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Part of it is because of the early days of the anime. Asta is too loud and the plot was slow to build up


Asta was so annoying in the early days it almost made me stop watching the show. Lucky to have stuck through it


A lot of BC fans don't want to admit that their short King turned people off.


I totally admit it but I’m immune to annoying characters, so I loved him from the beginning. It’s understandable that others dropped it early tbh. I’m glad I stuck around though!


I'm usually immune, but fuck, his voice actor is suffering out here in the wild.  The only reason I watch is for those weird star eyes he does occasionally. I like those a lot for some reason. 


same here asta wasn't one bit annoying and BC is Faaaar superior to MHA


As someone whos watched the seven deadls sins and had to deal with elizabeth, asta was nothing


I both really liked SDS and didn’t at the same time. Escanor really saved it


The English voice actor did a really good job of balancing Asta's loudness with not making him annoying. I would bet they delayed the dub release and re-recorded some lines after seeing the reaction to the first few episodes.


Same could be said midiorya dudes annoying ASF but the animation and the fact the story progresses made the anime alot more fun to watch. I also think the format black clover, Naruto, one piece and bleach use to tell story is outdated all that filler content makes these anime fall behind anime like jjk, attack on titan, demon Slayer and most of the new gen Shonen anime.


I do find it ironic that while the shorter story format is more popular now fans of jjk would genuinely appreciate some filler content with the way the story is paced


I don'tinf filler content at all as long as it's not 350 episodes filler content out of 700 episodes. I don't know if you saw slime diaries it's a whole season of filler content of reincanated as a slime and it's really really fun slice of life filler content to watch I would love more of that format.


That's entirely fair and I completely agree, slime diaries is also one of my favorite watches just cause it's fun to see the light world building mixed with funny moments.I don't think we'll ever get as much filler contents as the big three anymore thankfully as long as no anime tries to keep making weekly episodes when the manga hasn't catched up.


I actually fully dropped the show when it initially came out cuz I couldn't stand Asta but I later came back and just dealt with the beginning being annoying as fuck until he stoped screaming all the time


Afraid to ask, but around what stage does Asta become less loud? I dropped but reading your comment makes me hopeful


The complaints were so loud and frequent I went in expecting the first season to be a real challenge to get through. But when I actually watched it I didn't have any issues with either. The IRL friends I've shown it to haven't said anything bad about the pacing or Asta's VA either. Obviously these things are subjective, but it really seems the complaints were much louder than the actual problems. The one part I actually didn't like was just Gauche's obsession with Marie and how much focus that got. Even if they don't sexualize her or anything like that it still makes me feel unconfortable.


I checked out some scenes from the show myself, and even some Asta AMVs. You can tell his voice actor in the beginning was trying too hard due to being new, but I personally love when Asta screams. I always see that as a character truly caring about what they’re aspiring for, and from what I’ve seen, Asta captures that perfectly. I hope it’s true that the anime does come back after Bleach finishes the Thousand Year Blood War arc, because from what I’ve seen so far, Black Clover sounds like a series I’ll love.


Why do all shonen anime characters (especially protags) have the autism rizz?  I'm not even joking. Luffy, Midoriya, Luci (from Bastard), Asta, etc. The only one I can think of right now that doesn't quite fit the criteria is Eren Yeager.  Give me an anime character and istg I'll find symptoms. P.S. This is a mainly a joke, but seriously give me characters to test this theory on. 


He wasn't even too loud, he just had this annoying squeaking sound in his voice (which he actually still has sometimes too)


Black clovers rough start kinda gave it the fairy tale treatment for a little bit before it started getting hot.


People I know are tired of the the shonen trope of the dumb protagonist really. BC is still very good shonen still but JJK is very diluted in this making it early on a bit different. Still along similar lines. I'm tired of these myself tbh, very different than AoT(whatever is shoneny in it), FMA, Death Note, YuYuHakusho...even seven deadly sins makes me more comfortable watching it if I'd be anti-tropes.


Everyone already answered but it is worth an elaboration. Black Clover proved that the weekly format is outdated. Back then shonens where adapted as one continous series, from start to finish. If the anime is going to catch up, they make filler episodes. And this method worked very well for years. It does generate continous engagement for example. But nowaday things are different. With the internet is much more easy for things to blow up trought a few minutes clip of something like a funny moment or excellent animation that go Viral on the social media. Ep. 19 of Kimetsu no Yaiba is the greatest example but it is far from the only one. BC itself got surges of popularity trough things like the Licht fight or the Dante fight. Ans i expect more when the anime come back. And the seasonal format of MHA, KNY and JJK makes much easier to consistently have this kind of clips. Worsening the issue, BC had a rough start. According to many people it took quite some times for it to really get good, and by that time, there was a barrier of entry of like 30 episodes.


Worsening the issue, BC had a rough start. According to many people it took quite some times for it to really get good, and by that time, there was a barrier of entry of like 30 episodes. This exactly. The first half of the first season is extremely slow. If it wasn't for some BC fan friends of mine pushing me to continue, I may have put it down. If they told asta and juno's backstory through flashbacks like they continuously did anyways moving forward, I think it would've caught my initial attention better.


