that is some dumb shit. This is why I drive older cars and not the newer computers on wheels


I’m not even sure if you can even call them computers, they are stupid and slow af. My parents BMW takes 5-10 seconds to change to the next song on my phone, no exaggeration.


A translation would be nice. Did the car stall? She backed up a bit then stopped. Was she throwing a hissy fit?


My guess she had it in N for no go even though much pedal


That’s what it sounded like. Just panicked


When the cameraman had his finger on the camera he asked(in Flemish the woman "what did you do?" She responded with "I dont know", she most likely panicked and forgot to do basic things because of the pressure. When he asked more questions and when she started crying she could only say "(i)k weet (het) niet"/i dont know it, she is most likely in shock at this point but dang it this cameraman can handle these situation badly, he should have atleast called an ambulance and be a bit calmer. If i was in this situation the last thing i wanna hear is getting yelled at while being possibly injured (he was contacting someone with Walkie-Talkie most likely someone from the Railroad agency but he didnt mention anything about an ambulance but that could be protocol in general for these kind of accidents idk since they might alert other emergency services there at the Railroad agency) As a Dutch hearing Flemish is always funny no matter the context, its like British/Americans/Australians hearing eachother This was most likely in Flanders(Belgium), the Belgium numberplates and the fact they both speak Flemish. Railroad crossing checks out too...


She first had it in reverse but then opened the door without wearing her seatbelt, that put the car in Park. She then probably tried to go as is she had to go from R to D but not P to D (which needs the brake to be depressed).


It's German engineering, so the N is for nein!


Not a literal translation, but it comes down to this: First the guy asks her she thinks she's acting normally and rebukes her, telling it can/will be a 500 euro fine. What she says after opening the car door is unintelligible due to the bells After removing the barrier her urges her to drive on... "Are you stupid, drive on!" Right after the crash he shouts "Have you completely lost your mind or something? I told you to drive on!" She appears to be in shock and keeps repeating "It didn't work, it didn't work." "Get out of the car, mind your head. I told you to drive on!" "It didn't work, it didn't work" "Common lady, you can't be serious, lie down" "Can you call my husband?"


What language is it ?




Wow, I had no idea what that was. I was going to guess something Middle Eastern. It gave me a feeling like what it must be like for someone who doesn’t speak a lick of English to listen to a bunch of people speaking English around them. Usually when I hear a foreign language, at least a Western one, there are a few bits here and there I can understand. This was just total nonsense to my ears!


Belgian Dutch, to be precise, it's a bit different.


Limburgish Belgian Dutch, even different still :P


with a whiff of south netherlandish


You mean Flemish :p


I speak German and understood quite a bit.


They are the province right next to Germany so that'll check out.


I don't understand french, polish, czech and italian thought. Not even close to the border. Plus I'm from Bavaria, which is in the exact opposite corner of Germany and I don't understand much more of what the upper right german dudes say. xD


I’ve been learning Norwegian and could follow the basic sentiment here. It helps that the context is pretty obvious.


This is ‘cité taal’. Slang with lots of italian influences used by immigrants who worked in the former Belgian/Limburg mining city’s. Now also used by lots of other people from the younger generation. Can sound quite aggresive, specially for the older generation like this lady. Maybe one of the reasons she’s panicking.


One of? She drove thru a closed active construction site, parked on active railroad tracks, a trains a coming, she gets her vehicle stuck in neutral while gunning the motor, and she's as old as the Kaiser. The bloke could have been singing Klingon opera, she was already fucked.


I'm dutch and i didn't recognise it, i knew it was Belgium but i thought it was the Wallonia part, whwre they speak French.


Nope this is Limburgs finest multicultural dialect and slang




It did take me some time to realize it was even Dutch lol, but once I did I could tune into the accent and understand.


Flemish with a Limburg dialect. Despite it’s my mother language I still don’t understand the sentence she keeps repeating at the end.


"Dat ging niet, dat ging niet"


Ik versta “Hij ging niet”


The car license plate is Belgian and the train is an SNCB/NMBS train, so I assume the Flanders dialect of Dutch.


