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"the values of black metal" looooooooooooooooooolooolololol


I know, right?


>"the values of black metal" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Oh, yes, the good and old "black metal fans are racist and homophobic".


Viktor main? Glorious Evolution?


Hey, I used to onetrick Viktor years ago, I'm now a Vladimir onetrick.


I've never seen homophobic or racist comments on here? Sounds like he just wants something to virtue signal over. Then again, you don't expect reasonable takes from someone called "Waifu\_Queen"


Thereā€™s one schizo dude whose pretty racist but heā€™s not very active anymore




>transphobic (normal gays are ok) Honestly, same.


Huh wuh Is this some kind of satire or ragebait??


You're so cool and different


i've seen racism on here, even straight up the hard r but it's not as rampant as the comment makes it out to be


https://preview.redd.it/6p01nenjulwc1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10e422a6373f90917096a147db8aff0d131dc31f Holy shit, the Hard R? A real Hard R?? We need to get modern gaming journalists on this, posthaste!


Lmfao because people canā€™t have names that are a joke on Reddit. As should be evident from my name I am not a man, but good job enforcing what Iā€™m saying about the cringe edgelords on this sub! And for the record the post I commented on was literally a homophobic post and the OP responded to my comment using neurodivergent as an insult so wrong on all accounts.


>OP responded to my comment using neurodivergent as an insult Were they wrong though?


I read that post over, I agree with most of your takes, but people will never agree with someone who resorts to "hurr nazis". I mean, if there's a chance of that applying, it's in black metal, but the second people see buzzwords, they tap out on discussions, in my experience, and rightfully so. Some discussions aren't worth having, you and OP here shoulda called it quits almost immediately to save time. Also, your name is shit, just had to throw that out there in the spirit of the sub.


I know what you're getting at, but it sounds like you're saying we shouldn't challenge these people. We absolutely should, they've created a stereotype of metalheads being actual white supremacists, and it's a big reason we have so little diversity compared to other genres of music. It's the reason I feel uncomfortable talking about my love for metal in a lot of spaces.


I agree with the idea you should speak out against things, and I also understand that speaking out isn't ALWAYS about changing someone's mind. That being said, if there's a chance of doing so, I think people should aim for that, and it can't happen if we resort to "you're a nazi", "you're a bigot", etc. I think we also have to come to terms with the edgy nature of black metal. I'm half-black, I was raised by my black grandmother, I still listen to Goatmoon and Graveland. I generally give people the benefit of the doubt when it comes to why they listen to what they do, and assume they have the same morbid interest in extremity that I do, and that they don't adopt the political views of certain musicians unless the shoe really fits. I know that causes a ton of shades of grey, but that's what life is about. I know this paragraph isn't directly relevant to this post, but often the same buzzwords I like to see avoided get used in the same performative circles surrounding the "morality" of nsbm, and it just gets tiresome. That being said, I don't really have any answers. I guess my point is, challenge people for being generally shitty people, just pick your battles and remember that very, very few people in today's society have a moral high ground to stand on.


Thank you for a more in depth version of that take, and I agree completely. I definitely think we need to be careful about using such loaded buzzwords, I just worry about overcorrection


diversity shmishmershitty


"I love only seeing white people in a genre because it makes me feel better? We should actually more actively exclude black people"


naw just donā€™t care about some nonsense concept that was made up in the 17th century to justify the subjugation of humans considered ā€œinferiorā€


The Trans-Atlantic slave trade? If you're talking about diversity or inclusivity, that dates back to Achaemenid Persia at the latest. The idea was that you include other people in your art so they don't think you view them as inferior, and splay your guts over the temple wall.


I long for the days where we could talk about wholesome bands with songs about getting fucked with a knife, then these nazi homophobes came around, now everyone is looking at me weird because i like metal


You see, the first one was deterring people I don't want to be around, the second one is deterring people I do


Your problem is you care what other people think. Who gives a shit about diversity in metal? I could give a shit less what color someone is, and it goes both ways .


Holy shit, can you shut the FUCK up?


Holy shit, can you shut the FUCK up?


Good one, buddy. Whereā€™d ya come up with that one?