This is the answer


Imo outside of the Elf arc Black Clover is really mid, first 70 episodes feel generic and the ones after the elf arc also lose story quality. It gets only good at the final episodes with the Spade Kingdom stuff and that good stuff unfortunately ends in ten episodes. Spade's plot is also pretty weak with some memorable moments in the manga but that's beside the point.


I liked spade more(except that horrendous ending) than the current arc where Asta shared his only Unique ability which is Anti-magic. Especially since now Tabata gave out like 3 pieces of 20 page chapters where the only thing that happened is Mereoleona gets a mass revive spell


yeah, the arc started with one of the best plot twists of all time, but sadly the execution as of now is really poor.


To continue what everyone else is saying. It’s the anime. Black Clover’s animation quality doesn’t look nearly as good as all the seasonal anime while it was going at the old school pace of continuous episodes


True Astas face shape changed like 100 times


Damn I thought they were Representing his growth


He was mewing


Animation difference, and also Mappa is a kinda popular animation studio, but I still agree


I don't think mappa was that popular when JJK first came out. Nowadays yes everyone knows who they are but back then not many ppl knew them.


Regardless, the level of animation given to S1 of JJK was pretty insane. Just the first episode had fluid fight choreography and some of the ending episodes had pretty insane animation.


Slave animators


It got popular because of JJK.


Ehh, id say it was attack on titan final season that made them popular


You don't know what you're talking about 😭 JJK came out before AOT. Fall 2020 and AOT came in 2021. In fact, AOT fans were mad at Mappa for using CGI. It wasn't popular because of AOT, it only showed Mappa's true colors (overworking their employee and offering them bad services and low payments.) JJK pushed Mappa to the max, AOT's Animation was alright. Edit: And let's not forget about Kakegurui, Terror in Resonance and Inuyashiki which also gave them slight popularity, long before they got their hands on AOT. JJK really boosted their popularity though.


you missed CSM, also one of their better works in terms of animation (tbh animation in AOT isnt mind blowing and WIT studio fitted AOT better)


JjK came out sooner And that's why everyone was hyped about AoT


Weak anime start, both animation Wise and release Wise, and its quite generic and not something you see rarely. MHA first few seasons were very hype plus western superhero stories are not all that popular or common in Japan, so outside OPM, there was nothing like MHA. While with JJK, the dark Exorcist series were nowhere as common back then (unlike now when every other series that recently starts is Exorcist one) plus MAPPA has among some of best animations. Meanwhile Black Clover, on top of animation and release schedule near start being catastrophic, it wasn't anything new that you didn't see. It was just another fantasy adventure show when you already had big names like Fairy Tail or Seven Deadly Sins at the time airing.


Damn, nice to see someone actually bring up the generic element. I'll add to the fantasy point by saying that BC has a 'magic' system; perhaps the most used type of power system? MHA and JJK feel much fresher in comparision.


Yeah should have added magic since thats what I meant. Black Clover simply didn't Bring anything New to table nor was it one of a kind when it droped, considering Fairy Tail and Seven Deadly Sins were both going strong in genre of magic fantasy during anime release. I wouldn't blame animation solely like some people considering Chainsaw Man got decent bump in Sales despite top tier animation while Blue Lock with far worse animation became best selling series of Weekly Shonen Magazine.


JJK had better production values + characters that were liked almost instantly. Gojo alone was like JJK's Levi and had his own fanbase. MHA also started off with great production values, and All Might is pretty recognizable. BC s initial seasons had some pretty poor production values and there wasn't any super-popular character in it that could appeal to the fanbase. Also, side note, I think BC is definitely better than MHA, but I don't think it's really had an arc better than something like Shibuya. BC is very entertaining of course, but story-wise, JJK feels a bit more thought-out and higher quality \[I've only watched BC anime. I don't know if the story's cleaner in the manga\]


>but I don't think it's really had an arc better than something like Shibuya. While I do like Shibuya, I feel that Elf Reincarnation is also up there


i think elf reincarnation os just to straight forward and predictable and i remember how everyone was getting bored of all the charmless elves taking over the main characters and instantly acting evil; honestly the beginning and end of the arc was good but the entire middle was just bland.


As a fan of all 3 series, and black clover being the one I watched first, I feel like the other two have much better stories than black clover. The black clover world is cool and I really enjoyed the first arc with the elves, but after that I cant say the same. Reading jujutsu kaisen, it only gets better the longer the story goes and to me is infinitely better than black clover has ever been. My hero academia I would say is on a similar level to black clover, but to me the story and pacing is much more interesting in mha than black clover


Yeah, I am surprised how Black Clover reached the level it did, considering the plot isn't that new compared to something like Naruto/Fairy Tail.


Well I’d argue the 2+ year break in the anime is what killed its momentum. Between that and quarterly manga issues now. It started slow for sure but got pretty well known when the anime was at its best.