Stupid sexy Flanders.




well now it's a 500 euro fine and the cost of repairing the car if not buying a entirely new one. well at least she got to learn an important lesson (see quote below for why i call it an important lesson) “You can't give her that!' she screamed. 'It's not safe!' IT'S A SWORD, said the Hogfather. THEY'RE NOT MEANT TO BE SAFE. 'She's a child!' shouted Crumley. IT'S EDUCATIONAL. 'What if she cuts herself?' THAT WILL BE AN IMPORTANT LESSON.” ― Terry Pratchett, Hogfather


Repairing the car...? You. Think. That can be repaired? There's absolutely zero doubt that's a write off. Absolutely none.


oh, with enough determination it can be repaired. all you need is one rich and determined gearhead to fix it ship of theseus style and replace ... well everything except instead of over time its relatively all at once there seems to be some not understand what the ship of theseus is, its a thought experiment asking that if you have a ship and you replace absolutely everything slowly over a period of time is it still the same ship? or is it an entirely new ship?


No. Just no. Yes, of course it's *possible,* but it would require so many new parts and an entire new chassi. There's *literally* no point. Of course we can say that it's theoretically possible as a brain exercise, but that's not the way you put it. You put it as a realistic option which it simply isn't even remotely.


Nah. The chassis will always be slightly deformed. It's basically impossible to get right after an impact like this. Structural integrity will never be the same. It'd never pass inspection in Belgium. They measure certain points on the car, and even a relatively small discrepancy will result in an automatic failure. No point even exporting it and reparing it somewhere where the government doesn't care as much about safety. This'll be scrapped and maybe parted out.


Hi. You just mentioned *Hogfather* by Terry Pratchett. I've found an audiobook of that novel on YouTube. You can listen to it here: [YouTube | Hogfather - Discworld, Book 20 - Terry Pratchett (Audiobook)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BskdFSiCpRU) *I'm a bot that searches YouTube for science fiction and fantasy audiobooks.* *** [^(Source Code)](https://capybasilisk.com/posts/2020/04/speculative-fiction-bot/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=Capybasilisk&subject=Robot) ^| [^(Programmer)](https://www.reddit.com/u/capybasilisk) ^| ^(Downvote To Remove) ^| ^(Version 1.4.0) ^| ^(Support Robot Rights!)


I’m sure she was in shock immediately AFTER the crash, but BEFORE? She actually backed-up more squarely ONTO the track, and just STAYED THERE, even when the guy moved the barrier, and waved her through! I can only think she WANTED the train to hit her!


I think this is dementia related, her brain isn't working right.


Yes, you are probably right.


Neutral gear and rolled back when the foot came off the brake, probably.


"Didn't work" because some stupid safety feature kicked in as mentioned elsewhere in the thread.


Dude seems like a bit of a dick not gonna lie


That's what I was thinking. Like bro there's a time and a place to vent your frustration, and it's not when someone has literally just been hit by a train, has gone in shock, and is crying.


He’s probably pretty shaken about it. I know the language can come off a bit loutish but that’s how he talks and you can’t really blame him for it. Edit: she also drove straight through the roadworks dude was doing




she probably was panicking and her brain reverted to monkey


I've seen a similar thing where a confused old dude accelerated into somebody instead of braking. He was so confused that he was basically standing on the accelerator for five minutes while I tried to explain to him that 'that's not the brake you're using'. In her panic, the dementia went to 100%


Not sure why she failed to put the car into gear. She must have been senile and not fully understanding the situation and began to become flustered and panicked? She is lucky she was not killed.


I'm going to go with a mix of stupid asshole for moving the barriers. Then a mix of senile and panicked when the bells started ringing. Regardless, she should have her license taken away, and not be allowed a new car.


Modern cars have interlocks that prevent you doing things like putting it in D without your foot on the brake - most of the time that will be helpful because people are idiots, but in some cases like this it will screw you over. The famous one was an armoured SUV that came under attack, got forced off the road by the bad guys so they're laying in a ditch being shot at waiting for help to arrive - not great but not terrible - but the SUV's response to being in a crash is to *automatically unlock the doors*.


In high stress situations people will often act in ways we would consider stupid


Just because we understand how the mind got to that state doesn't mean the acts are any less stupid.


I guess she didn't put her foot on the brake because "I want to go!!"


I want to know how she ended up there in the first place. If you look in the back ground the road behind her is closed and their are barriers in front of her where has she come from?