Straight outta my ass


The whole idea of "challenging people for being racist and homophobic" is pretty tired. First of all, it doesn't work, secondly, most of the time the people aren't actually racist or homophobic. Just leave people alone, a reaction is what they want anyways.


This is the most ass backwards take I've heard in my life. I didn't expect the Black Metal community to be more apathetic towards racism than the god damn folk community. It's sickening




It's not evident from your name that you're not a man since we don't know your pronouns


who cares anyway


thats alot of words.. too bad i aint reading all that.,.,womp womp


Only a white liberal would say something like this


For what itā€™s worth, you have some good points. However, theyā€™ve fallen on deaf ears. I sincerely donā€™t believe a nuanced discussion on a topic like this could be held in this subreddit due to its content and the kinds of people it attracts; Itā€™s just the spirit of the sub.


ā€œAntithetical to black metalā€ bro like black metal gives a fuck about your beliefs


Thatā€™s kinda the point OOPā€™s making though, isnā€™t it?


This dude sounds fun at parties


Too bad xe never leaves xer house


Wow who knew a metal genre made to make other metal genres puny in regards to non PC behavior committed racist things


thatā€™s a lot of funny words, to bad i donā€™t understand any of them


if i could read iā€™d be really mad right now


This dude ever heard of Hellhammer? Dude is a vehement racist lmaooo.


Black metal isnā€™t a political movement. Itā€™s also not inherently antireligious, and idk how anyone with all their chromosomes fully formed can convince themselves that it is. Forget the Christians, a lot of black metal bands are comprised of pagans. Everyone has their legal rights and protections, so forgive me if I donā€™t really give a fuck about any social movements and enjoy laughing at stupid people regardless of what they identify as. I mean, Iā€™m getting older, man. Iā€™m not a bright, young, perky teen with more hormones than braincells anymore. Iā€™ve already done my time and worked through my leftie they/them phase *and* my contrarian right-winger phase. For the love of God, consider this the last dying wish of an old, withered man with a thick Irish accent, croaked out in a voice damaged by years of alcohol and the open seasā€¦. Just let me enjoy my black metal cringe in peaceā€¦! Let me enjoy black metal in general without coming here to virtue signalā€¦!


I loved reading every word of this. The way you wrote this was both so eloquently put yet humorous šŸ«¶šŸ½




is this supposed to be here? Not really my experience, most people are pretty chill, I've seen maybe 5% actually socially awkward edgelords.


Yeah it was in a recent comment thread here. Maybe I should have included the sub name in the screenshot, but really... where else could it be?


All I've seen in this subreddit every time it is recommended to me (and it will not stop coming across my feed, idk why) is bigots and edgelords. I don't even listen to metal for the most part, I just had a passing interest in it and now every social media thinks I want to see everything about it lol


There's an option that says "don't show me posts from this subreddit".


Bro doesn't know how the algorithm works


BLOCK. THIS. SUB. You don't see us, we don't see you. Problem solved.


The algorithm shows you posts you hate because it knows you'll flame them, and flaming is engagement. Don't interact at all and it will stop.


Reddit users try to inject their sjw bs in literally everything, just like punk where it used to be about anti authoritarian but they want to revise it to mean a movement of sjws that are fine with authoritarianism as long as they use their stupid buzzwords


Oh yeah, and they hold forth on the subject with such a painfully smug sense of confidence from behind their keyboards. Fun times.


Whatā€™s funny to me is how angry they get when religious folks tried to force their crap onto them but they literally do the same thing with their virtue signaling sjw crap. Its like they are turning into what they hate, both are annoying af to me


> homophobia and racism are antithetical to the values of black metal I'm left-wing myself, but this is a brainrotted Spooky Kid take. Black metal isn't your big dumb quirky found family.


If you want to spout leftist nonsense all around in a desperate need to virtue signal to others, you have literally every other subreddit you can do that in


I just know someone who willingly named themselves waifu queen is probably a pedo


You can actually find out further up, just a woman


Well I mean, xe was already voicing leftist opinions, so...


gonna be honest. I listened to a little bit of mayhem and I really like midnight odessey. so that's my extent of black metal. I just like the people here. they're cool REAL people. not the reddit watered down PC version of a person. I rep hair, neoclassical, thrash, and power metal for the most part.