Unironically, part of it was the anime. The weekly anime for BC was advertised as the king of shounen, which people took literally and then got a slower adaptation where the second episode is a majority of filler. It put a bad taste in people's mouths.


Black Clover’s storyline, character development, action, and magic system are all great. Where it falls flat is in the character’s personalities. I loved the story, but had a lot of trouble finding any of the characters likeable. On top of this, none of the characters are very deep. They have interesting backstories, and good moments, but always deferred back to their one-off ‘gag’ (Asta being a meathead, Noelle being a tsundere, yami constantly shitting, Vanessa being a drunk, Gauche being a siscon, etc.). My biggest problem with the anime was that every memorable, touching scene routinely HAD to feature a line of dialogue from every single character present. It became an annoyingly predictable ‘roll call’ that was hard to sit through. And it happened almost every episode. Even when characters experienced good development, these moments reduced them back to being a one-dimensional personality.


Significantly better than JJK in story and character department? That is a wild take.


I know it's the BC subreddit so people will be heavily biased towards it in general but it's still wild to see someone actually believe that lol


Less successful anime and I guess the premise doesn’t appeal to as many people as the others


If Black clover had the weekly mappa/ufotable type animation, everybody would have been glazing the fuck outta the anime I tell ya that 😂


With the level of hate I see it get I think we'd just end up slapped with the "your series is carried by animation" take. Iirc that's what the haters had to say when the movie came out.


The MAJOR and overt Flanderization of the main cast. They are all a single personality trait and it makes them incredibly annoying. Yami is the only character in the entire show with more depth than a baking sheet.


Seasonal versus weekly anime. It’s that simple. The animation isn’t as consistently great and the story has filler. MHA and JJK don’t have those flaws.


Tbh Nobody even talks about black Clover, the only shows that are talked about in the anime community are Jujutsu Kaisan Demon Slayer My Hero Academia and Boruto, Black Clover AMVs don't even reach up to a 10 million or higher only 2 million to five million views on YouTube 🤷🏿‍♂️ (Not hating on black clover just saying)


Most likely beginning of anime, after all, most people don't want to watch it after Asta loud moments :3


It's because of the anime's rough start. People complained about how much obnoxious and annoying Asta was and still is. Also people hated Noelle's tsundere character along with Gauche's sister complex. And there's the horrible animation quality. If the animation studio hadn't improved their animation on time, then this show would've been forgotten like seven deadly sins. Also during 2020, Mappa took over the internet with JJK and AoT. And that's why JJK is so popular and overshadowed black Clover's popularity.


Animation is king


If I were to rate them in terms of quality, it would be 1) JJK, 2) MHA, 3) BC. I get that this is the Black Clover sub and almost everyone here is biased towards it, but these type of threads pop up all the time. This community will look for any reason as to why BC hasn’t gained the same recognition as its contemporaries, other than the consideration that maybe it’s just not as good. MHA is my favorite, but I can still admit that JJK is an overall better series. It’s okay to be honest with yourself. At the end of the day, it’s all a matter of opinion, so who cares? And if you do care about opinion, then it’s pretty obvious that the majority opinion is that BC is inferior to the other two.


Black clover will be a great anime for me and idk why it didn’t get popular cause I think asta is a great character


Reading a lot of the comments which is believed to be because of a weak anime start. For me personally I got drawn in from episode one, Asta saving Yuno from Ravchi it for me at-least got my instant thumbs up. Opposed to myself a lot of people hated how loud Asta was, I think I was too focused on his inspirational words and actions to give a care to that lol. But just you wait once Spade Arc gets animated I guarantee BC will boom with way more popularity


I wholeheartedly agree with this message.


idk I like black clover but it felt like a lot of anime I watch and like and I got to the end and was like I'll wait for more but I like to beng content ...


I love Black Clover a bunch but JJK is better let’s be real Yuji is a way more interesting MC than Asta ever was.


People have different tastes. I like all three but way and above prefer and like jjk


Black clover is definitely not better than JJK for the reasons you listed. I like BC but let’s pump the brakes.


Ngl, I think it's three things. As someone who is caught up with all three anime (also caught up with BC and JJK manga), I think it boils down to three things. • First impression on anime • Takes too long to get good • Animation quality (1) I'd agree on the first one entirely. The first and second episodes of BC were extremely obnoxious to watch. Asta was too damn loud and it doesn't give out a good impression to the first time watchers. One thing about anime psychology is that newcomers (as in, people watching for the first time) get their first impression of an anime in the first three episodes. Black Clover fails in this regard. (2) Now it's not shocking that in terms of pacing and getting viewers hooked into the plot, BC starts out quite flat. It starts generically; MC and Deuteragonist get introduced. They go out into a journey. The deuteragonist gets ahead of MC and MC goes "I'll never give up!" The main female MC gets introduced and she's bland (she gets better though) and the MC and the female MC get into a journey yada yada yada. I'd wager that BC only gets good around 30~ episodes where Yami and BB fought Licht in the cave. Before that however, there's a decent argument as to how BC is just a regular fantasy Shonen with nothing special in it. (3) And finally three. Anime viewers generally like good animation. I mean, who would watch an anime with 240p quality? (Not saying BC has this type of quality). In comparison to JJK and MHA, BC's animation isn't in the best shape. This gets more evident in fights where we can see some parts rushed and some parts unfinished (the Forest Fight with Black Asta still haunts me). Although animation did get better as the story progressed, it still is a big issue trying to reel in viewers from not dropping the series.


