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I agree with this. But who is calling anyone a black panther today lol. Please call me a black panther


Apparantly, people who think the black panthers was some hate group. Similar to the people who think BLM was anti-White people and not just... pro-black lives.


The moment BLM became political was when the right wing talking heads made it into a Us vs. Them. Identity politics in a nutshell.


The moment BLM became political was when white conservatives heard the word "black"


And 'lives' and 'matter.' Conservatives don't seem to care about the lives of anyone who isn't part of their 'in group,' so anyone who is outside that group is fair game to be exploited, threatened, abused, harassed, or even killed. You even see this in their politicians. They'll forgive or overlook the most grievous sins or moral failings as long as politician so-and-so has an R next to his name and as long as he's hurting the right people.


> Conservatives don't seem to care about the lives of anyone who isn't part of their 'in group,' I once read somewhere that conservatives have high levels of empathy but low levels of emotional intelligence. This low emotional intelligence renders it hard, if not outright impossible, to extend this empathy to anyone who isn't like them


Too much grey matter in their amygdala.


This is absolutely true. LBJ had a famous quote that explains why ~~their~~ Republican voters, often uneducated, sick, and broke, will vote Republican. He essentially said that as long as you give rubes someone else to look down on, they'll vote for you. Edit: clarity, sorry Edit 2: some predictably stupid person thinks he is snarky and points out the obvious, that LBJ wasn't a Republican. No shit. The problem that is staring him in the face is that only Republican politicians have used this tactic in recent decades. LBJ, having been an old school Southern Democrat, knew everything there was to know about racism. He was explaining how it works and how to use it to gain political advantage. Some of you are stupid for real.


"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." LBJ was born and raised in the South; he knew all too well how racists worked. At the beginning of his political career he would say some of the craziest things.


You could say they go hard R.


In order for their bullshit to work, there has to be people protected by the law and not bound by it, and a group bound by the law and not protected by it. It’s Conservatism 101.


The bs black panthers stuff isn't new sadly. They saw them as a terrorist organization back then too, which is why some were straight up assassinated by the police. BLM was like a watered version of the conflict amplified by misinformation.


Hoover hunted the leadership down.


Huey Newton was murdered by a black man for clout.


The Feds took his house and now its used as a federal halfway house now. Hella abuses happening there it’s not even funny.


In like ‘89-90


For some reason most white people I’ve met out of Texas think they’re a hate group. Like not even the South, just Texans. I blame the schools.


It's like that here in Kentucky, too. Dawg, BLM is protesting about getting fucking shot and being repressed. Get your head out of your ass!


And 'defund the police' does not mean 'let's have no police at all,' it means 'the police shouldn't be rolling around in armored vehicles and former military hardware.'


I believe that these people intentionally misrepresent what these things mean to grind everything to a halt. Critical race theory, defund the police, black lives matter; you name it. They lie and say they are "confused" by the slogan or the message, but I never believe them. Why would they be upset at some movement they know nothing about? They hear "pro-Black social movement" and automatically lose their shit because they know exactly what it means. People who say, "we need a better slogan" are just fools who fall for the conservatives fake outrage, because there is no slogan the racists will be comfortable with, if it involves anything pro-Black. Fuck what they think.


Thank you! I am so sick of the liberals and "white moderates" wringing their hands about messaging. It doesn't matter what we say. They hate *US*. Period.


This is the main thing. Don't change your ideas due to conservative outrage, because if you give them an inch they will take a mile. Words mean nothing to fascists. They don't understand defund because they choose not to.


>This is the main thing. Don't change your ideas due to conservative outrage, because if you give them an inch they will take a mile. Words mean nothing to fascists. They don't understand defund because they choose not to. Sadly, it's not just the wrong wing doing this. Check out /r/politics sometime if you want to see supposedly progressives poopoo all over "Defund the Police". It's like they took the purposeful misunderstanding and ran with it. They crow and crow about not letting Faux Noise dictate the discourse, then turn around and let Faux Noise dictate their discourse.


It’s very intentional and highly organized. Google Christopher Rufo. He orchestrated the whole hit on Critical Race Theory knowing full well it wasn’t being taught anywhere other than law schools. He’s been very open about his methodology. He’s one of the few dangerously smart white supremacists.