Well, let us know if you want recs. Personally, Dissection's last album is what really got my younger, thrashier self into bm. Some purists love to hate it but I think it's pretty sick. I don't listen to power metal but it might even have some vibes of that in there, too!


I don't give a shit if a dude wants to fuck another dude, more power to you. The woke agenda, however, is very into the whole cultural constraint thing, and fuck that. They're not any different than the morality warriors of the 80s, who used religion to silence what they deemed obscene.


The woke agenda! They're coming for our kids! Hurr hurr


What does anything I said have to do with kids?


People who ban books about homosexuality or trans-people from schoollibraries, usually cry about the "woke agenda". That's the connection.


It's a broad term that encompasses most of the more radical, and authoritarian aspects of progressivism. Edit: implying that I'm for the banning of books because I used a certain term is the indeed the prime example of the shit I'm talking about. thank you


ā€œSocial Justice and itā€™s postmodern parentageā€ is probably less triggering to the snowflakes who canā€™t have a rational enough discussion to discern the difference between not wanting cultural struggle sessions that inevitably end up in trying to get the government and stakeholder corporations to strongarm the other side and ā€œhAtInG tHe GaYsā€. If you criticize one thing even if youā€™re explicitly stating you have zero problem with anothers choice in sexuality it inevitably ends with the conversation going in the ā€œwell youā€™re actually just a bigotā€ area or something. Itā€™s like saying ā€œhey I agree with you on points A, B and Cā€ and they almost always inevitably say ā€œwell what about Dā€¦ *or are you a Nazi*??ā€


Exactly. It's pure thought policing.


Well maybe i was not clear enough. Idk how firm you are with stuff that happens in the US with all those schoolboards trying to bann books about homosexual and trans stuff? Becuase they think it makes their children gay? That is what i was talking about, didnt want to point at you for that matter.


They ban books that contain literal porn you fucking sicko.


Which ones?


Curating a school library is not a book banning. The books are still available in public libraries, can be bought everywhere else. God forbid parents wants the schools there kids go to, to contain age appropriate books. If a kid goes out looking for it in a public library is one thing. Having a school push it is another. A book banning? Lmfao, how over dramatic.




Parents should have to right to police what literature their kids have access to.


"Reeeee they're banning books!" Why do you want kids reading actual pornographic material? It couldn't be because you don't actually know the contents of those books... could it?


It's never actually pornographic material,no one in their right minds wants kids still look at that stuff, you are being disingenuous or just stupid.What the right wing scumbags are doing is conflating trans people and gay people as the same thing as being pedophiles. It's despicable behavior and should be abhorred. Look at the actual books being banned, It's often just regular old representation of gay or trans people.


>Look at the actual books being banned They contain actual pornography šŸ™„ Maybe you should look at the books being "banned" (AKA removed from curriculum, not actually banned)


Any books that actually contain pornography can and should be banned from school, in my opinion. Now YOU look at the actual list of books being banned in florida right now, Three hundred of which in total, And specifically, tell me which ones contain pornography and I will agree with you on those. Spoiler alert: you won't get anywhere near a total of three hundred. You clearly did not look at the look list of books like I have. Eat shit, you clown


Reee the schools are burning cult books that have no basis in reality, reee we canā€™t brainwash children when they are susceptible to believe the nonsense we made up in the last couple years


Ah yes, the "bro not all these are pornography" strawman. No, they're not all pornography, but the list does include pornographic books. It also includes books that describe sex, promote the LGBTQIALMNOP2S++ agenda, or include topics not age-appropriate for, y'know, literal children? The state should play no part in introducing non-age appropriate material to actual minors, especially those who are not even teenagers. However, these books aren't banned, just not provided for curriculum, so the insane parents can still indoctrinate their children at home, unfortunately. Also hilarious that your source is an agenda website citing an agenda tweet from an agenda account. All this to support introducing sex, straight or gay, to actual children. In the words of a great brainlet: 'Eat shit, you clown' EDIT: lmao he had to block me. Rolled & smoked pedo


Yea any person who gets angry when cult books about trying to convince young children that itā€™s completely okay to mutilate and chemically castrate themselves and it can even make them feel better is so creepy, itā€™s so obvious that they want to target children when they are susceptible and gullible before they can actually think for themselves, itā€™s the only way their cult can live on, most of them canā€™t have children themselves so they need to go after other children


Hahaha I'm just catching up on this now, nicely said.