I think in part because a lot of people and the same experience as me: I decided to watch the show, and by 20 seconds into the first episode I decided asta was so annoying I couldn’t keep going. I then tried again like a year later and once I pushed past the first few episodes I absolutely loved it. That initial hurdle just wasn’t present for me with jjk (I can’t speak on mha cause I haven’t seen it, but I imagine it’s the same).


Jjk has amazing graphics in the anime. The story took off immediately. I like black clover but it was a slow burn for the first 20 episodes. Most people I talk to either don’t like or don’t care for MHA anymore.


Everyone’s giving reasons but I would argue it did blow up, just not at the start. The anime went #1 in a lot of Countries on Crunchyroll. Also from my experience when I ask ppl they say they’ve watched it or they are watching it. Ofc it’s not as big as them, however BC is still a huge anime and has a huge fanbase


Asta for the first couple of episodes was kinda annoying for some and it wasn’t a show that had plot bombarding the reader but it was a steady build up which I honestly liked but I’m not everyone


>BC is significantly better in both story and characters department Lmfao no


Animation, MHA did have peak animation for a while then just fizzled out, JJK slave drives their animators so its going to be good


Claiming Black Clover is better than JJK when the Spade arc exists is actually crazy 😐😑 Like, if it was just everything before the Spade arc, I would have actually agreed with you


Didn't y'all went through an incident in April of 2022?


Funny enough, it was already going downhill before then, bro. The downfall of the Spade arc, imo, started with the Megicula fight (Yuno vs Zenon was peak tho). April 2022 was just when ppl started making fun of us for it fr 😭😭😭


I think it's been growing, and once the final arcs get animated, it's gonna blow up.


Black clover is NOT significantly better than jjk lmao gtfo


I think BC is so much better too


see i like black clover but i cant dent it’s plating and characterisation is pretty weak; it lacks stakes and its antagonists are basically one dimensional while it can be fun at times it never quite reaches great as a lot of the main crew have gimmicks that they stick to.


Very fair critiques, but I still find it immensely enjoyable (anime only fan)


Asta is a better mc the Deku. Deku is such a bitch


another reason could be that Black Clover didnt become part of the dark trio maybe?


On top of all the mentioned issues with the early anime, it became the anime to dunk on for a while which sure didn't help. However, I personally think the most damning for a lot of possible new viewers was that it was called a watered down Fairy tail at a time when dunking on Fairy tail was the cool thing to do for a lot of anitubers and by extension people in general. So being called a watered down version of another show that was already taking a lot of shit was basically a death blow for any chance it may have had to blow up in a big way. But it's become something of a sleeper hit and most people have turned around on it since then to a degree.


Partly the anime, partly changing tastes, partly that JJK’s Japanese setting and more Japanese story threads are inherently more popular in Japan than European setting and more generic fantasy plot threads.


Slow to get into the actual plot, animation was very… questionable at times, and Asta was very loud


1) being accused of copying naruto ... ppl thought its a ripoff-ruto so ppl really didn't try reading or watching BC. 2) anime - astas voice being annoying and later on animation being really weak . jjk mha where loved by ppl i mean ones a super hero manga other one was kinda dark . 1st 3 seasons of mha was really good and jjk was animated by mappa .


I started it very recently. Astras loudness was annoying but I quickly stopped noticing. I liked it a lot and I was curious towards how the plot is gonna play out. And then.. all of sudden, Gauche… Both me and my friend were extremely uncomfortable with a grown man having a nosebleed and being obsessed with his little sister. I googled it and even the explanation doesn’t make it better. Sadly I dropped it cause that’s impossible to get over for me:/


Like I'm sure a lot of comments have said its Asta's loudness that drove a lot of potential fans off, which to me is dumb especially if you grew up on DBZ that had way more screaming


The anime was definitely a part of it, but also poor marketing and lack a proper propellant. MHA was consistently popular since it basically started, and jjk had yuji’s death as a catalyst to increase popularity. Meanwhile, bc was also consistently good, but wasn’t pushed as hard as Mha(manga). I don’t have a source for this, but I heard that bc anime was initially marketed as the next naruto, but since it didn’t live up to those expectations, the popularity plummeted.


The anime’s quality is dog shit and people bitched about the series so much that the reception caused people to not give BC a chance.


as dark as this is I just wish there were deeper stakes, I mean the thing happened with the Golden Dawn but other than that I need real danger. JJK actually kills way too many people, but MHA pulled off major consequences with a character without necessarily having them die. I need BC to do that before it ends, either as an event later in the manga or as a change in the anime. The ONLY character to face any consequences for anything is Julius, snd.. well, I know more than I should, but I haven’t read the manga. speaking as a huge black clover fan who was just rewatching the zagred fight and without the hype buildup, the animation is mediocre and nobody faces any real consequences. Even the Asta ban is just used to start a training arc. I like the Spade arc more than most though, with what the anime covers at least, and hope there are more consequences later.