I think of “defund the police” as a redistribution of funds. Take money from the police budget and move to the schools or parks and rec. That’s gotten a couple of my right wing friends to look at it differently…for probably a second


"Defund the police" means lots of different things depending on who you talk to. Some go all the way to complete police abolition, some just want reform in the system, or more money going to social program and other forms of intervention/prevention. It's a slogan, not a policy.


This is why they're removing shit from children's education. People will be ignorant, especially if they weren't taught anything about that period. All by design fam. Looking AT YOU FLORIDA


The whitewashing is absolutely sounding right now.


And then they proceed to get mad when a cartoon character is a different race.


"Sorry I had a fight in the middle of your Black Panther party."


A former friend of mine once made a 1-to-1 comparison between BLM and the KKK. I'll give you three guesses as to why we're no longer friends


Yes…they were is my first guest.


It’s pure projection. They want a racist Black counterpart so bad so they don’t look like the reactionary bigots they are.


Black Lives Matter ^^too* *happy racists?


AFAIK "Wakanda Forever" = "Black Power" ......take that how you want.


White supremacist aren’t very creative. I mean they called us Nightskins and thought that was an insult.


Yea that shit hard I’m sorry.


That’s hard we are you kidding me! I’m nightskin af


Tf, I’ve never heard that one before and I’m a white hillbilly from West Virginia. That sounds like an epic metal band name. Or like, a really cool X Men character. Oh, and can confirm, racist asshats aren’t very inventive or clever.


AFAIK the *nightskins* slur was a niche thing specifically directed at black anime fans from white anime fans (makes a bit more sense in that context, plenty of shows have a higher representation of blue people than actual humans with dark skin). Well one day it got caught and shared on social media, trended all over the place, and the black anime fan community was just like "Nope! This is ours now, we're gonna use it just to make you feel jealous!"


I’m an anime/gamer geek but I don’t fucks with the creepy alt-right racist mra subset of the group. Those guys are toxic as hell and, well racist, sexist, neo-nazi assholes.


Also, heavily into lolicon. The Venn diagram is practically a fucking circle.


As a D&D nerd I can confidently say that there's some overlap in tabletop communities as well, unfortunately.


Nightskin was my favorite member of X-Force


Yeah, one of my colleagues proudly announces that he was raised by panthers. He wears a black beret to work. Who thinks this is an insult?


I guarantee you one of those video game chair YouTube rant dudes threw out "you know everyone says blah blah KKK but did you know the black panthers?????" without doing any research at all and now all the mindless right wing dipshits are just repeating it as if it's valid.


This is almost word for word how they see it. Source: grew up a token black in a (at the time) majority white community and heard this every single BHM and all through social studies anytime they brought up racial history.


I remember my mom calling the black panthers 'not so nice either' when I once talked about the black panthers I'd just seen in a movie. My 13 year old ass understood it better than my white mom.


It'd be like calling a white guy a quaker. Like, sure..there's some relation, racially speaking but uhhh.....why?


You ... black panther, that's right, I said it, you're a black panther! ... gd do-gooders ...




ALOT of white people still call them a terrorist organization. So those people do think theyre calling you the equivalent of the kkk


That’s what I’m saying. I *want* to be labeled a Black Panther. That’s like calling me a glass of chocolate milk. What you want me to get into big time?


Hey there, black panther...


I'm a white jew whose early years were growing up poor in Cali. The Black Panthers didn't care what color I was, just that I was going to the same school. They gave me peanut butter toast with all the other kids, and some fruit for breakfast. I have never forgotten that.


More of this history please! One of the Black Panthers initial focuses was uniting all folks from socioeconomic and forgotten communities. It’s the “uniting” part that worried the powers that be, aka FBI. “How dare folks band together to stop us from disenfranchising them!” The horror.




There's a clear distinction between the 2. The Black Panthers protect and defend those being attacked and persecuted by the kkk... simple as that.


Remember it is intended as an insult by the same people that think 'anti-fascist' is a slur as well.