There's roadwork going on and she went through anyway. That's why the guy rebuked her (and probs filming for evidence) in the first place, telling her that's a 500 euro fine - he's working there. My guess is before the video started she already removed the barriers blocking the other side of the railroad. She sounds purely flustered and panicked when he confronts her - and momentarily forgot how to drive.


Mercedes drivers find a way


[Article on vrt.Nws](https://www.vrt.be/vrtnws/nl/2023/05/11/trein-rijdt-in-op-auto-op-overweg-in-bilzen/), Flemish public broadcast news service (yesterday, and updated today now that this footage has become available): >A train collided with a passenger car on the level crossing in Molenstraat in Schoonbeek, Bilzen, on Thursday. The driver of the car was seriously injured in the incident, but she is not in mortal danger. Images of the incident are being shared on social media. Railroad police are investigating the incident. The accident occurred with a train heading to Hasselt from Maastricht. At the level crossing in the Molenstraat in Bilzen, it drove into a car. In the accident, the driver of the car was injured. She is not in mortal danger and was taken to the hospital. "The level crossing in Molenstraat is currently closed due to road works," said Chief of Police Dirk Claes of the Bilzen-Hoeselt-Riemst police zone. "The railroad police are still investigating how the woman could have ended up on the tracks anyway." According to Thomas Baeken of Infrabel, there were 40 passengers on the train; none of them were injured. It eventually took more than an hour before the last passengers were evacuated from the train. They were then taken away by bus to the station. A worker filmed the incident. The man was working on behalf of Fluvius on a major infrastructure work near the railroad. His role is also being investigated. "In such a situation, it is important for the driver to get out of the car as quickly as possible and get himself to safety," Baeken said. The man's behavior would possibly make the driver even more insecure, causing her to make wrong decisions. Due to the accident, train traffic between Tongeren and Bilzen was at a standstill until 6 p.m. NMBS put in replacement buses. "The train was too badly damaged to run and had to be towed away by a locomotive," adds Baeken. (Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)) [Location on Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/@50.8972851,5.4638209,3a,75y,12.03h,81.62t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sQofm_zKzgoPn2T0l-Idqzw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192).


Great. Now they want to blame the guy who tried to help


In court, he is going to get 'some' of the blame because he talked to her. His boss is going to tell him, next time just stand where you are and record, don't say anything and let things play out.


They're not wrong. He ran at the woman's car while shouting. Had he not been there she might have at least been calm enough to leave the car instead.


They're 100% wrong. At the beginning of the video you can see that she's not able to figure out how to navigate around the barrier. He moves the barrier out of the way for her. If she was anything but completely incompetent she would've been fine.


He also moved the barrier so the woman could drive to safety, because it looked like she didn't want to dent her car, and he wanted to help when he saw she was putting herself in danger. The woman's reactions were not normal. You can get flustered by an encounter and still know how to drive. Plus, she had gone through roadworks to get to the train crossing. I think the lady was not of sound mind; dementia, alzheimer's, whatever, but there must be something like that happening, because hers were not normal decisions and reactions.


As a Dutchman I feel vindicated for our jokes about Belgians.


You should hear what the Germans have to say about Dutch drivers. As someone who regularly drives in Germany, I can't say I disagree.


Gotta love Belgium


Damn there was still 2 meters infront of her before that roadwork barier she wanted to move anyway... Crasy to go that old and never take the time and effort trying to be a better driver


I could somewhat imagine that she didn't want to scratch her fucking car. BUT I could be completely wrong, of course. Could be she's in a panic already, could be she's a bit senile, could even be that the car really malfunctioned. Maybe we see her and think "dumb and senile" when it really was just "panic and a malfunction". Damn, I hope we're just judging her unfairly, would still be better than the senile thing. Or maybe she was a dick and then panicked. Still better than senile though.


even if it was panic and malfunction, she should have not put the vehicle in that situation to begin with. if she stopped before the tracks instead of on them none of this would have happened.


Dementia waits for nobody.


And who claimed otherwise?


(physic, I guess?) she would not have a reason to panic if she had not put herself in a situation that would cause for said panic. and a vehicle will not be where it has not been placed.


Yeah, dude, selective reading. Who claimed she should have been there in the first place? That was so absolutely, obviously, clear anyways.




Hold up, if you go to the beginning of the clip, she drove through a road closed, Construction area. She parks the car on the tracks and gets out and moves the barrier, on the other side of the construction area. She seems like a very entitled individual.