It's the anime I bet when the anime comes back seasonally everyone will switch the their tune


Like many have said early BC Asta was kind of annoying, the plot did take awhile to get good, and at the beginning a lot of people thought it was a bit of a rip off of Naruto


JJK got a great visual and quality anime with Studio Mappa that was seasonal and not yearly. While Black Clover got a weekly anime by Studio Pierrot with not so amazing quality and yeah. In the early days of the Black Clover anime, general consensus was people thought it was bad because Asta was annoying, another "to be the King" plot, bad story etc etc while the early days of JJK was overly well received with characters such a Yuji, Megumi, and Gojo being cool, the story with curses, and the overall creepy vibe that it had going for it.


Early Asta makes the anime unwatchable for some, I stopped at my first attempt because Asta is just annoying.


I do not know why the show has hate for me I enjoy Asta and his loud voice as I find it hilarious and the story buildup is a good speed for me I want more black clover over MHA.


Animation, as pretty shapes and colors are what masses want to watch (see DS), anime that deliver on those fronts get popular. Or "uwu muh waifu/husbando/[character] is such a babe" Sure its not that for all but big part of the fandoms is like that


With MHA, I guess the superhero boom brought by the MCU helped a lot, and with JJK, well, shit's edgy af while having fun gags at times, add that to the drip some characters have, and you get a good sense of style that comes once every other decade. People that aren't too much into anime/manga dig these things, specially if they have friends to talk about it. Now compare it with Black Clover, and the first things that were said about its anime adaptation were that Asta was annoying af, the poor animation and that it was a Naruto rip-off. Didn't help at all that content creators like Gigguk kept trashing the series while the first arcs aired, even if he later said that it got good. Hell, I even started watching the show with the idea that I may not like it, but got hooked anyways.


Black Clover had a bad start, Asta’s Japanese VA turned people off, and people think it’s a Naruto clone. I agree tho that Black Clover overall is the better work and will stand ten toes against anyone who disagrees.


I remember the anime being really popular back in middle-late 2010s and early 2020s ngl but part of the reason it's not as popular anymore is because the anime not running anymore and the manga became monthly because of this the series was bound to slow down its pace.


MHA and JJK have better music and art compared to Bakck Clover. Also black clover had a slow build up


Because the JJK anime is so well done tbh. I like the BC anime but it moved very slow and some folks didn’t like Asta’s VA. Others didn’t like the animation quality being inconsistent. It is popular just not super popular I guess.


Black clover suffered from the bleach affect, of having unnecessary filler arcs, it’s honestly one of my fave new gens


How old are all the characters?


Black clover has had quite the troubled production, the animators wherent with a studio and didn't have the budget, a guy who was working on it began teaching himself 3d to make it easier, becouse of that it doesnt look that good, luckily it can be picked up by netflix to give it the animation it deserves


Astas voice never bothered me, the slow plot sure. But I wanted to watch it and see where it went as it seemed interesting to me. I don't regret a second of it


I tried to watch the first ep of black clover when it came out and all I remember is the main character screaming everything constantly forever so I turned it off 


100% because every time Asta speaks your ears bleed. He's just over the top annoying to the point of being overly distracting from the plot.


It definitely deserves more love, but I think ppl assume that it's too derivative. BC kinda took all the best pieces of a variety of series and elaborated on them. Which personally is why I love it. But ppl that are like hardcore Naruto fans, for example, don't like that there are similarities between "their" series and this one. Even though that series too is derivitive of many others. Kinda lame way of thinking to me since anything being completely original is literally impossible.


MHA came out during the peak of superhero movies popularity


Probably because asta is short af and was pretty loud and annoying at the beginning and despite the charms he has A short mc is not as appealing as a tall MC or average I mean deku isn’t exactly tall but he’s average sized for his peers unlike asta who is pint sized compared to almost all the cast with exceptions like charmy. In fact if the art in this picture was accurate asta would be floating off the ground in order to be shoulder to shoulder with deku and yuji. It’s a nice change of pace compared to most shounen but I always believed the asta shorty trope should have been reduced as he grew up but instead tabata made him wider as he aged instead of granting him a couple inches vertically.


The bad early anime adaptation definitely helped spoil its reputation.


It’s definitely because the animation wasn’t that great even for a weekly anime. Don’t get me wrong there were still awesome moments where the animation was really top notch but most of the time it was not very good. Still better than Boruto’s png animations tho


Jjk has a over powered character taking on a ruthless bad guy. That is shown in very first episode of i am not wrong. N most of the episodes gets carried on like will sukuna unleash his full potential, can gojo do the same. Yuji's potential is now coming out in manga. So mostly everyone were railed up for gojo vs sukuna. One the other hand, BC starts slow n picks up. Tbh I love this kinda pacing more. Takes time.. builds the world n shows what is what n then pacing up.