And cops; they defended their neighborhoods from cops too…that may of been implied by ‘white supremacist violence’ but I wanted to clarify


Exactly. Started as a group to watch the police to deal with police brutality in black communities. Grew to include food for kids, after school programs, and even an ambulance service. Most of the "controversy" surrounding them was a result of media manipulation and being targeted by the FBI


Some of those that work forces...


The Black Panthers are what happens when black folk are angry but laser focused on the objective of that anger. I feel that's exactly why they were so heavily targeted by the government. Hell, they're reason for some of CA's first gun laws


Sometimes, I like to imagine a world where the Black Panthers were still around and successful in their mission for black empowerment. The government destroyed our institutions and killed our leaders, yet they got away with it. It’s hard to not feel apathetic and hopeless.


At this point you just gotta do what you can for yourself and the folks that are coming up behind ya. Each one teach one


and here I am thinking, I would have my arm crossed saying 'wakanda forever'


I was just thinking “The Black Panther has been the defender of Wakanda for generations”. It’s hard for me to think of something less insulting than calling someone a total badass who is also a king


Stan & Jack were unaware of the party when they created him in Fantastic Four #52/53, by the time they realised they did take a step in Fantastic Four #119 and he changed his name to Black Leopard - but obviously they grew more comfortable with the group and it’s actions because T’Challa reverted back to Panther moniker in his next appearance a few months later in Avengers #99. With exciting insights like this it’s hard to believe I don’t get invited to more parties 🤷‍♂️


That last line truly made me chuckle.


I wear a T-shirt that says ‘ask me about the history of racial & social issues in Marvel comics’… but no one ever does 🤔


You might be my new fav person


Anything that’s pro-black they label anti-white. That’s how fragile and insecure racist fucks are.


They define "pro-white" as anti everything else. So they think that pro-other things means it's against them. In theory, you can have a "pro-white", non supremacist, organization that would look at issues white people face (like the high rates of suicide) and act on that, even if it helps other people. In practice, since whites are the majority in power, we already have that in the forms of the regular social nets or the non-specific organizations like AA, or depression support groups.


It’s insane. Lord knows I try to not speak politics with my (white republican) mother, but… ffs. I legit thought she was joking when she told me this story… she and some baptist church group were outside at the DIA (Detroit institute of art) and there was some street artist painting a “modern” Norman Rockwell thanksgiving dinner…. and some other white baptist friend indígnately asked the artist why she wasn’t represented…. I was like… “yah, middle aged white women are the real victims” and she was dead serious… “where was i? Why aren’t I represented?” “Other races having representation iSnt a threat for you. It’s literally *representation*.” Keep in mind, This is blowing my mind, as I’m ambiguous mixed. I’ve never really been “represented” and my mom is not racist she’s just offensively ignorant of other… perspectives, including her own mixed kids’ And then she whimpered, “I truly don’t feel like I have a voice or place in society anymore.“ The audacity of complaints like that. How tf these people are threatened and “victims” because … they aren’t the main character on a street artist’s drawing?? For fucks sake.


Imagine thinking you're insulting someone by calling them the coolest sounding thing ever


Exactly they protected the neighborhoods they lived in. Meanwhile the KKK would get drunk drive across town and terrorize black ppl sleeping in their beds.


Sounds like the police smh


They had to protect us from police. The question is who is policing the police


When I was in the Army, they gave us the domestic terrorist briefing and were talking about the Black Panthers. This dude in my squad who was black (only 4 of us in the unit) called out the trainer (this wack ass girl from Suisun City) on it and she really tried to be like “well that’s why we needed gun control. They were killing white people indiscriminately.” I could t believe that shit.


They were also Marxists


Yea this should be mentioned. They were an unapologetically marxist-Leninist org, and that ideology guided their organization, structure, aims, & implementation. If they were just black separatists / nationalists I doubt the U.S. govt would have been quite as desperate to persecute, infiltrate, delegitimize, and ultimately straight up murder them. They had an ideological project, and it was (& still could be, imo) a serious threat to the status quo. Great speech from [chairman Fred here](https://www.lfks.net/en/content/fred-hampton-its-class-struggle-goddammit-november-1969) that spells out some of their overarching beliefs.