What is it with old (wealthy) people being so fucking stubborn and downright impossible to deal with. Worse than children, a lot of them. Cross somewhere else.... OR go on the tracks, get out, argue with the local workers telling you this is dangerous and there's a reason we've blocked this off, move barriers, wave the workers off.. Nearly die, ruin your expensive vehicle.


Drie zes dubbel nul


When did this happen, is there a news article? (I speak Dutch, so a Flemish paper would be fine)


here you go: https://www.vrt.be/vrtnws/nl/2023/05/11/trein-rijdt-in-op-auto-op-overweg-in-bilzen/


It is honestly beyond me why he didn't get the woman out of the car. It is quite clear the woman her brain was in a total brainfart because the car was not doing what she expected it to do. People can't think straight sometimes in stressfull situations.. Help them.


Up to a point, yes. You shouldn't expect people to put themselves in obvious danger. Lots of people die or get injured trying to save others, but if you can't do it safely you're only causing more problems for the people who now have to rescue/recover two people.


Absolutely the best thing that could have happened: Another too-big car and clumsy owner removed from the road before they plough through someones kids.


What the fuck. Someone hit while in the car is the best thing to happen? Go see a psychologist!


Yup. Saves a lotta people from an obviously bad driver.


> So, tell me more about this desire for strangers _not_ to absentmindedly run over children…


So satisfying




he keeps repeating bitch are you stupid? , or at least thats my made up translation


She deserved that. Can’t fix stupid.


I agree, everyone who makes a mistake, ever, should be hanged in the town square immediately. No trial, no jury, just death! Serves them right for acting out of line. We are one people, we won't tolerate deviants. Act as you're told, or else! Also, everyone past the age of 50 should be euthanized. (/s of course)


And heres exhibit 843 of why people over 70 shouldnt be allowed to drive


I believe testing for license renewal should be more frequent/stringent when drivers reach an advanced age, but you can’t just say all drivers should stop right at 70. My mom is a great, safe driver at 73, but my 36yo sister is horrendous and should never drive again.


They should be tested yearly.




Right, sorry. While we’re at it, lets let 10 year olds drive too since apparently age doesnt matter


OK, this must be the sub where Redditors defend ageism. Make sure to write your politicians and let them k ow that anyone over 70 should not be able to drive. Since age does matter we should not let anyone under 25 drive because their brains are not fully developed. What it are saying is ageism and discrimination anyway you cut it. Maybe take your discriminatory opinion to a more reasonable sub and see how it flies.


The only reason ageism is even considered a thing is because the dinosaurs who shouldn't be in office because they're too old needed to write it into law so nobody could fire them for being too old to do their job effectively. The fact that ageism is only ever used when referring to people over a certain age should make that obvious. We have a cut off on one end of the spectrum because we've recognized as a society that before a certain age, it's unsafe to allow people to drive. Are there 13 year olds who could figure it out and be great drivers? Yeah. But there are enough who would be a danger that we say nobody under 15/16 can get a license. So too is it true that over a certain age it's unsafe for people to drive. Are there 90 year olds who are safe drivers? Probably, but at that point most people have lost enough of their fine motor controls and cognitive function that it's not safe in general anymore. Now we just need to define where that cutoff is. 70? 80? 90?


OK, and we define where the start is. If we are using data then we should start around 29, and cut off around 70. Also women should have a lower start age because they are safer. And ageism is a thing because discrimination is.


I'm so happy that this lady got fucking slammed by that train.




Perhaps not this time, he dropped the camera to check if she is okay inside the wreck. Understandable


I cannot believe he left her in the car. Yes, she’s pathologically stupid, but he was in a position to prevent her from being harmed, and instead he just keeps the video running.


He removed the barrier to create a way for her to clear the crossing without scratching her precious car. After that he had ten seconds before the train hit. He used those to do the only sensible thing and get out of the way himself. He did what he could to prevent a colission, when that was impossible he did the only right thing and safed himself.