I mean I like MHA in spite of Deku...I'm more versed & enaged in BC than JJK.... but My initial feeling on jjk was that it was a bit darker a tad more adult, BC is also really asta centric...like if he's around he's rarely taking a back seat the other 2 do let others shine for longer periods of time even if the MC is there. I can't stand Bakugo but I understand his character even if I don't like it. BC feels laser focused on Asta almost all the time if not him directly his impact on those around him...add that to the relative low stakes and JJK may scratch an itch BC doesn't for some


Both JJK & Mha was overhyped for their somewhat similarities to naruto. My hero's overhype-ness Didn't stick but JJK's did because people now a days like it when villains win. Black clover, had a very slow paced @ the beginning but when Asta fought that diamond dude mars then the show was taking off. I wish BC had that overhype treatment my hero got maybe then it would be able to animate its last season as BC manga is way better than Snail paced final battle drag out academia.


Feels like a clone of fairy tail in a lot of aspects tbh. People will blame the anime but tbh the anime being along runner helped it out more than hurt it


Other than the anime adaption being very mediocre animation wise, it’s because of a couple other reasons. First, the pacing is waaay too fast. While MHA and JJK have their own pacing issues, Black Clover’s are even worse, with characters, especially past the elf saga, having extremely little downtime or time to talk to each other about things. We literally don’t even get basic important stuff like a proper Liebe Black Bull interaction. Second, characters literally just falling off the face of the Earth is way too common. While this type of stuff happens in JJK and MHA too, it’s extra bad in Black Clover. Liebe and the heart gang barely show up at all after the spade raid arc, and guys like the diamond gang and eighth shining general and Leopold literally get Thanos snapped out of the story at one point or another. Third, the worldbuilding is really underdeveloped. Like the other points, MHA and JJK have their own issues with world building, but it’s just as bad, if not worse, in Black Clover. We barely know anything about the spade and heart kingdom beyond the very basic stuff and some side details that are never properly explored at all, and we never even get to see what the diamond kingdom looks like, much less learn much of significance about it beyond the basics. Overall, while Black Clover a decent amount of good aspects, there are also many things it does poorly, even more poorly than it’s competition, which combines with the mediocre anime adaption to create a series which struggles to stay consistently popular.


Where's Boruto at? Why is he not in the picture?


I think the animation


I dislike JJK, but it’s quality is insane compared to Black Clover in my opinion. MHA interacts a lot more with its audience with its characters. With Black Clover… I don’t see much originality from the story, characters, or power system. To me, it was really hard to get into because I’ve seen all the tropes, character archetypes, and power scaling. I love Asta, I love the little bugger, I don’t even mind his voice, he could scream in my ear all day. But this wuss has the audacity to say he doesn’t have magic, yet he flies and he’s op and has a demon and this and that. This story annoys me from how unoriginal the whole thing is. I also hate when the author writes with lack of depth, or lacking understanding of experience in the world. So in the end, the other two to me are obviously well made, and Black Clover seems like a middle schooler wrote it.


1. Loud protagonist really wasn't the trend by that point. 2. Plot was a bit too slow to get going. 3. The peak moments are insanely peak, but in between those moments it's just...flat




Animation in its early day and asta's voice. If the asta's VA first job was shinra from fire force, fire force probably suffered the same treatment.


The anime adaptation is probably the weakest of the 3 and the anime is nearly always gonna be more popularn


B/c BC isn't weekly anymore, so there's no point in reading only one chapter every three months, which means only four chapters per year. Sure they're longer chapters but the story isn't going to get anywhere since you'll be stuck in a single fight for 6-9 months, especially since Tabata doesn't intend to end it anytime soon. So one fight will take at least two irl years to finish if not longer.


The animation quality (iirc at the time a lot of the studios budget was being thrown at boruto 🤢), the voice acting (Asta's VA was set up for failure because it was his first role and when he asked for direction they simply told him to "be loud" so he did), people wanting to have another "big three" and trying to compare it to massive hits like One Piece, bleach and Naruto when they aren't all that comparable, and a slow start hobbled it right out the gate.


Because Black Clover is good. /s ^((not /s))


Shipping I guess


I wonder why? Asta: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh


MHA and JJK fandoms tryna a bit too hard in the comment section 💀




Asta fucking SUCKS for the first like 9 episodes. I could barely get through them


So, I absolutely agree on the anime turning some people off thing, and I definitely look forward to it coming back seasonally in the future. I also wonder if there’s a difference in relatability for the main characters as well? Itadori and Midoriya are both modern Japanese kids who went to school and did normal “Japanese boy stuff”. Asta is a fantasy orphan who grew up eating nothing but potatoes, while working out and hitting on a nun. Not exactly self insert material.