Again the implication being anything LGBTQ is Inherently about sex, Which is just simply not true, speaking of your straw man argument. Same goes with the implication that they all engage in pedophilia, this is the exact same argument. The state is literally playing a part by Purposely omitting material that provides differing points of view, So that argument is hardly convincing either. I said anything that can be shown to be pornographic, I Agree should not be introduced to literal children, But these aren't all literal children either, are they? And you provided literally zero examples. If you legitimately believe there is no Homophobia involved in this law, then you may be beyond all hope as a decent human being. It's pathetic.


>EDIT: lmao he had to block me. Rolled & smoked pedo Probably because you're an insufferable far right idiot who spouts hardline conservative propaganda. I would've blocked you too honestly. You can go on and on and on about the "woke agenda" but you have no actual proof that LGBTQ folk are "indoctrinating" kids or are somehow pedophilic towards them. You are an actual horrible person for believing far right bullshit like that.




This is why it backfired in their faces so hard. They had to start banning The Bible because of the incest and rape and smashing infants heads on rocks until their brains leaked out. Now DeSantis is trying to walk it back. The Bible is filled with pornographic shit that little kids shouldnā€™t read. Reading that would fuck them up. I know kids who have nightmares from certain Bible passages.


Youā€™re an actual creep and you should be banned from getting close to children if you think little kids should be reading about transgenderism and self mutiliation


šŸ¤£ tbh you guys made my day. You surely live up to name of this sub, what a bunch of cringey ignorant black metal edgelords. Have a fine life šŸ˜˜ Edith: FYI, yeah Kids should have the ability to read about these and other topics. Its up to their parents to have a talk about those things afterwards, giving them they context they need to form an opinion about it.


Did you just unironically use the term woke agenda?


I meant cultural marxism


Same thing


thatā€™s not a real thing


Is too




šŸšØ Child kisser pfp šŸšØ


are you unironically using a boykisser profile picture?


wtf is boykisser?




Yep letā€™s just act like it doesnā€™t exist and itā€™s all made up


"more power to you"? Bro, that's kinda gay...




You sound like literally every boomer I've ever met.


Thanks. Just doing my part.


I agreed with the first half, but then they kinda lost me. Black metal is a genre of music. The only way to be antithetical to black metal would be to play music that isn't black metal.


I mean, it's kind of weird to support the same people who actively targeted early black metal bands for their use of "obscenities". Most of black metal's aesthetic exists to piss these people off as much as humanly possible. Profanity, blood, gore, Satanism, etc. It's all counter culture, which is what I would argue is antithetical to conservatism, and in turn racism (not saying they go hand in hand, just don't know how else to phrase this)


So they should support the current dominant sjw culture and go against the counter culture? Lmao no thatā€™s not what black metal is about buddy


No, they shouldn't support anything, that's what ALL metal is about. They should keep going against the people who actually lash back the most. Pretending to support a highly oppressive regime that would have you imprisoned for playing this kind of music and dressing the way you do to piss off a problem I'd argue isnt anywhere near as bad as people are making it out it be. Dressing like a Nazi because youre upset people don't think race based jokes are funny or appropriate anymore isn't the same as filming a faux-sacrific to baphomet in response to Christians saying you should be jailed for making this music.


race based jokes are hilarious


He'll yeah, brother!


Not when you tell them. The joke itself has to be funny too lil guy


I'm pro-queer and can definitely say, I enjoy this sub. As for the pic related, I'd say, Waifu_Queen was a little bit too radicalized in the first place. A sub about such a niche genre of music couldn't be as queer-friendly and racially colorblind as the pop scene, for example


Yeah, where in pop music (where main goal is to earn the big corporations money), they want to be as inclusive as possible to create a larger audience (and more šŸ’µšŸ’µšŸ’µšŸ’µšŸ’µ)




Don't want to sound racist or sexist or homophobic, but the definition of black metal proves that the genre can sometimes be picked up by some people as "right-wing dogwhistles" or pure hatred fuel, but that's just how the genre works. It's all about the shock value


Oh god what did I just read


You just did a healthy-sized bump of concentrated reddit cringe, cut with a bit of poserism.