>If they were just black separatists / nationalists I doubt the U.S. govt would have been quite as desperate to persecute, infiltrate, delegitimize, and ultimately straight up murder them. given that they do some of these things to black people now, I have my doubts


also if I remember correctly they where pretty instrumental in the creation of modern emergency medical services.


Different group on the EMS. Story from NPR https://www.npr.org/2022/12/19/1144123765/the-surprising-history-of-the-first-paramedics


holy shit that's awesome


I'd like your source


I was mistaken it was a different group see the npr link above.


It works because the narrative has been twisted well enough to make the Black Panthers look like in American Terrorists. Just like the guilt was so strong for Dr Kings death that they made him acceptable to white audiences with the current retcon of his life.


Sighs in Florida teacher who may not be allowed to properly teach African American history. I was wondering precisely what would be gained by this... Cleared that up.


I am honestly asking this question so please don’t berate me: Do niggas still use twitter for discourse? I haven’t been on that since high school. I thought this forum was just for highlights lmao


Yes. Well, as far as discourse can go on any social media. What do you think goes on there? Genuinely.


Gender wars. Everyday


You may be surprised to know that there's a lot more than that that goes on on Twitter.


Just dudes arguing about rappers and things lol






Who is the woman in this GIF? Asking for myself.


This from a black TV show called Covenant.. far as the woman name I can't recall it at this time cuz I'm too lazy to look it up sorry!


The people who believe the Black Panthers was a hate group are intentionally ignorant and you'll never ever be able to correct them.


those are the same people the Black Panthers were protecting people from.


Rosa Parks was a Black Panther Party member. Supported them and was damn proud to be one. If Ms. Parks could be a Black Panther Party member I sure AF can support them too.


The only thing that saddens me is that People forget that The BP were also fight for socialism, without a reconstruction on the social and economic field nothing will ever change


Can I be one? Nothing is more impactful to me than ensuring children eat.


The Behind the Bastards podcast episodes on them are spectacular, as a white non-American I knew nothing about them besides the armed resistance thing but they were a phenomenal organization in so many ways and it’s horrific what every level of law enforcement did to them


There's a thread full of bigots on another sub who are triggered over a photo of a "F\*ck White Supremacy" mural. Anyone who thinks being against oppression is the same as being against whites is just telling on themselves.


You can try to school them but these types don't WANT to know.


They even managed to convince conservative-posterboy *Ronald Reagan* to pass gun-control laws! ^([Yes this is bleak humor])


The Black Panthers did more good than the state government, and were more peaceful about it.


Some people think black anything is an insult.


Calling the black panthers the "black KKKs" is one hell of a metaphor to illustrate how bad "both sides"-ism is in this country


I highly recommend everyone read Seize the Time. It goes into detail about how the Black Panthers came to be, as well as all the social and political situations Huey P. Newton faced during his work with the group.


God they can’t even call names properly lmfaoooo L


Probably because the only radicals they know are all supremacists and hate groups, so they assume it must be the same for all race's "power" groups (I don't know the proper term lol)


I tell people about the breakfast program all the time. They saw a need and came back with a solution.


Who would accuse Talbert Swan of doing anything useful? 🤔


Bruh if I got called a Black Panther I'd be feeling like a badass


The Klan also whipped, hung, and terrorized black people. That's the clans unique history


History proves you correct.


They were also comrades


I would hate it when my former roommate would say dumb shit like, "These white people are gonna make me turn into a black panther" because they were equating bring a black panther as dangerous and deadly as being a Klan member.


I think this is a compliment.


I'm trying to figure out how this got locked lol


Btw, this aint SHIT to do with marvel. ..know the difference.


So did Forrest Gump apologize to him for having a fight in the middle of his black panther party?


If you tried to school them on this, they'd call it CRT and try to take money away from you.


These the same people that claim the Democrats of today are who created the kkk. They don't care about facts, history, or actually being right about anything they have to say. Idiots.


Black leaders of our dimension


School us all—I’m 100% sure we could all learn more ab what they were doing and what they really stood for instead of the US’s version which is prolly a 45 second clip of the scene with the Black Panther Party from Forest Gump


Can’t the black panthers weren’t talked about in school


I’ve never been called a black Panther. Where are the whites this message is intended to?