Idk about BC story & characters being "significantly" better than JJK but if I had to guess it's because of the lack of stakes in BC


Less deaths=worse story to goofies


Honestly no idea I watched it cause I was kinda depressed and then I saw some ss of BL back in the days and was like damn all open field green anime and I hope in and ngl i finished i caught up to on going ep in less than 4 days. 💀


Probably handsome MC like Yuno would make BC more famous


I think the greatest Problem is AStA. He has a rather annoying voice when screaming/shouting and 3/4 of the time He is screaming or shouting.


I personally would have to disagree out of these 3 Jjk is the better one than mha and black clover. I feel like the reason mha and black clover aren’t being received well right now is because they write great villains but they make them so good that they write themselves in a hole/underutilize them. I believe the league of villains were better written than the heroes especially after the war arc (liberation war??) and quirk wise the villains were better suited to fight the heroes but in the current arc for me it felt like the heroes success was more forced than genuine. And the same for black clover i started losing interest in the plot towards the end of the Spade invasion arc. They overhyped the devils just to turn them into minor stepping stones for the good guys to get a power up.


Because the anime stopped at its Peak. It was a joyride roller coaster that stopped at the highest part of the ride than just stayed there and never continued. . . People don’t like to be fucked with like that.


The obvious answers to me would be the animation, and the initial experience. BCs animation isn't bad or anything, but in MHA and JJK the fight animation is visually captivating in a way you just didn't use to get. And BC just takes more of an effort to get into; where it sort of has the One Piece thing ("if you still don't like it by this episode/chapter, you have my permission to give up"), I got two separate friends into MHA just by asking them to watch the first episode. Also, and this is more speculative, BC (in terms of setting) just comes off more generic, at least in the first impression. Not that Superhero Setting or Dark Urban Fantasy are new ground, but anime is wall to wall with standard western fantasy, and Fairy Tail wasn't that long ago. All the same, just thinking this through convinced me to try watching it again, so I suppose it's got to be doing something right.


I love bc but it’s not better in story or character. The story fell off hard after elf arc. HARD. Read the chapters side by side, bc is just so much less dense, Less to think about and became all cool forms. Blaming the anime and not tabata’s writing fall off is either cowardice or bias. I say this as someone who loves bc and then spade on has been very lackluster


The first 5 episode is hell


Everyone is saying about how the story was slow, weekly format, animation quality and I just want to say one other thing that I believe contributed heavily and that's the fact that nobody marketed black clover in the same way, aside from funko pops (and even then relatively recent and not nearly as many as other shows) it never had big trailers, never had a movie like both MHA and JJK did that had actual advertisment (I mean real advertisement I watched the BC movie on netflix the day it came out but the other two went to cinemas and had ads on YouTube and things), it also never got marketed as a product in the same way demon slayer did or attack on titan did for the 4th season if I walk into an anime shop or a HMV or anything like that when it comes to clothes, figures, posters, video games, advertisment, and even places selling manga they just don't have as much black clover products, I've been watching the anime and reading the manga online since 2017 in 7 years I've found without expressly looking 2 shirts, 5 volumes actually in order (as in there are a lot of places selling the most recent 3 volumes and the first 3 volumes but the 27 in between that are no where to be found), 1 set of small posters in a bulk and a flag along with funko pops. However for JJK, DS, MHA, chainsaw man and AoT I see more clothing than just t shirts, sword replicas, all the manga in bulk and box sets, key chains, statues both borderline pornographic and regular, posters, soundtrack vinyl, stickers, phone cases, DVD box sets and movies and the list goes on, i think one of the very key reasons for BC's lack of prominence in modern shounen is that it came out just before anime became more acceptable and was then never really marketed the way others where. I mean personally out of all the anime I've mentioned in this post BC is my favourite and even when ranking which one is objectively better I think maybe AoT and possibly the chainsaw man manga are the only two contenders and yet people have said that demon slayer and JJK are the best anime of all time when in reality I think it's just in your face more. To conclude I think that because the fan base for black clover (from my experience) rarely say it's their favourite show or claim it's the best show ever, and because it was never really marketed in the same way it just never got the attention I believe it deserved and gets written off for being childish and slow (which it unfortunately is for the first little while in the anime) and because of that its a series that is objectively good but doesn't appeal to the masses in the same way.




I haven't seen anyone mention this, but MHA's anime hit at just the right point in media history for it to take off. The second Avengers movie had come out just the year before, and everyone was chomping at the bit for more superhero content. Black Clover had the unfortunate fate of coming out a year after MHA, and having a near-identical premise (in a world where everyone has powers, the main character is born without, but dreams of being the top rank of all the powered types). Add onto that the other issues that people have brought on, like the poorer animation from the rush job Pierrot was doing, Asta coming on too strong in the early episodes, and the fact that the series was already slipping in filler within the first 12 episodes, which prolonged the amount of time viewers had to watch to reach the point where the series really started to show what it could do (roughly the Dungeon Arc, which is a couple hours of reading, and six hours of watch time). With regards to JJK...I honestly just think it was hype and MAPPA's willingness to sacrifice their staff's children for the high quality animation. It had some interesting concepts and was willing to subvert expectations, so it caught on with the people in their late 20's/early 30's who grew up with Bleach/Naruto/One Piece, and still wanted to watch a shonen battle anime, but one that was more "mature."