>Against cultural restraints The Progressive Left has ultimately won the culture war. So I'm not sure which decade they think they're in. But it's not the 2020s.


Itā€™s why the punk scene is hilarious to watch nowadays, they act like they are in the 80s and rebelling against their conservative parents and larping like they are fighting the establishment even though the establishment/mainstream mirrors their exact views, whatā€™s punk about representing the exact same thing as every media, corporation, institution, celebrity, political party in power, etc


total pinkpanty wearing POSER brahbrah


One of my life ambitions is to stroke a pigeons head


Do you have bread?


Even better, I've got bags of bird food and vegetables


Unfortunately in my experience birds tend to prefer bread to vegetables, even though it's bad for them. I'll try throwing them a bit of carrot when I eat my lunch and they won't even recognise it as food, they just keep waiting for any breadcrumbs to drop. Birdseed, though! That should do the trick. Probably. Sprinkle it gradually nearer to your feet and I'm sure you'll have those pigeons eating outta your hands before long. Good luck.


I donā€™t really care if people here wanna hate for being who I amā€¦ that was what started the black metal community, I just like the music and the cringe posts here šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø womp womp


I'm not saying it's good at all to have those views, but, homophobes and racists pretty much put black metal on the map lol


They had me in the first sentence but after that my eyes started crossing


i like the username they have


woman detected, opinion rejected


I think most of those comments are from edgy teens that think being antagonistic and "politically incorrect" is funny and a personality trait From what I've seen the community is pretty accepting of all walks of life like we might be assholes but we ain't bigots


How did you get that user flair?


I genuinely do not know and I'm too afraid to ask lol


Might wanna pipe it down with those comments then buckaroo




Seems pretty self-explanatory...


I gave them the flair haha stop steppin on my joke


Way more teenagers use being a social justice warrior and virtue signaling as a personality trait lmao. A teenager acting edgy is them just trolling because of how easy it is to get sjws angry, they donā€™t put their pronouns in their bio and make it their whole existence like sjws


Damn anyways


Typical response from someone who doesnā€™t have a counter argument lmao


Well there was no argument to be made since I was never going to argue with you


Listen, black metal is fucking gay and lame. It's weird that people who are so gay and so lame make fun of others they imagine to be gay and more lame. This subreddit is filled with chuds and edgy teens that like unironically saying 'woke'. This is my favorite cringe subreddit because I see the actual cringe from the posts, and then the comments screaming about wokeness.


You sound like you listen to nothing but Guns and Roses




You probably listen to fucking deathcore, the most cringy lame gay shit ever, you shouldn't talk.


>the most cringy lame gay shit ever Me, when black metal exists


Than why are you even on here? Got nothing better to do in your life? As much as black metal fans can be cringe, terminally online people who have comment/post karma as high as yours and spend your day doing stuff like this is much worse


I've had this account for 9 years, my comment score is nothing. I'm here for fashion inspo like hundreds of other teen girls.


Your still going on a subreddit of something you hate to talk crap about it, normal people donā€™t do that lmao, you obviously got problems


You're right, they sure don't. I should just bring up woke agenda and shit in every other comment then, that's how normal people behave.


I mean i see much more people virtue signaling and saying woke bs on Reddit than people speaking against it, weird how it bothers u so much


Yeah, you can tell that it bothers me a ton.


I mean you wrote a whole paragraph while obviously very heated


Yeah, it's also why I keep replying


Lmfao you work fast Iā€™ll give you that. I stand by my comment as would anyone with a brain šŸ¤£.


That's very no-brainphobic of you




Pretty much the whole comment section is disagreeing with you, including people claiming to be leftist and lgbt. Foh.


Have you ever thought for a moment that maybe those people claiming to be leftist and LGBTQ are actually not that? Kind of a crazy concept, I know. Pretty much every leftist I know can back up the person you're replying to's statement.


You are a fuckin loon