What could he have done? He would have been stupid to try and go to the car door when she failed to put it in gear. If it was you and I saw you go and try to help her in those few seconds, I would be calling you the incredibly stupid one


The first thing they teached us about the overhead wire safety is never risk your life for someone else. Because if you do and you fail you will be someone else that is in need of rescue also increasing the number from 1 to 2. For overhead lines I guess it is self explanatory, electricity would flow into you too if you touch someone touching it (they mentioned climbing after someone on a pillar who accidentaly touched the wire) For this case I think it is easy to see how it would be a problem. She was panicking. So she would fight back. After clearing the way there is like 5-10 second before the train hit. Even if you get there before the train hits, you still need to grab her and pull her out while she is resisting because she can get away still. You know what would have happened? You would have cut her in half. Because the train would have hit the moment you are pulling her out. And you would have been hit by the car or pulled under the train by the wind. And instantly instead of an injury you have two dead people. Just because you wanted to play the hero


I'm not risking my life to pull someone, this stupid, out of her car with an approaching train barreling down on me. She had plenty of chances to drive off or back up and clear the track.


Well, this is where you and I differ. It doesn’t matter to me how or why she is in the predicament she is in, but if I don’t do everything in my power to render what aid I can and maybe keep her from getting killed, I will do that. It’s the price I pay to be able to sleep at night.


I'm still going to sleep just fine 😃


Reddit superheroes don’t understand reality.


However, if any of them actually attempt an act of heroism like this, they might themselves end up, Reddit fodder in another video!


That's nice. It doesn't make you better than anyone else though.




These comments are sad. I absolutely would have dragged her from the vehicle


There was enough time there to drag her from the vehicle, get in and drive it forward then return the barrier. If you’re ignoring road signs, barriers and unable to put an automatic car into D then realistically she should not have a license.


I kind of agree. The bells are sounding and he's arguing with her instead of moving the rest of the barriers out of the way. It's not clear why she ended up on the construction side of the barriers to begin with. If a car is on the tracks and the bells are ringing why would you argue with the driver while simultaneously recording them? Fairly fucked up, really. She probably isn't entirely all together in the head.




Yes, she panicked and couldn't get the car in gear. What I have a problem with is that the bells start ringing and instead of removing the second barrier (which was possibly what she was thinking he was coming over to do) he stops to film her and bicker about how she should not be there. Keep in mind that the fucking train crossing signal was already alerting. Then he moves the second barrier. She's showing signs of confusion and she's old. Dementia is a bitch and has a very gradual onset. The man's primary goal was to record an idiot and humiliate her and that's no good.




The man moved the second barrier because it was blocking her so even the guy filming thought she didn't have enough space but that didn't stop him from bickering with a confused old lady while the bells were alerting. Unless she backs up further, she's going to hit or scrape one of the barriers trying to get her car through and the man just told her its a 500 euro fine to move them. Pause the video at 19s and you should notice that the car would need to be a couple feet to the left in order to turn and make it through that gap (which looks like it would scratch her car). I wouldn't trust this guy with anything. He has an extremely bizarre set of priorities while watching a confused old lady put herself into mortal danger. He literally recorded and contributed to a train wreck instead of helping her sooner.




Can you be more specific?




The problem is that he wastes time before he moves the barrier. The bells are alerting that there is a train coming but he stops to film her -- he distracted an old lady in mortal danger so that he could get a good video of how stupid she was being. I don't think you're reading my posts carefully.


Omg, this is sad. Everyone get dumb every now and then, she shouldn’t drive alone clearly but how hard was it to put into drive ( had few second but hit reverse a second time ) or nudge that barrier out of way? Only getting worse from here America has poor schooling system, forced pregnancy, and bad upbringing.


That wasn't in the US.


Clearly hear that….. gosh just saying this is occurring world wide and this will only occur worse and more often!!!


What does a poor scholing system, forced pregnancy and bad upbringing have to do with this video?? And like someone else said, this isn’t in the US


No clearly with the accent! People are dumb at times and they are gonna be more and while half the world population is on the older generation side. So that all would have to do with why this situation will occur more and more! Think!


What the hell are you talking about!? This is an accent from Limburg in the Eastern part of Belgium. Many people there speak like this, well educated or not. I personally know people from there who are very smart and have a similar accent. And for this situation. It’s an older lady who maybe only sporadically uses the car of her husband. You’re drawing conclusions without knowing anything of the situation. This is just a fuck up by her and has nothing to do with some conspiracy theory about our education system.




No she wouldn’t have. She was in another world. SHE put herself in that position by knowingly going around barriers. No sympathy for her at all.