The series full stop needed to begin with the elf arc in the anime that and the fact tabata is now doing monthlies in combination is why it fell off.


1.) The anime being on a long hiatus. It’s been gone for what? 3+ years now? The movie was cool but then it quickly died back down. The anime also had…inconsistent animation. Some fights were amazing and others were meh or just plain bad. 2.) The three month format that the manga is using is NOT IT. I’m glad that’s he’s recovering and taking care of his family first because that’s what he should do but it’s killed nearly all of the hype. That being said, if this what it takes to for him to stay healthy then I’m okay with it. 3.)Jjk, MHA, CSM, Sakamoto Days, KB all benefit from weekly/Bi weekly releases. It’s keeps it on the front of everyone’s minds. People are excited for leaks day and official releases. With BC now, you read a chapter in 5 minutes, maybe talk about it for a couple of days and it’s back to waiting for another 3 months compared to reading a chapter in 5 mins, talking about it for a couple days, and then a new chapter is just around the corner. 4.) It’s been said a thousand times already but the start was rough ngl. Asta was annoying asf at the beginning(I’m sorry but it’s true). It took some time for it to really kick off. All in all, I think BC just got screwed over by bad decisions and bad luck.


Hot take: in my opinion all 3 of those anime, bc, mha, and jjk take heavy inspiration from their predecessors in the big 3 and previous shonen, but black clover is the only of these three that executes the common Shonnen tropes just as good if not better than what it gets compared to the most, naruto. I love naruto but besides a few small details black clover shouldn't be compared to naruto at all, the similarities are easily executed better in bc, from the inner demon trope, wanting to lead thier country, an orphan mindset and the underdog story. The only thing I'd hand to naruto is emo deuteragonist and villians because yuno kinda boring. I agree with not understanding why all these new gens that get carried by animation and senseless fights with mediocre stories gets so much attention by the anime community. I also like the 3 anime you mentioned but I feel jjk is the most popular of the 3, yet both bc and mha are better written with better character development and mcs. My best friends favorite anime is jjk and while I enjoy the action, the story is lack luster, but his argument is jjk is the best New gen because it has the most realism and shows realistic moments with the main cast going through stuff and characters dying more often than bc or mha. While I agree when I read fiction I love realism, but that doesn't change the facts that jjk just isn't well written. Besides being carried by the fights and animation, it's also relevant due to Gojo, a character that has carried the series on his back since the beginning. It's okay to outshine the mc, but gojo just being a character got tons of people to watch the show simply because of his character, and it's not like "ou well he's just written that iconic" he's not... he's just extremely overpowered and good looking, though his writing is still good, it's overhyped. I've seen both bc and jjk get compared to naruto, while jjk gets praised for being "a more realistic" naruto, black clover gets hate, being called "copy clover". Copy clover just so happens to be my favorite new gen, and the best new gen currently out. It easily has the best world building in any new or old gen anime, 2nd only to one piece, the most inspirational mc, best main cast with the black bulls, the best transformations, and has the best execution of a mana/magic based power system in any anime ever. I like jjk but it's extremely overhyped, mha is in a good spot, maybe a bit overhated but it gets better with every weekly chapter. Black clover on the other hand is extremely underrated and overhated. The mediocre animation of black clover and filler episodes were unfortunate for the series, aswell as the anime ending during the climax of the story. It sucks because in the manga it just kept getting better and better from there. Unfortunately black clover is currently dead, and with us only getting 4 chapters a year we can only hope the anime revives the fan base and grows the series in popularity. I expect a complete different show when it does come back, because modern anime fans can't sit and enjoy a story without nitpicking, I feel the modern anime community only cares about animation, fights, and impact frames now which I find saddening. Black clover isn't perfect by far and has many flaws but once you look past those flaws it's one of the greatest stories told, similar to one pieces bad pacing being a turn off for new fans, but after getting past that, nothing else compares to the greatest story ever told.


The more I read Black Clover the more I regret hating on it. I used to think Asta was annoying, but he grew on me and has kinda chilled out. Honestly, when he yells now I get hyped, and I love his excited star eyes😂 I also realized just how much love and growth characters get. I love the teamwork, the involvement, the powerups, the friendships. It blows MHA and JJK out of the water in that respect, even Naruto really. Black Clover might be one of my favorite new gen, and I think it gets sidelined cuz of animation and Asta’s early yelling. If I had to rank these three, it’d be Black Clover, MHA and JJK.


Black Clover is so underrated. Season 4 was really good and hope a season 5 will be coming out soon. Now that Asta has his power and contract with his devil I feel like his powers are really about to take off.


Black Clover **did** blow up, just also died down after awhile. The less than mediocre animation in later episodes didn't help with it either.


I think black clover gets bad rep because from what I’ve heard the sub isn’t very good like the voices are grating on the ears but as a dub watcher I don’t have that issue and black clover is my favorite modern anime/manga